Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Weekly Round Up: The Sellout

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  Yes, I know I'm a bit off schedule but bear with me and we'll catch up on all the things.  Today lemme tell you the latest in food, workouts, my Nora Ephron binge, and how the jobby job thing worked out.  In a few days I'll come back to tell you about my latest trip.  

Let's start off with a picture of stepdog in my office in her best "Zoom pose".  We brought in the white mat so that she has a comfy place to rest that's not right behind my desk chair, and that spot just so happens to be visible when I'm on camera.  I had a lot of on-camera meetings yesterday and she faithfully attended them all.

I'm trying to figure out how to handle my blogging life.  It works best if I write on Sunday and edit and publish on Monday, but now that I usually make day trips on weekends it's harder to find time to write on Sundays. Mondays are always a little busier/crappier due to the start of the work week, which doesn't always lend itself to taking time out to chitchat on the bloggo.  The next few weeks are going to have action packed weekends, so the trend will continue for a bit.  Until I come up with the answer, I'll just post "late" and be flexible about what the definition of the week is that we're rounding up.


I had a solo weeknight at home recently, which gave me a chance to try out a new recipe.  I'm not the biggest fan of the NYT Cooking section, but the crispy tofu with cashews caught my eye.

I took two shortcuts which made this a very fast meal to get on the table:

  • Tofu - used a package of frozen deep fried tofu that I got from the Asian market (note to self - I need to hit up the Asian market very soon to restock).
  • Veggies - skipped the snow peas and tossed a few handfuls of Costco stir fry veggies in the air fryer to cook up while I was making the sauce.

The sauce has coconut milk and there were a few reviews that said that the sauce was bland.  I was tempted to add some spice, but I held off and followed the recipe, which turned out to be a wise choice.  This definitely has a strong coconut taste to it, and IMO it's a good thing.  Next time I will increase the veggies a bit (I used two cups which only lasted for two servings).


I'm definitely behind in my updates here.  A few weeks ago I finished the Caroline Girvan CGX app beginners series.  The takeaways:

  • I care less about lifting the heaviest weight that I can manage and instead go for the one know feels like I'm lifting something heavy and leave it at that. 
  • I'm now Team Bodyweight for lunges.  It's not that I *can't* do them with weights but I have better form and feel like I get more out of them without added weight.  The series started with bodyweight exercises, so that was how I figured out that the bodyweight sets>weighted sets.
  • There's some hope on the pushup front, but I still have to do them outside of my strength workouts.  The video in the form library was very helpful.  Basically if I can get my whole body engaged I can do pushups very well, it's just that my body doesn't always play along.

My plan from here is to do full body workouts three times a week.  I had been pairing a short lower body and a short upper body workout each day, but I was getting FOMO for the new Iron program, so I decided to do the Iron full body workouts on Fridays in real time as they are released.  I used this week to catch up on Iron and then I'll go back to short lower & upper on Mon & Wed and full body Iron on Fridays.  Once I run out of short workouts I'll dip into full body workouts on the Youtube channel.

On the cardio side, I'm continuing with a variety of "I made it up myself" 20 minute run-walk on weekdays and a longer run-walk on Saturday.  I hope you're sitting down when I tell you that I'm up to 4 minute running intervals on weekdays and [gasp] there was a 0.75 mile interval in last Saturday's workout.  I might possibly run an entire mile this Saturday just for yuks.  Or not.  TBD.


I am in the middle of a Nora Ephron binge in my watching and reading lives.  Two things happened to bring this on - the movie side of it is that I saw a reference to the "trilogy" of When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and You've Got Mail.  I'll talk about the other thing in a second when I get to books.  

I saw When Harry Met Sally last year, so I saw the next installment in "the trilogy" over the weekend.  I'd seen Sleepless back in the 90s, and while it didn't hit me like Sally, I still enjoyed it.  My takeaway was wondering how Jennifer Anniston's hair became a thing in the 90s when she had Meg Ryan's hair as competition.  I believe that there was a Topsy Tail involved.


I'll be hitting up Mail as soon as time allows.


The second thing that kicked off the Nora binge was HI NICOLE raving about I Feel Bad About My Neck.  I'd read it back when I was a spring chicken in my early 30s and enjoyed it back then, but it's a book that you definitely grow into with age.  I grabbed the audio book to take along on my weekend trip.

At the age of 48 I do not yet feel bad about my neck, so I'll check back in with the book sometime in my mid 50s, but I howled when I heard the title of the second chapter: I Hate my Purse.  YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This book is such a gem, and a very efficient audio listen at 4 hours.  

My next move from here will be I Remember Nothing - which I also read back in the day and aptly the only thing that I remember from it was her takedown of egg white omelettes.  I'll report back.

In my non-Ephron reading.  I've got a lot going on.  First up is some Proper Non Fiction.  Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark was a recommendation from Purple (aka my favorite person on the internet).  I can't find the post but just go to her blog and you'll find something good.  While I was waiting for the library hold to come in, I polished off another of his books, How to Write Short: Word Craft for Fast Times

These are good books, it's just the time issue of being able to implement any of his suggestions.  Or if I'm being honest, the desire to take the time to implement any of his suggestions.  Yes I could polish up the ol' writing but it's hard work you know?

I'm not ready to move on from ATGIB quite yet so I started Tomorrow Will Be Better, which is Betty Smith's second book.  I'm trying to pretend that we're still in book club and was reading a chapter a day, but I've kind of fallen off the wagon.  I haven't gotten far enough in to tell you what it's about, besides a 17 year old Brooklyn girl who's just finished high school and is working at her first job.  I know it's not going to be anywhere near as good as ATGIB, but it's still a good book.

And finally, I'm also reading Pictures of You by Caroline Levitt.  It's the story of the aftermath of a fatal car crash.  It's OK, good enough to keep reading but not an OMG-drop-everything-and-pick-this-one-up-NOW kind of a deal.

Werk Update (Sellout Edition)

I waited until I had my new offer in writing to do the update, and then I was bored with the whole thing and couldn't get motivated to write about it.

For posterity, the initial offer was a $15k raise.  I did a little pushing and was able to move $5k from my bonus to my base pay - so technically it's the same amount of money but I'll get it on each pay check instead of quarterly and it gives me some protection if they ever decide to pay less than 100% of bonus. 

So at the end of the day my base salary will go up by $20k which now brings me to the elusive Dream Number for salary.

Sigh...that's enough to keep me at my desk for now.  I'm not sure if it's the right decision, but at least it's one that's easily reversible;-)

The only point of staying at work is just to have a little more time to get comfortable with not working (though I am pretty much there) and to build up a little more cash and possibly avoid having to go back later.  It's easier to work for big pay now than to step out of the workforce and then possibly come back in later for less pay - well financially it's easier, not so much on the emotional side.  I think my grand plan now is to give work two more years to get good - if I can't find a job that I enjoy in that time then I'll hang it up and play the FIRE card.  Yes I'm still looking, but being pickier in what I apply to for the time being.

My target date to get out is now July 1, 2025.  I'll be 50 so that means I'll be a proper grown up at that point.  And oh yes that date lines up with a stock vesting, of course it does.

See you in a bit to talk about my latest weekend trip.


  1. Oh I am so glad that you got the job thing worked out for the time being. That is smart to get the bonus portion moved to your regular salary. When I first applied for a home loan they would not take my bonus into consideration since it was "variable" and that was a huge knock on the amount I could borrow, which was a pain! Any time you can get it to be your actual salary, that is much better in many ways!

    1. Amen! I bet that you and I both could tell some crazy stories about bonuses!

  2. 50 is the magic number! That was my target date, too.
    My husband and I are both the same age and we marked the date red in our calendars. We even had a countdown thingy.
    It's quite scary how quickly the time passes and suddenly your FIRE date is here. And then you pull the plug and it feels so good.
    Those 2ish years will give you time to plan - like your stock vesting. Nicely done, Birchie!!!

    1. Two things - yes I feel like 50 is when "real" adulthood starts and yes it is scary how fast it will come. That was one of the reasons why I didn't want to wait and wanted to hang it up now.

      Also...earlier this summer when I was thinking about getting out in 2 years, I sketched out a countdown calendar on my work notepad. I just let Excel give me the numbers - since the workday is almost over I'm starting my count tomorrow - 463 work days (less whatever vacation I take) and 648 actual days.

  3. I LOVED I Feel Bad About My Neck, but then very Meh about the next book (I Remember Nothing, I think?) I read.

    I want to take a nap on a white rug on the floor ;)

    1. You figured out my secret! I do take time out to lie down on the floor with the dog. And when I listen to mediations put my head on the carpet.

      I very aptly remember nothing about I Remember Nothing, so the odds are that it was forgettable. We'll see.

  4. Well... a 20K raise is a LOT. I wouldn't be able to pass that up. Hopefully you feel a little better about your job now, and you still have your exit date. Sounds like you made the right decision- and if you at some point regret it, you can always change your mind!
    So, books. I've read Tomorrow Will Be Better. No, it's nowhere near as good as ATGIB but I still enjoyed it (I read it a couple years ago- someone gave it to me as a gift I think?) Also, around the same time I read ATGIB I read Maggie Now, and that one's also good (again, not as good etc. etc.!)
    When Harry Met Sally! I saw it when it first came out, and it's a classic. I was disappointed in Sleepless and I didn't ever see You've Got Mail.
    I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!
    Oh one more thing- I checked out Purple blog and it looks fascinating! I have to delve into it more when I have time.

    1. Purple is amazing! She's only in her early 30s and retired. She also started running in retirement and I figure she'll at least try a race at some point. I get seriously jealous every Tuesday when she releases new posts.

    2. P.S. there's a link on her blog to all of the podcasts that she's done - some good listening there.

    " It's easier to work for big pay now than to step out of the workforce and then possibly come back in later for less pay " - this is so true! And if you're happy with the pay, then that does make things a bit easier...and a few years down the road you can get comfy with being a non-working gal!
    I LOVE NORA EPHRON. I think I have read everything she has ever written, but I Feel Bad About My Neck and I Remember Nothing are my favourites. WHMS is my favourite movie of all time and I watch it every year at New Year's. It's just so good!

    1. Nora is a genius. I know that but I tend to forget it between visits, and once I come back to her I'm always stunned at how good she is.

  6. That is a crazy raise! Go you!

    Can you believe I've never read any of Betty Smith's other books? I feel like I'm going to just wait for other bloggers to read them and review them for me so I can see if any of the others are worth my time.

    I Feel Bad About My Neck just made me feel bad about aging. I think I'm too sensitive a reader for Ephron. LOL.

    1. The only book of hers that I remember besides ATGIB is Joy in the Morning. If I remember right it was about a young married couple dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. I'll let you know when I get there.

  7. Nice work on the raise! And it probably/maybe helps to have a finite timeline and know that you absolutely can be done working in 2 years unless you find something that you love enough to keep going. My target is 10 years from now when I'll be 52. We'll see how things shake out, though! In 10 years, my boys will be almost 13 and 15.5. I feel like they'll be busy with activities and such and it might be nice to be even more available to them. We'll see. They will probably be too cool for me then.

    1. You will love the extra time with them at that age - well honestly at every age. My husband had a gap between jobs at the start of COVID which was perfect timing for him to hang out with the boys. It was a special time.

  8. I do somewhat of a weekly wrap up post for my family in Germany and I usually write as I go - which means I have a draft and add to it over the course of the week (because there's no way I can sit down and crank out the whole week on a Sunday) and that way, I only have to finish it up and post it Sunday night. Have you tried that approach?

    $20k raise? Sign me up. I understand that this is a reason to stay for now...

    1. That's great advice. Honestly I'm just in a writing slump right now.

  9. Holy cannoli. A 20K raise is... not something that has ever happened to me. Ha. I'm actually making less now than I did 20+ years ago. Sad, I know, but This Is Academia (when you are a nurse). So, yeah, I get your decision. And I think you will know if you need to leave before your target date. I hope that does not happen, but you never know.
    Ah, the Nora Ephron trilogy. I've seen them all. Sleepless = too sappy. You've Got Mail = love the AOL references. Sally = never hit home for me. I've seen YGM the most (thanks, cable TV). :)

    1. Lol it's not something that's ever happened to me before either.

      I started Mail but I think I was in the wrong mood because I couldn't get into it. Maybe I've OD'd on Nora.

  10. Congrats on the raise! I am glad they took you seriously and saw your value!

    I am team body weight for lunges for the same reason. And I like hearing about your running interval distances. That's a big deal! Did you do the 1 mile?

    I love When Harry Met Sally and You've Got Mail but Sleepless in Seattle is not my jam. It's kind of stalker-y, right? LOL

    1. Yeah, Sleepless is stalkery, but it when you have Meg Ryan's hair you can do anything. I was having trouble getting into Mail.

  11. Hi there. Stopping by to check out your blog. What kind of work do you do? It sounds like you've got saving for retirement all figured out. Good for you for getting an increase in your salary.

    I bought that Feel Bad About My Neck Book and I found the purse part SO relatable. I was like, who is this woman and how did she get inside my head? I've never read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn book and I didn't know about the book club blog thing until after the face. I will have to check that book out.

    Lunges are hard enough without weight. I think it makes sense to do them while focusing on postioning in order to avoid injury.

    1. Hey Ernie! Thanks for coming by!

      I'm an accountant focused on payroll, which I swear is a really fun job, just not at my current company for a variety of reasons.

      YES Nora knows exactly what's in my head! How does she do it?

  12. Congrats on the raise! I'm gonna go see if I can find You Got Mail to watch after I sign off, LOL.I saw it years ago, but I remember liking it (Hello, Meg Ryan AND Tom Hanks!). Sorry for being so late to play "catch-up" on blog reading...

    1. Not just Meg and Tom, would you believe that Dave Chapelle is in it?????? Mind blown.

      There's no such thing as a late comment, especially since I'm in a late/no posting phase.

  13. Congratulations on the great raise, that's amazing and worth sticking around a bit for. Moving money from a bonus, which as you say they may not fund at 100%, to your regular salary is a perfect solution.

    I read Pictures of You back in 2011, and I agree with you, it was good, I enjoyed it.

    I used to love Sleepless in Seattle, it was my favorite of those movies. Billy Crystal was never a realistic love interest to me, and I never connected to You've Got Mail. I recently watched Sleepless, and gah, Annie is a horrible person.

  14. Wow, that's an insane raise. I'd DIE. I'd do anything the company wanted me to do. (Okay, within reason) And you have a target date in front of you to give you that "out" if you need it. I love all of this!
