Saturday, August 17, 2024

Steal a Post: 20x20

Friends, I am working through a patch of blogging burnout.  I have a ton of stories of food, family, and puppy mayhem but for whatever reason they are not wanting to get written.

What do you do when you don't want to write something?  Skip it and write about something else!

I was very taken with Suzanne's Twenty Ideas for Lists of Twenty Things that she wrote as a tribute for her guest post for Engie.  As I was reading along and giggling, I found myself wanting to "respond" to the list.

Now mind you I don't have 20 responses to each of the 20 things.  In fact I have serious listicle paralysis, as evidenced by the last time I tried to populate a list.  Luckily for me, it's my blog my rules, so here are my rambling responses to the 20 things.  

Just to be clear, the bold italics are Suzanne's genius words, and everything not in bold is mine.

1. Twenty things I did twenty years ago that I don’t do any more

  • Who remembers since I wasn't blogging back then so I don't have any records to look back on.  My life in the summer of 2004 bears little resemblance to my life today.  To give you an idea:
    • I was single.
    • I lived in an apartment, though I was starting to think about maybe getting a house someday.
    • I was still working in Career #1 as a technical writer/tech support guru, but I was starting to dabble in the world of accounting.
    • That summer my body decided that it was pissed off at the world.  Out of nowhere I got a nasty case of seasonal allergies which led to a sinus infection which led to pneumonia and being sick for the entire summer and cracking a rib from coughing.  The allergies persisted with a vengeance throughout my early 30s.  The jury is out on whether they calmed down on their own or if I learned how to manage them better.
    • I didn't cook very much, I don't remember what I was doing for fitness besides "something", I watched a lot of TV, and I was barely reading.  So I could only have blogged on one of the four topics that I blog about today.

2. Twenty things I’ve learned about myself and life in the past twenty years

  • I already kind of knew this back then, but when you feel like you don't fit in with your possible reason is that you're in the wrong surroundings.
  • Go after the things you want with a vengeance (examples: buying a house, changing careers, going back to grad school, meeting the hubs).
  • Discard the things that aren't working.  Just because you have a degree in X field doesn't mean that you are serving a life sentence to only work in that field.  Hobbies that used to be fun and aren't fun anymore...there is no reason to keep doing them.

3. Twenty of the best foods I’ve ever eaten

  • All of them.
  • Delightfully spicy foods.  I have a spice tolerance, so if something hits as spicy it's really good.
  • Sushi
  • A really great dessert.

4. Twenty of my favorite books

  • Ooh finally something that I can knock out a full 20 for!!!!  I'm starting with lifelong favorites on my bookshelves and then I'll switch over to more recent reads.  No apologies for all of the repeat authors, and I'm deliberately leaving out series because that's the next list.
    • Lifelong Favs:
      • The Far Country by Nevil Shute
      • No Highway by Nevil Shute
      • The Chequer Board by Nevil Shute
      • A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute
      • Double Indemnity by James M. Cain
      • Mildred Pierce by James M. Cain
      • And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
      • Rebuilding Coventry by Sue Townsend
      • A Far Cry from Kensington by Muriel Spark
      • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
      • Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
      • The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacycyn (basically a blog from before blogs existed)
      • Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin
    • More recent reads: 
      • Every Last One by Anna Quindlen (thanks Jenny!)
      • The Wives: A Memoir by Simone Gorrindo
      • The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves by Alexandra Horowitz
      • Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe
      • Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent
      • The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb
      • The Social Climber by Amanda Pellegrino
5. Twenty of my favorite book series
  • Lifelong favs:
        • Little House
        • Joyce Porter!!!!  
          • The Dover series
          • The HonCon Series
          • The Eddie Brown Series
        • The Adrian Mole Diaries by Sue Townsend
  • Current favs:
        • The Alphabet Murders by Sue Grafton - fun fact, this was a co-recommendation by Suzanne and Engie.
        • The Amish Murders by Linda Castillo - this is my current obsession
        • There are 25 Alphabet Murders and 16 Amish Murders.  For some reason I feel very protective of the Alphabet series and I'm putting a lot of space in between each book.  I'm binging the Amish Murders.
6. Twenty books about which Engie and I disagree COMPLETELY (I am only assuming that we have this many books we disagree about)
    • YESSSSS!!!!!  This is the one that made me want to write this post.  I have two examples to share:
      • Hello Beautiful by Anne Napolitano!!!!  This is a book that gave me all the feels and got me crying ugly.  Engie's review: meh.
      • My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.  It was Engie's pick for CBBC, and I voted for it.  It started strong but then I just plain lost track of the plot and couldn't make sense of it.

 7. Twenty of my favorite Engie posts (how could I possibly choose only twenty????)

  • What Suzanne said!  There would be a lot of Hannah and Zelda pictures, at least 20 book reviews for books I only have heard of through Engie that I ended up reading and loving, that post from long ago about the good popcorn at the Belvidere Oasis, the post on swearing, and every post in general.

 8. Twenty favorite musical moments

  • I think they would all be centered around the Hubs and me playing 80's MTV videos on YouTube for each other. 

9. Twenty of my favorite gifts

  • I'm drawing a blank, but I've gotten a lot of good gift ideas from Suzanne's gift posts.

10. Twenty things I cannot live without (I mean, I probably could but I wouldn’t want to)

  • The fam, including inlaws and four footers - sorry for calling y'all a "thing" but you know what I mean.
  • Coffee, specifically the way that I make it (TJ's coffee, simple drip coffee maker at home, pour over filter for travel, splash of half and half) 
  • Technology (internet, phone, computer)

11. Twenty words I wish I could work into conversation more regularly (“adumbration” is currently up there near the top)

  • I have to sit this one out.  It's hard enough for me to come up with anything to say in conversation, let alone coming up with good words on the fly.

12. Twenty ideas for novels I haven’t yet written

  • I had that list back in my teen years, but those memories are long gone.

13. Twenty stories about pets I had in my childhood

  •  I loved our cats so much.
14. Twenty things to try when you can’t sleep
  • I've got just one but it's a goodie.  Sleep mediation are magic for me.  There are a ton of free ones on the Insight Timer app

15. Twenty of my favorite poems

  • I'm not big into poetry, but I appreciate it when it crosses my path.

16. Twenty weird things that make me anxious (writing a guest post for a blogger I admire, apparently????)

  • YES THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17. Twenty of the best rules for writing (and life???)

  • "Writing is easy.  You just stare at a blank page until your forehead bleeds"
  • Writing is hard and life is hard.  We do them anyway, as best as we can.

18. Twenty things about my life today that would surprise twenty-years-ago me

  • That it all worked out.
  • That I became a dog person.  I'm still Team Cat as well, but the way to make the call is to ask who I'm sharing a bed with.

19. Twenty of my top pet peeves

  • "Washing your hair everyday is bad!"  Hi, if I don't wash my hair daily I end up with a greasy mess.  And then every time I work out my hair gets soaked with sweat.  If it's all the same to everyone else, I prefer to walk about with non-greasy, non-sweaty hair.
  • Sleep trackers.  My Garmin is never satisfied with my sleep, but it just complains, it doesn't tell me what to do about it.

20. Twenty reasons blogging makes me a better person

  • Well I dunno if it does but I sure love doing it and I sure love reading other blogs.

That's a wrap!  Please make my day and steal this stolen post!


  1. I love this so much! I might just steal it as well - I don't know if I have twenty of anything in these categories except books (the ones Engie and I disagree on the most are The Blind Assassin and Bel Canto) (maybe all of Ann Patchett?) That's the best thing about books - there is always something for everyone. I loved the Little House series, have you ever read Pioneer Girl and Prairie Fires?
    Twenty years ago I was immersed in baby care! I don't do any of that anymore!

    1. Yay for being 20 years out from the Extreme Tiny Humans Era! I can't remember if I read Pioneer Girl and I know I haven't read Prairie Fires but I did listen to the Wilder podcast.

      That's the fun of the 20 prompts - we all get to learn new things about each other.

  2. This was fun to read! I struggled to come up with 20 items for one list (mine was ways blogging made my life better. I was impressed that Suzanne could come up with 20 ideas for lists!! I think the one I have the most to say about is how my life is different from 20 years ago because not much is the same! Back when I was single, living in an apartment in downtown, working in a different industry!

    1. If you struggled, it didn't show because I thought that yours was one of the best guest posts - and they have all been good so there is lots of competition!

  3. Oh YAY! I love that you made this a reality! So fun!

    This is so real, Birchie: "What do you do when you don't want to write something? Skip it and write about something else!" I feel that in my soul, lol.

    And also this: "Who remembers since I wasn't blogging back then so I don't have any records to look back on."

    It is so interesting to think about what a Birchie Blog from 2004 might have been like! I would love to have read your witty reviews of TV shows.

    I love your life lessons and need to take all of them to heart.

    I have only ever read four of your favorite books! Must correct this!

    Yesssssss.... the Alphabet Murder books!!!!!!

    Okay, I need whole post on 80s MTv Videos you and your husband play for each other. That sounds delightful.

    I think I would draw a blank on #8 too, except for the magical Good Ice maker. That's right up there.

    I would swap "coffee" for "sriracha" but otherwise, YES.

    Hahahaha - "until your forehead bleeds." YUP.

    I am always SO FASCINATED by people who make the switch from Cat Person to Dog Person. As a dyed in the wool Cat Person, I just cannot imagine how that happens???? (No disrepect to Doggo, of course. She is lovely.)

    YASSSS! This was so fun! I hope others follow suit!

    1. My TV reviews from 2004 would have been something else! That was before streaming, and I was super cheap, so sometimes it took a lot of effort to watch something for free. I really liked Alias, but my TV antenna didn't get ABC very well, so I had the added element of suspense of whether the signal would be watchable or not.

      The way that I became a dog person is that a friend's dog took an interest in me and converted me! I went over to the friends house and the dog barked and growled at me, and then later that night she got on the couch next to me and put her head on my lap. She changed her opinion of me, and made me change my entire opinion of dogs.

  4. Now wait just a minute here! I hope we're not going to have to part ways. I feel like we have a similar taste in books, but I DON'T see any Harry Potter on your lists. If you're going to tell me you don't like JK Rowling, it will be going in my own category of "20 books about which Birchie and I disagree COMPLETELY."
    I've always been a cat person, but every once in a while when I spend time with a dog (like just recently when I was in Texas) I could see how I could someday be both a dog and cat person- I don't think I'll ever prefer dogs over cats though.
    Great idea for a post, and I might have to save this NaBloPoMo.

    1. Sigh, Jenny we've had a good run but yes I'm lukewarm on JK. I read the first Harry Potter and it was just OK, and I tried a Robert Galbraith and it didn't take. If it helps the boys are both HP fans, so I'm in the minority in my house. But yes, that fills up most/all of the 20 books we disagree on list;-)

      My opinion is that cats and dogs love equally well, which is a lot. Dogs can't purr and cats can't take you for a nice long walk [well technically they *could* but they don't]. Dogs communicate more (what we call "training" is that we tell them what to do and they have ways to getting us to do what they want), cats require less care and they live longer. They are both wonderful creatures and we're lucky to have them. I think that having both would be the best of all worlds.

  5. Oooohhhh...I might save this for NaBloPoMo, too. Each of these could be its own post and that's 20 posts right there!! Although, I don't think I have 20 books I disagree with myself about...

    1. Let's see, do you have a book that you've changed your mind about? At a minimum I have 20 books on my shelves that I wouldn't buy today - lookin' at you Ayn Rand. But yes, lots of stuff to talk about here.

  6. What a great idea!
    I'm intrigued by number 18. What would have surprised my 20-year younger me?

    - I'm FIREd. I had no clue about the concept in 2004.
    - We live part-time in Cape Town. I had now idea how cool that place is in 2004.
    - How running would shape my future. I ran my first marathon in 2003 and couldn't imagine I'd still be running at 56.
    - My younger brother died. He was addicted to drugs 20 years ago and we hoped he would find his way out of it. He didn't.

    Life is full of surprises, good and bad!

    1. Catrina, I don't think I know your running backstory. I'd love to see a post on that. I don't remember if FIRE existed in 2004, but I learned about FI in 1997 when I read Your Money or Your Life - the difference is that 1990s FI was financial independence so that you could stop working and devote your life to noble causes, and FIRE is financial independence/retire early - stop working and do whatever you want, noble or not.

      I'm so sorry about your brother. I don't think I knew about him either. The 20 year lookback/lookforward assumes that we have another 20 years, and sadly not all of us do. That's another reason to FIRE!

  7. I'm with Suzanne, and need a post about the 80s MTV videos! My brother and his girlfriend and I like to sit around playing old songs on YouTube music and belting out the words together. She and I both are good at remembering the words to a lot of songs, so it's like karaoke night! Also she's about 7 years older than me, so her taste is a little different but it's still loads of fun!

    I was going to steal this but will probably only do a few of the lists as I don't know if I can get 20 for most of them.

    1. Our Youtube watching isn't that exciting. It's the challenge of remembering a really cool video from the 80s that neither of us has seen since the 80s. Hubs is 7 years older, so he has an advantage in remembering more of the 80s than I do.

      Do it! I barely had one point for some of these items. Your blog your rules!

  8. What a fun post, I'm glad you swiped it. I'm glad you're team dog now. I have had cats, when I was a kid, and I love them. But if I had to choose, I would choose dogs.

    Crazy to think that 20 years ago was 2004. It seems like it should be 1984, but no, that's 40 years ago. 20 year ago J was doing a lot of what now J is doing. But my daughter was 8, and both of my parents were still alive. I still drove into an office.

    1. Can we make it a rule of the universe that 1984 was 20 years ago regardless of what year it is now? That's exactly how I think about time.

      Of course Doggo is very much a dog, but she has a long tail, pointy ears, soft fur, and she's very snuggly and cuddly, so in many ways she reminds me of a cat.

      Having to go to an office for work was the worst! I'm glad that those days are over (and I hope that they stay over for you).

  9. I'm planning on using these lists as inspiration for NaBloPoMo! Not all of them but quite a few. I also had the idea to write my post on books Engie and I disagree about, haha.

    YES to washing your hair every day! I don't wash it every day but that's because I'm lazy but if I need it to look good, I have to wash it. Some of my friends can wash their hair once or twice a week and I cann't even FATHOM that life!

  10. Oh that was so fun to read. :)
    I will also be saving this for NaBloPoMo.

    I also wash my hair a lot. It's practically soaked after every workout, so it's wet already. Sometimes I just rinse it (without using all the products) but most days, my hair gets washed. It gets greasy easily, too, so I might as well...

    Oh yes, and this for things I cannot live without: Coffee, specifically the way that I make it (TJ's coffee, drip or pour over with some soy milk for me)

  11. This is such a great post. And not burnout-y at all! Coffee coffee coffee all the way. I think I will definitely be stealing this for NaBloPoMo... Twenty lists of twenty lists is exactly the meta blogging I love to read.

  12. I... think the only books that we have both read are the CBBC books. I think we just tend to have very different taste in books and movies, ha. I'm not sure about music, though. Who were your favorites in high school? (Knowing we were there at the same. exact. time.) I heard "Nightswimming" by REM this morning and oh, it took me back. One of my favorites of all time. And now you will either a) never speak to me again, or b) laugh and tell me you were into GnR or something. ;) Happy Friday, my friend.
