Monday, July 10, 2023

Weekly Round Up: All Over the Place

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  The holiday had me feeling all disoriented this week, so my recap is all over the place. 


On the food front, we had a round of family parties for the holidays, and I made guac.  When all was said and done, I had a few avocados leftover that needed to be used up.  Black bean toast to the rescue!

I've been crushing on Caesar salads and pizza for lunches.


It's happened before - I start a new workout program, I think it's the greatest thing ever, I talk about it on the blog, and then I run of steam and get tired of it by the next week. 

Yes, one week in to trying my hand at my own strength workouts and I'm tired of myself already.

Monday - did my made up upper body workout and a treadmill power walk
Tuesday - you could not have paid me to do my own workout, went for a 10 mile bike ride around the 'hood.
Wednesday - burned out, did not work out
Thursday - see Wednesday
Friday - OK fine, I'll workout but I need someone else to tell me what to do.  I hit up Insta and did this Peanut Butter Runner workout, my own made up ab routine, and a one mile treadmill power walk
Saturday - off
Sunday - repeat of Friday, with this workout instead.

I'm thinking about doing three full body strength workouts from the pile that I've got saved on Insta next week plus additional cardio.  The gym is just not doing it for me, so let's keep it short until the mood passes.



I haven't been watching much TV on my own but we've got an unexpected FAMILY TV SHOW hit on our hands.  It's unexpected because right now the boys are in the stage of life where watching TV with us is the last thing on their priority list, so if they're glued to the TV with us, that says a lot.

The hubs and I started watching The Adventures of Brisco County Jr as "our show" awhile back (a one season wonder of the 1990's).  We'd been knocking back an episode a week or so with breaks for all of our vacations, so not at a wild pace.  It's just that this show started good and gets that much better with every episode, so we're starting to get hooked and watching it more often.  The kids did their best to ignore it, but they've gotten sucked in as well, so last night we rewatched the first episode with the kids.


I finished Mary Jane, and I'm calling it a near perfect book.  A straightforward story told chronologically with compelling, believable, well developed characters.  I can't ask for anything more than that and this book delivered.

There's nothing like reading a perfect book while you're reading...another perfect book.  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is holding up as everything that I remembered it to be.  I'm reading it for The Cool Bloggers Bookclub, and you're welcome to join in.  We're discussing it in 5 chapter increments each week, so I've been sticking to the 5 chapter limit at the rate of one chapter a day.  Usually I just gobble down my books so it's fun to take my time for once.

CORRECTION: it's not 5 chapters a week, that's just a coincidence for the first two weeks.  See the schedule on Engie's blog for the real deets

That's all for now!  See you soon to talk about islands.


  1. BLACK BEAN AVOCADO TOAST! That sounds really amazing. I have so much kale right now and am trying to use it all up before I leave next week (ONE WEEK TODAY) so there has been kale Caesars and other kale yumminess across the board around here.

    1. ONE WEEK NO PRESSURE!!! Yes the black bean toast is really yummy - I used to think that the only addition to avocado toast was eggs but once I tried this the eggs didn't stand a chance.

  2. I like your name for our book club : )
    Those PB runner workouts look great. I had never heard of her, but I looked at both workouts you mentioned. It's definitely a full body strength session!
    I'm adding Mary Jane to my TBR- for once, everyone is unanimous that it's a great book.

    1. Check out Jen's blog as well - first of all it's a great blog in general and second of all she loves to cook so she's got a ton of good food stuff on there -

  3. I have Mary Jane on my holds list at the library and - wow - the consensus is that it's amazing, so I am stoked!!!

    I have been loving ATGIB. So fun. In the words of Suzanne: a confetti of gold stars to Engie!!!

    1. Mary Jane is legit! I must have gotten in just ahead of the craze to be able to get it at the library when I heard Engie talk about it.

  4. Your gym mojo will come back, I'm sure!
    Without the Crossfit guys in Cape Town, I'm feeling pretty lost, too. I try to keep up with Pamela Reif's workouts, but on some days, I definitely fall short!

    1. Yes, I'm sure it will but I wish my mojo would hurry up and get here!

  5. Mary Jane was so good! I'm happy to praise it everywhere.

    I'm struggling a bit with my own workouts. I'm just exhausted all the time. But I know if I don't work out, I'll be even MORE exhausted. Even doing my basic yoga practice seems like So Much Work right now. *sigh* I keep telling myself that this will pass.

    Just a clarification, we're reading about 50 pages a week for the ATGIB book club. That's roughly five chapters a week, but some weeks it will be slightly more (short chapters) and one week it's only four chapters. I'm having so much fun rereading it and have loved the discussion about it so far!

    1. I'm familiar with "damned if you do damned if you don't" when it comes to exercise and fatigue;-) I didn't say that I had the answer, just that I know the problem.

      Good catch on my "5 chapters a week" shortcut - oops and I'll update the post.

  6. Okay, so much praise makes me want to jump on the Mary Jane train!

    I had to laugh at your comment about tiring of your own strength routine after one week. So relatable!!! That peanut butter workout you linked to looks good. I did a killer leg day today with Nourish Move Love -- I can tell I am going to be a wobbly mess for a couple of days. Such a good feeling.

    1. Yep, Mary Jane is all that and a bag of chips! It's just so satisfying to find a perfect book like that.

      I'm eyeing Nourish More Love...maybe I'll check it out.

  7. Oh the black bean guac toast looks absolutely delish! It's probably healthy, too ;-) Win-Win!

  8. I need to read Mary Jane! I have it on my Kindle since it was free through Amazon Prime at some point. I just need to take a break from library holds to read it! I have only read ATGIB once and I was an adult but I loved it then and expect to love it even more this time around since I'm doing a much more 'close read' so I can answer questions/add to the discussion.

  9. I hope you like your workouts better this week! Nothing wrong with taking a break, too!

  10. Yum! Black Bean Avocado Toast sounds delicious. Don't beat yourself up about the workouts - sometimes you must try new things and see if they work out for you. No harm in switching if it doesn't work.

    I am so excited about the ATGIB book club. I also read one chapter a day.

  11. OK, I think I'm the only person who dislikes black and kidney beans. This toast is... not that appealing. Now, make it white beans? and you have me. ;) (Although avocado toast, yum...)
