Friday, December 15, 2023

Week in the Life: Wednesday December 13


Hey friends, we're doing a one week experiment where we hang out each day and I'll tell you everything that's going on in my life (inspired by Stephany's Week in the Life series).  Happy Wednesday!

Hey Hump Day🐫🐫🐫  It's the last "get up super early" day of the week.  My sleep was a bit choppy last night, but I feel refreshed enough and wake up before my alarm.  I tiptoe downstairs and fire up the coffee maker.  I get into workout clothes and pour a nice steaming hot cup of coffee with a splash of half and half in the Mug Du Jour of famous opening lines from books.

The next order of business is the workout that I would have done on Monday if not for having a sore arm from my COVID shot.

This is a good one and I'm glad that I waited until today to do it when my arm is back to normal.

Afterwards I hop on the treadmill for 20, do the shower thing, do the Reheating of the Coffee thing, and hit Wordle and the Spelling Bee.  I'm firing all on cylinders today.

Sigh the clock is creeping closer to 8, why does it do that.  I fire up the work computer and what in God's name has happened today that my inbox has that many emails in it.  Uh, I want breakfast.  But not too much breakfast...ooh I have one tofu breakfast burrito in the freezer and today is the day for it.  OK, let's tackle the inbox.  Um let's not.  Ok phew most of the emails are answers to the tons of questions that we had about all of the stuff that we've given to employees that needs to get taxed and oh goodie my boss has already extracted most of the information.  My boss's boss has taken issue with an email that I sent them that says that mileage reimbursements for business purposes are not taxable to employees in the US.  She tells me that she heard that these should be taxed.  I roll my eyes, google that, and send her a screenshot.  This is an example of why my company felt that they needed a payroll person in the US and I get paid the big bucks and also an example of why I do not find the job challenging.  The mileage reimbursement that is set up in our expense system is 58.5 cents a mile and the current IRS allowed rate is 65.5 cents a mile and I'm continuously amazed that none of our employees have ever said anything.  If just one person besides me would speak up the company would change it and as it is I have no reason to speak up since I don't travel for work and it doesn't affect me personally.  Seriously folks if you see something weird money wise at work say something!

My boss in the process of reviewing the rest of world payroll - what that means is in accounting anytime that you're handling something that's a big deal like people's pay you never have just one person looking at the numbers.  She and I both have access to the info, and I've complied it into the massive Excel file that we like to pretend is a payroll system.  The review means that she's taking her info and seeing if it matches mine.  My goal is to get it right so that there's nothing for her to find.  Because this payroll has so many moving parts that does not happen.  There's a nice laundry list of stuff that doesn't stand up to her review so we chat about it.  We both come out of the experience looking good.  She had some information that wasn't passed on to me, and in a few cases where the info was sent to us multiple times I was able to keep track of the emails and had the correct version of the email.  Go us!

We're doing a lot of back and forth.  At those times when the ball is in her court it's semi-slack time for me.  I have enough freedom to be on my personal laptop but not enough to leave my desk.  Some blog reading gets done during this time.  During longer breaks there are walks downstairs for Reheatings of the Coffee.  Finally she and I are in agreement that we have the right numbers.

Chore #1: I calculate how much the payroll is going to cost, which also involves a preliminary run of the US payroll for the end of the month.  We have a worksheet for that and I poke the numbers to make sure that everything seems solid.

Chore #2: I need to send the payroll out to all of the payroll providers.  We have one for each of the 18 countries.  We have decent sized employee bases in places like France and Germany, and a bunch of teeny tiny payrolls with just one or two employees elsewhere.  What that means is that a lot of cutting and pasting is about to go down as I turn our big file into an Excel sheet for each country.  It's not wildly exciting work.  When that's done the files go onto a secure data transfer site and off to the payroll providers.

I finish chore #1 before lunch.  I get dressed in my standard jeans and a long sleeved top.  It's one of my everyday tops but you might notice that it's just a bit nicer than the top that I wore yesterday.  This is your first foreshadowing that today is not quite like every other work day.

Lunch!  The hubs is hard at it in a meeting so it's a solo lunch.  More gochujang noodles go down.

Walkies!  It feels colder than yesterday but most of the snow has melted and the big yellow ball in the sky is really bright today.

Back home and I snag a treat on the way back to my office.

Here's where I would like to take a break but I keep on task and tackle chore #2 for another hour.  I'm almost done when I take a break to curl my hair.  Okay, whatever you say, you did that yesterday and so far there's nothing to see here.  But wait, now I'm putting make up on.  Nothing elaborate, just foundation and blush, which used to be an everyday thing before the pandemic.  Now it's a pretty rare thing so what am I up to that I'm suddenly busting out makeup in the middle of the afternoon?

After putting on my face I go back to my office and close the door.  It's about 10 minutes before a meeting on my calendar.  On my work calendar the subject line is "hold" and there's no other information.  On my personal calendar the subject is "Company X Hiring Manager Screening".  The shirt that I'm wearing is my designated "first interview shirt".  I have a designated "second interview shirt" as well, and if there are more interviews than that with one company I wear something else and start making a list of my outfits so that I don't repeat.

That's right, I've got myself a job interview!  The tech world has really taken a beating this year and jobs are scarce but not non-existent.  I don't remember the last time that I had an interview but it just so happens that I've got one now.  I had a good conversation with the recruiter last week and today I have my first interview with the hiring manager.

I google the company to refresh my memory and look at the job description and the notes that I took when I talked to the recruiter.  I look at the hiring manager's profile on LinkedIn.  Part of the reason for this is just to find out more about her, and the other reason is a tip that I got from a recruiter a long time ago to always look at people's LinkedIn profiles before interviews so that they can see that you saw them.  Everyone likes a profile view.

I perch my phone on a nearby bookshelf and check that the angle is right and that nothing obnoxious is showing in the background.  I put in my airpods and use the voice recorder to make sure that they're connected and that my voice is coming through clear.  Good, good.  Two minutes before the interview starts I log into the Zoom invite that they sent me so that I'll be on the call when the manager starts it.  I also mute my work computer but forget to silence my phone and sure enough I do get a text during the interview but oh well.

The interview is fine.  There are no red flags and nothing that makes me not want the job.  But also nothing that leaps out and says "oh God yes this is the job for me".  The supervisor is fine - I like her but I don't love her.  I can't tell what kind of an impression I'm making on her or if I'm saying what she wants to hear.  She says she'll let the recruiter know by the end of this week or early next week who she wants to move forward with.  I say that it's been great talking to her.  And that's all there is to say about that for right now.  By rights I should email the recruiter and tell her that it was such a great conversation yada yada but I just don't get around to it.

Okey dokey back to work.  I finish our one million Excel files and send them out.  I really want to take an internets break but also it would be advantageous to get some extra work done.  No one's looking for it but it's nice to have it up my sleeve.  Uh can I do some of both?  I give myself a short break to read blogs and then I hunker down.  I switch over to accountant mode and do the journal entry for the US and Canada payrolls.  This is nerdy accountant Excel work at its finest.  Take a bunch of numbers and make them equal to another set of numbers.  

So actually this is what I like about accounting.  I'm really bad at math, and when I say that I mean that when I was 22 I took the GRE with no preparation and my math score was in the 20th percentile.  When I was 36 and headed to grad school I took the GMAT and put some serious study effort into it...and my math score was in the 20th percentile.  My scores on the other sections of the test pulled my score well above what was required for the Accounting Master's Program, but on their acceptance letter they said "dude what's up with that math score?"  OK they didn't say it like that but they said something.  Anyhoo what I like about accounting is that you can be TERRIBLE at math and it  makes no difference.  You just have to be able to see that two numbers aren't the same and then work at them to figure out why.  It's kind of fun in a "I get paid for this" kind of way.

Ooh actually there are a couple of things that are out of the ordinary that I need to ask my boss about so it's good that I started this today.  I finish the Excel files based on what I have so that I'll only need to tweak a few things when I have her answers.   I send out that email and a few other things that make it look like I've had my nose hard on the grindstone all day.  I mean I've put in a decent enough day's work.

Work computer off oh that's right I have a family.  The boys are downstairs playing with the nerf gun and Hubs has been mostly tied up at work all day.  Stepson #1 came in to see me when he got his final score for his math class.  He missed one point just to see what it was like.  At this point he just has one exam to go and he will be done with semester #1 of college.

On Wednesdays the boys have dinner with their mom and Hubs and I have a mini date.  He is obsessed with chicken parm, so I suggest that for dinner.  I toss a breaded chicken patty from Costco into the air fryer - let me tell you that I have not hand breaded a chicken breast since we joined Costco because I can't make anything that's better than what they've got.  I boil up some pasta and for myself I nuke up some Costco meatballs.  I've got that salad mix from Trader Joe's that was bigger than I thought so I know I won't finish it for my lunches this week, so I serve it with dinner.

Afterwards we take our nightly dog-walk-without-the-dog.  If I remember correctly, one of the stages of grief is anger, and I think that's where I am.  For me "anger" is more of a snarky Airing of the Grievances about life without a dog.  The latest things that have come up on my list are:

  • I can get up in the middle of the night and put my feet on the floor and walk to the bathroom without having to worry about stepping on the dog (yes this is a grievance because it's boring)
  • I have no incentive to not wear the same outfit everyday since we're not taking dog selfies anymore.
  • When I got the Parmesan out of the fridge for dinner no one was staring at me.  My husband and I are madly in love but let me tell you that he has never looked at me like Stepdog looked at me when I had a bag of cheese in my hand.

After we get back from our walk the boys have returned.  Hubs hangs out with them in the front room but I Have Plans for tonight.  I'm out on the the grocery store.  We're out of bananas and the house does not function when we are out of bananas (snack for the boys, required for my husband at breakfast).  I live dangerously and take a basket instead of a cart.  Woo hoo it's a $10 shopping trip!

I go back home and catch up with the fam.  Hubs starts his workout.  I want a lil' sumpin' sumpin'...hmm I think I have a lil' sumpin' sumpin' tucked away...confirmed!  I'm not a huge dark chocolate fan but every once in a while I like the dark orange or the dark chili bars.

I've had enough of wearing "going outside" clothes so I change back into my "not bed" pajamas of leggings and a long sleeve.  I nibble four squares of the chocolate bar in front of the TV and write the bloggo.  Oh wait I'm doing this thing where I do pushups three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and today is one of those days and yes last thing at night would be the time to get 'er done.  The first two sets feel like I'm phoning it in but on the last set I finally nail my form.  I do a couple more "baby sets" to try and lock it in.

After his workout hubs showers and comes down to play video games.  Around 9 he takes a break for our daily puzzle dose.

I head upstairs for my shower and by the time I'm done hubs is upstairs as well.  I read and do the NYT crossword and then we turn out the lights.  I snuggle under the covers and think thoughts and the next thing I know it's Thursday.  But that's a story for tomorrow.


  1. Hmm, so you work in accounting but are bad at math? Interesting! Also interesting that you had a job interview in the middle of your work day. I thought you were kind of thinking of phasing this whole "job" thing out of your life? Anyway... we are definitely coming up to the official airing of the grievances day, so feel free to air. My sister and her husband always had cats, but at one point both their cats had passed and they decided to be pet-less for a while so they could do more traveling. But she said she absolutely HATED their empty house- she would think of any errand she could possibly do after work to put off going home. So they got more cats, and now they're happy again.
    Looking forward to the next couple of days- I want to hear about your non-getting-up-super-early days!

    1. Correct! I have a theory that people who are really good at math probably end up in "higher" fields than accounting cuz there really isn't much to the math there.

      I am planning to leave the work force the year that I turn 50 (2025) if I can't find something that I like better in that time - so that's why I keep interviewing;-) I might very well get another job, love it to tears, and still decide to leave at 50 - I've got options!

      I'm with your sister in that so far the "freedom" of not having a pet sucks. A few years ago my parents' one remaining cat died and they didn't want to get another one because of their age, but also they really missed having a cat. They adopted an older cat from a shelter and I am so happy that they did. He is an Extreme Cuddler and he makes them so happy.

  2. Wait - your company does the payroll with Excel?! Oh my!
    If the company has only 10 employees, that's perfectly fine. But I imagine that we're talking more the size of 250 employees. That's a lot of rows and columns!
    You have a solid 4-eye-control, but still... it's a lot of work! I'm sure you've already voiced your opinion on that more than once.

    Nice job with the interview!! And the Wordle!!

    1. Yes they do it all in frickin' Excel for rest of world. From what I can tell they have a proper payroll system for the home country, and we have a proper system for the US but they barely use it. You've got the number of employees correct!

  3. I love your explanation about being bad at math. I, too, am bad at math. In my first job out of grad school (which was an editing job), I somehow was in charge of producing long lists of numbers for a book my boss was writing, and it was Very Stressful. But it was highly satisfying to figure it out, and the math wasn't, like, calculus or anything; it was very simple. So I can kind of see how a non-math person might find a mathy job very fulfilling.

    Your grievances made me giggle but my heart ached at the same time.

    I was pleased to see a return of the noodles! Hooray for noodles!

    1. Exactly! People who are Bad at Math can come to appreciate math too. I wonder how much of my math problems are innate and how much are a result of the way that I learned it. But I don't wonder this enough to take time away from my reading to figure it out;-)

  4. My husband and I are madly in love but let me tell you that he has never looked at me like Stepdog looked at me when I had a bag of cheese in my hand. LOLOLOL. No one has ever looked at me with as much love as my dog ever! It's heartbreaking that you don't get that every day. Dogs have the most perfect begging eyes.

    1. I had it for nine years and one day I will have it again! Give Hannah a piece of cheese for me <3

  5. "My husband and I are madly in love but let me tell you that he has never looked at me like Stepdog looked at me when I had a bag of cheese in my hand." This is both hilarious and heartbreaking.

    Sounds like the job is a Meh-ish opportunity for now, but maybe a next step (if it comes along) will solidify the right way forward? Wishing you all the best with those decisions <3

    I think that puzzle advent is simply genius.

    1. I cannot overemphasize how satisfying the advent puzzle has been. The best purchase of the holiday season so far.

  6. I have never known an accountant who identifies as a Bad At Math person! Very interesting! Also, this: "When I got the Parmesan out of the fridge for dinner no one was staring at me. My husband and I are madly in love but let me tell you that he has never looked at me like Stepdog looked at me when I had a bag of cheese in my hand." The saddest day ever was the first one that I peeled a carrot without Barkley immediately being at my feet. That dog could wake up from a coma if he heard me get the carrot peeler. Rexie is great, but he is not so enthusiastic about food that isn't meat or cheese, so we can't call out "cleanup crew" and have a dog come and lick all the food remnants off the floor. I actually have to SWEEP, kill me now.

    1. Stepdog was not into veggies at all. Once when my SIL was at our house cooking she tried to give her a piece of broccoli because "dogs like broccoli". Stepdog just sat upright and looked at my SIL in a sweet way while communicating that the piece of broccoli did not exist and to let her (Stepdog) know if my SIL had an extra piece of bacon, cheese, or steak. Now believe me that every single time that I got a piece of frozen chicken out of the downstairs freezer that Stepdog was up and at 'em. So yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

  7. Excel is fine and dandy for a lot of things but yeah, keeping payroll in Excel is a big undertaking. I am glad you have more than your pair of eyes on it. Excel is powerful but it's also easy to make a "mistake" and carry that through multiple spreadsheets without noticing. (Still love Excel. I won't tell you that I started a spreadsheet to plan out my weekly workouts, color-coded and all LOL).

    I never had a pet, but I can imagine that you miss the "sweet annoyances" of having a pet around.

    1. Correct! Excel is a powerful tool and it's powerful for good data and also making bad data look good.

  8. I'm both in shock that you do payroll THROUGH EXCEL but also... this just seems par for the course for companies, lol. I remember at one point all of our PTO hours were kept on a spreadsheet, which was just... silly.

    Again, LOVE that you take lots of breaks throughout the day. Let's normalize this!

    1. Consider it normalized!

      Last year we did the project to get PTO hours in our spreadsheet to match the system...and then we went to flexible PTO!!!

  9. Wow. Payroll through excel. That kind of scares me a little bit. Or a lot a bit. yeesh. It seems ripe for error? Unless it is super duper locked down! But still a significant source of risk I would think?

    1. Correct, our Excel file has causes quite a few headaches. The payroll provider take our numbers and run them through their local payroll systems but back on the Mothership it's all Excel.

  10. I use Excel to track study-related activities (e.g., did they do the study visit, etc.). The thing that terrifies me is that sometimes, if data are deleted, then you just....can't Ctrl-Z your way back to what you had. So if I inadvertently delete something important... I may be SOL. Do you have a backup saved somewhere every week? I'm assuming?
    I have worked for mostly gov't entities (Federal and 2 states) since the early aughts and it's hilarious to see the evolution in payroll systems. :)
