Monday, December 4, 2023

Weekly Round Up: a Birthday and a Kitchen Mystery



A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  This week we celebrated a Very Special Birthday with a tiny cake and solved a kitchen mystery.  In my downtime, I hit the Christmas movies.  I predicted a wow, a dud, and a huh, and ended up with a wow, a WOWWWWW WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE, and as predicted, a huh.


We have a very precise schedule this time of year:  Thanksgiving, Hubs's Birthday, and Christmas Decorations.  Last week was Thanksgiving, and this week was the Hubs's birthday, and this weekend was Scout Camp/Christmas decorations.

We'd had a lot of goodies with Thanksgiving, so I decided to make Hubs a tiny cake.  My favorite source for such things is the blog Homemade in the Kitchen (yeah yeah I know the url says something else but Homemade in the Kitchen is the blog header).  I made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  The recipe is designed to be made in a 6" cake pan, which I do not have, but I've learned from past experiments that a 4" x 8" loaf pan also works.  IMO the recipe yields 6 pieces of cake.

I don't know how you're "supposed" to do a sprinkle border, but here's how I did mine.  

Step 1: cover everything that you don't want sprinkles on with waxed paper.

Step 2: cover everything on the cake that doesn't have waxed paper with sprinkles and then remove waxed paper.  The sides were pretty bald, so the solution for that is to angle the camera away from them.

Step 3: stick a candle on top, sing Happy Birthday, and then eat a slice of tiny cake.

The Great Kitchen Mystery of 2023

As you may be aware, my husband and stepsons go to Boy Scout camp once a month, which means that once a month the kitchen gets littered with odds and ends after they return.  One such odd that showed up around the time of last month's trip was this oval gasket thingy.

After they unpack and clean, most but not all of the odds and ends get packed up again.  The oval oddity lingered in the kitchen.  I took the high road and ignored it for a few I don't love having my kitchen trashed with Boy Scout debris but it's the reality of our lives right now.  So I was shocked, shocked when Hubs asked me what it was.  I mean clearly it's a piece of Boy Scout debris.  But hubs denied ever seeing it before in his life.

We laughed about it and made a pact to throw it away, which according to Murphy's Law was the key to finding out the purpose of the oval thingy.

In seemingly unrelated news, Stepson #2 is on a special engineering track at high school which means that he leaves the house at 7 each morning and rides to an out of town school with another student.  He's started drinking tea, which he takes with him in a travel mug.  A few days after Hubs and I made the pact to throw out the oval thingamajig, #2 mentioned that the gasket from his travel mug was missing.

Look (1) I have never thought to take the gasket off the mug on those times when I end up cleaning it and (2)...these two shapes are not the same.

But by some miracle neither Hubs nor I had followed through on our plan to trash the gasket so the two were reunited and are living happily ever after.


Strength stuff: I'm back to Youtube for my Caroline Girvan fix for the next few weeks.  I'm working my way through the full body workouts from Epic Endgame.  This is the one that ends each workout with 100 reps of an exercise, which is something that I have mixed feelings about.  The execution so far is much better than it sounds: the first workout was 2 x 50 bodyweight squats (yay!) and the second was 4 x 25 of various ab exercises (did not do because...oh yes I don't do ab exercises but if it were anything else 4 x 25 sounds achieveable).

She has a new Advent program on the CGX app, so after Endgame I'll probably pair up an upper and a lower body workout from the new series.  I really like just doing 3x per week full body instead of doing body splits more days a week.

Strength stuff, Pushup Edition: taking last week off did me no favors.  I did pushups twice this week and I'll jump back into the full swing of things next week.  It's just very hard to keep my full body engaged instead of just bumbling through.  I'm down but I'm not out.  Hey fitness Gods, I need a little more flexibility from y'all.

Running stuff: more 2 mile runs have gone down since we last talked.  Given that the weather will not be doing me any favors soon, the question is if I will move the 2 mile gig to the treadmill or go back to power walking and pick up the running on non-icy days/next spring.


I saw three movies this week: one during the week, one on Friday, and one on Saturday.  It just so happens that they were all Christmas movies, which was not planned.

The first one is familiar territory, though I had non-Christmas reasons for watching it.  It's a movie that I couldn't stand as a kid but have come to appreciate as an adult: A Christmas Story.

My reason for rewatching it was that the Hubs and I have been watching a 70's TV one season wonder called Kolchak: The Night Stalker which was the inspiration for The X-Files and stars the same actor who plays the dad in A Christmas Story.  Sure enough, he had the range to play pre-Mulder and the ultimate dad.

BTW I guess it's kinda a spoiler, but when I was a young 'un my memory was that Ralphie DID shoot his eye out, so the first time that I saw it as an adult I was very surprised to see that this was not the case.

Let's move on to our next movie.  I'd seen it a long, long time ago and if I'm being honest the only reason that I watched it is because the movie that I really wanted to see wasn't available online so I had to hunt down a physical copy and in the meantime I settled for another Christmas themed movie with the same actor.  I kind of remembered Christmas in Connecticut as being a sappy mess, though I couldn't exactly remember what it was about.

Expectation: a sappy, dated 1940s movie.

Reality: OMG what a gem this was!  We're in WWII and a ship is torpedoed, leaving two sailors adrift for 18 days.  One of the sailors is a total foodie (note: offhand I can't remember another 1940's movie about a foodie) and in his delirium he starts daydreaming about his favorite food columnist who he imagines is kind of a Martha Stewart type.  The sailors get rescued, and through a series of events the sailor is given his dream wish to spend Christmas with his favorite food columnist at her home in Connecticut.

Except that his favorite food columnist is a single lady who doesn't cook but is good friends with a restaurant owner who is the one coming up with the food ideas for her column.  So how is she going to pull off posing as a married mom food columnist for the holiday?

The next night after a trip to the library I saw the movie that I'd really wanted to see instead of Christmas in Connecticut.  I guess we can call these two movies "The Barbara Stanwyck Christmas Collection".  Remember the Night is a bit of a rarity, and as best I can remember I saw it in junior high.  The only reason that it got back on my radar was that it was featured in a Youtube movie channel that I watch in the video "5 Moody, Sad, and Deadly Christmas Movies".  Spoiler that it's merely moody and a little sad, but not deadly.  Here's the link to that video cued up to 3:38 which is where they start taking about the movie (about two minutes of chatter).

I feel like the screenwriters dreamed up the most improbable plot that they could come up with, turned to the censorship code that was in place at the time to give them their ending, and then brought in two great movie stars to work their magic.  Barbara Stanwyck is a shoplifter who is arrested right before Christmas.  Fred MacMurray is the prosecuting DA who strategically gets the trial delayed until after New Years because he knows that otherwise the jury will acquit her just to get a head start on their Christmas break.  A series of highly improbable events ensue that result in him taking Stanwyck home to Indiana for the holidays, you know, as all DA and defendant duos usually do.  They have a lovely holiday season, but hey that censorship code of the time that said that if someone committed a crime in a movie it's not enough for them to feel bad, they have to pay for it because otherwise folks would think that it's possible to just commit crimes with no penalty because they saw it in a movie.  The ending is open to interpretation.  In the Youtube video they take the position that it's not a happy ending.  I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I will say that it's not your typical Hollywood ending. 

The pros of this movie are:

  • Two HUUUGE stars that I'd watch in anything.  Stanwyck and MacMurray are better remembered as the murderous duo in Double Indemnity, and here they're just normal folks with problems.
  • This movie gets you on an emotional level.  It's moody but sweet.
  • Improbable story or no, points #1 and #2 are so well done that you're willing to roll with it.
  • We get to see the joys of driving from NYC to Indiana in the days before the highway system.
  • They go back to NYC via Canada and they have a way easier time crossing the Detroit/Windsor border than I did this summer.

So I'd say it's a movie worth watching twice in your life.  But maybe put it on your list for after you've seen Christmas in Connecticut.


Still happily chugging away on A Town Like Alice.

Something Fun

Puzzle season has started, with a different twist.

I love doing puzzles and Hubs loves doing puzzles, but we don't have a lot of time to do puzzles together.  But when your puzzle is an advent calendar that comes in increments of 48 pieces, suddenly we have time to do a puzzle together.  Thanks for the idea Stephany (link to the puzzle on her site).


  1. That advent puzzle is awesome, I wish someone else around here liked doing them. Thanks for the movie rec, I'm going to watch Christmas in Connecticut and enjoy the hell out of it. I've never been a fan of Christmas Story, but it's been awhile. Not sure if I'd be more into it now.

    1. Yay! Enjoy Christmas in Connecticut! Everyone in my family likes doing puzzles, but everyone else has more pressing commitments, such as Boy Scouts, so most of my puzzling is solo.

  2. That incremental puzzle is a brilliant idea!
    Well done on your strength stuff. Doing 100 reps at the end of each workout sounds rough! I didn't know that you don't do ab exercises. Is that because of an injury?
    So maybe you just need to PROMISE to throw stuff away do dodge Murphy's Law?? I'll use that next time! Hilarious!

    1. Actually...the next time that I do some of my more challenging puzzles maybe I'll portion the pieces into small sections when I put the puzzle away so that I can take the incremental approach next time. Hmmm....

      I just don't feel like ab exercises "do" anything for me. I don't particularly feel them in my abs, but I feel them in my neck. Once in a while I'll take a fancy to planks, but that's about it.

      Yes, promise to throw things away with your spouse and then each of you assume that the other has done it and Murphy will be satisfied.

  3. Well, this was a delight, as always. First, "solution for that is to angle the camera away from them" is brilliant. Thank you for that. Also, god that cake looks good. I think I could eat that whole tiny cake myself. I love a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Second, happy birthday to your husband! Third, A GASKET. Who knew? Well, good thing you didn't throw it out!
    Puzzle season has begun but I haven't yet brought out the big puzzle board. I have an advent calendar that is a little puzzle every day, but I have to say that I absolutely love the idea of an adjoining one! Maybe next year, I can have two puzzle calendars (my current one has dogs in Santa hats so obviously must use it forever).
    Double Indemnity is a great movie so I might have to look into this. I have never gotten into A Christmas Story past about the first five minutes, maybe I should try again.
    Listen, Birchy, I am reading SHELLEY WINTERS' SECOND AUTOBIOGRAPHY NOW. It's just as juicy as the first but less Old Hollywood, more like Hollywood/ NYC theatre in the 50s and 60s, which is pretty great.

    1. Hey what can I say, I try. I think that you should absolutely positively make a tiny cake for yourself - or even a non-tiny cake. Yes I could also have made cupcakes but I just wanted regular ol' cake.

      You have my permission to skip A Christmas Story since it didn't grab you in the first 5 minutes. Your time is better spent with Barbara OR WHAT THE WHAT TWO SHELLEY WINTERS???? I mean it makes sense that she would have needed more than one for all the life that she had. I will read the first one at the very least.

  4. That incremental puzzle idea is BRILLIANT. I love that it's not tiny puzzles every day, but just small pieces of a bigger puzzle. I'm not a huge puzzle person, but I think I would really enjoy this! Stashing this idea away for next year.

    Love the sprinkle cake; this made me laugh: "the sides were pretty bald, so the solution for that is to angle the camera away from them."

    I HATED A Christmas Story when I saw it for the first time a few years ago. Maybe if I had grown up with it, I'd consider it a classic. I thought it was downright depressing.

    1. Yeah, no doubt about it that Christmas Story has a bit of an edge. I didn't like it as a kid but my parents looooved. For some reason I'm more into it as an adult.

      I really think that puzzles should come in "sections" to make them more manageable.

  5. I ended up not getting an advent calendar this year because I waited too long and all the good ones were sold out. But I'm going to get the incremental puzzle one next year, I VOW. I miss having a little treat to look forward to at night.

    I mostly do standing ab exercises at this point in my life because I don't have time to deal with neck pain with crunches and bicycles. I have to admit that CG has actually turned me off strength training and I'm mostly doing bodyweight stuff these days. I just feel like most of her programs (Fuel aside) take too long and make me feel like a wimp. Maybe in January I'll dive back into CG. We'll see.

    1. PSST you're allowed to get an Advent Calendar in the middle of Advent. You still get a treat every night, and you can either do extra to catch up or just do one a night and keep going after the holidays. We started ours on Dec 3rd because Boy Scouts preempted starting it on time. We did two days on the 3rd and the 4th and starting tonight we're back to one a day until something else inevitably comes up and gets us off schedule again.

      I had to take a CG break earlier this summer and now I'm back but doing it on my terms. Overall I like her but how do I say it - oooh exactly like you said it - there are things that take too long and make me feel like a whimp.

  6. I did not see A Christmas Story until I was an adult and moved in with my guy who is one of those people who watches it for almost the entire 24 hours it is on Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. We have since negotiated that I only have to watch it 2 1/2 times through and get to choose the New Year's Day movies (although, my kid is trying to worm her way into that).

    1. Eek! Going from "never" to a straight 24 hours is too much!!! I like this movie but I only want to see it once every few years. My vote is that you get to pick NY movies and your kid can have another movie day.

  7. I LOVE your tiny cake. LOVE. It's tiny, for one thing. But also the sprinkly border (LOL to angling the camera just so) and the pairing of chocolate frosting with yellow cake. Perfection.

    Of these movies, I have only seen A Christmas Story and I am 100% on team You'll Put Your Eye Out.

    The CG Advent series sounds intriguing. I like the idea of a little workout gifty for myself every day until Christmas. But... I don't have the app. Hmm.

    My family and I are doing an escape room Advent calendar this year; we did one last year, too, and it was fun/silly. My husband also bought a jam advent calendar, so that's fun.

    1. Making a note about the escape room calendar since 3 out of the 4 members of my house would be in to that and really I'd enjoy doing it with them even if escape rooms aren't really my thing.

      What cracks me up is that people are complaining that there's no published schedule for the Advent that's what an Advent calendar is. You get a surprise everyday. But if this is something that you're interested in and don't mind not being surprised, she did a Youtube Advent a few years ago:

    2. Oooh! Thank you! I will have to look into that.

  8. The tiny cake is so adorable and so perfect as cake doesn't keep super well for more than a day or so in my experience, so it's nice to have a manageable amount to eat! And the sprinkles make it so festive!

    That is an advent calendar I can get behind as I love puzzles! We got the boys a LEGO advent calendar which the 5yo is loving. The 3yo is a bit too young for it but still gets excited to see what Paul builds every day!

    I haven't seen Christmas in CT but would like to at some point as I've heard it's delightful!

    1. Ooh also filing the Lego calendar away as an idea for next year. If you can imagine this, our kids are so old that I haven't stepped on a Lego left on the floor in years, but I'm thinking that they boys would probably still like the little projects.

  9. I love that puzzle advent!! That is a great idea; my family is very game and puzzle oriented and very advent oriented, so this would be a fun mix!! My aunt made my brother and I a homemade advent when we were kids, a Christmas tree that you add an ornament a day to, and we still fight over who gets to put the Santa ornament on on the 24th! Okay, not really but it is the best one!

    1. I love the idea of the "ornament a day" calendar! We should do that with our collection of ornaments that my SIL has given to the boys over the years.

  10. Also, I don't think I told you...(did I?) but I finished Strange Sally and really liked it!

    1. Nice! That was such a good book. As you know I had to skim parts of it and I have a quibble with the ending but overall it was a WOW for me.

  11. Your tiny cake with sprinkles is the most adorable thing, and the perfect size! And that's a good photography tip! The puzzle is a fun idea. I have to admit that I've never watched A Christmas Story. My favorite Christmas movie is The Last Holiday with Queen Latifah.

    1. A Queen Latifah xmas movie sounds fun! Note to self.

  12. Okay, I'm lame. I don't know how I'm five days late commenting on this post. First of all, I love the tiny cake and that sprinkles hack is genius- it looks "decorated" but is actually pretty easy.
    I've announced to the family that we're doing a Christmas puzzle this year, and the puzzle (a 500 piece- didn't want to get too ambitious this first time) should be arriving today. We'll see how it goes, and I might do an advent puzzle like yours next year. I somehow thought that advent puzzles would be like one small, complete puzzle each day, but I love this idea.
    I'm older than you so I saw A Christmas Story in the theater as a teenager. We all liked it then, and grew more and more fond of it once it was playing on TV all the time. I can't say I would purposely sit down and watch it now, but I definitely still like the movie and actually now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I've ever shared the story of how we reenacted one of the scenes from it one Christmas... I'll have to put that on the blog soon (hee hee.)
    I saw in your response to a comment here that abs work just hurts your neck- OH YES. I have the exact same problem. I don't NEED the muscles in my neck to get stronger! I purposely avoid that type of core work- like now I'll do dead bugs or planks, or maybe some machines at the gym. But not crunch-type activities where my head is lifted off the floor- no, no NO!

    1. You're not lame, you just have a life. I love reading blogs, but I don't really have "blog reading time" in my schedule and I feel like I'm always rushed.

      I think a 500 piece puzzle is perfect for a family activity - not too ambitious but still fun. I'm waiting with baited breath to hear about your Christmas Story reenactment.

      Yes, this is where knowing your body pays off. If I did all of those ab exercises, I'd have neck pain AND weak abs. An injury on top of the existing insult.

  13. You're the third person mentioning the puzzle advent calendar and I love that you can finish a 1000 piece puzzle in 48 piece increments... that sounds so satisfying!

    1. It is really satisfying. I love doing puzzles anyway, I love the time with hubs, and I also love the countdown to Christmas.

  14. A tiny cake! Why haven't I ever thought of this? It's a genius option - I never need the WHOLE cake but I do like having 1-2 slices when they're fresh.

    I'm glad my advent post helped you find the perfect advent calendar! I ended up trying to get the bookish calendar but it was backordered and all of the other advent calendars I wanted were sold out. Womp. I need to order my calendar in, like, October next year!

  15. If I were a cake person, tiny cake would be the way to go, for sure. Unfortunately, I am not a cake person, so I shall leave the joys of tiny cakes to those who enjoy them. :)

    That's so cool about the advent calendar! Thanks for sharing.

    Also? I have never seen A Christmas Story. Nor have I seen Elf. I know. What kind of monster am I?

  16. Happy belated to your husband! I love the tiny cake... but why so tiny? (says the lady who ordered the giant cake for her husband)

    I never would have guessed that is what the gasket goes to! LOL

    I hate A Christmas Story from childhood and Steven just asked me if I want to rewatch it. I wonder if I will feel the same way as you!
