Thursday, March 20, 2025

Let's Go Places: Frankfort, Kentucky

Greeting Friends!  This weekend I put another check mark in my "spend at least one night in every state in the next 10 years" and "tour all of the State Capitols" goals.  I planned to do a lot of hiking but ended up touring breweries instead.  This is that story.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Travel Hacking/Bank Bonus Update

In January I wrote a post called My Weird Hobby: A Credit Card/Bank Bonus Earnings Report where I dished the dirt on my baby steps into the world of travel hacking.

The big question that I had before I started looking into travel hacking was: can I do better than a cash back credit card, and if so, HOW?????  

I planned to write an update next year, but since I just scored a big coup, I thought I would drop the deets in real time.  The biggest thing to know about me is that I am someone who is learning about travel hacking by doing travel hacking.  I am learning as I go, so what I am doing may or may not be "the best way".  The second biggest thing to know about me is that I am someone who is susceptible to decision fatigue.  I don't mind taking a bit of time to look up flights and crunch numbers, but I do mind taking a lot of time to do it.  I would rather make a "good enough" decision now than an optimal decision later.  This is the story about how I achieved those goals for a pricey trip that I have coming up.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Weekly Round Up: March!!!


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  Since we last talked:

  • February is finally over!!!
  • I've been in a food slump
  • We had an epic family party
  • I did the Fight for Air Climb
  • I watched more Seinfeld
  • I read a bunch of books

Let's catch up!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Weekly Round Up: Valentine's Report

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  My week started in balmy Florida and ended back home in the frozen Tundra.  Luckily there was good food, something new on the fitness front, and puppy snuggles to get through it.

Friday, February 14, 2025

BOBW: Interesting Money Questions

I listen to approximately one billion podcasts, and for the most part it is a case of "in one ear and out the other".

However,  I recently listened to an episode of The Best of Both Worlds podcast called Interesting Money Questions, which I am still thinking about.  Given that the episode went into an ear and did not go out the other, and that I met one of the show's hosts last week, I decided to play pretend and be a guest on the show.  Here are the questions that they asked and my answers.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Let's Go Places (And Meet People!): Florida


Since we last talked I've completed a slew of firsts for 2025: first trip, first blogger meetup, and first lighthouse visit.  This is the story of how it all came to be.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Weekly Round Up: Mostly Books

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  

The big news item of the week is that winter gave us a few more days of extreme cold and then settled back to normal.  There was a sweet spot where it was warm enough to walk the dog, and cold enough that the snow was very packable.  Hubs and Doggo had great fun with snowballs on our walks.