Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Weekly Round Up 2 of 2: Food n'Stuff


A weekly round up:  eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  Picking it up from part 1, lemme tell you the usual stuff that I talk about in these roundups.


One idle click on Instagram and all of a sudden I came across two killer good recipes.  I've browsed Ambitious Kitchen before but I believe this is the first time I've ever made one of her recipes.

First up: Gochujang chicken bowls.  I don't like to tell people what to do but if you are at all into to Gochujang, I'd recommend making this ASAP.

My changes were: ignoring ingredient #1 on the list of "filtered water" and taking mine straight from the tap.  Change #2 was of course swapping the chicken for 8 oz of soy curls.  I air fried them using my go-to method via The Cheap Lazy Vegan in this recipe.  10/10 will make again.  I don't have the words to tell you how easy and how good this was.

Next up: green chile chicken burritos.  I always like to keep a batch of burritos in the freezer, and I'm always searching for the next Great Burrito recipe.  I can't explain what it was about a chicken and potato burrito that appealed to me, but I decided to go for it.

Changes: skipped cilantro and jalpeno because the grocery store stock wasn't looking good.  Skipped the green chiles because my assumption that I had a can in the pantry was incorrect.  Traded in the chicken for a block of crumbled tofu.  Cooked the potatoes in the air fryer to speed up the cooking process.  I had a few bites plain as shown but then upgraded with a sprinkling of melted cheese, a ton of salsa, and sour cream.  The upgrade was what hit the spot and this is now my go-to freezer burrito until the next one comes along.


Same old same old.  I did the longest hike in my hiking challenge of 7.6 miles.  I wouldn't normally go for a three hour walk, but now that it's done I've got the bragging rights.  There is only one more hike that is over 6 miles and the rest are in the 3-5 mile range.


When you get that perfect NYC rent controlled apartment but your neighbors are a little intrusive...I finally watched Rosemary's Baby.

It was pretty good, and not scary BUT boy did I feel awkward watching it on the plane coming back from vacation.  As I was settling in I told a look around the cabin and took note of what everyone else was watching on their screens.  Then it dawned on me that I was in the aisle seat and everyone could see my screen.  There's nothing overly gory in the movie but there are some sex scenes and boobs and...well that's not what I want to see on other people's screens.  I found myself minimizing the media window anytime something spicy came up.

Meanwhile back home I've started season two of my current favorite quirky Australian show: Upright.  Look, this show didn't need a second season and it's no where near as good as the first season but all the same I don't mind getting to hang out with the characters for a bit longer.


I've been reading a lot in general and then when you add a beach trip on top of that, the result is a mountain of books.

First up: My Brilliant Friend started strong but the further I got into it the less I was able to follow the story.  After a certain point my brain just couldn't string the words together.  Once I got to the "my brain isn't braining" point, I skimmed the rest to get the story.  I think I'm going to class this as a DNF - I mean technically I read it in the sense that I put eyes on each page but for whatever reason I couldn't absorb the material.  I'm still following along with the Cool Blogger's Book Club for a cool discussion.

Next: nothing says beach vacation like the Alphabet series!  I gobbled down D is for Deadbeat and E is for Evidence and enjoyed them thoroughly.  I will say that I'm not really grabbed by the mystery and the whodunit part of these books, it's 100% the experience of hanging out with Kinsey.  I wanna be a 1980's private eye living in a garage apartment.

In between the Alphabet books I hit up another Nevil Shute, which I don't believe that I ever read before, but it wasn't nearly as good as his other books.  Beyond the Black Stump is about a straight laced American engineer who goes out to Australia and befriends a farmer's family.  He starts a relationship with the oldest daughter but troubles begin when she goes home to meet his folks and it turns out that the norms in rural Australia don't line up with the norms of small town 'Murica.  Look I don't know what small town Oregon was like in the 1950's and I suspect that Shute didn't either because that part of the story had a very cardboard cutout kinda feel.  I enjoyed the book up to the point where everyone went back to 'Murica and then it was just like "what's the point?"  It's alright, goodness knows that Shute wrote a mountain of incredible books so I can forgive him for a dud.

And finally, now that I'm home I'm reading a "not a mystery and not a Nevil Shute" book.  Wellness by Nathan Hill has a lot of buzz on it.  All I can tell you so far is that it's about a marriage that isn't doing so well.

Alrighty, that's my story for the past two weeks and I'm sticking to it.  See all y'all next week!



  1. I really struggled with MBF, too. I didn't classify it as a DNF but, like you, my eyes were on every page but I didn't read it intently for the last 1/3. I also had to finish it more quickly than the reading schedule because I was really having a hard time staying engaged reading a bit at a time. That said, I also immediately went and read synopses for the other books because I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.

    I have made many recipes from Ambitious Kitchen and I have never - never! - had a recipe disappoint.

    1. Hey, even if MBF didn't work for us, it's still fun to hang with the CBBC! I read Engie's reviews of all of the books.

  2. Hi, long time reader never commenter but I just wanted to say that I too have loved Nevil Shute since I was a girl, and I’ve been happy to read about your Alphabet journey. I hope you don’t mind me saying so but your writing voice reminds me of Kinsey, only happier!

    1. Tamara, thanks for stopping by! And yay for another lifelong Shute fan! Which books are your favorites?

      I am honored that you think I am Kinsey-esque. I literally did want to create an apartment in our [one car] garage when I was a child. If only I had known then that these books existed back then!

    2. Hi though it feels a little boring, I have to confess that A town like Alice is the one I love the most. I found several of his books in the tiny library of a company town my family lived on an island in Indonesia of all places. The history of the island shared some points with the Malaysian parts of the story and we regularly visited Queensland. I was a young teenager and seeing the world around me written by Shute was just something else.

      Thanks for taking my off the wall comment so gracefully, it was made with nothing but affection. I’m a great fan of Kinsey and the Birchwood Pie Project!

  3. Oooooh yes, Sue Grafton is a stellar pick for vacay reading. I agree with your assessment of the mysteries vs. Kinsey. She is a character for the ages.

    You know I added that gochujang stir fry recipe to my MAKE SOON list so fast.

    1. Good! I know you will love the gochujang. I just had the leftovers for lunch and it just gets better every time.

      I go back and forth between wanting to binge the alphabet vs saving it for vacations. The struggle is real.

  4. I am also struggling with MBF and I voted for it, so I feel obligated to keep slogging. The problem is I really don't care at all about any of the characters, and also, I have to keep looking up characters because I forget who's who. Thank goodness for the list at the beginning of the book.
    Rosemary's Baby! I haven't watched that in decades. I remember so little of it, except for the big black bassinet.
    Lol, filtered water. We have a water filtration system and I'm always telling people that it's okay to take water from the tap - my friends seem to all have Britas or fridge filters!

    1. I voted for MBF as well. I heard enough good things about it that I wanted to read it. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all = this wasn't my book it's still fun to hang out with the CBBC.

      I'm all for filtering water if it's necessary or if it tastes funny, but that's not the case in a lot of places. Once upon a time I worked in an office with funny tasting water and we had a Britta. That thing got so gross...

  5. I have read several of the alphabet books, but it has been a while. Also, despite me being quite organized, for some reason I want to say that I maybe read a couple of them in no particular order! Why I did that, I cannot tell you and I believe it was pre-Goodread so I don't even know which ones they were. I should probably just start at A and work my way through them again (although I think A may be one I did read, as Alabi sounds familiar...)

    I am hoping you are going to do some sort of recap of your hiking thing, as I would love to hear more details!

    1. I don't think the order matters at all. She tells you all of the continuity stuff with each book - "I got shot six months ago", "I started seeing this guy", "let me tell you about my landlord Henry". If I ever find myself on the beach and can't get the next book in the series I'll just move on to the next one.

  6. Wow, Tamara- she's right! You do remind me a little of Kinsey, but I never realized it before! Ha, that's cool.
    So I have to say that I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight, and I thought "let me just check Birchwood Pie today." Bingo! I'll obviously be making the gochujang bowls, but I'm going to use tofu instead of soy curls (because my daughter doesn't like soy curls, sigh.). Yum, i can't wait.
    I can't remember if you ever said, but did you end up liking On the Beach? It's one of the few Nevil Shute books available in print on amazon. I want to make a new list for my "birthday book flood" next month.

    1. That's the best compliment that I've ever received!

      Aw man, it's too bad that Shute is out of print right now. I did like On the Beach, but not as much as his other books. Given that it's about nuclear war, there is a lot of heavy stuff to deal with - but every once in a while I like a heavy book. Maybe I would put it closer to the bottom of your wish list? Does your library have access to other systems through inter library loans? That might be another way to get the good stuff.

  7. Oh, the Alphabet books are all about Kinsey for me. I want to help her figure out the black dress situation, eat Henry's bread, run on the beach and use the reverse lookup in the library. I just love that there are no cell phones and she has to do everything the hard way. I'm definitely do for a reread of that series!

    1. Exactly - I want her life, minus the detective stuff. I want to live in her apartment, hang out on the beach, hang out with Henry, and then go into the office every once in a while to use the typewriter and look up stuff.

  8. You always inspire me with your food! I need to get on a burrito kick...they sound like a great on-hand option!

    1. I'm telling you, if you have burritos in your freezer you never have to wonder what's for dinner.

  9. Your burritos look great!

    I'm sorry you're DNF with MBF, but Engie is such a great book club leader, she makes it fun to come by anyway. I am ALL in with these books. I am reading a physical book, listening to the audio book via Libby, and watching the series (HBO). That seems like overkill, but I think with so many characters, it helps, and the series is SO GOOD. I won Suzanne's Amazon giveaway, and she sent me book 2 in the series, so YAY! Then I went and bought the other two, so I will be fully prepared by the time the final season comes on TV this summer. My quandary - read the book first, or watch the show first? I think I will do both concurrently, but watch each episode before reading the corresponding chapters, because my daughter and I watch together, and I'd like to go in to it without knowing what is going to happen.

    Wow, a 3 hour hike! I don't think my feet would hold up for that. I definitely walked more than 3 hours a day when I was in France a couple of years ago, but it was spread out throughout the day...

    1. That's a tough one on reading first or watching the show first. I think show>book since you're watching it with your daughter so that you can both experience the story at the same time.

      My endurance on the hikes is much more than I thought it would be going in. There's just something fascinating about it and the time goes by quickly. It's something of a short term hobby since the challenge is only about a 100 miles total.

  10. I have got to try the Sue Grafton books one of these days! I’m listening to the audiobook version of MBF, and I’m really enjoying it. The narrator is great, which makes a big difference. I’m swept away by the strangeness of the story!

    1. I heard about the Grafton books a million years ago and am just getting to them now. Now that I know, I know.

  11. Oh, the chicken bowl looks so good. Now I am hungry.

    I am behind on MBF because my library loan lapsed, ugh. I hope to pick it up again, but I know what you mean... it's hard to follow (esp. with all the different side characters. That's where I get lost).

    1. I know exactly what you mean - my brain just couldn't manage it.

  12. I also did not care for MBF, but I voted for it and felt compelled to finish it. I have no desire to read on and I don't understand how it was such a popular series. A friend of a friend said it's her all-time favorite book and I am now giving her some serious side eye. ;)

    I used to subscribe to ambitious kitchen in feedly but found I never made any of her recipes! But that first recipe looks really good so maybe I should give some of her recipes a try!

    1. I feel like I've looked at a million Ambitious Kitchen recipes before and this is these two are the first that "took".

      I had a friend once who I loved to talk about books with. We decided to give each other a few of our all time favorite books to read and...ouch it was a disaster and our tastes were not the same at all. I trudged through a few of her picks and I don't think she made it through any of mine. In the end we gave our books back and never spoke of it again. Tastes in books is so tricky.

  13. Sharing books with friends is a fraught endeavor. A friend and I were "buddy reading" and.. it just fell off. We didn't click while talking about the books - even though we've been friends for *years*. The CBBC is the first group in which I've felt challenged by others' perspectives but also not reluctant to share my own.

    I don't think I've read the alphabet books - any of them. Isn't there an author who did a light mystery numbers series? Maybe? (I might be making this up...)

    1. Sigh. I know that my reading tastes have changed over the years, so it makes sense that reading friends could grow apart.

      I hardly ever get to talk about books IRL so the CBBC is a fun outlet.
