Wednesday, November 2, 2022

NaBloPo: Notes of the Day


Ooh day 2 of 30 of NaBloPo and I am still in it!!!  Here's what's going down in my world:

For all things NaBloPo head over to The Inbetween in Mine.

First off, it was Freakishly Foggy this morning.

I know I said that I wasn't much of a seasonal decorator, but now I'm coming at you with two decorations in two days.  As soon as I put the skeleton candles away, I realized that it was time for the turkey to come out and to keep hub's seasonal basket company.

Now we're on First Christmas Decorations Watch.  In past years we always start seeing them the weekend after Halloween so it's just a question of if anyone has extra time on their hands and puts them up during the week.  Hub's birthday is in late November, so the house rule is that we don't decorate until after his birthday.

Last night we had pasta for dinner.  Over the weekend I made up a batch of Cheap Lazy Vegan gochujang pasta for meal prep, so all that I had to do was heat it up and add meatballs.  Everyone else in the house had pasta with regular marinara sauce ("not weird sauce").  It's taken me a while, but I'm starting to have a variety of meals in my freezer stash again.

Overall I think that Kids These Days have it better than we did in the days when we had to walk to school both ways uphill and in a snowstorm every day, but there is one exception.  Last week stepson #2 got sick and pulled off an unheard of two consecutive days off school.  The first day he spent the entire day in bed WITHOUT ELECTRONICS (by his own choice) and he got a bit better on the second day but still wasn't up to much. 

That led to hubs and me reminiscing about the good old days.  Our parents weren't suckers so unless we were dying and/or were very convincing, we always went to school.  On those rare times that we got out of it, it was awesome!  We had the house to ourselves and no matter how sick we were we always managed to have a blast.  In pre-internet times we didn't have a way to communicate with our teachers outside of school so whatever work we missed was caught up when we got back.

But when it's 2022 and your parents work at home, getting a sick day just isn't what it used to be.  You've got the old folks at home poking their noses into your business AND you have to email your teachers each day to get your assignments.  Those poor, poor kids these days.

That's all for today!  Back again tomorrow with more of the same.




  1. "Not weird sauce"... haha, that made me chuckle. I picked up gochujang (per your suggestion) a few weeks ago and made pasta with it and it was really good. Not weird, but very tasty!

    I don't remember staying home much from school because I was sick either (my parents were both teachers and probably made us go)... but when we did, we always got a bed made up on the couch in the living room and got catered too. It was glorious :)

    1. I kind of remember my mom making up the sofa bed on special occasions. It must have been so that I didn't have to stay in my room all day when I was sick. I thought it was the coolest thing.

  2. Oooh I like your November decor. My across the street neighbors installed their Christmas lights a few weeks ago, but they have yet to light them. Our street (including us) still has Halloween stuff up. Took me a million years to put any decorations out, so it might take even longer to take them down.

    1. I'm a huge fan of waiting forever to take decorations down!

  3. Ha ha... yes, being sick in the old days was pretty fun! We had a portable black and white TV and my mom would move it into my room. I would lie in bed and watch shows like "Love, American Style" and "Match Game." Those were definitely the good old days.
    Pre-Covid, my son would always just go to school when he was sick (unless of course he was so sick, he had a fever and couldn't get out of bed- but that rarely happened.) But if he could, he just went because he said it was easier than trying to make up the work afterwards. I guess that would be severely frowned upon now.
    Congrats on making it to the second day- you're on a roll!

  4. I don't envy kids today, though. With social media and cyberbullying and political tensions and high expectations lobbed at them from all over, it seems to me that we definitely had it better. When I was in high school in the 90s, I didn't worry about school shootings or the bully continuing to bully me once I left school grounds, or being a three-sport athlete just to get a chance to go to college. But the kids these days do seem nicer than we were at that age, so maybe it all balances out!

    1. Yes all of those things are true but they aren't part of the daily lives of any of the kids that I know, so I think being a kid these days isn't really that bad. Except for sick days!

  5. Ha! Yes! I remember on the rare days I stayed home from school (I was obsessed with getting the Perfect Attendance certificate at the end of the year, what even) I would watch game shows like The Price Is Right. What a great game that was. And the one with the Whammies.
    I told the boys that when the pandemic hit, if it was during our teenhood, we wouldn't have been able to communicate with anyone hardly - phone calls only - and would have had to learn everything via a textbook. How strange to think of!

    1. Aw man if we'd had a perfect attendance award I would never have taken a sick day.

      Eek I can't even begin to imagine what they would have done for school back in our day for the pandemic. Zoom was definitely not an option.

  6. Staying home from school when sick was the best. But so rare so I cant really remember that. Which says a lot. While I sometimes think yes everyone stays home with the smallest ailments I also think it may be a good approach to get well rather early instead of carrying it around for weeks and then be really sick.

    1. I agree. It's easy enough now that the hubs and I work at home, but back when I worked in an office staying home was always frowned on.

  7. I rarely if ever got to stay home. You had to be on death's door. Mother = nurse. Father = physician. 'nuff said. ;)
    Love the November decor. And hope stepson #2 (it was #2, right?) is feeling better.

    1. Oh wow! I thought that San had it rough with both parents being teachers but both parents being in the medical field well...the only thing that I can imagine would be tougher is if someone had one parents who was a teacher and the other parents was a doctor or nurse.
