I listen to approximately one billion podcasts, and for the most part it is a case of "in one ear and out the other".
However, I recently listened to an episode of The Best of Both Worlds podcast called Interesting Money Questions, which I am still thinking about. Given that the episode went into an ear and did not go out the other, and that I met one of the show's hosts last week, I decided to play pretend and be a guest on the show. Here are the questions that they asked and my answers.
Are you a spender or a saver, and how about the other members of your family?
I think that the answer to this question depends on the age of the person being asked. At one point in time it would have been accurate to say that all four of us were savers.
Me - through my late 30s I was a saver to a fault. This was good because I have always been cash positive which means that my money has made more money than I ever could. It was bad because in the early years I did it at the expense of having fun and at the expense of spending money at the right time (i.e. I ended up spending more in repairs, etc by putting them off). In recent years I have been on a path of spending money in ways that bring me joy, so I'm on a path of reaping what I sowed. I am never going to do anything crazy, but if I get a yen to travel I can drop everything and do it and we still have food on the table.
Hubs - his philosophy has always been to spend less than he makes, which puts him in a similar financial position without the misery.
Stepson #1 - from what we can see from his forays into the college world and his first job, that boy is a saver. Like any other superpower, he is learning to harness it.
Stepson #2 - it is hard to tell because he is still in high school and his hobbies are all low cost, so he's not dropping the bucks. I predict that he will be more in sync with Hubs's "spend less than he makes" model.
What are your earliest money memories?
My earliest money memory is from when I was very small, and for some reason I thought that it would be great fun to throw a penny in the trash. My mother was incredibly upset. I got the message that money is something that must be safeguarded at all costs and something that had a lot of fear associated with it. Looking back with what I know now, I believe this stems from my parents being babies of Depression era babies, plus some financial constraints that they had at the time. In any case, it is safe to say that I picked up a bit of Bag Lady Syndrome from my childhood, and there are times when I have to take myself aside and remind myself not to operate in a scarcity mindset.
Plan a free weekend
The assignment is to plan an exciting weekend full of low/no-cost activities, and I got this! Laura mentioned using a museum membership pass, and I have one of those so I'll roll with that.
Saturday AM: drive to the Big City and go to the Big City Museum.
Saturday PM: head in the direction of Lake Erie and hang out on one of their beaches.
Saturday night: we're back home, and we have friends over for a home cooked meal (everyone contributes so it's minimal effort/minimal cost).
Sunday: head out to one of our many exciting hiking trails with my SIL and the dogs for a loooong hike. Come back to our house and let the dogs run loose in the yard while we make a family dinner.
What is a smart financial move you have made?
Not to brag, but paying for college is a non issue. Hubs and I both contributed to 529 accounts as we were able for many years. We weren't aiming for a particular dollar amount and we did not strain ourselves to make the contributions. Both boys chose state schools, and both got partial scholarships.* We will certainly have money left over when their undergrads are done, which they can either keep in the 529 for grad school/their kids or eventually convert into Roth IRAs
*in case you're new here #1 is in his second year of college and #2 starts this fall.
What is a financial mistake you have made?
Thanks for asking, I have made many financial mistakes. The biggest one was settling for a low income when I was in my 20s and 30s. Now look, everyone starts with a low income, so that's not the mistake. There are some careers that are low paying but rewarding/important to society, and that is also not the situation that I was in.
What I did that was wrong was to take a low paying job that I hated and that I stayed in without trying to find a new one or seeking my true value to the company. 'Member that scarcity mindset that I have to talk myself away from? I thought that this one employer was the only employer and that I was lucky to have a job. That's the story that I stuck with until the Great Recession when said employer dropped me like a bad habit, which put me into a terrible position in an awful job market. It was only then as I clawed my way back into the workforce that I started making some baby salary negotiation moves. If you look at my job history, I can point to so many instances where I could have pushed for more money and didn't.
If you received a windfall what would you change?
The windfall was defined as being one million dollars, and the assignment was to spend it.
I was shocked that when I really thought about it, I had no problem spending the cash, as long as I gave myself a few years to do it. The telling thing is that the first three things will be done anyway, just on a much lower/slower scale.
- We'd redo our kitchen, put in some fancy landscaping to turn our back yard into an oasis, and take care of a few odds and ends around the house. We'd hire a designer so that all we would have to do is tell them what we want and they would take it from there. While the work was being done, we would go on a local Airbnb spree and get to live in all the nearby towns in a variety of neighborhoods. Because the assignment is to spend one million and I can't see this costing more than $200k and honestly it's probably less, I would allocate $300k of the million to the house, and anything left over would pay off our mortgage.
- Travel with reckless abandon. My current plan is to try one cross country train trip to see if I like it. With bottomless funds, we're stepping it up to take every route that Amtrak and Via Rail have and we're first class/full bedroom. We're going on the Alaska cruise. We're renting an RV and taking the fam and Doggo on a National Parks tour. If Hubs and I are both traveling, then Doggo is staying with a Dog Nanny instead of boarding at the doggy daycare place.
- Speaking of Doggo, I would invest in a dog trainer to deal with her fear of people using only positive reinforcement methods (positive reinforcement means teaching the behavior and encouraging it with rewards as opposed to punishing the dog for doing the unwanted behavior). Dogs have a socialization window when they are puppies, and since Doggo was either a stray or in a shelter during this time, she didn't get the right introduction to us two footers. The cure for this is to give her a lot of positive exposure, which might look something like having a whole line of people knock on our front door and come into the house one by one with dog treats and eventually Doggo would get to the point where she would have enough good people experiences that she would feel fully comfortable around anyone. It's a very time intensive process, and we don't have a line of strangers willing to come to our house and win over our dog, so this is where having a wad of cash to drop on a trainer and a horde of door knocking volunteers would be handy. Long term, I would learn more about dog training and maybe even get certified so that I could pay it forward as a shelter volunteer when I get tired of traveling.
- I would hire a personal trainer and a chef to get the extra 20 pounds that I've been complaining about for years off for good==>the end goal of this is for me to look great and feel great. Presumably I'm not working so I would hang out with the chef and cook with them. Once the weight is gone the trainer and I would work on putting some muscle on and keep going until I can do pull ups.
- We'd get a house cleaner, but only once a month for a deep clean.
- I might roll back some of my cheapies around subscriptions. I'd get more Patreon podcast subscriptions and possibly sign up for Audible permanently instead of just getting it for a few months when there is a deal. But even so, we're looking at $200 a year max, so it's not big bucks.
Notice what is not on the list:
- We wouldn't move
- We wouldn't get new cars
- Nothing specific for the boys. We've already taken care of college, and in our house a high school diploma gets you $3,000 to set up a brokerage account. We might drop some dollars here and there to help get them started, but it would be minimal since we're launching them into the world with no debt and the skills to make their own money.
What are five frugal things that you have done recently?
This question is a tribute to The Frugal Girl's Five Frugal Things series.
1. A few months ago I switched from Google Fi to Mint Mobile. My cell bill in a normal month when I was using minimal data used to be around $30, but with travel I was using more data and all too often I found myself with a $40 to $80 cell bill. Mint Mobile is $15 a month for 5 GB of data which is more than I ever use, and if you go to Canada they give you 3 GB of data per month to use there, so I'm covered anywhere that I'm likely to be. The switchover process was easy, and the service is as good or better than Google Fi. The only downside is that you have to prepay to get the $15 per month rate (first you pay for three months and then you have to pay for a year...but it's really not that much of a risk to drop $180 for the year and to be done).
2. My handy dandy museum pass got Stephany and me into the Dali museum for free. Admission for two people would have been $64 and instead it was $0.
3. I used my annual $50 Chase Sapphire hotel credit to pay for most of a cheapie hotel room for my last night in Florida, and I saved money on my car rental by booking it through the Costco travel portal and using the hotel shuttle so that I only had a car for 6 of the 7 days that I was there (only for the portion of the trip that I needed one).
4. When I was traveling last week I ate at least three meals from my snack stash instead of buying food. I could have had dinner on Monday at the airport, I could have stopped on the way to St. Pete's for lunch on Friday, and I coulda had another airport dinner coming back the next Monday night. The issue is that buying fast food would not have been "better" - the airport meals would have been crap and would not have made me feel good, and it would have made a long day even longer to stop on Friday.
5. Tonight for Valentine's Day we are raiding the pantry for a romantic dinner. Not so much to save money as to avoid leaving the house because it's as cold as balls right now. Our menu is Recipe Rebel's Creamy Italian Sausage Pasta and Two Peas and Their Pod Flourless Chocolate Cake. We could have made everything without leaving the house, but Hubs and I decided to splurge and make a grocery store trip for fresh spinach instead of using frozen. We are adjusting to the lifestyle to which we would like to become accustomed!
That's my hot take on the interesting money questions! How would you answer - do it here or better yet write your own post and drop me the link. What's on your menu for Valentine's Day?
Oh, this is fantastic, Birchie! I loved reading this interview.
ReplyDeleteThe questions are so thought-provoking, and you tackled them with your usual mix of wisdom and humour. The "Bag Lady Syndrome" insight really struck a chord with me. Funny enough, I grew up in a very spendypants family, yet I still have that scarcity mindset—I have no idea where it comes from. I really admire how you've found a balance between mindful spending and enjoying life. I'm still figuring that part out. Case in point: we could easily afford to fly business class, but I flat-out refuse because I just can’t justify the cost. Fancy seats? Nope.
Great job all around! Wishing you all the best on your FIRE journey! 🚀
That is interesting that you have the scarcity mindset. Maybe you saw the downside of your family's spending? Whatever the reason, you know you're with friends. It's something that we both have to watch out for, but we do a pretty good job of handling it.
DeleteI get no pleasure from spending when there is no value in it for me. I will try a first class flight sometime for a long flight, but most of my flying is very short. If it's a two hour plane ride who cares? I gave myself an Audible subscription to help spend my million because I get value out of books, but I would continue to just get Netflix for one month only about twice a year. The subscription price is too greedy, and even though I can afford it, I don't feel good about spending the money.
I am generally a saver, and I think the best financial thing we did was pay off our mortgage in 2004. I don't know if that could be done now, given high housing costs, but I think it was a great move back then.
ReplyDeleteIf we had a million dollar windfall, I don't think anything would fundamentally change for me. I wouldn't get a new car or house or anything. We already go on nice trips, but maybe we'd go on a nicer one? My husband is already retired. We have the garden I always wanted. Maybe a good charitable contribution? I guess what I'm saying is I'm happy with my life the way it is.
I don't care what anyone says, a paid off mortgage is sexxxxy. I paid off my single gal mortgage and we could debate all day long whether that was the best thing to do, but it's a fact that I slept very well at night during those years.
DeleteI sadly agree that it does not make sense to pay off our current mortgage because the rate is so cheap and by keeping the money we are earning more money than the monthly payment, so basically we live in our house for free. But still.
Life is good! I think that if you had the million you would spend more on travel, Rex would have posher boarding, and your garden would be off the charts.
I am a saver, who spends . . . sometimes? Ha. I like to save and I like to shop, and the way I balance that out is buying things on sale (specifically clothes). The most frugal thing I did recently was to bring my dinner to eat before attending a fundraiser. This was in part that it didn't look like it would be easy to find GF food at the event. Coach could've eaten at the event, but we had some food at his folks' house, where we stopped on our way to the event. If I received a windfall, I think I would travel more and I would also hire someone to clean my house prob every month. That's a tough one though, because I don't like paying someone to do something I can do myself.
ReplyDeleteYes! I feel you on the house cleaning. It is something that I can do myself, and I don't hate it since it gives me a chance to listen to podcasts. It's just stressful to fit it in with everything else, and I feel like I never get around to the deep cleaning stuff. That's why when I was spending my fictional million dollars I got us a cleaner once a month - I still get to clean, but with their deeper work I spend less time doing it and get to have a cleaner house.
DeleteThis was fun to read through! I think that the world is an easier place for extroverts, generally speaking, and I think life is generally easier or less prone to great missiles if you are more prone to saving than spending. And I honestly don’t know if being a saver can be taught, but I hope it can be! So far it seems as though Paul is definitely a saver. It’s too soon to know with taco since he’s only four.
ReplyDeleteI definitely settled for less money than I deserve, including up until recently. I work in a well compensated industry so sometimes I can feel very extra to ask for more, but knowing what my previous colleague made has been a good benchmark because even with my raise, I’m still probably $30,000 below that number.
If we came into $1 million, I don’t know that we would honestly do anything. It’ll be really hard to get my husband to spend it because he is an extreme extreme saver. And we’re not really in a stage of life where it’s enjoyable to travel since our kids are so young, nor can either of us really take a good amount of time off of work without really suffering the consequences. So I would just invest it and probably feel even more secure about my plan to retire in my early 50s.
My parents are definitely Savers, but they have been more apt to spend money in the last decade or so. We have told them to spend it and not worry about leaving anything for us for an inheritance because all of us kids are financially independent and have done well. They have this funny story about how they went out to dinner on their five year anniversary at a restaurant and They only had $10 To spend. This would’ve been in 1974. My dad looked at the menu and was like well I’ll we can afford Is this stew if we both eat so how about you just eat and I won’t. He was a bit huffy about it so it’s not like the super charming endearing story lol. But they did not have a credit card at that point so we’re 100% cash based. I mean my mom probably wasn’t even legally allowed to have her own credit card at that time!! Anyways, they ended up both getting the stew and still had a nice meal out. But they’ve told the story to explain that you have to live within your means even if that means eating a boring stew on your anniversary.
My parents have a lot of fun stories about their broke years. If there was one thing that I could change about them, it would be for them to spend a little more. After many years, we are finally to the point where they have refurb iphones and a laptop that Hubs got from his work, and that is the result of a lot of pulling of teeth to tell them that it's Ok if they get a nicer iphone that my old iphone 6 that I gave them in 2019 and yes they're allowed to have the nice computer that we got for $200. There is no reason why they shouldn't have brand spanking new iphones and a nice laptop for each of them.
DeleteIt's true that with young kids travel is...minimally enjoyable at best. We will rewrite the rules so that your bonus million drops into your lap when you're ready to retire, which will line up with them being old enough for both you and them to enjoy a variety of activities. Remember you're not allowed to save the million, the assignment is to spend it!
I have to believe that your boys will do well with money. Maybe there will be a rebellious streak or two, such as when I moved out and discovered the joys of running the heat and AC whenever I wanted instead of just when it got too uncomfortable.
Well I kind of want to cheat and use the $1mm to buy bonds that mature in 10 years to fund my retirement. LOL. But if I had to spend the money, I'd take care of all of the maintenance problems we keep putting off, like fixing the retaining wall and replacing the fence. Those projects do nothing for the resale value of our home. I would also use the money to have our cabinets painted white. We have 2-toned cabinets with cream colored lower cabinets and brown uppers. The house was remodeled in 2008 and I can't see how that as in fashion them???? It's not awful but it's not great either. I'd also see if we could add on a den or something to our main level. But honestly all of thes projects would really add up so the better choice would maybe be to move... But I love our block... but Phil hates living on a hill.... but I love our block...
DeleteThis was so fun to read, Birchie! I don't know if I'm a saver, but I don't have expensive tastes. I love living in a modest house, I don't want fancy jewelry or clothes or cars. I honestly don't enjoy eating out or going to a bar. But I don't hold back on groceries or necessities. My downfall is art and sewing supplies - so I'm having a no spending year on those. Maybe.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest money memory is from when I was 6. The kids in our neighborhood had set off some disappointing firecrackers on the 4th of July. My mom said, "Well, we would've had more fun if we'd taken the money we spent on firecrackers, set it on fire, and danced around it!"
Those words stuck with me for all these years.
I think that it would be very hard to spend the full million on art and sewing supplies, but it would be fun to watch you try! And we'd get some great art out of it.
DeleteI love that pretty much everyone (including you) in the comments is saying that they are pretty happy where they are right now and would not splurge if given a million dollars. Of course, you know me, my answer is pretty much the same. I would probably buy myself a new merino wool sweatshirt and then go about my day! I may try to get my Mom on a cross country train or an Alaskan cruise (she does not love traveling) and I may spend a few hundred extra dollars here and there but I am pretty happy with my life right now!
ReplyDeleteLet me help you spend that million! Yes to the new sweatshirt, and then we're increasing your transportation budget so that you're not sweating whether your carry on meets Ryan Air's weight limit. You can keep your free house sits because I think you enjoy those, but for your paid lodging nights we're going to get a little posher. Heck, we might buy you a few houses and condos around the globe with house managers to look after them so that you have a few home bases. It's still going to take quite a while to spend the bucks, but we can get there.
DeleteYes. Bag Lady Syndrome. I have a touch of this and big purchases make me anxious.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest money mistake has been to be overly conservative in investing. I would feel most comfortable with all my savings tucked under my mattress, but I recognize that is NOT SMART. Nonetheless, it's difficult for me to take any sort of risk.
This was fascinating to read, and I think you two are teaching those kiddos valuable, lifelong lessons about money!
If it helps, I invest somewhat aggressively but I also have a big ol' cash stash in a bank account. No financial advisor would recommend keeping that much in cash, but I know that I have a few years of money that I can get my hands on whenever I want it. And also it's true that interest rates have gone down a bit but they're still pretty solid, so I'm satisfied with the lesser earnings.
DeleteWe just paid for #2's first semester of college today, and it was fun to sit down and show him how much of the money was what we put in and how much was the earnings. Let's see what those boys do from here!
I loved this! And I'm bookmarking it to do on my blog, although our answers are going to be very, very different - ha. It was AMAZING to get into the Dali for free; that can be a more expensive museum so woohoo for saving money on that! I am not a saver but I really wish I was. I think it comes from growing up very poor and now that I have the ability to buy what I want, I tend to do so more than I should.
ReplyDeleteDifferent answers mean an interesting post, so I can't wait to read it. It's really important to acknowledge that everyone has different backgrounds and money experiences, and that everyone does the best that they can with the resources that they have. OF COURSE THAT LOOKS DIFFERENT. I would recommend to anyone to do what they can to spend less than they earn, but I would never want anyone to do it the way that I did it in my early 20s when I had no life. Unless someone is starving, they SHOULD spend money on things that they want.
DeleteI listened to that episode too- very fun. So for the one million dollar windfall question, you have to spend the money? (I think Lisa cheated with her answer!) Definitely fix up the house, buy my son a new car, help pay for his grad school so he could go wherever he wants and not have to worry about money. Go on a big trip to the National Parks in the US. This is fun! I'm pretty sure I could spend it all with no problem.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up, we lived in a modest house (my parents were both teachers) surrounded by a wealthy community. Whenever other people's money came up, my parents would make some disparaging comment like "yes, but they probably never read a book" or listen to classical music, or go to a museum, etc. I think they were probably trying to give us the idea that those things are more important than being rich, but what it actually did was instill the idea that you either make a lot of money, OR care about culture and the arts. Hey guess what, those things aren't mutually exclusive. But, parents- they did the best they could (I'm sure my kids will have plenty to say about the way we did things!)
Hey, not everyone has the ability to spend a million dollars like you and I do! Lisa just needs a bit more time to think about it. I like everything on your list, but I just want to tweak it to include a pro-athlete lifestyle for you. You'd have a trainer and sports rehab folks, and you'd travel and do all of the cool races.
DeleteI definitely heard "they probably never read a book" when I was growing up! I think the right takeaway is that we can all live a bit of our dreams, regardless of our budget.
Oh, this is interesting. I'm not frugal, I'm downright cheap. I hate spending money - yet do so because I have to. Sigh. I hate what I have to spend money on, too - no further details, sorry, but it's frustrating to have so much of my money go where I don't want it to go. :P
ReplyDeleteThat said, I have significantly increased my savings in recent years and, when bills allow again, will continue that. I view "raises" as "oh, look, more money for savings!" No need to adjust my habits. :)
$1 million? No idea how I would spend it. None.
OK, I'm going to step in like I did for Kyria and help you spend your million. I think I've heard you complain about your neighbors, so we're getting rid of your apartment and buying you a house and services to take care of any chores that you don't want to do. We're also getting you a dog and a dog sitter for when you're at work or traveling. I know that you love your job, so we'll let you keep it, but we're hiring at least two assistants to do all of the time consuming stuff so that you have work/life balance. Now you have breathing room to relax and catch up on all the things that you've been meaning to do. We're going to give you a long weekend trip every month to go somewhere that you've always wanted to go and/or to visit a Cool Blogger. How does that sound?
DeleteAll of these savers! I am a spender. We grew up without money, and we never had the things our friends had, and I remember my mom waiting to hear whether she was approved for a new credit card to find out if we were going to have anything for Christmas. And I remember my mom spending the money my grandparents gave us for Christmas to buy food. (Not the same Christmas) So when I was a young adult, I had really bad money habits. I wanted to save, but I wanted to spend more. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I do put money away every month in savings and my retirement account, but I could EASILY spend $1 million. I would buy a small house, but something bigger than what I have right now. There, done. Housing here is stupidly expensive, and I might still have a mortgage if I put the whole amount down. I guess not if I also sold our townhome and used that money.
If I didn't buy a house, I would fix up my house, buy new cars (since ours are so old) and take a vacation to Europe. I would send my husband and his friend to Japan (bucket list thing for them). The rest would go into savings.
I had no problem spending the million either!