A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads. My week started in balmy Florida and ended back home in the frozen Tundra. Luckily there was good food, something new on the fitness front, and puppy snuggles to get through it.
We have a lot to talk about!
First let's talk about my go-to "fend for yourself" dinner. Right now a bowl of roasted potatoes, roasted broccoli, and chicken sausage is where it's at. The key to make this work is always to have roasted potatoes in the freezer, and then it's just 20 minutes to roast frozen broccoli in the air fryer and throw the chicken sausage in at the end. Bonus points if I have pickled onions on hand.
Also bonus points if I have a yummy sauce to put on it. I'd gotten this sauce from TJs a good long while ago and it just happened to jump out of the pantry at me.
For Valentine's Day, the weather was dreadful, so we didn't want to go out and we also didn't want to grill, which ruled out a romantic steak dinner. I raided the pantry and freezer for our perennial favorite of Recipe Rebel's Creamy Italian Sausage Pasta. After coming up with the plan, Hubs gave me the romantic gift of making a grocery store run to get fresh spinach instead of using frozen. This was also the first time that I made it with roasted red peppers as called for in the recipe - the first time I skipped them b/c we didn't have them, the second time I got confused and used sundried tomatoes. All of these are valid choices, but the roasted red peppers are best. My final reminder is that IMO there is a typo in the recipe where it says "two and a half cups of broth" - I use two cups of broth and half a cup of white wine.
For dessert I made a flourless chocolate cake. I have a few quibbles with the recipe but not with the end product. It was delicious. My quibbles are that I think it would be easier to add the sugar and cocoa powder at the same time instead of separately, the case lost its shape when I took it out of the pan, the ganache needed more time to set, and it was messy to just pour the ganache over the cake. Next time I think I would put it back in the pan after cooling so that the edges of the pan could corral the ganache. Stay tuned.
But wait there's more! Last night I found another yummy looking Recipe Rebel dish that I was able to make without leaving the house. Seriously it's cold and not fun to run errands right now. May I present cheesy ground beef and potatoes?
My alterations were to air fry the potatoes for about 10 minutes while I prepped the rest of the ingredients so that I had better control over them being fully cooked, to use the last of a very old bag of Trader Joe's fire roasted peppers from the freezer in place of making a trip to the store to get a green pepper, and no garnish of parsley or green onions for the same reason.This was a 10/10 on all fronts: easy to make but looks like I put effort into it/no grocery store trip/flavor profile that hit with all members of the family.
Sigh, there is no such thing as a free trip to Florida. I came home with light bout of sniffles and fatigue, and skipped my weekday workouts in favor of getting extra rest.
By the weekend I was ready to get back at it, so I got my normal treadmill fare.
So how about some hiking? Nope, because the weather has other ideas. We've had snow on the ground for a while, and enough thaw and refreeze action to put down a solid layer of ice. Several of the trailheads closed over the weekend for safety reasons, and I think it may take a few more weeks for everything to clear up.
Luckily I have a side quest to occupy me. For as long as I have been following Kim, she has participated in the American Lung Association's Fight For Air Climb. The deal is that they pick really tall buildings in big cities throughout the country and folks sign up to climb to the top. For the past few years I've been making some noise about how it sounds like a cool event, and this is my year to put my money where my mouth is. My local Big City climb of 50 flights is in March.
The questions I have are:
1. Do I even need to train? I mean, I'm active and I get a lot of incline from the treadmill and hiking. A few months ago I got up and down the 800 stairs on the Kaymoor Miners Trail just fine. It's not like I'm going for a speed record, and I know I can walk up 50 flights of stairs.
2. But if I were to do some training what would that look like? Kim trains by climbing up and down her stairs, and even after reading that she has a nice little 100 flight routine, I was doubtful that a mere flight of house stairs would do anything to prepare me for the big day. Also I can't be tramping up and down the stairs during my normal workout time because I'd wake the fam.
Well, the way to answer that question was for me to get off my butt and try it. I climbed up and down the basement stairs for 10 rounds and why hello, it does make an impression! I repeated this exercise five times throughout the day yesterday. The downside is that Doggo is not entirely happy about my new past time, but the rest is upside: it's an easy way to shake up my fitness routine and it's not too time consuming. I plan to repeat the climbs every other day until the event, and honestly it wouldn't hurt me to keep it up after that. I'm also throwing it out there as an FYI to folks who are home bound due to weather and don't have treadmills, and also to us folks who do have treadmills but are looking for a quick way to spice up our fitness.
I had a follow up item from my visit to the Dali Museum last week. I like Hitchcock movies, and I like Dali, so I had to revisit their pairing in the 1945 movie Spellbound. Dali's part was to provide the images for a dream sequence.
I can visualize some of the Hitchcocks scene by scene, and the ones where I can't are either (1) OK fine I haven't seen every single movie just most of them, (2) no one remembers 50 movies by heart, but the most common reason is (3) that [gasp] it wasn't that good of a movie.
I report you decide: I had seen Spellbound before. It has its moments, but it's not a "drop everything and watch it now" kinda deal. Ingrid Bergman is a psychiatrist, and Gregory Peck is the incoming head of the institution where she works. He's easy on the eyes, but everyone remarks that huh he's a lot younger than they were expecting, he doesn't seem to know what the book that he wrote is about, and he gets terribly upset anytime he see black lines on a white surface. Luckily the new science of psychoanalysis is around to get to the bottom of this before the police do. If you've got an extra four minutes and want to know more, here is a good summary/visual:
And of course we continue to make inroads into season 6 of Seinfeld.
Let me catch you up!
- The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery for CBBC. I am very strict about only reading each week's assigned chapters and let me tell you how happy I am that it's Monday so I have another week of reading to do.
- As predicted, I finished The House of My Mother by Shari Franke while driving around Florida last week. This book belongs to the genre of When Bad Things Happen to Good Writers. Shari's mom was an OG mommy blogger later turned YouTube vlogger who had a massive following. But then one day her brother mentioned in passing in one of the videos that he had not slept in a bed for seven months as a punishment and well, people started poking their noses into the family business. Eventually the police raided the house and rescued the kids and sent mommy to jail. The thing that really stands out about this book is that the author could have just done a cash grab and written a tell all. But she doesn't do that: she focuses on the issues of parents sharing their children online and social media gone wrong. There is a lot of food for thought here, and if you'd like to get more of a feel for the book without reading it, there's an episode of the Glamorous Trash podcast for that - or if you'd like to do what I did which is to listen to the book and then be delighted to learn that one of my favorite podcasts did an episode on it and listen to the podcast right after, that works too.
- Next up: the book that everyone is talking about right now: Annie Bot by Sierra Greer. We're in a world where robots have joined society as nannies, housekeepers, and well, as girlfriends. Annie is a bot, but her AI learning is so advanced that she's become sentient, and is starting to catch on to the downfalls of a human/robot romantic relationship. This book is wonderfully disturbing.
The final thing that I have to say about all of this is that I think that either The House of My Mother or Annie Bot would make a good pairing with A Well Trained Wife. And by "good pairing" I mean that these are three excellently written books that will give you nightmares.
- House doesn't discuss the details of the abuse, choosing instead to let the listener realize that there is a horrible blank that they cannot fill in. Wife takes the path of giving you Every.Single.Detail of the abuse until the reader reaches the dissociative state that the author had to live with to get through the day. I think that in both cases the authors made the right choice: having the blank makes the child abuse all the more horrible, and IMO spousal abuse is often not recognized (for example when the author left her marriage her lawyer gave her a pamphlet on abuse and even though physical violence was a constant she didn't believe she was abused because her husband had never hit her in the face), so it is more appropriate to go into every last detail.
- Annie's programming is eerily similar to the "Well Trained Wife" protocol.
Enough chit chat, I came here for dog content
We aim to please!
First, let's talk about The Sploot. That would be where ya get on your belly and stick your legs out behind you. Doggo is a champion splooter. In business there is the saying "always be selling" and Doggo's version of that is "always be splooting".
Second, I would like to share our current favorite YouTube dog channel, Cleo Long Legs. Because let me tell you that you need to know how to grow your snoot:
Happy snoot growing! See ya later.
I work on the fourth floor, but because of the building's layout I have to walk either five or two flights of stairs to get to my floor. That is a difference that makes a difference, I assure you. I am always out of breath when I have to do five flights and it makes me start to think I'm in terrible shape. BUT! I have justified it that it actually means I'm in GOOD SHAPE because as soon as I start putting in any effort, my body automatically kicks in to "workout mode" and wants to go. I don't know what the actual science it, but that's how I make things work in my mind.
ReplyDeleteDoggo's FAAAAACE. So serious. So cute. I want to give her all the kisses and smoosh her little face.
The Fight for Air Climb in Milwaukee is coming up and it sounds like you're in perfect shape for it!
DeleteDoggo is on a mission to kiss the world, so she would take your kisses and then kiss you back.
I love seeing Doggo all stretched out like that!!
ReplyDeleteI have the mommy blogging book on my TBR list after Sophie referenced it! I am glad it worked for you, too. Domestic abuse is heavy on my mind since we just finished the new Netflix doc about OJ Simpson. I didn't think there was anything left to say about that case and yet we were sucked in. Last night we started watching "Industry" on Max (my employee let us use his account since there is no way we would pay for it). I am not sure if it's the right show for us. It's about the finance industry but it's a bit explicit and the interns are so young and, well, dumb. We might give it another ep and then decide if it's worth our time.
I'm reading "How Does That Make You Feel Magda Eklund". I have NO IDEA howi it ended up on my hold list. It's about a 70yo protagonist who takes a road trip with her best friend's ashes so it def has a thimbleful of weirdness as Anne Bogel would say. I like it but I am so annoyed by the repeated references to smoking. We get it. You like to smoke. I loathe smoking so dang much and currently have an uncle entering palliative care for stage 4 lung cancer so I'm extra pizzy about smoking.
I watched the first episode of Industry and couldn't bring myself to watch the second. It was just too much like work - the 24/7 part, not the sex part. I'll probably get Max once the new season of The Last of Us comes out so that I can see that and the new season of White Lotus and also check out The Pitt, which I'm hearing lots of good stuff about.
DeleteI'm embarrassed to admit this, but I saw a good bit of the OJ trial live since I was in college at the time and had extra time on my hands. I've seen a few documentaries, read books, and saw the fictional TV show a few years ago. I'd like to say that I'm not interested, but it's something that I can't look away from.
Hoo boy, it's been a long time since I've encountered "I'm a rebel so I smoke" in a book.
I just listened to that GT episode! Wow, how sad. It's so strange to think how monetizing your family was such a thing back in the day.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say it, but it's still a thing now...Youtube, IG, etc, etc.
DeleteA few years ago I used to purposefully run up and down the stairs every few hours to get my heart rate up. As it is, I definitely go up and down about a dozen times a day and I love that I get a bit of cardio in without trying (I usually run up the stairs). Our office, family room (and only TV), laundry, and storage room at all in the basement so I have reason to make frequent trips!
ReplyDeleteThough I know I'd be complaining about 50 flights! Wowzers, that's a lot.
Stairs are legit! 50 flights at one time are going to be a lot more than the effort of my 5x10 up and down flights that I'm doing right now.
DeleteOkay, when I first read "50 flights of stairs" I thought, easy peasy! But then again, I sometimes feel winded if I walk the two flights of stairs from the basement to the top floor, so... maybe I should be doing that more often!
ReplyDeleteLove "always be splooting." Adorable.
Your flourless chocolate cake looks like it has a much better texture than the ones we made. I think we overcooked ours because they had an almost dry texture. Still tasty, don't get me wrong. But I've had better.
Exactly - at first it's "eh how hard can it be" and then the closer the event gets it's more like "um what have I gotten myself into?"
DeleteI feel like there is a secret flourless cake technique and I am going to keep making cake until I figure it out.
Smart move on making dinner at home for Valentine's Day. We did that, too, but spent a bit on ingredients. Oh well, we avoided crowds and probably still saved some money.
ReplyDeleteThat cheesy ground beef and potatoes looks excellent! My husband really likes this Instant Pot dish that I had forgotten about until I saw your photo: https://www.365daysofcrockpot.com/instant-pot-beef-and-cheddar-ranch-potatoes/. Maybe I need to make it again next time we have the ingredients.
Overall, it definitely sounds like you knocked it out of the park with cooking!
Way to go on using your stairs at home for workouts, too. You are knocking it out of the park on being resourceful overall, I'd say!
Enjoy your week!
Not to worry, we spent on the ingredients as well, but it just so happens that we'd already done it and were pulling things out of the freezer and pantry.
DeleteCheddar ranch potatoes sounds like something that would work for every member of the house, so I"m taking notes!
Every one of your dishes looks amazing! 50 flights of stairs sounds like a lot to me! But what a great challenge and you support a charity as well! Awwww, that sploot is the very best thing! Good job, Doggo!
ReplyDeleteHee hee we all have our strange things that we do for fun, and for some reason I decided that 50 flights of stairs was it.
DeleteYou signed up for the Fight for Air Climb! YES! Well done!
ReplyDeleteStairs are no joke, especially after the first few flights. Kim’s routine is a fantastic way to prepare, and your training spot looks ideal!
I call my parents every day—not just to catch up but also to make sure they’ve done their daily walk. If they haven't, I give them a little nudge to tackle the stairs in their building. It’s the perfect solution: no freezing temperatures, comfy slippers allowed, and a quick cardio boost. So efficient!
Well, I can't let Kim have all the fun, gotta check it out for myself!
DeleteI wish I had stairs in my house! I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing the stairmaster at the gym this week- it's definitely a workout.
ReplyDeleteJalapeno sauce from Trader Joe's??? I must have some! Think of the boring dinners I could be passing off as "palatable." I might have to make a trip there on Wednesday.
Sorry to hear you returned from Florida with a cold! It seems like everyone who travels returns home sick. I told my son to wear a mask on his recent flight but he didn't want to (and I don't blame him.)
Doggo!!! The sploot! I love it.
My tiny bout of the sniffles was well worth the trip! I hope they still have the jalapeno sauce. I bought it a long time ago and just found it in the back of the pantry.
DeleteYay for the 50 flights climb! It’s always so cool to read about how Kim trains and the experience on the day. With all your hiking, I’d imagine you’re going to have a good day on the day!
ReplyDeleteOh the sploot! Our Bella does that and we all lose our minds and she immediately moves because honestly, our audacity. Bella also sits up with her legs to the side (like a lady) which is such a fun pose as she looks at us with her tongue hanging over her underbite haha.
Kim is so creative in her fitness. It's fun to watch.
I am glad you are training for the stair climb! I've heard they are pretty intense and it sounds like you are doing what you need to get ready. Sorry, Doggo ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing sploot! 100/10!
I'm pretty excited for the climb! When we got Doggo she didn't know how to climb stairs and it was quite a process to get her to go the 2nd floor of our house. She's never tried to go on our basement stairs and after seeing me run up and down like a maniac, she probably never will.
DeleteBirchie, I don't know what compelled me to look up stair climbs around me but there's one in Tampa on April 5th and I signed up???? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? (Can I blame you even though you didn't even HINT that anyone else should do this?)
ReplyDeleteCheesy ground beef and potatoes couldn't be a MORE ME meal if it tried. I am bookmarking that recipe to make next week.
I want ALLLL of your thoughts about Annie Bot!
YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!! I understand all too well what happened to you - Kim never said anyone else should do the climb either but I have a FOMO build up from all the years that I've read about her climbs. I think it would be fun to do the climbs in other cities, so I'm kind of keeping an eye out in case my travel ever lines up with a climb.
DeleteI feel like 50 flights of stairs up is going to be a lot different than going up and down the stairs in your house 50 times, because of the bit of a break that the down gives you. I will not be signing up for this. However, after the stairs you took on that hike, I feel like you are totally ready for it and will do great. And I think I will work on adding some up and down stairs to my day at home. I mean, I go up and down the stairs many many times a day, since I work at home, but I could put in a mini workout in the middle of my day, where I go up and down 5x, then 10x. That might be good.
ReplyDeleteOh Doggo, you're so damn adorable. Your Sploot form is perfect, you look like you're flying.
I am glad you're enjoying Annie Bot! I was just talking to my husband about that book maybe 10 minutes ago, I liked it a lot.
I think you're right that my house stair climbs will not be anything like the 50 flights at once climb, but I know that's how Kim trains and it's better than nothing. Whatever else happens I will get to the top! And I really like the "stair surges" that I'm doing.
DeleteI actually borrowed that Annie Bot book back in November (?) because Julie really liked it too and then I did not get around to reading it! I guess I need to put it back in my queue. To be honest, my reading has been meh lately, as has my blogging and blog commenting (as you can see). I feel like I have not quite gotten into my productivity (or lack thereof) mode. When I worked or even cycled, I had something that took up much of the day and then I fit the other things around that, and now I have all the time in the world and I am less productive, even with reading! WTF. I need to get in gear. On the flip side, I had a great time visiting a friend last week and of course social hour trumps everything, so I am okay with that.
ReplyDeleteYou're allowed to be less productive! You are not required to send Elon a list of 5 things that you did last week for pete's sake. Read when ya wanna read!!!
DeleteMy apologies for being so lax in getting to your blog (I’m looking at you, New Job That Has Jacked My Life). Anyways, I’m so excited to have a “recruit” in the world of stair climbing ;-) It’s kind of a tough sell, but has mucho rewards! Good luck with your training! My dog gets really confused watching me, and tries to follow me up & down because he must think I’m changing rooms (thus needs to be by my side, LOL).
ReplyDeleteNo apologies needed! Did you see that Stephany signed up as well? So look what you started!!!
DeleteI'm lucky that Doggo wants nothing to do with our basement stairs, because if she wanted to run beside me that would get hazardous in a hurry! She just watches from the top with a look of concern.
Oh, i wish I were in a place where the stair climb would be possible - not geographically, but me-wise. Sigh. Maybe next year.
ReplyDeleteI am here for all the Doggo photos. All of them. Nicole has the Rex feed, you need the Doggo feed. Just sayin'. ;)
Here's to next year!
DeleteI see what you mean. There are 10 photos in this post and only four of them are of Doggo. I need to do better.
All that food looks so good!! I had Valentines dinner at home too -- but that was because my husband was out of town and I was home with the kids. We did get takeout though!
ReplyDeleteBeing home alone with young kids is a great reason to get takeout!