Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Pumpkin Eater


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  In this week's edition I have an incredible pumpkin pasta recipe to share, I've been hitting the books, and I'm sure there will be a few dog stories as well.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Let's Go (Back to) Places (and Meet People!): Buffalo, New York


I had a good time last weekend.

In March of 2023 I had the pleasure of spending a weekend in Buffalo, NY, and it was on my list of places that I wouldn't mind going back to.  My interest was renewed last month when Wayward went there.

In the meantime, I've been chatting with Kyria, who is currently biking her little heart out all around the US and Canada.  She was in Ontario, and suggested a meetup somewhere in the vicinity of Ottawa, Toronto, or Buffalo.  Getting to Ottawa or Toronto would have been tough with my work schedule, but Buffalo is just three hours away.  However, I didn't want to drive three hours to say hi and drive back...I wanted to stay a few days to make the drive worth while and see more of Buffalo.  That's how the blogger meetup went from being a few hours to a mini vacation for both of us.  Good times were had, incredible food was eaten, and postcards were sent.