Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Classic Round Up Edition


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  For the first time in a long time I have an old school traditional round up!!! I've got a new way to prep tofu, surprising fitness news, the latest in hot couples TV shows, and a 😻😻😻 book that's making me very happy.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Christmas in July

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads plus puppy and werk talk.  Let's start with a dose of cute.  The reason why Doggo is tearing into Santa Claus in July is that the pet store had Christmas toys on sale for a steal.  She already "opened" the present, but Santa is holding strong.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let's Catch Up: Books


Sigh, vacation is over and it's time to return to our normally scheduled blog content.  Let's ease our way in with a cheesecake-ish pic of Doggo and talk about books!  Soooooo many books.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Let's Go Places: MegaVacay Wrap Up


Oh friends, we've had such a wonderful vacation but all good things must come to an end.  It's now Sunday, and we're going home on Monday.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Let's Go Places: Spring Green, Wisconsin

It's now Friday and exactly one week into MegaVacay 2024.  Our travels are now taking us about an hour west of Madison to the small town of Spring Green.  How small?  Population 1,500.

What's in Spring Green you ask?  If you said Frank Lloyd Wright, then give yourself a gold star.  His ancestors emigrated to the area in the 1800s, and ended up owning a bunch of land here.  In 1911, FLW moved here and built his dream house on a hill, which is called Taliesin (Welsh for "shining brow" as in "the shining brow of the hill that the house is built on").  Spring Green is the ultimate FLW destination.  But wait, there's much more.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Let's Go Places (And Meet People!): Madison, Wisconsin


Picking it up from last time...we're on MegaVacay 2024 and it is now Wednesday afternoon.  We're zeroing in on our final home base of the trip.  But it's only Wednesday and we're not going home until Monday, so we've got quite a bit of stuff left to see - and people to meet!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Let's Go Places (and Meet People!): St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota


Let's pick up the story of MegaVacay 2024 where we left it last time.  We were headed somewhere four hours away from Two Rivers, Wisconsin.

Specifically we're going across state lines to the twin cities of St. Paul & Minneapolis, Minnesota.  But why?