Friday, August 30, 2024

The Birchwood Postcard Club

To the best of my memory, before this summer I had not sent a piece of snail mail for anything but bill payments since 2001.

That all changed that day this summer when I met up with Engie and Anne at The House on the Rock.  Engie bought a few postcards from the gift shop, and afterwards we had a postcard sending party.  It was fun!

Since then I've sent a few postcards to Cool Bloggers and now I'm totally hooked.  It's fun to write to people, and buying postcards at the gift shops of all of these cool places that I like to travel to is an easy way for me to send a few more dollars their way.

Anyhoo, if you would like to get the occasional post card from me, here is a Google form where you can privately give me your address.

The only rules are that there are no rules:

  • If you know that I already have your address, you're already on the list so you don't need to fill out the Google form.
  • International addresses are welcome - I've got stamps for that!
  • If you move just submit your new address on the Google form and I'll update it.
  • I'm guessing that the number of responses will be, um, very manageable.  If I'm wrong and there are more people wanting postcards than I can handle - well, I'll figure that out!
  • If you've never left a comment or had any interaction with me besides reading this post but you'd like a postcard - that's totally fine!
  • If you don't want a postcard that's fine too!  I didn't understand what all the fuss was about until a Cool Blogger sent me a postcard.  IFKYK. 

Here's the link to the Google form again

Postcards clockwise from the top left: the Ohio State Reformatory (better known as the prison in The Shawshank Redemption), hand carved wood and ivory train from the Ernest Warther Museum and Gardens, the J.E. Reeves Victorian Home, and the AD German Warehouse.

Do you like to send snail mail?


  1. Aww. What a sweet idea. I love sending postcards, in fact, I did send some from my last skiing vacation to a few people and they were so surprised, but appreciative to get them :)

    1. I had forgotten how much fun it is to get snail mail! I'm happy to do my part to bring the trend back.

  2. Oh, I love this - wish I had more addresses too, as I have postcards and want to use them! (I should start with those whose addresses I have, LOL...) I think you have my address but just in case... I'll fill out the form. ;)

    1. Shhh...don't tell anyone but the reason I did the google form is that I was procrastinating on reaching out to people. Problem solved!

  3. Aww. This is such a fun idea. I have quite a few CB's addresses and love exchanging snail mail. I just got back from vacation and had a postcard waiting for me in my mailbox from Jenny (an Anne of Green Gables postcard at that) and it legit MADE MY DAY.

    1. A postcard from Jenny or an Anne of Green Gables postcard would make anyone's day! And imagine getting both things in one!

  4. What a fun idea! I love sending snail mail. I love receiving it too! Are you a Christmas card person? I'm already thinking about Christmas, and if you want to be part of my card exchange (I'm a monster, I only send Christmas cards to those who want to exchange) let me know!

    1. I am in! In the past I grudgingly humored my husband with sending Christmas cards but this year we are going to get personalized cards and do it right!

  5. My family is huge on postcards, and we always send them when traveling. I have a whole box, yes I kept it, of PCs I've gotten over the years. I have also sent hundreds of them, including on this trip! However, I had a hard time finding them recently, as I'm not in super touristy areas, and the last one I bought in Canada was $2!! I remember getting them in NYC for like 6 or 7 for $1! I guess we are not in Kansas anymore Toto!

    I also send out over 100 Christmas cards every year and receive a lot of them too. I love snail mail!! Going now to put my address on the doc, and you should give me yours too so I can add you to my PC list!

    1. Oh duh of course you have a way to get mail...I feel dumb now for thinking that you didn't. You're on my list & I'm getting on yours!

      $1 per seems to be the standard price. The batch of cards that I bought on vacation all had big ol' price tag stickers on them, and they were impossible to remove. I ripped one off to see how much of a mess it made and then left the rest on with an "lol" note.

  6. How fun! Yes, I want to be part of this! How can we send postcards to you as well?

  7. OK, wow. I want to give and get mail from cool bloggers! I have a couple of addresses, but not many. I need to do a form like this too!

    1. DO IT!!! The form was so easy to set up and it gave me a chance to talk to a few folks offline that I've been meaning to chat with win!

  8. I've sent a few postcards from my travels (mostly to Engie, ha) but I should branch out! It would be fun if we all started getting random postcards from different parts of the country.

    1. Do it! I was only thinking about sending postcards but now I realized that I'm going to GET mail in return. It's so fun!

  9. Yay! I'm glad I am an inspiration!

    1. Yes you are! Because of you I notice the word hat and bison statutes (which are much more common than I realized), I've read a lot of great books that I might have passed by otherwise, I know where to get the good popcorn, and yes you got me into snail mail!!!!

  10. I've gotten a number of postcards this spring/summer and they were all from bloggers - you, Kyria, Nicole, and NGS! It is such a fun type of mail! I need to send them more often but that would require actually going somewhere. Ha. I mean I go places for work but I'm not in touristy places so don't see postcards for sale on those trips. If I had gone into the town of Battle Lake during our lake trip I would have picked some up but that just never happened!

    1. I agree - it's all fun! I think it's also like blogging in that if there's something that makes it not fun, then don't do it - for example there is no reason to send a postcard in return unless it's a natural fit. My memory of every business trip that I ever took was that there was simply no time for anything non-work related, so hunting down postcards would not have been fun.

  11. I love this so much! I have been wanting to do something similar because there are so many times when I'd love to just drop a little bit of snail mail for my bloggy friends!

  12. Awh, this is such a neat idea! I used to be a greeting card dork, but then ...hmmm, I don't really know how/why it ended (???). I still do holiday cards, and an occasional birthday card, but I really need to get back in the groove of "real" mail. Thanks for the inspo!!!

    1. As of right now I've only sent postcards, but I can see expanding into holiday and birthday cards...whoa maybe someday I'll go super old school and send letters again!

  13. Hi Birchie - This is a fun idea. I'm not adding my address at the moment. I feel like I have to visit here more regularly to be worthy. (I've been here and I love your blog. I remember when you got your new puppy . . . maybe it was during NaBloPoMo?) I hope to come check out what's up in your world more often. One of my best friends from high school sends me postcards a couple times a year. I love getting a quick update from him. He and I zoomed a few months back and we need to get another zoom on the calendar. He's in New York and I'm in Chicago. Meeting up with bloggers is so fun, and getting snail mail is great. In college, I wrote so many letters. One of the dad's I babysit for used to call me the most writingest-letter-writer he ever met. I didn't know the Shawshank Redemption prison was in Ohio. Wow.

    1. Hi Ernie, no problem and you're welcome to add your address if you ever change your mind. What I remember about you is that you had a puppy while running a day care, and both of those things are Extreme Achievements on their own, let alone at the same time.

      While I've been busy sending postcards we got an unexpected one from our niece from vacation last week and it was so nice of her to think of us! Snail mail rocks!
