Monday, March 10, 2025

Weekly Round Up: March!!!


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  Since we last talked:

  • February is finally over!!!
  • I've been in a food slump
  • We had an epic family party
  • I did the Fight for Air Climb
  • I watched more Seinfeld
  • I read a bunch of books

Let's catch up!


Man, February was a loooong month considered that I spent a week of it in Florida.

In lieu of having cooked anything worth talking about,  I would like to give you the happy news that my Adult Nephew the Rocket Scientist got engaged!  We love his fiancee, and were all too happy to get together for a family party.

My assignment for the party was to bring a mountain of guac.   This was a somewhat high pressure assignment, since I needed a lot of perfectly ripe avocados.  I bought a bag of rock hard avocados at Costco the Saturday before, thinking that it would take most of the week for them to soften.  Much to my dismay they were pretty soft by Tuesday.  I put them in the fridge, and as the week went on I found myself really starting to sweat.  But against all odds all six avocados were perfection at the party.



The first thing to tell you is that right before the time change I was living large.  The end of February meant that sweet spot where the weather was decent and there was daylight in the morning.  I abandoned the treadmill and went back to the world of outdoor run/walk.

The next thing to tell you is that I did the American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb with mixed results.  As a reminder, this is an event that is held throughout the country where participants get to raise money for the American Lung Association and then get to experience first hand what it's like to have breathing problems by climbing up the stairs in very tall buildings.

This is one of the 50-ish floors:

Good things to say:

  • It's a very moving event
  • It's fun to take on the challenge of climbing a bunch of stairs 
  • I can't say if it's the same for every climb, but ours was the tallest building in the city, and the views from the top floor were everything
  • I also can't say if this is the same for every climb, but the event included very cheap registration for next year's climb, so I'll be doing it again in next year.
  • Google tells me that the ALA is a top rated charity, with low overhead and a high percentage of their dollars going to the cause.

Bad things to say:

  • This is a chance to support and to experience a cause.  I took the first few flights a little too fast, and before you know it, I started coughing and I couldn't stop.  I took a break after flight 40 to try to get it under control.  I was stuck with the cough for the rest of the day.*  Physically it was a rough experience.
  • The ALA is a little spamy.  It took a lot of unsubscribing to get my inbox under control again.

*I'm starting to wonder if I have asthma?  I don't wheeze but this isn't the first time that I've gotten an uncontrollable cough from exertion.  That would explain why the running thing never really took off for me.

It was fun to talk to people after the event, because there are a lot of ex-runners out there.

Since then I've been out and about hiking up a storm.



We are now in season seven of Seinfeld.

And I started watching two other shows!  This is huge because I'm very picky about TV and I've been though the longest dry spell where nothing has really clicked.

First up: a recommendation from Rainbow Plant Life.   Mo is about a Palestinian refugee family living in Houston who has been trying to get asylum for 20 years.  It's a light take on a serious subject (which is usually my favorite way to approach a serious subject).

Next up: a recommendation from SHU: Apple Cider Vinegar is a fictional show about real events.  Belle Gibson was an influencer who built a massive following after claiming that she was able to cure her brain cancer though clean living.  A few people said otherwise.  I'm not even through the first episode yet but I'm hooked and will be eating it up as soon as I get some spare time.



Since we last talked I finished an absolutely wonderful book, and chomped down a bunch of OK books.

The absolutely wonderful books gets the first 😻😻😻 rating of 2025.  That would be The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery, which was the CBBC pick.  I don't know what I can say about it other than if you pick it up you will be transported to another world, and the Kindle version was thirty nine cents so if you haven't gotten it already I don't know what you are even doing with your life.

I made two calls about the plot from the get-go which turned out to be correct - you can read it all in the CBBC comments, but there were a hundred other things that happened which were delightful surprises.  

Now let's run through the OK books.  These all fell into the uncanny valley of not really grabbing my attention while steering clear of my DNF threshhold.

First: Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney.  This one is about a writer who calls his wife while she is driving home from picking up a takeout dinner to give her the news that his latest book has just hit the best seller list.  She tells him that there is a woman lying in the road, puts down the phone, and disappears.  One year later with his life in shambles, his agent asks him to spend some time in a cabin on a island to buckle down and just write something already.  The island is weird, he keeps seeing a woman who looks like his wife, and finds a lost manuscript by a famous author and before you can say "I'm getting Yellowface vibes" he starts rewriting it as his own work.

So...there was a lot going on with this one.  I stayed in it for the island and for the Yellowface thing.  Speaking as someone who likes to write and who doesn't have the chops to do anything with it, I can only imagine the temptation if I found a great manuscript with no author to claim it.  As far as the rest of the plot(s) and the mystery, well, whatever it was has been done before as well.

Next: I like books and I like podcasts but I do not like books about podcasts until now.  When you blacked out at a wedding five years ago and woke up covered in your friend's blood but there wasn't enough evidence to charge you so you went on with your life and wrote a slew of successful romance novels under a pen name but then some darned podcaster decided to do a podcast on your case...that would be Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera.  I adored the main character, liked the story well enough though I had to skim the podcast transcript sections because for whatever reason those are like nails on a chalkboard to me, and then did a big shrug when the mystery was solved. 

And the one after that: I don't usually read romance but everyone loves Funny Story by Emily Henry so I decided to join in on the fun.  This is the one about a woman whose Perfect Fiance decides that he has always been in love with his Perfect Life Long Best [Girl] Friend and right before the wedding is the perfect time to break up so that he can live his dream.  The woman now needs a place to live on short notice while she wraps up her life in the small town that she moved to be with Prince Charming.  Lucky for her, the Perfect Life Long Best Friend left a boyfriend who is now without a roommate, so that solves the problem of finding a place to live, as well as giving her a breakup buddy who knows exactly what she's going through.  Spoiler: everyone gets exactly what they deserve.  This was a cute book with characters that I loved.  My only complaint it that it felt a touch too long.

Currently: I've got a book that I have high hopes for on my Kindle and a few mysteries that I want to read, but I wanted a palate cleanser first.  I'm getting it with the next book in the Alphabet series, L is for Lawless.

Peace out!


  1. Avocados do induce anxiety! They are kind of like bananas, I guess, and they can ripen each other, so go figure!

    Way to go on the stair climb! Have you ever climbed the monument at Bunker Hill in Boston? It’s also intense, but totally rewarding when you get up to see the views. But that hike…looks harder than the stairs to me! I hope you don’t have asthma, but do think you have fitness!

    1. I have not climbed Bunker Hill because I have not been to Boston! But I will go at some point and your comment caused me to add both Boston and Bunker Hill to my travel list!

      The trails are challenging in places, but not "50 flights of stairs at one time" challenging. Out on the trails I'm taking 2-3 hours to do a hike, and the stairs were 25 minutes including my 5 minute break at floor 40. It's a different kind of physical demand.

  2. I don't think I caught that the purpose of the stair climb was to experience that breathless feeling, so it all makes more sense to me now. That does sound like it could be a form of asthma, but I'm not a doctor, nor do I have asthma, so who knows. I'm so glad that the avocados were perfect! I'm finding the fridge to be my friend with avocados as well.

    I'm going to try to remember the TV shows, we watch a lot of TV around here, and are always looking for something new to watch.

    1. I'm not a doctor either, and I'm not going to make a special appointment, but I am getting motivated to mention to my doc the next time that hey, mild colds make me cough for weeks and I have a lot of tiny allergy symptoms that are pretty annoying when put together so maybe there is something that could be done about that?

      It's been forever since I watched TV show (other than the reruns of Seinfeld which are going strong), and now I've got quite a long list building up. I'm just waiting for the next season of The Last of Us to come out and then Max is going to get my business: Last of Us, White Lotus, and The Pitt.

  3. I am so glad that it is getting warmer and lighter (was) and that you are able to go outside for some activity! I hate being cooped up and am much happier when I can get out and feel the fresh (but not frigid) air on my face! It has been raining where I am, and hard too, and I am really looking forward to some better weather! However, I am still going out, but have been getting wet a lot!

    My reading right now is bad. I can't concentrate on books and have been watching a lot of YT channels about long backpacking trips. I think last year's bike adventure was fun, but normally I do at least three if not four weeks of backpacking trips each summer and I think I am really missing that right now.

    1. Guilty as charged of watching YT for hours on end! Sorry, but regular folks making videos has been a lot more interesting than regular TV lately.

      It's true that there are very few days when I *can't* get outside, but it's just such a game changer to have temps above 40 and sun. Call me a princess but life is easier when I can be outside without a coat, my face isn't in pain from the cold, and I'm not sliding on ice or wading through six inches of snow. Good weather = good times!

  4. Fantastic job on the Fight for Air Climb, Birchie! That’s such an impressive challenge—well done! 🙌😃
    I really hope you're not asthmatic—has everything settled down now? It would be quite the irony if this climb was what finally revealed it!

    Also, I had no idea there was a whole series on Belle Gibson! I just watched The Search for Instagram’s Worst Con Artist on Netflix—thanks for the recommendation!

    1. I don't think I knew about the doc on Belle! I guess we know what I'm watching after I finish the show!

  5. You are so brave to buy the bag of Costco avocados! Actually, scratch that. When I was in Calgary I would do that and they'd work great. Here, for some reason, Costco avocados are the worst, they are always browning before they feel soft, if that makes sense. Why the difference I do not know but I have had to source my avocados from Superstore.
    Those shows sound good, I am also super picky about watching TV and that means that we often don't. Currently we are working our way through Rick Steve's travel shows, which is super fun and is giving us all sorts of ideas.
    I liked Funny Story, it was a fun light read.

    1. Gotta live on the edge sometimes and take risks! I feel like there are times when it's impossible to get a good avocado no matter what. Believe me I am not stranger to the avocado that gets brown before it gets ripe. For whatever reason I've had very good luck with avos lately.

  6. Haha, yes I would have some anxiety if I were charged with bringing a mountain of guac to a party. Glad it turned out well, and congrats to the nephew!
    So that is kind of odd about the coughing incident. Have you felt anything since then? I think I remember Hungry Runner Girl mentioning coughing fits after running, and it did turn out she has asthma.
    I liked Listen For the Lie better than you did. The podcast sections didn't bother me, and while the ending wasn't the most astonishing reveal ever, it was pretty good. Oh, and now that everyone has talked about Apple Cider Vinegar, I'm curious to watch it!

    1. It's hard to say about the coughing thing. I felt kind of wiped out for a few days, and then we had the time change so I feel wiped out again. I guess I'm more willing to listen to my body and slow down now? But if I do have some kind of low level asthma and got treatment, maybe that would lead me to a place where I have more energy?

      I really loved the main character in Listen for the Lie. That was what made the book for me.

  7. Gah. Avacado anxiety is REAL. It's so hard to get a perfectly ripe one! And you don't want to gamble and assume that you can find ripe ones close to the event so you often have to buy unripe ones and pray to the avocado gods.

    On 3/1 I googled to see if there was a ALA flight climbing event in my city - turns out it was that day! I would like to do it next year, though. I've lost 2 family members to lung cancer (my grandma and my uncle) so it's a worthy cause.

    My most recent read was a holiday romance - Home for the Holidays. It's about dealing with the passing of an alcoholic parent. The author wrote a beautiful essay about having an alcoholic mom on cup of jo recently so that made me really want to read it. The book went a bit off the rails at the end, though, so I would give it 3.5 stars. Now I'm reading The Bee Sting which several people have recommended. I did not realize it is VERY long, though!

    1. Yay! Last year when I was finally ready to join in on the fun my local stair climb had already taken place so I was too late. And now it's this year and I've done the climb. I think it would be fun if I was ever in a different city when they had a climb going on.

      I completely forgot that I skimmed another Sarah's Bookshelves darling - The Strange Case of Jane O. It started strong but then I got terribly bored and was unable to follow the story. Whomp whomp.

  8. Bringing a huge thing of guac to a party IS anxiety-inducing! Avocados are finnicky, and also, it's not like guac really "keeps" super well, either, so you have to time when you make it just right to avoid showing up with brown guac! Sounds like it all worked out though!

    I need to check out that Apple Cider Vinegar. I saw SHU and I think someone else mention it too! We have been re-watching Ted Lasso with the boys before our trip and then last night just finished Harry Potter (#1) the movie! Maybe after London and Ted I will watch ACV.

    1. I've been short on TV watching time, but I really like what I saw of ACV. SHU did not steer us wrong!

      The good thing about guac is that it's so easy and something that my family loves, so that offsets the stress of having to come up with perfect avocados.

  9. That when will this avocado ripen game is a real suspenseful journey. I'm glad they ripened in time. Is there anything more wonderful than a avocado that's 'just right' when you want it to be.

    I watched the first episode of the Apple Cider Vinegar thing with Curly and Coach. It was nutty. I hope to watch more of it - tough to find time when all 3 of us are ready to watch something. My friend suggested I watch it. Then a week later, I texted her to ask her what the name of it was, but I also asked her something else and when she texted back the Apple Cider Vinegar seemed like the answer to the other question I asked her and I asked again for the name of the show and I was like, OH! Ha. I don't recall ever disliking a month, but I was ready to say good-bye to February this year. I'm delighted with the spring weather that's been cropping up from time to time.

    1. What you said - it's not that I disliked February so much as I disliked the 2.5 weeks of being iced in. So loooooong.

      It's hard enough to get TV time with Hubs, let alone adding a third person into the mix. I can't remember the last time we watched a show with the boys - which is as it should be given that they're in college/wrapping up high school.

  10. Wait. 6 avocados is enough for like, 3 people? How many was it supposed to feed?! Or is that just my family. LOLOLOLOL. eek.

    Congrats on the climb! Did you ever get that cough after running fast or doing speedwork? I get a cough like that after a 5K.

    If Listen for the Lie was not for you, also do NOT listen to None of This is True :)

    1. You sound like my one SIL! I sent that picture to our group text and she said "OK that's enough for me but what is everyone else going to have". We were just able to get by in our group of 12 since we had tacos and other snacks as well. I laughed when my other SIL packed up all of the leftovers and scooped the tiny smear that was left into a ziplock.

      I've had a few instances of coughing after shorter races - the one time I did a mile race I was hacking for the rest of the night.

  11. Congratulations on your stair climb! And on your successful mountain of guac! I do think physical exertion can cause a cough, and climbing stairs is definitely exertion!
