Monday, May 6, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Poetry and a Twist

A weekly round up.  Normally I say that the round up is "eats, workouts, watches, and reads", but this time around it's going to be "puppy poetry, watches, a lotta reads, and...hmm...there's something else that's new...huh there's something else that's happened that I need to tell you but I can't remember what it is right now...let me start writing the post and maybe it will come to me".

Puppy Poetry

When we first got Doggo, she would not let me brush her.  Then out of the blue she suddenly started to tolerate it, and thank goodness because shedding season has started.  I find myself reciting Baa Baa Black Sheep on the regular, or our version, which is Baa Baa Black Shep(herd).

I'm not a poet by nature, but as long as one sentence counts as a poem, I did have a small collection of "Stepdog poems" that I shared in her memorial post.  Doggo now has her first official poem:

My girl is sweet, and she has pretty feet.

Doggo has made progress by leaps and bounds in her training classes.  This weekend it was time to level up with a new challenge: a professionally supervised doggy playdate!  We took her to the doggy daycare place where we've been getting training for an evaluation to see how she behaves around other dogs.  She passed their test and was admitted into the small dog play group.  We got to watch her on a webcam playing with the other dogs and having the time of her little puppy life.  It costs $20 for a half day of doggy play, and offhand I can't think of a better example of money bringing happiness.  Someone has a regular weekend play date going forward.


A few months ago, my beloved Unspooled podcast did an episode on Terminator 2 which kicked off a Schwarzenegger movie spree.  I started with Twins, then Junior, then Kindergarten Cop, and a few weeks ago the Hubs and I saw True Lies.

Last weekend we finally got around to Terminator and this weekend we saw Terminator 2.  I just wanted to record that (1) these movies were excellent as remembered and (2) even though the kids would rather do anything else besides watch movies with us, even they were lured in by Terminator so it was an ultra rare family movie.


Friends, you know I've got books to dish on!

I went through a long streak where I was mostly reading Thrillers With a Twist.  Technically there is nothing wrong with that in the same way that technically there is nothing wrong with having the same thing for dinner every night, but it did get a bit stale.  To my credit I've branched out quite a bit in my reading and it's been forever since I've had Gasp!  The Twist that No One Saw Coming!

In possibly related news, it's also been forever since I've read a book recommended by Modern Mrs. Darcy.  But when she touted a thriller called The Woman on the Ledge by Ruth Mancini, something made me sit up and take notice.

The book started strong, and had some cute Hitchcock references, and I was eating it up like catnip.  But then it started to drag a bit and the Hitchcock stuff became cloying.  To add insult to injury, another book came along and grabbed my attention.  I wasn't ready to DNF Woman on the Ledge just yet, but I was teetering on the edge of hate reading.  Gah, why was I wasting my time on this stupid book when I had another nice fat fish on the hook?

And then Gasp!  The Twist that No One Saw Coming!  It's so cliched to say, but out of nowhere I found myself respecting this run of the mill thriller.  So I'll leave it there - if you're in the market for a Thriller You Can Respect, this might be your book.

So what was this book that came along and stole my attention?  Well, my girl Nicole read Pete and Alice in Maine, which was a book that I liked except for the last chapter.  Nicole went into Pete and Alice looking for something like Lucy by the Sea and came up short.  I've been hearing Nicole talk up the Lucy Barton books for quite a while...and it finally clicked that it was time for me to check them out.

When I read I'm looking for a whale of a story where Things Happen and solid characters that I can get behind and root for.  My Name is Lucy Barton has the later and not the former - we hear about Lucy's life and get to know her, but if no one minds me saying so, nothing really happens.

And nothing needed to happen.  By page two I was hooked.

As soon as I finished the last page, I immediately jumped on Libby and checked out book #2, Oh William!  This is a longer book where More Stuff Happens, but mainly we get to hang out with Lucy and William and that's all that is needed to make another exquisite book.

After Oh William! I'm taking a pause to read another Linda Castillo Amish murder mystery (Breaking Silence), and as soon as that's done I'll be making a date with Lucy by the Sea.

That Other Thing

Oh yes, I finally remembered that other thing that's happened that I needed to tell you about.  It feels like such an anti-climax to tell you that after two years of looking and a lot of grousing on the blog about it, I got another job.

I was at the point where every interview felt like a bad date and I'd stopped looking.  I firmly resigned myself to staying at my current job and being bored out of my mind for the next year while I mull leaving the rat race (yes I want out, I'm just being a responsible adult and/or I'm scared to take this big step).

So anyways, there was a Big Deal VP at my current company who left soon after I started and as far as I know he didn't know my name.  Except that he did so when one of his VP Buddies at another company was looking for someone who does what I do (an accountant who specializes in payroll), he told her where she could find what she was looking for.  She slid into my DM's on LinkedIn.

At first there was nothing special about this company except that it had a cute name.  My first convo with the VP and the recruiter were boring as mud.  They both asked what kind of money I was looking for, and I flat out told them what I was making plus $10k.  I figured that would end the conversation, but they sent me to talk to more of their folks.  That was where the magic started to happen and I found myself sitting up and saying "whoa you people are not like all the other people."  Then I got to talk to the Veep again and finally the CFO.  I found myself feeling "hey you guys are fun and I know what you need and I can do that for you" feels.

The CFO asked me to 'splain my salary number, which I did very bluntly.  I knew in my heart that this was the last I would be hearing from them.

Two days later the recruiter emailed to ask if we could have a call so that she could "give me an update".  Yep, I can smell a Dear John call from a mile away.  Either she was going to tell me that I hadn't gotten the job or she was going to make a lowball offer.

Nope.  Gasp! In the Twist that No One Saw Coming! they offered my number plus $5k plus some stock options.

Perks include not having to pay an arm and a leg for health insurance, lotsa vacation, and a $300 per quarter personal stipend to do whatever with.

Here's how they shake out on my list:

They don't have unlimited PTO, and between you and me what the company does is boring, but I guess I can let that slide.

Anyways, I'll be starting the new gig in a few weeks.  My current company asked if there was anything that they could do to keep me, but accepted defeat gracefully.  I've offered to help out until they can replace me (always leave on good terms/always make a play to squeeze an extra paycheck or two out of your previous employer). 

So nothing has changed except that I might possibly enjoy my job again during what I'm planning on being my last year in the workforce.  I'll keep you posted.  I'm still in a daze that after all this time I finally got a job.  Life is weird.

Peace out!  Who's read the Lucy Barton books?


  1. OHMYGOODNESS! Congrats! Yay! May as well get a bit of extra money to put in the ol' coffer, that is what I always say (as you know)! That is excellent that they reached out to you etc. Now, tell me about this non-unlimited PTO. Is it still a good number of hours? If so, I think you can make it work for another year! Also, what is BPTW?

    I am very sad to say that I have read Lucy Barton and it did not wow me. Correct me if I am wrong, as it has been a while, but is it character driven? And if so, you are a fan of that, right? And if so, that is probably why we are not agreeing on this as my black and white math brain needs there to be a plot, dang it. So I am putting the Thriller with a Twist on my TBR but will be passing on Oh William.

    1. Yes, it was a bit of a surprise! Vacay is 20 days and they have lotsa company holidays. I don't know yet if vacay is use it or lose it (I hope so because then I will "have" to take the time off) or something that we can stockpile.

      Yes Lucy is almost 100% character driven and that usually doesn't work for me. I like books where things happen, but Lucy is a refreshing exception to the rule.

    2. Ooh I didn't answer the burning question...BPTW is best place to work. It means that one of the business objectives is to provide a good employee experience.

    3. I would say that 20 days is (1) pretty standard for a person who has been around for a while, although a lot of times when you first start, it is only 15, so that is pretty good! Do you also get American holidays off, or how exactly does that work?

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! That is fabulous news! I work for a payroll software type company, and while I don't think what we do is interesting, I do like my company and my team.

    I've read the Lucy Barton books, but I started out of order with Anything is Possible, which is about Lucy's home town. She is there, but not always the main character. I liked it so much, I then went and read My Name is Lucy Barton, and then Oh William and finally Lucy By the Sea came out.

    Your girl DOES have pretty feet. I love that you get to see her playing! That is money well spent for sure.

    1. Thanks Julie! I'm looking forward to reading more of the Elizabeth Strout books.

  3. Well now, this is an amazing plot twist!! Congratulations, Birchie!
    It looks like this is a great fit, especially with the salary and the team you will be working with.
    Is this a Europe-based company like the last one? And is your role a newly created one in the firm?

    1. Thanks Catrina! No, this place is in the US and most of the team is in my time zone. It's a new role.

  4. Hooray! Yes that was a twist we didn't see coming. The new job sounds great- and I think unlimited PTO isn't always all it's cracked up to be (not that I would know firsthand- I get NO PTO, sigh) but anyway- it's sounds like this job is going to be a huge upgrade.
    This is the second blog post I've read today about "riveting books where nothing happens." (Engie talked about one.) I'm skeptical, yet intrigued. I'll put Lucy Barton on my far away TBA- I have a bunch of books I want to read right now, so I probably won't get to it for a while.
    And... that's so, so cute Doggo having a playdate! Yes, that's $20 well spent.

    1. I'm torn on whether limited or unlimited PTO is best. The problem that I had when I was on "limited" PTO is that it wasn't "use it or lose it" so a lot of employees hoarded vacation time - including me because I could see what everyone else was doing. I get paid for it now that I"m leaving the company, but I probably would have been better off taking the time. Oh well.

      It's almost time for another reading and eating post! I can't wait to hear about what you've been reading. And eating.

  5. Wow! A new job! I might be the outlier who doesn't LOVE unlimited vacation. I feel like companies offer it because when there isn't a set target, you often are taking less than you deserve. And then if you leave the company or are let go (not uncommon in my industry) they don't owe you a dang thing for any accrued PTO. Granted, we could only carry over 5 days and they had to be used in the first quarter so it's not like you would get all that much in accrued time. But if it was better off for the employee to offer unlimited time off, I don't think companies would be doing that. It's just tom foolery if you ask me. That said, I had a really generous PTO package of 6 weeks prior to shifting to unlimited PTO. I have been trying to track my PTO usage so that I am not leaving anything on the table but work has been so busy that it's hard for me to actually take as much time off as I deserve... I digress. But all that said - CONGRATS on getting even more pay than you asked for!!

    I love the Lucy Barton books, too. Overall I love that author's writing style and Pete and Alice in Maine did give me the vibes of that author but I think that was a debut author so she is probably still working on her craft. So maybe she'll get to the status of the Barton author (blanking on her name - elizabeth something - but am too lazy to google). Last night I started "Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone." I haven't read a thriller in quite awhile as they havent' been working for me. And I was starting to fall asleep reading this book (which rarely happens at bedtime oddly, especially now that I take steroids at bedtime in addition to the morning for my RA flare) and I was finding myself annoyed by the author breaking the 4th wall/didn't love the tone. So this morning I decided I will abandon that book. I know many people LOVED it but it feels a "good for them, not for me" kind book. Or right book, wrong time.

    1. So much to talk about here! In reverse order, Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone was a meh for me. I know a lot of people loved it. I'm pacing myself but I can't wait to tear into the next Lucy book.

      From what I know from my side of the desk, unlimited PTO is absolutely positively a money saver for companies. When I started at this job they had "limited" PTO but there wasn't a "use it or lose it" clause so people hoarded PTO. Really smart employees were selling their PTO time back to the company and they finally put a stop to that. Because I get to see what everyone else is doing I hoarded PTO in my first year - which yay that I'll get paid for that when I leave but boo that I didn't take the time off. I'm hoping that the new place will have a "lose it" clause so that I won't be tempted to hoard time.

  6. Yay for the new job with the +++ salary! There's something so freeing about just giving your number and figuring, if they don't like it, eh whatever. I hope it works out great.

    1. Thanks! I'm optimistic that this one will work out. I'm looking forward to using my brain at work again.

  7. Woot woot!!!!!!! You held out for The Right Job and you got it! You are a superstar! Love the breakdown. And it sounds like it has decent vacay even if the PTO isn't unlimited. LOVE that they came at you with more than your ask!!!! I hope it's a great fit for your last year in the workforce. Looking forward to hearing more about it!

    1. Thanks Suzanne! I really hope that this one works out. Yes, the PTO is good - I'm not taking 20 days a year off now but maybe I'll be inspired to do so now;-)

  8. This is so exciting - congrats! What a way for the job search saga to wrap up! And, how wonderful for Doggo to have a social circle and friends. That is such a win for their energy AND your energy. I have the Lucy Barton books on my list (my childhood nickname was Lucy so I feel a draw to them) and hopefully library holds luck will get me going on them soon!

    1. Thanks Lindsay! I know that she loved it and we loved watching her. I'm sure that you'll love the Lucy books - especially with the name!

  9. I am so happy for you. Ditto everything above.
    And Doggo is so pretty <3

    1. Thanks Elisabeth! Hopefully it will be a good move.

  10. Congrats on the new job!! Sounds like a great move for you. Hopefully it's enough vacation that you can keep doing your weekend trips because it's so much fun to read about those!

    I am TRAUMATIZED from reading My Name Is Lucy Barton. It cut far too close to my life and heart and while I admire Strout for the ability to write that way, I also never want to read about Lucy ever again. The Amgash books are probably not for me in my current emotional state.

    1. Yes, the vacation time will cover my weekend trip ambitions. I'm hoping that the job won't require TWO monitors in addition to my laptop so that I'll have move travel options.

      From what I know about your background I can see the connection to Lucy - and I can definitely see how it would be too close to home.

  11. This is so exciting! Congratulations! Not having unlimited PTO will be tough, but it sounds like you can make it work.

    I remember reading one of the Elizabeth Strout books years and years ago, and I didn't enjoy it much and have been hesitant to try her books again. I didn't love the character of Lucy and found it to be too character-driven. But hey, maybe if I read it today, I'd feel differently!

    1. Thanks! Believe it or not, I don't take a ton of PTO (which I hear is typical for people who have unlimited PTO) so I should come in under the 20 day limit.

      Usually I don't like character driven books but Lucy is an exception. These books are working for me!

  12. Congrats on the new job!!! So exciting!!! It sounds like a great fit.
    Birchy, I am so glad you loved Lucy Barton but the second book is Anything Can Happen, Oh William is the third. So you have that to look forward to! I personally love character driven books, nothing needs to happen for me to love it, and I love those books so much.
    We boarded Rex for a couple of weeks while we were on our trip and seeing the photos of him with the other dogs was AMAZING.

    1. Oops I didn't know about the 2nd book and now I'm almost at the end of Lucy by the Sea. But that's not a problem because what you're telling me is that THERE IS MORE LUCY!!! So yay! And of course since she named dropped Olive Kitteridge I'm going to have to check those books out as well...

      If I had known that Doggo would love doggy day care as much as she did we would have started it sooner. I felt bad about taking her away from the fun when I went to pick her up!

  13. Woo, congrats on the new job... things happen when you least expect them, am I right? And good for you for negotiating so boldly. I wish it was an option in my field. I guess I could go private but I don't like change. Sigh.
