Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Weekly Round Up: The Graduate

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, reads, plus the usual puppy brags.  In this week's edition we had a family party, I'm reading the latest It Book, and everybody in my house now has a diploma.

Puppy News

It's baby deer season.  From what Google has told me, Adult Deers have Adult Deer Scent that attracts predators, but Baby Deers don't really smell like anything, so the way for a Mama Deer to keep her baby safe is to park it somewhere and for her to stay away from it until it matures and gets Deer Smell.  That's why this time of year it's not unusual to see baby deer asleep in people's yards.

First thing on Tuesday morning I got Doggo out of her crate and hooked up her leash for our first outing of the day.  I saw a brown blob in the middle of the yard and braced myself for our first deer encounter.  Thankfully Doggo didn't notice the deer while we were outside, and only figured it out once we were back inside and I went to town with my zoom lens.  Then she took up a post at the back door and kept up a low growl until the intruder left.

This Saturday was another milestone for Doggo.  She finished Puppy School!  She has a diploma and everything.  Afterwards we took her to the pet store for a new toy.  There were a few other dogs there and she lit up like her newly social self and stole the show.  We had the fam over on Sunday for another party and although she wasn't as much at ease as she was last weekend, she took to the intruders fairly well and tentatively worked the room for treats.

Eats, Party Edition

We had a family party at our house this weekend.  Normally I can set these parties up on autopilot.  We either have a taco bar or get pizza and add a dessert.

It so happens that we had two family parties last weekend: there were tacos at one and we did pizza for the party at our house.  So my two go-to party menus were both played out.  Ok, what else do people eat at parties?  We've done sandwich trays before, and Jenny's Reading and Eating post last week reminded me that pasta is an excellent party option.  Either lasagna or something like a baked ziti would fit the bill.

We were talking it over with the boys and Stepson #1 piped up "we could do sliders like SIL#1s family did for New Years".  He spoke about the sliders as though the party had been yesterday and it wasn't until just now that I realized that the boys were recovering from getting their wisdom teeth out last New Years so the Epic Slider Party was...New Years 2023?  Maybe even New Years 2022?  But anyways, yes they made ham and turkey sliders and everyone was nuts about them and my family got the [few] leftovers.  And the more I thought about it, sliders should be very easy to do, even easier than calling the grocery store to order a sandwich tray.

I looked at two recipes: Recipe Tin Eats and The Dashley's Kitchen and did a mix n'match.  I separated all of the buns via Dashley and used the butter topping from Recipe Tin Eats, though I skipped the poppy seeds and onions.

For 11 people I got two trays of Hawaiian rolls that had 24 rolls each, two 8 oz packets of Swiss deli slices, and about a pound each of ham and turkey lunch meat from the deli. I mixed up some mayo and mustard and slathered it on the bottom and then topped half of the rolls with turkey, half with ham, and then added a layer of Swiss and the tops of the rolls.  I brushed the sliders with the butter topping, covered them in foil, and baked them at 350 for 20 minutes, took the foil off, and gave them about two more minutes to get the cheese a little bubblier.

I rounded out the rest of the meal with veggies (baby carrots, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes) and dip, a pack of deli macaroni salad, deli cole slaw, and chips (plain Ruffles and Doritos).  For dessert we got a massive Key lime pie from Costco.

Result: an easy peasy, budget friendly party meal that was a hit with everyone.  Leftover wise we had enough sliders for dinner on Monday night.


I've run into a snag with Operation Pull Up (my baby step "I made it up myself" plan to possibly work myself up to being able to do a pull up at some point in my life).  Last week I told you that I can now hold myself up at the top of the bar for a count of 15 and do it for 3 reps.

Since achieving this milestone I've also had a bit of neck strain, which has ended all of my previous pull up efforts so...well here we are again.  Lol instead of trying to do a lot of pull up work and burning out, I've done a little pull up work over the last 5 months for a slow burnout...oh well.  My plan is to switch to lowering myself slowly instead of hanging out at the top of the bar, but if that doesn't work I'm not sure where to go with Operation Pull Up from here. 


Cute 1970s comedies anyone?  Hubs came up with Foul Play for date night.


At long last my Libby hold for The Women came in!  For those of you who have been living under a rock, this is the It Book of 2024, and it tells the story of nurses in the Vietnam War.

Originally I did not want to read it for two reasons.  

Reason One: it shares a title with one of my least favorite movies.  The Women was a 1939 smash with an all female cast (tag line: "The Women: it's all about men!") and from what I remember it was the most dreary, schlocky mess that the 1930s ever produced which is saying a lot.

Reason Two: I hated the ending of The Four Winds so much that I vowed that I would never ever read another Kristin Hannah book.

Kristin Hannah is a polarizing author.  My history with her is: I think I read The Nightingale but I'm not sure, so if I did it's fair to say that it didn't stand out for me, I looooved The Great Alone and was mystified by all the hate that I saw out there for it, and then something in The Four Winds rumpled my feathers to the point where I said "never again".

When I heard all of the hype on The Women my first reaction was "nope" but I changed my tune after a large number of Real People sources backed it up.  Then came an epically long Libby wait, and now The Women is mine, all mine.

One thing that sometimes bugs me about historical fiction is that I feel that authors don't have the confidence to just say "hey it's 1492" and run with their story.  Instead there is a tendency to get bogged down with historical facts and figures to the point where every other sentence will give you a detail about corsets or hand cranked cars.  The first few pages of The Women knocked me over with the vibe of "hi it's the 1960s and we're gong to really drive it home" and felt very clunky with all the talk of hair spray, beehives, country clubs, and It's a Man's World.  But it didn't take long for the book to get in a groove and believe in its setting.  Once it did, man oh man there's a reason why it's got all of the hype!  I'm 80% in and I can solidly recommend it, though I feel like it's going to have exactly the same ending as The Four Winds.

Of possible interest: this profile piece on Kristin Hannah.  I did not know that she is a lawyer turned author.

Who's Read The Women?  Thoughts about Kristin Hannah?


  1. Congrats to Doggo on her diploma and successful if accidental deer avoidance.

    Love your sliders solution. What an excellent idea - fun and filling but also fairly easy??? I will have to remember this one.

    I have only ever read The Great Alone. I looooooved it but for some reason have never felt compelled to pick up another Kristin Hannah book.

    1. Yes fun, filling, looks impressive...but minimal effort and easy on the wallet. Sliders are a keeper for our party menus.

  2. I will be interested to see what you think when you are all the way done with The Women. As you know, I did like it, but I am now pondering how the ending could have been better. I have an idea and would love to get your thoughts once you are done! Until then, read on McDuff!

    I have a dumb question. What makes a slider a slider? Is it not just a sandwich? And if it is so different, why is it sometimes a mini hamburger and sometimes it is a mini ham sandwich? Is it the "mini" that makes the slider? Awaiting your response. From, confused in California (or Canada).

    1. Uh oh. I have no idea why they're called sliders. I never thought to ask!

      I ended up bingeing the rest of The Women right after writing this post. I'll scribble up my thoughts and we'll compare notes!

  3. So much cuteness in this post- the baby deer! Doggo got a diploma! I love it!!!
    Well, I'm disappointed you didn't make baked ziti, but the sliders sound like more fun. To answer Kyria's question- I've always thought "sliders" were little mini-burgers. Your sandwiches were sliders because they were on slider buns. I guess that's not really an official answer, just the way I understand it.
    PULLUPS. That is exactly what happens to me. I have a plan, i make progress, I hurt myself, I quit. Months later I go back and start from square 1. You're talking about doing "negatives" (lowering yourself down slowly) and they are VERY hard and very effective. I'll be interested to hear how it goes for you.
    Foul Play- I'm laughing because my sister and I loved that movie SO MUCH when we were kids. Then we watched it recently and while it was a trip down memory lane, we were also laughing at how terrible it is. I mean- the dwarf? And what about the end- a policeman is shot, presumably killed, although no one bothers to check, and he's just hanging there while they kiss and the audience applauds??? 70s movies are... interesting.

    1. I'm hoping that the negatives will allow me to develop whatever the right muscle is for pull ups instead of my neck. It's just so tempting to hold myself at the top of the bar "because I can".

      Foul Play was a funny date night movie, though of course everything you said as well.

  4. Congrats to Doggo! Your family parties always sound like so much fun. Great call on the sliders!
    I am going to just say it - I really really really dislike Kristin Hannah's books. I have tried and every one of them I have disliked or even hated. So I am not trying anymore. I think historical fiction is the hardest genre to get right, in terms of dialogue and of the author putting modern sensibilities into the past. And I know what you mean, about the excessive details - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    1. Fun people = fun party!

      The Women ended up being a hit for me, but I'm not sure if I will read anything else by Hannah. What can I say, I'm really bitter about the ending of The Four Winds.

  5. That photo of the baby deer! Brilliant!
    And congrats to Doggo of course. I hope you framed the diploma! :-)

    And THANK YOU for the taco bar idea! We will have 15 girls next Saturday (it's a graduation party for a student that we know here in Cape Town) and I was wanting to do build-it-yourself pizza. But it's complicated and slow. A taco bar sounds so much easier and is just as tasty.

    I swore to myself that I need to get back into the push-up (not pull-up) game. I'd be happy if I could to a set of 5 perfect push-ups!

    1. Yes, tacos are a brilliant party idea! Your guests will love them.

  6. Your family parties sounded great. For Kyria's question above, I think of sliders as being on a small bun, like not a hot dog bun. But that is my very unofficial definition. We are hosting a family this weekend but it's only 4 people so we are making an adult meal (grilled ahi tuna, grilled asparagus, and an asian-style rice dish) and the kids will eat pizza. We generally either get pizza or grill brats/burgers (so long as there isn't vegetarian in the group, only one friend is and she will bring her own tofu dogs, etc) and have some easy sides. I have learned to not get too precious about hosting after watching my mom stress out over the years. She is not fun to be around so my life goalz is to not be a terror to be around when hosting!

    I plan to read The Women but need to be in the right frame of mind. Phil's late aunt was a nurse in Vietnam and sadly died by Suicide in the early 80s due to undiagnosed PTSD. She saw horrible things during her time in Vietnam. :(

    Oof, that was sad... so I'll shift gears and say I started "Real Americans" on Sunday and I am LOVING IT!

    1. The Women ended up being a hit for me, but it was not an easy read so I think you're right on the money with waiting for the right frame of mind.

      I'm a big fan of easy meals for parties, and there is never any shame in ordering pizza. The point of the party is for everyone (including the hosts) to have a good time.

  7. We usually do a baked potato bar or a salad bar if we're hosting a lot of people, but, frankly, we don't usually host a lot of people, so it's not like it's a regular thing. I also would not be opposed to doing the same thing multiple times in a week/season, so I wouldn't vary it much. LOL. I do think the sliders idea was genius, though, because they sound so easy!

    Mini KH reviews:
    The Great Alone: 80% very well done. The ending was off the rails nutso.
    The Nightingale: Sloooow start, but then I found myself invested in the characters.
    On Mystic Lake - Mindless, predictable romance.

    My husband read The Women and disliked it, so I probably won't read it.

    1. At this point my party meals are pretty standard. I guess the offerings have doubled - from either tacos or pizza to tacos or pizza or sliders or pasta!

  8. Yes, two thumbs-up for sliders! I did similar ones for my recent house warming party. They were low-maintenance to prepare & the leftovers served me well for a few lunches.

    1. Great minds think alike! I bet your guests loved the sliders.

  9. Our parties are mostly family, and we do pot luck, so no one has to do everything, and that works well for us. I think your solution sounds perfect!

    I just put The Women on hold at the library, the wait is about 10 weeks, so I will wonder who suggested it and why I put it on hold and not remember anything.

    I didn't know about the scent of does and fawns, that's really interesting. Beautiful picture. Congratulations to Doggo!

    1. We're pros at doing family potluck parties. That way no one person has to do too much and everyone can have a good time.

  10. Congrats to doggo!

    I was like "what DO you have besides pizza and tacos?!" Yes, sandwiches or pasta! Glad it was an easy hit! And glad you are liking that book!

  11. I did not know that about baby deer being unscented, how interesting! I have to admit I still love Foul Play, though if someone asked me about it who hadn't seen it then, I don't know how much I would push them to see it now. I mean, it may not have aged that well, but it's great on the nostalgia!

  12. Congrats to Doggo for graduating doggy school :) That's exciting.
    Did you take the picture of that deer? Oh my, how I'd love to see a baby deer in my yard (not such luck here).

    I don't think I've made sliders in my life... but I do agree that they seem like great party options.

  13. No sliders for me, but no one else Googled it? You knew I would, right? Here you go: The name "slider" is believed to have been first used to describe the onion-steamed small burgers at White Castle restaurants.[3] The term has since been picked up by other restaurants,[4] usually to describe a small hamburger, but sometimes used to describe any small sandwich made with a slider bun. (Wikipedia). Another theory holds that it comes from the US Navy because their burgers were so greasy they "slid down". LOL.
    Regardless, good on you for another excellent party, and on Doggo for her exemplary performance in her program AND her ability to adapt to the party. She's growing up. *sniff*
