Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Vacation Mode


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads or at least as many of the above as I can coherently tell you.  The big news is that Mega Vacay 2024 is underway!  On Friday morning I kissed Hubs and Doggo goodbye, loaded everything and anything that I could possibly need for the next week into my car, and hit the road.

Where in the World is...

I spent the weekend on an FLW rampage in northern Illinois and as I'm writing this I am Somewhere in Wisconsin.  I'll tell you more about that some other time - hopefully I'll start rolling out the story tomorrow.  In the meantime let me catch you up on everything that's gone down in the last week.

Werky Werk

I'm two weeks into the new jobby job and so far everything looks good.  When they hired me, I said that I was taking a long vacation in early June and suggested making my start date after that.  They said, oh no, it's fine, please start right away.

The comical part is that after they had me hurry up to get here, they didn't have anything ready for me.  I've spent two weeks doing close to nothing and got well paid for it.  It took a week and a half for them to get me access to the payroll system, and until Friday for them to give me access to the accounting system.  I didn't put up too much of a fuss since I knew I wouldn't be doing anything until I'm back from vacation.  I had intro meetings with everyone and have notes on what I need to do to hit the ground running once I get back.  The good news is that everyone I talked to was the same as everyone that I interviewed with - very nice, very competent, and they seem happy with their lives in general.  And yay yay yay yay yay I got exactly what I hoped for - no one starts work until after 9!  Ever since I started my old job my mornings were very cramped trying to fit my workouts in and then get presentable looking by 8.

Speaking of the old's not my old job just yet!  I'm not exactly operating at this guy's level, but I am moonlighting until they hire someone new...and yes the new place knows/the old place understands that they are second on my priority list.  My boss and I worked out how to split my workload so that she does the time consuming stuff that I hated which she thinks are easy and I do the things that she hates which I think are easy.  I stayed on full salary until the end of May, and going forward I'll just get paid on an hourly basis.  I think I can keep their trains running on 10-ish hours a week.


So as you know I like cooking, but I do not enjoy watching cooking shows.  For whatever reason I find them to be stressful.  Double that for cooking reality shows.

So guess what show I just started watching?  The latest season of Top Chef.


Lemme 'splain myself.  When I told my SILs that I was going to Wisconsin on an FLW bender, they both said "Top Chef is there this season.  They did a whole episode on FLW".

I immediately watched the FLW episode (season 21, episode 4 if you're playing along at home).  They went to Burnham Block (where I went last month) and a few of the sites that I will be visiting this week.  They didn't go into any great depth on FLW, and their assignment of cooking FLW themed meals was...odd...but...but...but..I caught a glimpse of the cellars at Miller HQ in the promo and a few other shots of Millwaukee, and that was enough of a hook to get me to watch.


I finished The Women.

  • I said before that I hated the title because of the very pukey 1939 movie with the same name.  Because of this book, The Women has been redeemed as a title.  By the end of the book, the words "the women" pack a punch.
  • I also said that I was pretty sure I knew how the book would end.  I'm happy to say that I was wrong and I am almost ready to forgive Krisitin Hannah for the ending to The Four Winds...well...maybe someday.  I'm still carrying a bit of a grudge over that one. 

So in summary you can add my name to the billions of people raving about this book.

From there I picked up the next book in the Linda Castillo Amish murder mystery series, Her Last Breath and oh it is good, so good.  My only question is how the story is going to link to the title since so far the murder victims are a father and two children.

There is a mind boggling amount of driving for my trip, so I needed audio books.  I asked for (and received) lots of good recommendations, but I started my trip with previously recommended listens from my favorite readers.

  • Living with a Seal: 31 Days of Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet by Jesse Itzler is a long ago recommendation from Jenny that I just never got around to until now.  The author met a former Navy Seal at an ultramarathon and was so taken with the guy that he asked him to move in with him for a month and train him.  The Seal is identified only as "Seal" in the book, but the word on the street is that he is David Goggins.  I've heard a few things about Goggins that have left me squeamish (specifically running with broken bones...what can I say, I'm just not into that), but I am interested in learning more about him, so I figured that Living with a Seal was a good place to start.  When all was said and done, it turns out that I have a new Power Couple crush.  The author is pretty interesting, and he mentions his wife Sara here and there as a tease before doing the Name Drop - his Mrs is Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx.  Anywayz, I would not be down to Live with a Seal (lol I'm thinking that day one with the 100 pull ups would have gone down a bit differently with me than with him) but it was an interesting listen.
  • Next up: something completely different via Elisabeth.  I'm a few hours into Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagler.  It's a nice tie in to the Linda Castillo books.  I was stunned when he dropped the stats on the Amish population: only 250,000 world wide.  That seems like a very low number and google tells me that it's now 384,000 and that the population doubles every 20 years...but really seems like a small number.  Anyway, it's a very different tone than Living with a Seal but an interesting listen.

Peace out!  I'll start rolling out the story of my epic vacation soon.


  1. I'll enjoy hearing about your epic adventure.

    I love that you were able to moonlight, especially since you had nothing really to do at the new job yet. Vacation money!

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will note about The Women. I'm always looking for a good suggestion.

    1. Yes, vacation money!!! I had The Women on hold for so long that I thought it would never come in.

  2. Oooh cannot wait to hear about your adventures!
    It's 4:30 in the morning, so when I read about life with a seal, I first thought "huh, I guess it's a marine biology book." Not that kind of seal, Nicole!

    1. Confirmed, not that kind of a seal. The kind of a Seal who will get you out of bed a 4:30 to run 10 miles and do a few hundred pushups.

  3. The picture of Doggo. Those crossed little legs at the front. TOO MUCH, BIRCHIE! He is just gorgeous.
    I have added my name to the wait list for The Women and am something like #365 in line for 19 copies. It is a popular book. Wow.

    Love that the new job has been a seamless and quiet transition and awesome to be able to make some extra money on the side from old job. Why not?!

    I hope the trip is amazing and I cannot wait to read all about it <3

    1. It took so long for my hold on The Women to come in! I was getting close to just buying it because I wanted to read it.

  4. What an exciting trip! The FLW episode of Top Chef was kind of odd. This is not the best season IMO but it is very fun to see "fly over country" featured in a positive way! The Native American episode was quite good and featured a very popular chef from Minneapolis that has a restaurant very close to the condo I lived in before I moved in with my husband.

    The early days of a job can be so frustrating since it takes so much time to get access to things. When I hired my new guy last September, I felt so ill-prepared to onboard someone. The company gave me a pdf w/ links to things but none of the links worked because we were in the process of transitioning our intranet to another system. So I was especially frustrated! But it's nice that you'll get paid for about a month without doing much in the way of actual work but the hiring company knew this and is a-ok with it. I think that speaks volumes about their culture and how much they wanted you!

    1. Yes, when all is said and done I think the new gig is going to be good. There's just a little start up scrambling going on, so that can be on my list of things to fix for the next person to join our team.

  5. I will expect that Doc Popcorn gets a shoutout in your recap or I'll be very disappointed. Ha! I can't wait to read your recaps and see how things are going.

    The first month of my job I spent mostly perusing blogs because I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing with my time. I think a little downtime early on is to be expected!

    Do you miss being at home on these long road trips? Are you desperate for puppytime? Your own bed? I'm fascinated by people who are okay with being away from home for long periods of time.

    1. No spoilers on the popcorn!

      Yes and no on missing home. I miss the fam and I have Puppy Mom guilt. But also if I didn't travel on my own I'd be sitting at home until everyone is done with Boy Scouts, which is way too much of a good thing. The reason for the long trip is that it's a long drive to get here, so I'm getting my money's worth out of the mileage.

  6. Yay new jobby job and being set up for when you get back! That really does sound like an ideal transition; meet folks and take notes, take a break, and then come back and do the thing.

    I can't wait to hear about the trip!! YAY!

    1. I hope so! Maybe starting a job and then taking a longer-than-normal vacation should be a thing.

  7. So glad everything is working out with the new job!
    I'm sure you could have kept that old job forever and no one would have noticed that you are juggling two jobs (that article with the guy with 3 jobs! how cool is that!)
    Enjoy your epic vacation!

    1. Aw man that guy with the 3 jobs...I can totally see how it is possible.

  8. Oooh! I'm wondering if by any chance you were in Highland Park? As we know, that's where I grew up (we know that from Risky Business, of course) and I remember my mom always walking about a FLW house. Of course as a kid it meant nothing to me, and I'm not sure if it's one that you can visit? I"ll be very interested in your vacay recap!
    Glad you liked Living With a Seal! Yes, it's definitely David Goggins. I know people have mixed feelings about him, but I read both his books and liked them as well.
    I can't even believe how well your job situation worked out. An easy start (while also getting paid from your old job!) and a vacation right away. Well, they sound like a good company to work for!

    1. No Highland Park for me this visit. It is (of course) taking longer to write my recap than I thought, but there's no reason not to say it since I'm not there anymore - I stayed in Rockford.

  9. I am so so happy to hear you are getting good vibes from the new job so far! Yay! Phew.

  10. I'm looking forward to reading about your vacation! A vacation sounds like the perfect way to start a new jobby job! It says a lot that the people who work there seem happy.

    1. You're right, my new coworkers are happy. It's such a breath of fresh air compared to the old place.

  11. I hope that your trip is going well! Oh, the dreaded onboarding process! At my last job, even when we requested everything in advance for our new hires, they took FOR.EV.ER to get the people set up. Also, we had one colleague that we hired from the banking side (we were the investing side) and her credentials/info did not transfer over. Then she went out for maternity leave for 16 weeks and when she came back, she had to be onboarded again! WTH! So frustrating.

    1. I'm laughing about combo of slow onboarding and maternity leave! It's impossible to make this stuff up.

  12. Ah, what a sweet picture of Doggo. I love when dogs (or cats) cross their legs - they just look the cutest :)

    I am excited for your new job. Sounds like you were easing in real nicely (while still moonlighting your old job). Nice.

  13. I love that you have been able to ease into the new job. That sounds much less stressful than having to jump in and start wrangling a bunch of things!

    And yay for vacation! Sounds like an epic trip and I look forward to reading all about your adventures.

    Both of those audiobooks sound excellent, although the idea of running with broken bones makes me so queasy I don't know if I could handle Living with a Seal, lol. (Definitely couldn't handle living with a Seal.)

    Love that photo of Doggo! Such a classy lady.
