Monday, June 17, 2024

Let's Go Places (And Meet People!): Madison, Wisconsin


Picking it up from last time...we're on MegaVacay 2024 and it is now Wednesday afternoon.  We're zeroing in on our final home base of the trip.  But it's only Wednesday and we're not going home until Monday, so we've got quite a bit of stuff left to see - and people to meet!

Wednesday - settling down

I picked Madison for my home base for the final leg of the trip because I had a few places to go there, it was a convenient location for the people that I was going to meet, and because I was ready to spend more than 1-2 nights in the same bed.

When I researched places to stay, it seemed like everyone else thinks that Madison is convenient as well, because the prices were steeper than I wanted to pay.  I zoomed out and found an Airbnb out in the country that caught my eye because of the price, and once it had my attention it kept selling itself.  The location was good, the unit looked very comfortable, the reviews were great, and oh yes, it was right next to the Glacial Drumlin Trail, which is a 52 mile long hiking/biking trail.  Sold!



For the 3rd time in as many Airbnbs, the unit was technically the basement of the house, but for the third time in as many Airbnbs it was also a very nice basement.


The welcome package included a bottle of wine and eggs from the owner's chickens.  I took the wine home with me and got two breakfasts and a dinner out of the eggs.

The only catch to the adjoining bike trail is that the trail is free to walk, but you have to buy a state pass to bike there - a one day pass is $5 and an annual pass is $25.  Now I didn't really think that the Trail Police were going to be stopping bikers to check for passes, but also I'm not looking for trouble, so I bought an annual pass to keep it legal.  I rode my bike every day except Thursday, so my cost per mile was very low.


The first night I had a long bike ride and had one of the frozen TJ's meals that I bought that morning for dinner.

Thursday - let's explore

Madison was just 20 minutes away from my home base, and I arrived there on Thursday morning for a meetup with Frank.

My first stop was the Unitarian Meeting House.  A church doesn't need a steeple when it is a steeple.

The backstory is that FLW's family founded the church back in the 1800s.  By the mid 40's the city of Madison had grown, and the original church building was in a prime real estate area.  It was getting hard for the congregation to park on Sundays, so when the city came along and offered them a check to build a new church somewhere else, it was an easy decision to relocate.  

If you're going to force me to pick a favorite FLW church, my vote has to go to Unity Temple in Chicago, but still, this was a special space.  It is very much still in business as a church, and the membership has far outgrown the 1940's projections.  A second building was built on the campus in the early 2000s to accommodate the expansion.  There are some very clever nods to the original building and a fun play on organic architecture - but you'll have to go there and see if for yourself to appreciate that.

My next move was to head downtown.  I walked around for a bit before my next tour, Monona Terrace.

Monona is a bit controversial in FLW circles because it was built long after his death, so there's an "is it or isn't it an FLW building" taint.  He designed the building in the late 30s and yes a few things had to be modified 60 years later when it was built, but hey if it's good enough to be on the public FLW sites page, it's good enough for me. 

There are a few design elements in the building that resemble rotundas, and there's a very good reason for that.

Because this is the scene about two blocks away - spoiler, this was my next destination after Monona. (PS the fountain is not perfectly aligned with the Capitol Building for some technical reason that I forget - I think it had to do with the placement of the railroad outside of Monona but I could be making that up - the difference is noticable unless you're standing at an angle with your camera like I was.  The only reason I'm mentioning it is to tell you that I could never bring my husband here.  The offset would drive him crazy).

At this point it had been more than 48 hours since my last State Capitol building tour, so I was due for a fix (and yes, if you're keeping score I've toured a total of four capitol buildings in my travels, so 50% of them were on this trip.  What can I say, it's my newest thing).

Madison delivered in Capitol Building Elegance.


And in roof views.

Here is what else the Madison Capitol building has to offer compared to other State Capitol buildings:

  • The tour guide gave the tour almost entirely in Dad Jokes.
  • There are a number of fossils embedded in the stonework.

  • The state animal is the badger, and it is heavily represented (P.S I used to work for a CFO who thought that the honey badger video was the most hilarious thing ever, and the work experience left a mark on me.  I'm sure there is a huge difference between the Wisconsin state badger and the honey badger, but to my immature brain they are one and the same and I giggled a little every time that I saw one.

  • Who wants to make a joke about Wisconsin and cheese?  Well, do it somewhere else besides the Capitol Building.  Dairy wasn't much of an industry when the building was built, so the artwork deals mainly with grain.

Anyways, the Capitol Building was a whale of a good time, so the odds are good that the new obsession of mine will continue in future travels.

But enough about buildings, it was time to meet people!  My next stop was the Hubbard Avenue Diner.  Once I saw the avocado benedict on the menu I didn't look any further.

It was delicious, but what I ate is beside the point.  It's about who I was eating with - Anne and Engie!  Predictably, it was a long conversation...and it was just part one since it was our first but not our last meeting of the trip.

Good food, good friends, good things to see...Madison delivered.  But that was just the beginning of my Wisconsin adventures.

Who's been to Madison?  Who's toured a State Capitol building?


  1. Madison is a very cool city! I have been outside the capitol, but not inside it. And the trail system there is awesome! Definitely a city I could visit again and again!

    1. Now I wish that I'd spent more time on the lake trail! What can I say, I got distracted by the trail in my backyard. But yes, really great city.

  2. Anne and Engie and Birchie in one place!!!!! Love this recap and wish I had been there for the Dad Jokes Tour. Sounds amazing.

    I have been to Madison! And I did not notice the fountain offset -- whoops.

    I love that your AirBnB gave you EGGS as a welcome gift. How adorable.

    1. It is such a great city and such great company. The fresh eggs were a bonus on top of that.

  3. Dad jokes AND fossils! Sign me up! I have never been to Wisconsin at all, and honestly the only things I really know about it are that there is a dairy industry and the Packers! So I am really enjoying your recaps.

    1. I have to say that WI really won my heart on both trips. I wasn't expecting it to be so lovely.

  4. Also think the eggs are an adorable touch (not ideal for vegans, I suppose).

    Madison seems like the place to be. So many Cool Bloggers in that area, and clearly lots to see and do!

    1. I think the area probably has the most Cool Bloggers per Capita. It's a great place to visit!

  5. What I hear from this is that Monona Terrace is underwhelming. I agree with this. LOL.

    Madison is the place to be and everyone should come visit us here! We'll show you a good time and take out for ice cream!

    1. Oops I forgot to mention that the night ended with ice cream. Yet another reason for everyone to get up there and visit with you.

  6. Oh, a meet up with Engie AND Anne? Color me green with envy! What a delight, and the Benedict looks good too. I've been to the Capital building in Sacramento, California. I've been outside the Capital building in Juneau, Alaska, which is VERY small as Capital buildings go. My husband took a tour and enjoyed it, but on that day I decided to have a whale of a time elsewhere...and went whale watching. :)

    1. I was thinking that the AK Capital building was kind of small, so I looked it up, and if you check out this website, you'll see that it's not a beautiful building AT ALL.

    2. Ooh that's a nice rabbit hole that I will be down if anyone needs me. Why yes, Alaska is pretty small. You win for watching whales instead of having a whale of a time on a captiol tour;-)

  7. I'm here for dad jokes so that would have made the tour extra enjoyable. I have barely been in the city of Madison. I will remedy that at some point where I am more able to travel for fun. In the meantime, I can hope that my work travels will take me to Madison and give me a change to meet the WI cool blogger contingent. I did get invited to a sheet metal workers annual dinner last fall, but it was the week Paul started kindergarten and I could not bare (bear?) to miss his first day of school! But maybe I will get the invite this year and I'd be more inclined to say yes.

    1. Don't get me wrong, the Cool Bloggers are very cool and it's a nice place, but I think Paul's first day of school was better. I'm sure that your travels will take you there on a day when there are less exciting things happening at home.

  8. Oh my goodness, thanks for the Honey Badger link! A friend spotted one on our favourite running trail two weeks ago, and now I know what to expect!
    That avocado benedict looks amazing!
    And now I'm looking forward to your new challenge - Capitol Buildings!

    1. How fun that you have honey badgers! Our CFO had team t-shirts made for us that said Team Honey Badger: We Take What We want.

  9. I love how much you rode your bike on this trip. That's awesome! And I would have bought the pass too.

    The dad jokes on the Madison capitol tour sound AMAZING. Do you remember any of them?

    Your lunch looks amazing. And yay for connecting with Anne and Engie!

    I've been to Madison a lot, and have toured the capitol there.

    1. Sigh all of the dad jokes went in one ear and out the other. It felt like being at home.

  10. I have never been to Madison but now I want to go! And, multiple meet-ups with Anne and Engie?!?! This trip is epic! I love it! I personally love puns or dad jokes on tours; I super appreciate someone willing to be cheesy (or "cringe") and keep information sharing on the lighter side.

    1. I love a good dad joke. According to my husband, I make more of them then he does. Madison was a great town!

  11. Yes, I've been to Madison! I didn't see much of it other than the streets, because I was there to run a marathon (this was about 25 years ago.) I looked at the Capitol building from the outside, but didn't go in. Obviously I should go back to Madison and do it right.

    1. Oh wow, 26.2 is a memorable way to see a town! I hope that the course included the waterfront. I'm sure that it must have.

  12. I love this so much that you were able to meet up with Anne and Engie! Color me jealous in the best possible way! Madison looks pretty awesome too. I have not been to the midwest but would love to visit some time.

    1. Don't get mad - get even! This is a wonderful place to visit.

  13. This sounds like such a fun time! I have only ever been to my own state capitol building, and it's so beautiful. I would love to visit other states' capitol buildings! I think you're onto something there!

    1. I never thought that I would be into State Capitol buildings, and then I visited one! Four down, 46 to go!
