Monday, October 7, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Back at Home

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  This week I have a killer good taco recipe to share, the Hubs and I hit a new biking milestone, we saw a funny movie, and I might have read a few books since we last talked.


The Hubs and I went for a long bike ride on Saturday (more about that in a minute), that left us hungry for dinner.  Burritos sounded good, so I figured that I'd make a batch of Chipotle Chicken in the Instant Pot for him, and I'd just nuke up one of my freezer veggie burritos that I always keep on hand for me.  If you're new here, I can't stand chicken, and the Hubs can't stand most of my go-to burrito stuffings.

But when I went to the store to pick up a few things, the craving hit for shrimp tacos.  I didn't have a particular recipe in mind, so I picked up shrimp, coleslaw mix, cilantro, lime, and avocado and figured that would pretty much cover any shrimp taco recipe out there.  When I got home the first thing that Google gave me was Pinch of Yum's spicy shrimp tacos with garlic cilantro lime slaw.  

I'm not shy about altering recipes to suit what I have on hand, and this was no exception.  I didn't have green onions, so I simply used about twice the cilantro and dropped in a dash of onion powder.  The result was a refreshing creamy green sauce, so whatever I did worked out.  I had to make two batches of sauce to cover the leftovers, so I made the first round with sour cream and the second batch with yogurt.  I mean, fine of course the sour cream version was better but I didn't hate the yogurt batch.  For whatever reason I didn't have to thin the sour cream version with water it was necessary with yogurt.  The only change that I will make next time is to cut back the amount of seasoning on the shrimp - it would have been better served by a sprinkle rather than the clumps and clumps of seasoning that the recipe called for.  But anyway, this was good stuff.


I'm getting closer and closer to getting back on the treadmill for the 12/3/30 workout (12% incline, 3 MPH, 30 minutes).  My summer flirtation with running was all very well, but my body isn't taking to it and I'm not getting the intensity that I need from cardio.  So the treadmill needs to come back into play.

(As I'm writing this I wonder why I keep sticking to the same cardio workout all the time...could I not mix it up with treadmill some days and outside run/walk on other days?  Hmmm.....)

In happier fitness news, the weather was gorgeous this weekend so the Hubs and I hit the bike trail.  We usually go about 6-7 miles out and then turn around, but when we got to our planned end point, we were both feeling fly so we kept going.  My previous distance record was 16 miles on Pelee Island last year, and now that's been left in the dust:

We have 30 miles left to go on the 100 mile trail (which will end up being 60 miles with our out and back method...Hubs likes to joke that we get to see the trail twice).  It's possible that we could finish the trail this year if the weather holds, but more likely that we'll have to wait until next spring to reach the end (and not to worry, there are other long bike trails in our area so the end of this trail just means the beginning of another).  This was the last superb weekend in the forecast, but as long as it's not freezing and not raining we can get in some more biking sessions.


Last weekend I saw the real thing in person and this weekend I saw it on TV.  The PBS documentary The Boyton House: The Next 100 Years is about the restoration of the Boynton house.  I liked the show because it filled in a few gaps from the tour.


Next up, the Hubs and I were ISO something easy on the brain for our Saturday night viewing, and found it in The Jerk.  I only thought of it because Unspooled just did an episode on it (which I have not listened to yet).  In general a little Steve Martin goes a long way for me, and I could only assume that a movie called The Jerk would be a lot of what I didn't want to see.  However, that was not the case, and I am always happy to be wrong in these situations.  This movie was a delight from start to finish.


I've read a few books since the last "weekly" roundup.

  • All Linda Castillo Amish Murder Mysteries All The Time.  I read the last three books in the series (books 14 to 16).  I'm now reading the short stories and then I will have finally gotten all of the juice out of the squeeze until the next book comes out next year.  My only grumble is that book #16, The Burning, is definitely the weakest link in the series.  There was already a death-by-burning in an earlier book, and the solution to the mystery felt a little out there.  But with that said, I will be here for it next summer when book #17 comes out.
  • For my road trip, I knocked back two audio books:
    • The first is an old school classic of the This Book Changed My Life Variety.  Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez.  When I first read this book, I was 22, had a college degree but no career plan or job skills, and was working as a temp for $6 an hour when my parents read this book and passed it on to me.  The reason for the reread is that Rachel mentioned that she has it on her TBR.  Of course I recommend this book, but I also think that this is one that is better to read than to listen to, since it is not a passive listen - there is stuff to think about and exercises to do.  It was interesting to hear how the book was updated for the 2018 edition over the O.G. 1992 version that I read back in 1997.
    • The second book was another puppy book!  Puppy Kindergarten: The New Science of Raising a Great Dog was written by two Duke professors who did an adorable research study to see if they could predict the traits in puppies that make successful service dogs.  I have mixed feelings about this book - on the one hand it was six hours of people talking about puppies so what's not to like?  But I thought the audio was a little strange in that Isabella Rossellini narrated the first and last chapters and then the narrator switched to a dude with no explanation.  Also their "advice" for raising a puppy sounded very complicated - yes having a puppy is complicated but not THAT complicated - and I would have liked some acknowledgement of the Puppy Teenage Years (ages ~4 months to two years depending on breed).  They made it sound like you just have to get through the first few months and then your dog is ready to take on the world, which is very much not the case - ask me how I know.  I think my recommendation is to skip this and read The Year of the Puppy instead.
  • Currently:
    • I will soon finish the Linda Castillo short stories and will then need to find a Real book for my bedtime reading. 
    • For audio, I started Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten.  I don't know anything about her and I've never watched her show but I can tell you that from the hour that I've listened to so far that I am really, really, going to like this book.
  • Also, I don't know who needs to hear this but Audible is running a special right now for 3 months at 99 cents a month.  I have a handful of books that I want to listen to that aren't on Libby, and I knew it would take forever to get Be Ready When the Luck Happens from the library, so that was the tipping point that made me google to see when Audible had to offer.

What's the last best thing you cooked?  What books are on your "this book changed my life" list?


  1. Fully agree about Your Money or Your Life! It completely changed my life.
    I read the "Millionaire Next Door" before that. Perhaps because of the timing it had even more impact than the YMorYL.
    After that, I devoured every post by Mr Money Mustache. I not only like the contents, but also his style of writing.

    Well done on the longest ride!!! I can see how this will develop into a Sunday habit, at least when the weather is nice. Do you think your stepsons will join you one day?

    1. Bike rides are for adults! The kiddos are busy with school and hanging out with people who are not their parents.

  2. Wow, bravo for completing your longest ride so far! How are your nether regions doing? Haha! I ask because when my Dad came to visit me in Vancouver we did a 20 miler and he was a little sore afterwards, both in the legs and the bottom.

    I am with Catrina in that I remember reading all of the MMM articles too! I also enjoyed Quit Like a Millionaire: No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required by Kristy Shen, if you have not already read that. She goes over Roth conversions a little, which are kind of confusing to some, and she does a good job (I thought) of explaining it so that "normal" people could understand.

    1. Well, since you ask I had to shift my weight from front to back from time to time when things started getting numb. It wasn't that long a ride and we stopped for water and to check out trailheads.

      I adore Kristy Shen. I read QLAM and anytime she's on a podcast it's an auto download.

  3. Isabella Rossellini narrates parts of a dog training audio book? Huh. For my sons' elementary school field trips to the police...I don't know what it would be, police museum isn't right, it was more like an interactive facility with various police departments...anyway, whatever that was, there was someone talking about the K9 unit and it was fascinating, how they chose puppies who would be in the unit. One of the things was that they'd hide a ball and if the puppy literally never gave up looking for it, they would be like, yes, that's the dog for us. The training for those dogs was super interesting too. Dogs are the BEST. I just thought tearfully of service dogs and all they do.
    Hahaha I have seen The Jerk once, with my husband, as he said it was really funny. I remember almost nothing about it though so I guess I didn't find it as great as he said.

    1. Ha ha ha! It turns out that Hannah is NOT made for law enforcement. If you move the ball just out of reach of her paws when she's laying down, she loses interest. Lazy dogs are great house pets, though!

    2. It wasn't really a dog training book, it was more about their project with a few chapters of general advice. But still, the narrator switch was jarring.

      One of the traits that they found in puppies that was correlated with successful service dog training was coprophagia - I'll let you google it - or better yet don't, but based on that Doggo might have a future as a service dog. She does seem to be growing out of it, thank goodness.

  4. Oh also, this is a weird random thing about cardio - do you like spin? Because a Peloton (though kind of $$$) is awesome for workouts and the app gives a lot of options too (barre, cycle, yoga, strength, running, walking, I don't know what all else). It's not cheap though, but for me it's worth it, better than a gym membership and nicer on my body than a tread.

    1. Once upon a time I used to do the spin bike at the gym. Now that I'm a bike rider again maybe I would like an exercise bike. For whatever reason I think I like being on my feet, but it wouldn't hurt anything if I went to a gym and tried out other cardio options - that's a great idea. Yeah Peloton is $$$ but if it was something that I liked I'd get my money's worth.

  5. Great job on the long ride! And those tacos look amazing. I haven't had a good taco in a while, but the last one was this summer and they were mushroom shrimp tacos that my husband pulled together in about 5 minutes and they were SO GOOD. I should remind him about how delicious they were and see if he takes the hint...

    1. Mushroom shrimp! Yes remind him and tell him we'll be over for dinner that night!

  6. Wow - that IS a long ride!!! Congrats! Also, those shrimp tacos look amazing, and the green sauce sounds right up my alley. DELISH.

    I am very interested in the Ina Garten book. I love her recipes and her whole vibe, and the few things I know about her make her seem like a very complex and interesting person. I look forward to your review!

    1. My review from one minute in is the same as my review 3.5 hours in...OMG DROP EVERYTHING AND GET THIS BOOK!!!

      Now that the tacos are gone I still have some sauce and I've been enjoying putting it on everything. Nom nom.

  7. Those tacos look amazing! I should make that sauce sometime. I love a good sauce (Phil is a bit more meh on any dairy-based sauce but that means more for me! Hurrah!). We had shrimp tacos last week as well.

    I made chicken tikka masala with cauliflower and peas in the instant pot on Sunday night. It's a skinny taste recipe that is SO GOOD!

    The Jerk is a movie that I plan to watch with Phil at some point. He says it is something I really need to see.

    1. The sauce was a winner. The tacos are gone but I still have some leftover sauce so it's been going on everything.

      I haven't made a lot of Skinny Taste recipes but the ones I have were very good.

  8. I have the Ina Garten book on hold! While her show has always seemed like it exists in a fancy world that is in another universe, I have appreciated the media I've seen about the book and the journey she went on (as a wife, a business owner, etc.) throughout the years. PS: Congrats on the long ride - that is AMAZING!

    1. I've never seen her show, so I only know her from a few articles I've read and this book. That's enough to make me adore her. The book is soooo good.

  9. Hmm, tacos. I wouldn't use shrimp, but maybe I need to make "fancy" tacos this weekend.
    Well, yes. You COULD be switching up your cardio workouts! Treadmill when the weather is bad, run/walks outside when it's nice, some bike rides... that sounds good to me. Your long bike rides sound fun.
    Ha, Steve Martin- when I was younger I LOVED Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. I should watch it again for old time's sake.

    1. Right, you wouldn't use shrimp so instead you'd use something even yummier. Maybe a roasted veggie & bean combo or roasted veggies & tofu...can you tell that I'm hungry right now?

      I'm on a three day streak of mixing it up! I did treadmill on Monday, run/walk on Tues, and TM again today...let's see if I keep it up!

      I'd forgotten about Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - the Hubs brought that to date night a while back and from what I remember it was hysterical.

  10. That is a long bike ride! My husband is the cyclist in our family but has been into dirt bikes in the last decade or so. And my son just recently started dirt bike riding as well. I do couch-potato when they're gone. LOL Actually, my preferred activity is Zumba and other dance classes at my gym and also try to get in 2 yoga classes.

    I should get Your Money or Your Life for my son as he's just graduated and it may help him have a plan/path for the future.

    Shrimp tacos are my favorite tacos, hands down! Yum -- thanks for the recipe!

    I remember Doggo is part Siberian Husky, is that right? We have a full-bred one here (my son's dog) -- but he's now 14yrs old so too late for us/him now -- LOL. He was never treats-motivated so it was hard to train him. But he's such a cool dog, with the biggest personality I've ever seen!

    My husband says he walked out of The Jerk movie a looong time ago (in theater) but your review makes me want to watch it!

    1. I meant to add that our Siberian Husky loved to walk so we walked a lot. But he's no longer able to go for long walks, and I miss going on long walks with him. I like being outside so we walk on the beach often, too.

    2. If you're talking dirt biking then you can find me on the couch!

      There is no better time in life to give your kid Your Money or Your Life then right after college - at least that's my story because that was my experience!

      Yes Doggo is 25% Siberian Husky and thankfully she is very treat motivated. She is much more interested in playing than in walking so that's why we do doggy day care a few times a week so that she has a place to get her wiggles out. She is starting to humor us with more regular walks, which is lovely.

  11. I've been thinking about the Ina Garten audiobook but have held off because I've never seen her show either. Well, now I'm going to go for it! I'm sure I saw the Jerk a long time ago, but I can't remember a thing about it. It's going on my watch list!
    Thanks for the great recommendations!

    1. Look I don't know if The Jerk is everyone's cup of tea or not but I swear by the Ina Garten book. I know nothing about her and I've been drinking in every word and now I just want to put my entire life on hold while I finish the book. Enjoy!
