Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekly Round Up: A Millionaire Mishap

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  In this week's edition I made millionaire bars and Doggo upped her counter surfing game.

A Millionaire Mishap

You know what millionaire bars are right?  They have a base of shortbread, a layer of caramel, a layer of chocolate, and lend themselves so well to the saying "you are what you eat".  

I had been craving a batch for a good long time, and finally made it happen on Friday afternoon.  After dinner the Hubs went out to the store and I carved up the goodies.  Hubs texted me with a grocery store question, and I naively stepped away from the counter and turned my back to answer him.  You-know-who sprang into action and was able to reach her snoot onto the counter.  Normally when she surfs she just licks whatever she can get her tongue on, but this time she snarfed up a millionaire bar, took off running, and maniacally chewed as I started with my mouth open.

Of course dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate, but I instinctively knew that she would be just fine, and sure enough she was.  She was possibly a little more hyper that night, but otherwise suffered no ill effects from her dessert raid.  If you are what you eat, my dog is a millionaire.

It wasn't her only counter surf of the weekend.  On Sunday we had lasagna and roasted broccoli for dinner, and again it is 100% my fault that I left one of the kids' plates too close to the edge of the table and that I turned my back to get the rest of the plates.  Given a choice between something with meat and cheese and a vegetable, which do you think she chose?  Roasted broccoli FTW and in the one second of contact that she had with his plate, she put quite a dent in his portion.  Hubs and I were the only ones in the room when it happened, so we chased her away from the table, laughed, redistributed the broccoli so that everyone had the same amount on their plates, and said nothing to the kids.

In other food news, my favorite hodge-podge dinner of the week was a freezer raid for roasted potatoes, broccoli, and a chicken sausage.  I roasted the broc and sausage in the air fryer, and topped it with the last little bit of the green sauce from the shrimp tacos that I'd made the week before.  It doesn't look like much but it hit the spot.


I moved forward with my plan mix it up for cardio.  I'm alternating the 12/3/30 treadmill workout with my short run-walks.  Stay tuned but I think I like this strange new world of mixing it up for cardio instead of doing the same workout every time.


Hubs and I both brought movies to the table this weekend.

First up: when you're a kid and your parents aren't around so you hang out with the family butler who is a Super Cool Dude.  But then something happens and you're not quite sure what you saw but it sees like Cool Dude may not be the person that you think he is.  The Fallen Idol is based on a story by Graham Greene/produced and directed by Carol Reed==>the same team that made one of my favorite movies, The Third Man.  From what I remember, I first saw this movie as a young 'un, saw it again as an adult at some point, and remembered nothing except that it was a good movie and I wanted to see it again.  My memory was correct - it is a good movie.  It's not as good as The Third Man because nothing is, but it's a worthy lead up from the same team.  But I barely remembered the story at all, so it was kind of like seeing a new movie.

The Hub's contribution to our weekend viewing was The Great Train Robbery.  It was so good that Stepson #1 watched it with us.


As you know, 90% of my reading for the past few months has been the Linda Castillo Amish murder mystery series.  As of last week I had read all 16 books, and as of this week I have read all of the short stories.  I have no where else to turn except to non-Linda Castillo books until the next book in the series comes out next summer (well, I think she does have some other books outside of the series but for my own sanity I am pretending that the well is dry for now).

So far so good!  The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean is about a teenager who disappeared two years ago and mysteriously returns.  From her appearance, it's clear that she's been through a very bad situation, but she won't talk about it so it's up to the detective assigned to her case to figure it out.  This was a book that practically read itself and kept me guessing.

On the audio side, things are rocking.

I finished Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten and my review is exactly the same as Kathrine Switzer's Marathon Woman which I read a few years ago: Garten's book is nine hours long and Switzer's book is 12 hours long and both books were far too short.  I hold Garten (a celebrity chef) and Switzer (the first woman to run the Boston Marathon) in exactly the same light: two people who I knew nothing about except for having read their memoirs and I could hang out with both of them forever.

I'd had A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy by Tia Levings on hold for a good long while, and when it finally came in this weekend, I hesitated for a moment.  I've got quite a few podcasts that I'm dying to listen to in my queue, and my reading this year on divorce and the Christian Patriarchy has already been quite extensive (You Could Make this Place Beautiful, This American Wife, Counting the Cost).  What more was this book going to tell me that besides that being a woman in the Christian patriarchy sucks?  I'd also already heard a summary of the book on the Glamorous Trash podcast (psst...the show is a Nicole recommendation) so maybe I should just skip it?

Well, TBD on that but from the first half hour of the book that I've listened to so far, the writing is excellent and I really like the author.  I'm sure that the conclusion of this book is going to be that living in the Christian Patriarchy sucks, but I don't mind the spoiler.

Another Neat Thing from the Week

On Thursday night around ten, the Hubs and I were in bed.  I was tired, and about to head for the shower but I procrastinated and picked up my phone instead and ended up on Facebook as one does.  We have a town Facebook page which we follow mainly for entertainment purposes.  People use it to complain about every last little thing.

Someone had posted pictures of the northern lights from the park in our neighborhood and noted that harumph, the lights were so dim compared to the sightings that were being posted from everywhere else.  I showed the post to the Hubs and we had a good laugh about how some people will complain about anything and then it clicked: Northern Lights.  Neighborhood Park.  Right now.

Hubs and I both leaped out of bed (thanks for asking, we were both wearing clothes) and ran out the front door.  One kid was in the shower and one kid was sitting like a lump in the living room, and about halfway down the block we thought to text them what was up.  They both made haste to get down to the park.

In all fairness, the lights showed up much brighter in the picture than they did IRL, but we still enjoyed our "inferior" light show very much.  What can we learn from this?  The next time that you want to complain about something on the internet...go for it!  Your lament may lead to someone else's fun family times.

Peace out!  Do you have a counter surfing dog?  Read anything good lately?  Seen the northern lights?  Had a good time based on someone else's complaining on Facebook?


  1. Oh, ha-ha! I LOLed about your dog being a millionaire! Lucky dog indeed!

    Do all dogs counter-surf? Because our Siberian Husky was an expert counter-surfer! He was not so brazen that he'd do it when we're around but the minute you leave the room, game on, man! I thought he has outgrown it but maybe just a few months ago, he swiped something from our island -- and it was not on the edge, so I think he had to use the chair to reach it!

    Thanks for sharing the northern lights photos! We were in Alaska in August and people were posting pictures the week before and the week after we were there and we're so bummed it didn't happen when we were there. So beautiful! I'd like to see one someday. I wonder if there's a way to know when it's most likely to happen -- like a weather app that would forecast rain.

    1. I don't know if all dogs counter surf. My past experience is with older dogs - one would counter surf if something yummy was left on the counter, but our old dog never did (that we know of). I think that for Doggo it's just her current teenage puppy mischief and I'm sure that she'll grow out of it - or we'll limit her access to the kitchen when there is too much temptation.

      We had a northern light show at home back in May but it was when both of us were out of town so we didn't get to see it. The only way that I know how to find out about them is to tune into our town FB page and see if someone is complaining;-)

  2. I'm so glad you got to see the lights! Ours showed up better in the photos as well. I was sleeping but my husband woke me up to show me.
    Rex has the power to counter surf but he never has, not once! I mean, his head is basically level with the counter. I am impressed Doggo ate broccoli. Rex is an anti-vegetarian!

    1. Go Rex! Doggo, take note!

      You couldn't have paid our old dog to eat a vegetable but Doggo is an omnivore. She eats meat of course, and she loves carrots, broccoli, and oddly enough she is also crazy about tofu. And millionaire bars.

  3. It seems Doggo ate really well this week! I’m glad they’re ok. I’ve made Millionaire’s Shortbread a few times after seeing it on Bake Off - my daughter calls it “homemade candy bars” haha!

    We saw the Northern Lights, too, here in southeastern MA. The Mr and I ran around the house and saw them through the trees across the street, but my daughter got a great view from the parking lot at dance class (and my guilt was assuaged because I felt so bad she missed them).

    1. Yep, Doggo was eatin' good. Your daughter is right that Millionaire bars are basically Twix - but they're really good Twix.

  4. I haven't had Millionaire bars in years, but they are SO good. Yum.
    We saw the northern lights. Like you, they showed up far more brilliantly through a camera viewfinder, but it was still very visible with the naked eye and the kids were so excited! I'm forever thankful to the friend who texted me; I was already in bed and would 100% have missed them if she hadn't let me know. My father-in-law had just arrived the day before so that made it extra special that we got to experience something so unsuual (for us at least!) with him.

    1. That's really neat that your FIL was there. It was such a fun, spontaneous family activity.

  5. You are what you eat! Good one!
    Brilliant pic of the Northern Lights! Of course, I completely missed it.

    Mixing up cardio sounds exactly right to me - it keeps the body guessing what's going to come next.
    Are you still doing strength work? I just registered for CrossFit again when we get back to Cape Town next week. Don't tell Kai, but now we will be going 3x a week instead of only twice. He'll be delighted. 😃

    1. Your secret is safe with me! Kai will be delighted to go 3x instead of 2x.

      I've kept up with my push ups, but pretty much let everything else slide. I enjoyed strength for a minute there, but after that I've just felt that it's going through the motions and I'm not seeing a benefit from it. Cardio is what makes me feel good. However, there are ways to add strength into cardio - I'm toying with the idea of getting a weighted vest or something like that to spice it up.

  6. Woooooaaaaah! I've never heard of Millionaire Bars. They look amazing. No wonder Doggo had to try one! Our dog doesn't counter surf, thankfully, but if there's something on a side table, all bets are off. I'm glad you got to see the northern lights. I saw them earlier this year, but not yet this time around. My town has a community Facebook group. Sometimes it's the only way to find out what's happening. But some of the discussions and comments are beyond belief.

    1. Your town FB page sounds exactly like mine - we get a lot of good info from it, but it goes off the rails frequently. The complaint about the dim Northern lights is a typical example.

  7. Hmm! All your books sound good, but I'm especially intrigued by The Return of Ellie Black. I want to read it at some point, but right now I'm about to start another long trilogy (recommended by my son.)
    Cats are not quite as bad as dogs, but we've caught our cat licking frosting off a birthday cake (ew.) Otherwise they're not too interested in our food (ha ha... maybe that's because we're vegan. Poor cats!)
    Glad you were able to catch the "inferior" light show. The photo is beautiful!

    1. Yep, if you have a pet it's been in your food at some point. Thankfully Doggo is too big to jump on counters, but she has a long body so if she puts her mind to it, she can stretch and get quite a bit of counter access from the floor.

      Ellie is a solid read if you're looking for an inbetween for the new trilogy. I might be ready to take on a longer book soon, or maybe even the Follet trilogy.

  8. I don't have a counter surfing dog, but when Lad's dog Finnegan lived with us, well - he once ate all the remaining burgers that Coach left on the counter for the kids who weren't home yet. At first, the kids assumed Coach had put the burgers in the fridge and Coach was in another room, hollering "They're on the plate on the counter." *womp womp* It was a sizeable feast. I am dying at the way you ended up seeing the northern lights. So funny.

    1. Oh man, our old dog was a saint but even she wouldn't have been able to resist a counter full of hamburgers. That's a dream come true for every dog.

  9. Millionaires sound like something that would be a challenge on the Great British Bake Off! I have never had one! But they do sound good. Glad Doggo was ok after eating one!

    I read Ellie Black! That ending!

    I'm rolling my eyes at people complaining about the Northern Lights. If that doesn't sum up the state of our society at this point in time, I don't know what does. I did not see the Northern Lights because I was probably already sleeping when they happened!!

    1. The challenge would have to include keeping a one year old German Shepherd puppy from counter surfing or it's not a challenge.

      Ellie sure got the required number of Twists that No One Saw Coming. But it was very readable and I enjoyed it.

  10. Yum, millionaire shortbread! Now I have a craving! Who can blame Doggo, really? Especially about the broccoli. I can't resist roasted broccoli either.

    I do have to say that dogs sneaking counter food (or cats -- I know it's not solely a dog's purview) is another pet owner point that I will put in the con column. JOEY DOES NOT SHARE FOOD.

    "Hubs and I both leaped out of bed (thanks for asking, we were both wearing clothes) and ran out the front door." SNORT.

    1. Doggo has good taste for sure.

      You are correct about the con column - 100% of pets have gotten tastes of their owners' food.

  11. Hannah does not counter surf. She does not seem interested in people food unless it is meat and since we don't eat meat, she doesn't care. Zelda the Cat, on the other hand, WILL EAT ANYTHING and NOTHING IS SAFE. And because my husband is Mr. Food Safety, if she so much as touches a single paw to a plate of food, the entire plate must be thrown away. There is CONSTANT VIGILANCE around plated food in our house.

    Doggo is SO PRETTY. That photo of her? I'm dying over here. She can have all my broccoli from here until the end of time.

    1. She is so pretty and such a cuddler that it's hard to be mad at her puppy mischief. From what I've heard the counter surfing will go away when she is older and has better impulse control as long as we keep up with the distracting her to something that she's allowed to do, such as having her do tricks to get a treat or giving her a toy to play with.

      She's both small and long, so she can get to quiet a bit of vertical turf. Fortunately she's not a cat, so she can't leap up onto counters - believe me if she could she would.

      I'm laughing at Dr BB's "no cat can touch my food" - there's nothing wrong with feeling that way, but the reality is quite a bit different.
