From what I understand, the credit card industry has a name for people like me: a deadbeat. I use credit cards for convenience and pay my bill in full each month. They don't make any money off me.
For most of my adult life, I had a very simple credit card setup of always more than one card and never more than three. Prior to the fall of 2022, my lineup was: Amazon, Target, and Costco. $0 fees, 5% back at Amazon and
Target, and lesser percentages for all other spending. The reason that the fall of 2022 is significant is because this is when I started traveling, and a lot of credit card rewards are specifically for travel.
I kept hearing about Credit Card Hacking, and claims like "I got a $40,000 trip for free" and "my family gets $15,000 in free credit card travel every year!" Was I missing out? How exactly would I go about getting my mitts on the goods?
This is the story of what happened when I decided to find out.
I could talk about this stuff all day, and I have a feeling that I probably will, so I've done my best to put the juicy stuff first and then get into the weeds. There is no point to this post other than for me to geek out on numbers.
How Much Have You Made and Was It Worth It?
Here is the TL;DR snapshot of the credit card rewards and bank sign up bonuses that I've gotten in the last 2.25 years (between October 2022 and December 2024). As you can see, it is not tens of thousands of dollars but in my opinion it is quite a bit more than I was getting before.
I didn't want to list out every financial institution that I've done business with, so I only identified the accounts that I have something special to say about.
I also didn't want to just drop numbers without telling you where they came from, so here is the tea on that:
- Cash: self explanatory. Cash that I received for opening new accounts.
- Travel redemptions: money that I was going to spend that I did not spend because I used travel points instead. The break down on the $505 in the table is:
- Chase Sapphire $265: so far I've redeemed points for hotels rooms twice, specifically in the summer of 2023 ($125) and the summer of 2024 ($140).
- Hyatt $240: in September 2024 I spent two nights at a Hyatt. The cost was $240 in cash or 10,000 points, so I redeemed 10,000 points instead of paying $240.
- Unredeemed travel: my estimate of the value of the travel points that I have not redeemed yet. Until I cash in, I consider this to be "funny money" because I have not gotten a benefit from it yet. The purpose of stockpiling points is that right now I have a good job with a fat paycheck, but in a few months I plan to ditch the job and lose the paycheck, and when that happens I will cash in the points for travel. The goal is to get these points spent by the end of 2026. There are ways to redeem them for big bucks in free travel, but whether I end up doing that or not remains to be seen. For now I've valued them at the "lowest case" scenario.
- Chase Sapphire: I have 112,000 points: 80,000 were from the sign up bonus and the rest are what I have earned since then less what I've already redeemed. These points have a value of 1.25 cents per point when redeemed through Chase's travel portal. The math is 112,000 x 0.0125 = $1,400 in the chart above.
- Hyatt: I have 55,000 points. Hyatt's point redemptions range from 3,500 to >30,000 per night. There are a decent handful of 5,000 per night hotels out there, but I think it's more likely that I would fall on the 10,000 per night end of things. Previously my Hyatt stays have worked out to $120 per night, so I went with 55,000 points/10,000 per night = 5.5 nights x $120 per night to get $660.
- Amtrak: I have 40,000 points and since I have yet to take an Amtrak trip and don't really know the score yet, I went with The Points Guy's valuation of 2.67 cents per point: 40,000 x 0.0267 = $1,068.
- Chase Freedom Unlimited: the secret sauce with this no fee card is that points can be transferred to the Chase Sapphire. The sign up bonus was 25,000 points valued at 1.25 cents per point = $312.50
As far as the "was it worth it" part of the question, I believe that the answer is yes. It is difficult to quantify what the rewards were back when I put most of my spending on my Amazon card and I haven't tracked the cash back from spending that I've gotten on the new cards. That is why I'm stating an opinion instead of giving hard numbers.
If I wasn't interested in travel, I would get a no fee 2% cash back card to replace all of my non Amazon/Target/Costco spending and call it a day. In a year where I spend $40k, that would mean a minimum of $800 in cash back (more for higher category things like the 5% at Amazon, 3% on dining and travel on the Costco card), so that's the benchmark that I will use to evaluate how much value I get from travel going forward.
Is Travel Hacking for Everyone?
Oh God, no. I enjoy messing around with numbers, and I'm able to keep track of making five different credit card payments in one month without batting an eye. I know a lot of people who would not consider this to be "fun". Specifically the person that I am married to.
I have never carried a credit card balance so I don't know or care what my interest rate is, but from what I understand it is not nice. It is a pretty standard personal finance recommendation to stay away from credit card hacking if you have credit card debt.
What I Pay in Credit Card Fees
Here is what I get for the annual fees - please note that these cards come with a lot more benefits that what I've listed, but I'm only claiming things that impact my bottom line. For example, the Sapphire card comes with Door Dash credits, but I don't use Door Dash so I get $0 from that benefit.
- Sapphire:
- $50 annual hotel credit for travel booked through the Chase portal. The downside is that it's kind of a pain to use the portal, and the prices can sometimes be higher than you get by booking directly with the hotel or through other travel portals.
- Travel insurance. I am not someone to buy insurance when it's not required. Travel is a want and not a need, so if I'm ever not able to take a trip that's just too bad. However...the fact that I have it has proved useful. Last year I booked a non-refundable Airbnb for $300 but wasn't able to go on the trip because of a winter storm. The process to file a claim for the $300 was very easy, and I got the money back in a few weeks. My experience was a 10/10.
- The ability to transfer points to Chase's travel partners (hotels and airlines). These point redemptions can be worth a lot more than Chase's 1.25 cents per point rate, and that's where the "tens of thousands of dollars in free travel" claims come from.
- I plan to keep the Sapphire for as long as I feel that the point redemption/travel insurance benefits outweigh the net $45 cost. It's my primary card for travel spending.
- Hyatt:
- One free hotel stay per year after the first year. The best deal that I've seen on Hyatt is $120 per night, so the way that I think of it is I'm paying $99 to get something worth $120. The ideal situation would be to use the credit for a much more expensive stay.
- I'll keep the Hyatt card for as long as I have one hotel stay per year, so indefinitely.
- Amtrak:
- Benefits of the annual fee include points for free travel, discounts, and a companion pass.
- This is the Card Most Likely to be downgraded to the free version. I haven't taken an Amtrak trip yet, and there is no way to know how much train travel I will do in the future/whether Hubs will be available to take a trip with me to get the benefit of the companion pass. My rule is that if I don't take a train trip in 2025 that I have to downgrade this card to the free version in 2026. The more I think about it I should probably just downgrade it before my 2025 fee is due.
What About the Two Other Credit Cards That You Named? What's the Deal With Those?
Yep, there are good cards out there with no annual fees.
- Capital One Savor One: this was the first credit card that I got when I was dipping my toes into the credit card hacking waters. At the time I was reluctant to pay an annual fee, and I liked the 3% cashback on groceries. I knew that it had something to do with travel but I wasn't sure what.
- What it has to do with travel is that it gives me access to the Capital One travel portal. I've seen some mighty good deals there.
- It also gives 5% cash back on travel booked through the portal. That combo proved to be pretty sweet last fall when we went to Chicago.
- Chase Freedom Unlimited: this card pairs nicely with the Chase Sapphire card. It gets 1.5 points back on everything compared to 1 point for the everything category on the Sapphire. It's a faster way for me to rack up Chase points and oh it didn't hurt that it came with a 25,000 point sign up bonus.
Will You Get More Credit Cards?
Maybe. Right now I feel that I'm in a good place and adding more cards would just keep me at a break even point instead of increasing my payoff.
For example, the Capital One Venture X is very popular. It has a $395 annual fee but that's offset by a big ol' sign up bonus worth $750, a $300 per year travel credit, and a $100 points booster after the first year. People can't tell you fast enough that the $395 fee minus the $300 travel credit minus the $100 points booster is FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS THAT THEY'RE JUST GIVING AWAY FOR FREE!!!!!
The real reason that I don't have the Venture X is that I got denied for it. Capital One thinks I have too many new credit card accounts (read: they know I'm a deadbeat who is just in it for the sign up bonus). If I felt strongly about it, I could call customer service and ask to be reconsidered, but I don't feel that strongly about it.
However, since Capital One doesn't want me, I've taken more time to think about it and decided that for right now I don't want them. It would be nice to get the $750 sign up bonus, but I'm not really that interested in the $5 a year that I would get long term. I've also heard that their hotel and airline transfer partners aren't as good as Chase's partners. Down the road I might play in the Capital One or AmEx sandboxes, but right now I'm Team Chase.
Whatcha Gonna Do With All of Those Chase Points?
Ideally I will transfer them to airline partners or to Hyatt. Last year I looked at a flight to Portland on United, and the cash price of the ticket was $1,200. The points price was 80,000 and woo hoo I can transfer my Chase points to United, and if I put in some extra legwork I might find another transfer partner with a better points deal to book the flight through. Getting a free hotel night here and there is all very well, but getting "free" $1,200 plane tickets is even better.
Hyatt is a special snowflake because their point values are very good. The only thing is that there aren't a ton of Hyatts in the US, and also I don't stay in hotels very often since I prefer Airbnbs.
Dude What's Your Credit Score? Does Getting New Cards Mess it Up?
Nah. I see a temporary boost every time I get a new card. As you can see, Vantage doesn't like that the average age of my credit is under five years and the number of credit inquires I've had. The only issue that I've had is that I opened too many cards in too short a time, so certain lenders will not give me new cards (Capital One, Amex, Citi). If I ever wanted a card from these folks badly enough, I'd pick up the phone. As it is I've taken the hint to focus on Chase, who loves me as long as I'm under 5/24 (no more than five new cards in the past 24 months).
How Often Do You Use Each Card? How the Freak Do You Keep Track of The Payments?
Most of my spending goes on my Amazon, Sapphire, and Freedom Unlimited cards, so it's not that much to keep track of each month. When I get a new card I use it for my everyday spending until I meet the intro bonus requirements, and after that I only use it for what it's good for. For example, when I got the Hyatt card I did all of my spending on that until I got the bonus, and now I only use it at Hyatt.
Every once in a while I'll get notices from the credit card issuers when I haven't used a card in a while, and when that happens I make a small purchase so that they don't cancel the card.
I said before that I'm All That when it comes to keeping track of my spending, but also I like having a second set of eyes to make sure that I don't miss anything. I use a free tool called Empower Personal Capital for a snapshot of my accounts and spending so that I have an all in one place to see what's up.
What Are the Disadvantages to These Cards?
I wouldn't say that it's a disadvantage, but it seems to me that there is some over promising in the travel hacking world in the "tens of thousands of free travel" department.
Getting the Chase Sapphire Preferred sign on bonus of 80,000 was amazing, but I don't have a way to repeat it. After that sweet, sweet sign up bonus my points are coming from my spending. I currently charge about $40k on credit cards a year, and I don't foresee a radical increase in spending anytime soon. It's true that some of my spending is in categories that get more than 1 Chase point per dollar, but a lot of it is 1 point stuff. That's 40,000 points per year (well actually it's 60,000 because I now do all of my one point spending on the Chase Freedom Unlimited that gives me 1.5 points per dollar). But still, you get what I'm saying...we're talking in the ballpark of a thousand dollars in travel instead of "tens of thousands of free travel".
One common way to get credit card points is through referral bonuses - you give someone a link to sign up for the card and you get a points referral bonus. That's why there are so many social media posts on credit card hacking. I watch YouTube videos on travel hacking because it's my idea of fun, but I can't help but notice that it's very rare to see a negative review. I have used links from creators that I like to sign up for cards, but I also feel that it's a conflict of interest. Because I feel kinda icky about it, I have chosen not to use referral links in this post.
I also think that there is a line between entertainment and obsession in chasing rewards. I have a high level understanding of which card is good for what, but I don't over optimize. I *could* use my Costco card every time that I get gas for 4% and I *could* use my Savor One at the grocery store for 3% back, but instead I use my Chase Freedom Unlimited and get 1.5 points per dollar to further my End Goal of stockpiling Chase points.
The other major disadvantage of travel hacking is that it takes time. Right now I've got a nice stash of points, but that's after 2.25 years. It also takes time to move points to transfer partners, so it's not a very spontaneous hobby.
Any Other Tips?
If you're on the fence about getting one of these cards, I say wait and keep your eyes open. Sometimes there are special deals on the intro bonuses. Here are two personal examples:
- The Chase Sapphire normally has a 60,000 point bonus, but in May of 2023 the bonus was temporarily increased to 80,000 points. I'd been thinking about getting the card for a looooong time, and the extra bonus was what got me to make a move.
- Same story with the Amtrak card. The normal bonus is 20,000 points, and I got the card at a time when it was increased to 40,000 points.
How Can I Find Out About All These Sweet, Sweet Checking Account Bonuses When You Didn't Even Bother to Say What Banks They Were From?
This is a fair question! My two sources for finding new account bonuses are:
- Nerd Wallet's best checking accounts page. Right now the pickings are slim, but it's been a decent source in the past.
- Google! The search "new checking account bonus" gives me a list of both local and online banks with new sign up bonuses.
My Tips n'Tricks for whether I get a new checking account are:
- I only get accounts with banks where I clearly understand what I need to do to get the bonus, the steps aren't too complicated, and there are no account fees to eat into the loot.
- An example of an offer that I signed up for recently was a $300 bonus if I direct deposited $1,000 within the first 90 days of the account being open, and no fees as long as I keep $500 in the account. $300 is a nice number and it's easy for me to change my direct deposit and keep $500 in the account.
- An example of an offer that I would not get is something that I just pulled up on Google. The bank says you can get up to $700 for opening a new account, but when I drill into the details, the $700 comes from a series of much smaller bonuses for four different accounts that I have to jump through hoops to get. I would have to make purchases on my debit card, which is something that I don't normally do. I'd be better off looking for two more deals like the first example.
- I keep these accounts open for a year, just to be "nice". If I ever found a bank that was easier to deal with than the bank that I've had an easy time dealing with since I was 18, I would consider switching it to my primary checking account. So far I haven't found that unicorn.
- Use Raukten! That account that I listed as having a $425 bonus was actually $300 from the bank and $125 from Raukten.
- Checking account bonuses are considered to be interest, so they are taxable. I'm not sure exactly how much tax I've paid on these bonuses, but it's a tiny percent of our household income, so not much.
What Are Your Future Hacking Plans?
Going forward I plan to live my life and have a good time. At the end of next year, I'll check and see if the benefits that I'm getting from these cards are greater than the 2% cash back standard. When/if I get tired of traveling, I will most likely switch to a cash back strategy.
As long as I keep working, I will most likely continue to dabble in the world of checking account sign up bonuses. Once I no longer have direct deposit then I'll be out of that game.
Where Can I Learn More?
YouTube: I don't have specific videos to recommend, but I've picked up tips from all of these folks: Rob and Allie, RD Guarantee, and Daniel Braun
Congrats on making it to the end of this post! If you dabble in credit card hacking, what is your biggest coup?
Oooh la la; you are speaking my language! Now I want to do this post for me! Of course, last time I did the Money Monday post, I think 95% of the people's eyes glazed over before they even got past the first paragraph! But I love this. I don't have direct deposits so I have not even looked into checking accounts, but I do wonder if you could do an automatic transfer from a savings account or something and that would satisfy the bonus need?
ReplyDeleteI should not spoil my numbers so that I can do a big reveal on my own site, but in 2025 so far from points, I have "saved" over $5,000. The bulk of this was the flights to Germany, which I used very old United points for so I definitely did NOT get the best bang for my buck. Unfortunately those points used to be worth a lot more. But that is why we should not hoard them. There will always be another deal.
The one thing I disagree with is that the transfers take a long time. I have used the Chase portal and the Capital One portal to do transfers to airlines and they are essentially instantaneous. Which platform was slow for you? Okay, I am going off to draft my credit card hacking recap post now. :)
Oui oui! I want you to do this post! I did hear a podcast where someone had a way to do direct deposits, but I didn't quite understand how it worked. Who knows, once I'm not working and really have time on my hands maybe I'll dig in and figure it out and continue to get those $300 bonuses rolling in.
DeleteI like your spirit - "there will always be another deal"
You caught me talking out of my hat on the transfers. I haven't actually transferred my Chase points anywhere yet, but I saw somewhere that it can take a day or so - glad to know that's not the case. What I have run into is startup delays with Hyatt and frequent flyer accounts. It was a struggle to get my Hyatt points because I had a membership number from an old stay but when I got the card they gave me a new number and it took 3-4 phone calls to get the accounts merged. I thought to do this ahead of time, but if I'd waited I would have been in a situation where I wouldn't have had access to my points. I've also had a bit of legwork getting my accounts current with airlines since I don't fly very often. There's nothing like the joy of finding out that I have a frequent flyer number from 20 years ago so instead of being able to sign up online instantly I have to get on the phone and then send them my marriage license to confirm my name change. Good times.
Haha! Yeah I had not thought of that. I have had issues where they basically canceled it, even though I had signed up before, so I had to just sign up for a new account, because some of them were SO OLD. I have also (sigh) had points expire on me before because I did not pay attention. Stupid of me, but sometimes the little lots of 5000 here and there just sit for so long! I know I should have just done a transfer or one of the tricks but I did not.
DeleteI only have one credit card (I also have never had a balance) and it's a WestJet one, so I get lots of travel points. We have saved a ton of money on flights by using our cards. Rob has a WestJet and an Avion one, and we just saved like $2000 on flights for a trip in the fall. So definitely worth the fees, which aren't extreme.
ReplyDeleteYay for saving money on travel! It's really smart to just focus on the airlines instead of trying to keep up accounts with a bunch of different reward programs.
DeleteI, by mistake, once forgot to pay off my credit card and ended up with a bill of $17 in interest. NEVER AGAIN. I was so miffed. Like you, we pay them all in full and I have zero idea what the interest rate is. I'm sure it's terrifying.
ReplyDeleteI have one credit card in my name (a cash back, no fee card). My husband has a VISA (almost $200/year) but it gives him Aeroplan points for every dollar spent and he has both a personal and corporate card in his name with those rewards. As you know, we use them to get very inexpensive flights for the whole family. If you live in Canada and travel often, you can't beat Aeroplan.
At his last job, he used a company card, but his current work lets him book all his flights and accommodations on our corporate card and then reimburses him...which means we spend a crap ton of money, and money spent on flights gives double points + other perks. But it wouldn't be nearly as lucrative if he didn't travel often, so when he's done this line of work, I'm not sure if we'll maybe switch to some other card? Time will tell!
I don't really have any desire to use other cards, but I find it ENDLESSLY fascinating.
I can't wait to check out Aeroplan for myself. It's a Chase transfer partner, so there is a high likelihood that my Chase points will subsidize my airfare to either NS or BC.
DeleteYou're in the ideal situation where John has a lot of work expenses AND he gets to snag the points. Woo hoo!
Last summer, the Mr. and I got a shared Chase card to start exploring the world of points and see what we could do with it. Although life blew up again, we are still using it for most of our purchases and paying it off each month (deadbeats, haha!) with the thought that we want to see if it helps us save on the travel we want to do in the next few years with our daughter (and then beyond as we think more seriously about retirement) or if it's not worth the hassle... It's been a huge research point for us as we try to lock down on our summer vacation plans.
ReplyDeleteYou're in exactly the same boat as me. The only way for me to figure out if it was worth my while to get travel rewards was to get travel rewards and then figure out what to do with them. Let me know what you end up deciding to do with your points!
DeleteI also pay off my balance every month and I only know the balance on my cards because I had a Capital One Visa SINCE COLLEGE and last year they sent me a notice that my card was changing and they had the GALL to say they weren't big changes, but everything changed - from Visa to Mastercard, APR, and even the date that my bill was due. This is why I know my APR is 21.49% on my Chase card (which I got because I needed a Visa card for Costco which is one of the three main places I use a credit card and it only takes Visa) and "only" 19.9% on my Capital One card. And I am a bitter lady about having to deal with two cards to be honest. BITTER.
ReplyDeleteI am your husband. This stuff KILLS me with silly details and too much to track. I am not a DETAIL LADY. Probably this means bad things for my future.
Man, I do like some things about Capital One but they are a pain when they want to be. Also Costco what is your deal with not taking Mastercard? I've run into that as well.
DeleteYou ARE a detail lady and my husband is a detail dude. It's just that you're interested in different details, and those matter just as much and honestly a lot more than credit card fine print. I could never lead a book club because I tune out so much in my reading and lose details.
Wow. This is so interesting. I've read Kyria's posts about credit cards and points, etc. and I think we could do better than we currently do. We are pay it in full every month types, but for the longest time we only had the one credit card. We get American Airline points for every dollar spent, and we spend a TON on groceries and gas alone, so we get a lot of AA miles, but I have found that flying overseas doesn't work well with those accumulated miles. I would have to pay like $800 in fees in addition to using my miles. Huh? so, when we fly to Italy in March to see Mini, we booked thru Orbitz. I do wonder if we should be using a different card. We did fly to Florida for a Disney trip like 12 years ago and the flights were all frequent flyer miles. So much to think about, my head is spinning. I wonder if a cash back card would be better for us. I've had the same credit card for probably over 20 years. It comes in handy to have domestic flights often for free, because we rack up the miles there and don't use them terribly often.
ReplyDeleteThanks for geeking out with the numbers. This is a really informative post. I'll share it with Coach and see if he is interested in making a change.
Oh, the other credit card we now have is a Kohls Visa, because they switched their Kohls store card to a Visa. I can use it at Costco, because I was just using my cash card and my citicard is a mastercard, not accepted by Costco. Not sure the perks of getting Kohls cash is the best use of those dollars spent at Costco. Hmm.
Thanks for the info.
Our heads are spinning on the same axis. If I wasn't interested in travel then cash back would definitely be the way for me to go and maybe it is even with the travel. But if you're getting domestic flights for free, that's a huge value so you guys are doing something right!
DeleteLet me know what you decide to do!
Fun post!! I think this works best for people with HIGH spending or business spenders. I have some of these working for me and could probably leverage them better, but we definitely do enjoy ~2-3K of free travel each year, usually in the form of frequent flier redemptions or chase point redemptions from hotel. putting a lot of our spending on an American Airlines card has won us Platinum status on that airline which makes travelog more fun in general! But i don't do the open-a-bunch-of-cards hacking and probably should try a little harder!!
ReplyDeleteCorrect, if you're dropping huge bucks you can get a ton of "free" money in return.
DeleteYou're in a great spot where you have one airline that you can focus on. My flying is infrequent and scattershot, so I'm all over the place with airlines.
Whew, this is very cool, but also terrifying to me! I wouldn't be able to keep track of it all. I love the term "deadbeat credit card user!"
ReplyDeleteNo worries, I am the first to admit that there are probably better uses for my time. It's nice that I can offset some of my travel with rewards, but not essential.
DeleteWe are credit card deadbeats too who always pay off our balances in full! We haven’t done much in the way of credit card hacking but my husband has done money market, checking account hacking where you get special rates when you transfer funds or bonus to transfer a certain amount of money and keep it there for six months, etc. It is so not my thing so I let him handle it and will follow directions when I need to move balances to Ally, etc. for a bonus of some sort. I have a Delta AMEX that I use for the most part since I travel so much on Delta. The perk is that you get a free companion fare once per year, but that means the fee on the credit card is pretty high at $400. but now that I’m platinum on Delta, I get to choose from a list of perks and I chose a perk of a $400 statement credit so that negates the high fee on the card. Besides that we have a cashback Chase Amazon card and another Chase credit card. Most of my travel is booked on my corporate card so my company reap the benefits of all that spending. But I accrue a lot of Delta and Marriott points since I’m loyal to those brands. We use Delta points to buy our flights to Mexico. We rarely stay in hotels at the stage of life but someday we will enjoy using those Marriott points. I currently have something like 377,000!
ReplyDeleteLisa, please ask your husband to do a guest post Birchie Style on money market/checking account hacking!
DeleteThe Delta card gets a lot of love in the credit card hacking videos that I watch.
DeleteCC/bank hacking would not be the Hubs's thing either. He's better at big picture stuff like houses and cars. For example, last fall when my oldest stepson starting driving, Hubs snapped up a "new to us" car for a song and we car shuffled so that the kid is driving my "old" car and I have the "new to us" car. I can't put the exact cash savings on the deal yet, but it's way more than my rewards haul.
Well done, Birchie! As an experienced FI candidate, I wouldn't expect anything less of you.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, we don't have that system in Switzerland or in South Africa, or else I'd be on to it, too!
It's nice "work" if you can get it - but as you point out, it is possible to put a roof over your head and lead a good life without credit card rewards;-)
DeleteI love this, and am going to check out the Capital One card with 3% for groceries, as that is a lot of my spending. I have a Capital One Venture card right now, and the annual fee is $59, which isn't bad but also not free. I got it because it is 2% back spent on travel, and there are no foreign transaction fees, but now I have a couple of other cards with no foreign transaction fees and I can get 2% back using my Apple card, so once I get a chance to cash out my Capital One card, I may cancel it and only have $0 fee cards. I am also a dead beat and pay my cards every month. I don't have any hotel reward cards or airline cards though, just the % of amount spent cards.
ReplyDeleteI only spend points on travel (except my Amazon card, which for some reason I hold to a different standard and use those points for Amazon purchases). I paid for a week in Maui in 2021 with points, and most of 2 weeks in Alaska in 2023. Both of those, I paid for the AirBnB with points, we paid for the airfare.
Oh, I meant my Cap One card gives 2% on all purchases, as long as I redeem the points for travel.
DeleteA lot of folks "stack" the Savor One and the Venture cards. You'll be able to transfer the cash bonus on the Savor One and the higher earning categories like groceries over to Venture, so it's an easy way to get moar points. For me the biggest perk of CapitalOne is that travel portal! I've still got a buzz from the savings we got on the CHI hotel last fall.
DeleteIt's a no brainer to use the Amazon card for Amazon! I feel like the norm is 2% cash back, so the 5-7% back on Amazon is pretty unbeatable.
I am ashamed to say that I have never used the Capital One travel portal! I think I looked at it once and it seemed just as expensive as not using it, if not more so, but I'm not positive, that may have been my Chase card. I'm going to check it out next time we go somewhere! Though usually we do stay at AirBnB rather than hotels, because there are three of us.
DeleteIt's not you it's the portal;-) If there is no deal, there is no reason to use it unless the extra points make it worthwhile. But once in a while their prices are a steal.
ReplyDelete(And I feel really guilty for that, because my husband is The You in our relationship, credit-card-points wise, and I tend to have very limited patience when he wants to discuss the various benefits of cards.)
We have a Chase Sapphire (I think?). It's a Chase something. My husband manages all the details -- I immediately balk at the annual fees and cannot get past those, especially when so many of the "benefits" seem to be of the Door Dash variety. (We also don't use Door Dash, so it's not really a benefit to us.) He is really good at getting us free hotels. I think that's 90% of what we spend our points on, but it's gotten us some really fun hotel stays!
DEADBEAT. That is the best term. I feel so lucky my parents taught me how to be a deadbeat from a young age! I have always always paid off credit cards in full each month, and married someone who does the same. I can see how credit card debt could be so easy to develop, and I know that sometimes it's the only option when money is tight, and I feel really fortunate that we've so far been able to cover our costs.
WHAT YOU SAID! We are lucky to have "deadbeat" parents who showed us the way. Everything else is gravy.
DeleteDon't feel bad about not being the House Credit Card Guru. I talked about this in another comment, but my husband has zero interest in this stuff. What he does have a knack for is finding cheap reliable cars out of nowhere. If you stacked the money that we haven't spent on cars against my credit card haul, he is the clear winner. All of which is to say that there is something that your husband is not good at that he doesn't need to be good at because you've got it covered.
I loved this post! I would like to get a credit card that offers travel rewards but I just haven't put in the research about it. Maybe I'll pick your brain further when you're in Florida next month. I think I could only handle one card, though, because some of this felt very overwhelming to me, haha.
ReplyDeleteMy best advice if this is overwhelming (read: possibly not your idea of a good time which it is not for most people), is to just get a 2% cash back card with no annual fee and live the good life. Then you've got rewards coming in that you can spend on anything, including travel. At that point you'll be ahead of most credit card rewards chasers. The reason 2% is the golden number is that a lot of cards have certain categories where there is one big earnings category but everything else is 1% so all of your spending together comes back at less than 2%. But yes, we can talk!
DeleteGreat job tracking all of your credit card stuff! I don't have detailed records like that, but I have been using travel credits for years now. It paid for many flights for my family vacations over the years. It's like free money!! I need to look into Hyatt rewards. I tend to shy away from cards that have annual fees, but sometimes I'll keep an airline card to get the free luggage benefit. I love listening to travel hacking podcasts and dreaming of new places to go!
ReplyDeletePlus you get all of those free Starbucks drinks!
DeleteI am also a deadbeat with a high credit score but I am not taking advantage of travel via points and I really need to get on that. I'll bookmark you post and definitely do some more research. I think if you can handle multiple cards and keep track of it all (which I know I could) , it's really worth it.