A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads. In this week's edition we had a deep freeze, we kicked off Doggo's Gotcha Day celebrations, and STOP THE PRESSES I FOUND THE MOST AMAZING DINNER THAT YOU NEED TO DROP EVERYTHING AND MAKE RIGHT NOW.
What Day is Today?
Thanks for asking! It's gotcha day! One year ago today Hubs and I went to the shelter and came home with Doggo.
Yesterday the three of us went back to the shelter for a Gotcha visit. We took a goodie basket of treats and toys, and Doggo got to show off to her former caretakers. She is still skittish around new people, which includes "the people that took care of her in the shelter a year ago", but she soon warmed up and consented to do her roster of tricks in return for treats. We'll be making return visits on future Gotcha Days.
How Cold Was it This Week?
I think you can tell by looking at Doggo in the picture above. School was closed for two days. Stepson #2 is a senior in high school, and the running joke is that each snow day could be his last. All that Stepson #1 got was a late start at the university one morning due to the cold.
We had to cut Doggo's walks down to five minute outings plus some running around in the yard time. Morning snuggles were extra toasty.
You know how it goes with meal planning. We all see one bajillion new recipes on the internet every single day of our lives and every once in a while we get around to making one of these new finds. Sometimes the end result is bad, sometimes it's OK, sometimes it's good enough, sometimes it's fabulous, and then one out of every thousand times you get dinner in my house yesterday.
As soon as I saw A Pinch of Yum's crockpot chicken bowls with yellow rice and cilantro pesto, my spidey senses told me that I should make it. However there were a few land mines:
- I can't stand chicken.
- My family plays in a very limited range of taste profiles and they're slow to adopt new things. When I see the phrase "cilantro pesto" my reaction is "huh I've never had that, I can't wait to try it" and their typical reaction is normally "what the what, let's have mac and cheese for dinner tonight".
- This is a dish with a lot of different tastes that taste great together. Both my husband and stepson #2, who were the only family members home for dinner, prefer not to mix foods.
Nevertheless, that spidey sense of mine said to go for it. For a dish that I wasn't sure if the fam would be into, I knew right away that I needed to double the recipe - one pound of chicken and one cup of dry rice is barely a meal in our house. But did I need to double the pesto when there was a fair chance that I would be the only one eating it? I flipped a coin and decided to go double or nothing.
Pros: very easy to make.
Cons: this is not a "one pot" meal. However, we've adopted the "person who does the cooking does not do the dishes" standard so dish washing was not on my task list that night.
Let me talk through what's in the picture - salad mix topped with pickled red onion, shredded chicken simmered in enchilada sauce, yellow rice, guac, and the pesto in the center.
Here is my plate. I went through the motions of tasting the chicken, and grabbed a can of refried beans out of the panty.
That pesto tho...the one complication is that the grocery store I went to only had shelled pistachios, and it was a bit of a lift to shell one cup. However it was worth it. As soon as I tasted it I would have been so happy if the fellas had wanted nothing to do with it.
And of course the guys were all about this meal. The first item that we used up was the pesto, so my evening activities tonight included a run to the grocery store for more cilantro and (already shelled) pistachios.
Same ol' treadmill stuff during the week, and it warmed up enough to hike this weekend. I've been feeling a lot of cabin fever in these past few weeks, and the hiking challenge really helps.
This is a picture from last February:
This is the same place this weekend. The weather is a bit different this year.
Not much to report except more Seinfeld, currently in season 5. Sometimes you just can't spare a square.
Good nonfiction and fiction to report!
The non fiction book was Money for Couples by Ramit Sethi. I picked this up because I'm a fan of his podcast, Money for Couples, which is what it sounds like...the show goes into every last detail of a couple's finances. Actually I've followed Ramit off and on since the early blogging days. The "on" part is that his blog was very useful to me in 2009 when I was trying to work my way back into the workforce after the recession kicked me out, and in general I like what he has to say. The "off" part is that he can be heavy handed with selling stuff and ads. I mean, I don't work for free either but when someone is too "selly" it's a turnoff. I really liked the book and Hubs is reading it next. I've mentioned before that we're both good with money, but we handle it differently and we're in a place that I think happens with a lot of blended family/second marriage situations. We started out with totally separate finances, but over time things have merged and we're taking a look to see what makes sense as we transition into the empty nest years. We *could* figure this out on our own, but I think we'll do better with the book's exercises to help us think through things.
And now fiction! C/O the Sarah's Bookshelves Podcast, I'm reading Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom. It's a novel based on a true story about a young Native American who marries an older white trader and travels with him to Canada. I'm about 30% in and liking it a lot.
Peace out! We're looking forward to warmer weather this week! And more couch snuggles.
Happy Gotcha Day! What a sweet idea to go to the shelter for a visit! I love that!
ReplyDeleteI am going to give that cilantro pesto a try for sure. We all like it around here. And I love chicken simmered in enchilada sauce. And my daughter has been craving guacamole that is not from the store, so this sounds like a win all around.
It's one of those unicorn recipes - easy to make and appealing to a wide range of tastes. Enjoy!
DeleteHappy gotcha day. Wow, a year with Doggo. Seems like yesterday. I bet the people at the shelter loved the visit.
ReplyDeleteThe recipe does sound good. We have a variety of taste buds/tolerances here. Not sure they'll all be on board with something with a little kick, as this sounds like it might have a little kick? I might give it a try. I tend to make the same things over and over, forever. It's been cold here too, and I'm ready for grilling season to present itself (Coach is the only one who uses the grill. Wink, wink. I should learn, because it's handy, but also - if I don't learn, then I get the night off of making dinner now and then). I'm excited that my book on hold is at the library, but no one had time to pick it up tonight. I'll get it tomorrow. Go as a River (I think is the title). Supposed to be good. For book club.
It's not spicy, if that's what you mean by kick.
DeleteI *can* grill but I often choose not to so that I can let the Hubs shine. He likes to call himself the "Patio Daddio". "Patio Birchie" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Is there a gotcha day song? Happy gotcha day-ay! Happy gotcha day-ay! Happy gotcha dear Doggooooooo....Happy gotcha day-ay! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteI love pesto and my brother and his GF and I have made all sorts of different mixes of herbs and nuts. I really liked a walnut (and cilantro, I think?) one we did at one point, but I am a huge fan of pistachios so I am sure I would like yours a lot! My only issue is that I am trying to go lighter on the garlic these days.
There's only one clove of garlic so you'd be fine with this. I think you could leave it out and still have enough good stuff to make it worth your while.
DeleteI can't believe it's been a whole year already!! Someone was just asking me the other day how old Charlie is now, and I couldn't believe when I said, "He'll be 2 in June." Two!?! That sounds so big!!
ReplyDeleteI also feel you on the cooking woes. I swear, everyone in my family has some hang up or another with every meal idea. If one loves it, the other one hates it, etc. It's sooo frustrating!
I'll have to check out that book... it's a goal of mine to read at least 2 books in the money/personal finance realm! I just picked up Laura Vanderkam's All the Money in the World, which I think will be a very different type of book from Ramit's (and I'm partially reading it for the Best of Both Worlds Patreon book club group), but it still looks interesting.
I don't think I knew that Laura had a money book - I'm interested!
DeleteTime flies when you have a puppy! I'm very torn - I am looking forward to the days of Adult Doghood but also I do enjoy my rowdy puppy.
A whole year of Doggo! Well isn't that a wonderful day. Happy Doggo-versary!
ReplyDeleteI love cilantro so I think I would love that pesto BUT no one else does, upside that there would be more for me. Maybe on a day it's just me (but when does THAT happen? Never.)
Seinfeld! I think season 5 has some really good ones, not sure but I think "shrinkage" and maybe "opposite?" Not 100% sure, I could google it but no, I'd rather just randomly type. We watched a couple of episodes of The Flight of the Conchordes, which we haven't watched in 20+ years, and it's just as funny as it was back then. I forgot how much I love Murray.
Oh, a selly podcast. I don't love that. I mean, yes we can skip ads but it's tiring when you have to skip 15 mins worth of ads in a one hour show.
Yes, it gets a bit tiring to tap my earpods to forward through the commercial breaks on some of these podcasts.
DeleteI try very hard not to look ahead to see what's coming up for Seinfeld. I know that shrinkage and opposite are on the way, but it's kind of a spoiler to know when. I just love the surprise when the episodes come up.
Happy, happy Gotcha Day, Doggo. You're such a lucky girl to end up in great home!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I look at my blog and realize that, yes, indeed, I do work for free. LOL.
Cilantro is gross. I could make that with some Italian parsley, though.
Yes, we've all put in a ton of free blog hours and I plan to keep it that way. My day job is a different story!
DeleteHas it really been a year! Wow, it feels like yesterday you shared the good news. I love that you took her back to the shelter on his birthday. What a wonderful full-circle moment.
ReplyDeleteAs always, your food makes me swoon. Wanna come be my live-in chef for a while?
The one and only time I've heard anything by Ramit Sethi I heard him being interviewed on a podcast. It was very intriguing and I still think about it occasionally. I know EXACTLY where I was - it was during COVID and I took my kids to a giant field and I ran circles around the field until I got to 5K listening to the podcast episode. Random!
I love it when I have a specific but totally random association with something.
DeleteYes, somehow it's been a whole year with Doggo. In fact, since it was a leap year we've had 366 days with her! And counting!
Oh, there's a finance blogger I haven't heard of! Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I don't read finance blogs and books as much as I used to, it's always good to get a reminder here and there. It's too easy to drift on to the slippery slope of being a spendy pants!
Love the comparison pic from your hike!
Who's wearing their watch on the "wrong" wrist?!
I was going to say, when you're already FIRE you don't need to read finance stuff for anything other than entertainment purposes.
DeleteHubs and I wear our Garmins on our dominant hands, so depending on your POV we are both wearing them on the correct hand or the incorrect hand;-)
That recipe looks really good! I think we would like that cilantro pesto! I might have to bookmark to make that on a weekend sometime. Since it’s not a one pot type of meal, it wouldn’t be right for a weeknight for us though since we’re in such a time crunch and I like minimal dishes. And of course, I mean, bookmark to make in like April when I’m not in a splint.
ReplyDeletePhil and I started a documentary about this wacko couple who apparently embezzled a bunch of monies or some money laundering using crypto currency. We’re only about a third of a way through it, but it’s falling in our very slim venn diagram of shows that we are interested in!
Happy gotcha Day to Doggo!! I’m reading the other valley which I think is a book that Susie from Sarah‘s bookshelves live recommended. It’s kind of sci-fi, but I’m enjoying it.
Agree, it's a perfect weekend recipe. There is nothing about the cooking that is hard, just a lot of little steps and a full dishwasher plus dishwashing aftermath. It made a ton of leftovers and everyone loved it, so it's definitely a five stars in this house.
DeleteWacko Couples Who Embezzle Documentaries are definitely our jam! I think we've got our next Hot Couples TV Show.
I don't really read sci-fi or fantasy, so I'm interested to see what the Sarah's gang thinks now that they're starting to explore the genre. And also interested to see what you think since you're not trying to broaden the appeal of your podcast;-) If it turns out that I'm missing out, I'll definitely dive in.
Just realized I read this but never commented. That's so cute you went back to the shelter for Gotcha Day- is that a thing people do, or did you just come up with that idea?
ReplyDeleteEven though my daughter is incredibly picky, she does like pesto. We've never had cilantro pesto though, so I will try that recipe! It sounds amazing.
I was just hearing that Chicago is possibly going to set a record high temperature for the day- somewhere in the 50s? That seems... kind of bizarre. I imagine the warmer air is also hitting you, so enjoy your hikes!
I read Nicole's comment above- "Opposite" is a great episode!
It's a thing that people do at this shelter! I don't write about local stuff in very much detail because I don't want to say where I live, but if I did the shelter would be the first place that I'd highlight. They are good people doing good stuff. I'd say that anyone who has adopted from them is a lifelong fan.
DeleteThis recipe is amazing, and you might have noticed that it's dairy free, so that makes it even easier to veganize. I went with beans because it was quick, but if I'd had more time I would have airfried either tofu or soy curls and mixed them with enchilada sauce.
I love that you got to go back to the shelter for Doggo's gotcha day. What a fun tradition! She got to show off her new skillz and everyone got to fawn over how adorable she is. A win/win!
ReplyDeleteMmm, cilantro pesto. I love that combo. I'm going to have to give this a try!
The recipe is great! I think that the recipe as written works for one person but you could also cut it in half easily if you don't want to eat it four days in a row. My family ate it for four days in a row which was one day longer than I wanted it!
DeleteHappy Gotcha Day!!!!! The thought of going back to the dog shelter made me tear up a bit. So sweet. She curls up into the cutest little bundle of fur. And she watches you watch Seinfeld. I'm overcome with Awwwwwwww!
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what life with Doggo is like. It's one big awwww.
DeleteHappy Gotcha Day Doggo! I cannot believe it's already been a year.
ReplyDeleteReading this, I'm so glad we are past that cold and hope we don't have another snap like that this winter. I know, I know, it's winter, but meh.
Yes I know it's winter and that we chose to live in the north but MEH!!!!!!!! SO MUCH MEH!!! It was supposed to be in the 40s today but we got low 30s and a bunch of snow instead. Boo.
DeleteOMG Birchie -- now my carefully planned menu for the week is OUT THE WINDOW because I need to try these chicken bowls right away. Yum. Did you use a specific brand of enchilada sauce?
ReplyDeleteLove that you took Doggo back to the shelter for Gotcha Day! That is so sweet and thoughtful. It also sounds dangerous -- could you ever see yourself in a two-dog household????
That comparison of Februarys is so great! What a difference! I prefer the snow, but I know not everyone feels the same and that's okay.
YES YOU NEED TO TRY THE BOWLS ASAP. I don't use a specific brand of enchie sauce.
DeleteUhoh you have figured out a conversation that has been going on in my house. Doggo is still a handful, but in a few years when she's grown up and I'm ready to take a break from travel, I can definitely see expanding the family. She loves other dogs, there would be one less dog in the shelter, and having two dogs of different ages means that we wouldn't ever have to be a no-dog household. Hubs is a one dog man however, so we'll see what happens. To be fair, I'm not yet sold that we could handle two dogs, but it is a thought that I'm having.
Oops, I’m a week late…but Happy Gotcha Day to Doggo!!!
ReplyDeleteThere's no such thing as being late since every day is Gotcha day. Besides, you had your own Gotcha celebration!
DeleteHas it been a whole year? Happy Gotcha Day, Doggo <3 you got so lucky to end up in Birchie's house!
ReplyDeleteThat new meal sounds delicious. I have to bookmark it.