Monday, January 29, 2024

Weekly Round Up: The Future is Now

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads. If there is one update that I did not expect to be giving you this week, it is that the future is now.  We were adopted by Future Dog!

Stepdog passed away two months ago.  As I related at the time, we knew right away that we would get another dog...someday.  Hubs started browsing a few shelter adoption pages.

One month ago we came to the conclusion that not having a dog sucks.  We formed a loose plan to adopt a dog sometime in the spring, theoretically a young-but-not-a-puppy female Shepherd mix.  Hubs continued to browse shelter adoption pages. 

As of early this week we were approaching the two month mark of Stepdog's loss and not having a dog did not suck any less.  Suddenly I found myself browsing shelter pages, which was a huge change for me.  I always avoided them because I though that it would be sad to see all of the animals out there who don't have homes.

The next day Hubs became very taken with a listing for a five month old Shepherd mix puppy.   It wasn't the spring and the dog wasn't young-but-not-a-puppy, but I told him there was no harm in meeting her.  And there wasn't since she turned out to be Future Dog.  We don't know her backstory except that she has been in shelters for the past three months, so 60% of her life.

I could write a book about our first 48 hours with a puppy, but it will be a better story if I save it until we're further along in our journey.  It's safe to say that we have bonded and we can't imagine life without her.  She wasn't housebroken and didn't know any commands, but she (and we) have made exponential progress in both areas.  We crate her at night and for the brief periods that we're away during the day, but other than that Hubs and I are trading shifts on doggie duty.  She's claimed the hearth by the fireplace in the back room as her "spot", so I have a million pictures of a black dog with a black background.  Classic camouflage!

Future Dog had a very cute shelter name, and yesterday we figured out what her "real" name is.  For blogging purposes it doesn't make sense to call her Future Dog, since the future is now, and she's not a stepdog*, so let's just call her Doggo (short for Bloggo Doggo).

*We will continue to be out of town once a month for Boy Scout camp/Rust Belt travel adventures.  For right now we will do dog boarding/doggy sitters to help socialize Doggo, but eventually her home away from home with be with Stepdog's Mom and Stepdad - yeah yeah that's my husband's ex-wife/the boys' mom.  For a variety of reasons they don't want a "full time" dog right now, but they're very interested in a "once a month" dog.

Eats and Workouts

It's all a blur.  Let's skip 'em this week.


It is not a tumor!  Last week I saw Twins and Junior, so this week I completed the trilogy with Kindergarten Cop.  It was fine, but definitely in last place.  My ranking is Twins>Junior>Kindergarten Cop.


Still lots going on with the booky books!  I finished Matthew Perry's Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing.  I think this is a love it or hate it kind of deal - you're either going to be turned off by bottomless fame and drug addiction or find it sad and profound.  

Big surprise, I started another Nevil Shute book!  On the Beach is his most famous book, and I own it so I would assume that I've read it before but I remember nothing.  The book was written in 1957 and it's set in 1963 in the aftermath of a nuclear war.  Life has been wiped out on most of the globe except for parts of Australia and Africa, and estimate is that the fallout will reach all of Australia in about nine months, plus or minus three months.  The way that civilization has adapted is to keep a stiff upper lip and live as close to a normal life as possible, even though everyone knows that nothing is normal.  The story deals with the crew of a submarine who are sent to investigate a radio signal coming from Seattle, where all known life has been wiped out.

My only criticism of the book is exactly what I said about Station Eleven - there's something just a little cold about the characters that makes it hard to bond with them.  This is really unusual for Shute since his typical book revolves around a central character that you absolutely adore and are rooting for.  I'm about 2/3 of the way in, and it will be interesting to see if the story keeps the characters at arm's length or brings them closer to us.  I'm just going to take a wild guess that the story isn't going to end with the whole "end of the world" thing being a false alarm and everyone living happily ever after.  And also I think this book would make an excellent pairing with Station Eleven.

Peace out!  If anyone needs me, I'll be snuggling with Doggo.


  1. Congratulations on the new pup!

  2. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! Doggo is SO adorable. I have the urge to call her BD (for Bloggo Doggo) and I love her ears. So happy for you all that the future is here and that is so stinking cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations!! So happy for you guys and can’t wait to hear more about adventures in Puppyhood! Charlie turns 7 months old tomorrow and what a difference a couple months makes. He’s still definitely a puppy, but WAY easier now already than just a couple months ago.

    This is Kae by the way- can’t sign in to blogger on my phone it seems.

    1. It's so funny because two months ago you were at the beginning of your dog journey and we were at the end - and now we're back at the beginning and behind you! As you know a puppy is a full time job but it's the best job I've ever had.

  4. Welcome Bloggo Doggo! She is cute! And she is very lucky to be a part of your family.
    Enjoy all the snuggles. And of course, your walkies with her.
    Will you be taking the daily selfies again?

    1. Thanks Catrina! Even a selfie is a challenge with a puppy. She doesn't sit on command and she doesn't sit still. As soon as we get further along we'll do selfies.

  5. Holy Moly, a new dog and it is not even Easter yet ;) That is awesome and you guys are going to have so much fun. I also love that the ex is going to be the new stepmom, just like you were the stepmom of the first dog! It's not a tumor! That is literally the only thing that I remember about that movie, and no offense, but I probably will not watch it again. Movies like that are usually the result of someone else picking the movie and me sitting down with them as a bonding thing. My brother's GF loves those silly movies, so I have watched a lot of them with her (one of her favorite movies is Die Hard, and I have a feeling she is probably a Kindergarten Cop fan too).

    1. The dog is a darling. Correct, it is not a tumor is the only memorable thing about Kindergarten Cop.

  6. OH MY GODDDDDDD BIRCHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Welcome to Doggo! Cannot WAIT to hear updates ALL THE TIME PLEASE! What a sweetie pie. Awwwwww. I can barely type because AWWWWW OMGGGGGG. Her face her face her FAAAACEEEE.
    Okay, in other news! I did not even start the Perry book, although I did get it at the library. I skimmed through and took it back, because OBVIOUSLY it's all about addiction, and I am 10000000% not interested in reading addiction memoirs. Too upsetting to me. Why did I take it out in the first place? Who knows.

    1. Nicole, you know exactly what it's like to go from no dog to HAVING A DOG AGAIN!!! Right now she's a 24/7 endeavor but there's no better way that I can think of to spend 24/7.

  7. Look at those eyes. THIS IS AMAZING. Can you pretty please e-mail me her name because I so want to know what this gorgeous pup is called in real life (though I adore BD as suggested by Suzanne; I have always loved when people or pets go by initials).

    I am just over the moon that your Future is Now <3 <3

    1. Of course! The only reason that I didn't say her name is because no one else's name in the family is on the blog. It's just so amazing to think that our tiny creature is going to double her size and someday she'll just be self sufficient and only need us for food and walkies.

  8. HOORAY!!!!!! I'm so happy for you and she looks so sweet and beautiful. I might have already told this story, but years ago my sister and her husband lost their remaining cat (they had two) and they thought they would be pet-less for a while so they could travel more. But they ended up HATING their house without cats- she said she would try to think of any errands she could do after work to avoid going home. So... they obviously got two new cats. Why wait??? I can't wait to hear more about BD.
    I still haven't picked my next Nevil Shute book, but it might be On the Beach as it's available on Amazon. I'll wait for your full review. Right now I have to start our Cool Bloggers book club book.

    1. I know so well where your sister is coming from. I'm glad that she got the cats. Sure you have to get cat sitters when you go out of town, but it's a small price to pay.

      I'm excited to start MBF. For your next Shute, I'm torn between recommending No Highway or the Far Country. No Highway is a certified crowd pleaser and there is no one who doesn't like that book. The Far Country is my absolute favorite though, and I don't know why it isn't better known. It's kind of like A Town Like Alice, just without the death march but with lots more adventures in Australia. I mean On the Beach is good, but it's about the end of the world...

  9. Oh, Bloggo Doggo is gorgeous! And she looks so peacefully at home! Congratulations!

    We have a Siberian Husky that we got shortly after we moved to our house so it feels like the house came with the dog, meaning I cannot imagine the house without him. He's now 13yrs old and slowing down and has to take anti-seizure meds (since summer last year). We have a few travel plans (we figured we should do it now while we still can -- I'll turn 57yrs old this year and retired last year) but luckily we have good pet sitters who would come and stay in our house with him. Costs an arm and a leg....but I guess like the dog coming with the house, so is the dog sitting expense.


    1. I know exactly where you're coming from. We knew that Stepdog was slowing down but we just never did the math on her life expectancy. I started traveling one weekend every month in the last year of her life, and knowing what I know now, I don't regret it. She spent those weekends "on the farm" with her mom, I had my adventures, and then the whole family reunited at the end of those weekends. Now my travel expenses will include dog care and I still say it's worth it.

  10. Baby girl Doggo!! Welcome home!! Such a classic shepherd look - I can't wait for photos of head tilts! This is about to make winter walks so much more appealing for you!

    1. Oh my goodness the difference between walking with a puppy and walking with an adult dog! It took her until today to finally explore our entire back yard. I feel that maybe by the weekend maybe she'll consider leaving our property. I can't wait to see where she goes when we start walking. I wonder what her routes through the 'hood will be like compared to Stepdog.

  11. Aww, hello, Doggo! You are adorable! And you are going to be so loved.

    1. She is loved and she is giving it back in return. She's started cuddling with us.

  12. The Future (dog) is NOW! Welcome, Doggo! What an adorable dear. Congrats to you and your family and I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

    1. Thanks Lindsay! It's such a big difference going from an adult dog to a puppy. It's crazy but so worth it.

  13. Congratulations! She looks like a real sweetheart. I'm glad you found her. We're at a difficult spot around here...I'm hanging around dog parks like a creep, and my husband is enjoying the freedom of not worrying about a dog. We're on different pages to be sure. The cruel irony is that we don't really have any travel plans coming up. Sigh.

    1. I had "dog park creep" syndrome big time! Every time I was out walking and passed another dog walker it was like I had to stop to tell them the story of my life and pet their dog. Back when I was out with Stepdog it wasn't an option to stop and chat with another dog walker.

      My opinion is that if Ted doesn't want a dog then he needs to schedule some travel for you to make it worth while for you not to have a dog!

  14. Yay! Congratulations on Doggo!!! I cannot wait to read more about her!

    Kindergarten Cop is such a trip, right? We rewatched it last year and I was like, WHOA.

    I loved Station Eleven, so I would probably like On the Beach! Thanks for sharing!

    1. There's nothing like a good "end of the world" book every once in a while. I'm almost at the end and I'm 100% sure the ending will be that everyone dies, and I'm still turning the pages in suspense.

  15. Doggo is so sweet! Yay for having a new fur baby! You guys are lucky to have each other and it's so great to have a back-up dog sitter!

    What side of the fence did you fall on for the Perry memoir? I felt like he wasn't far enough into recovery to write the book but then if he hadn't wrote it then, he wouldn't have at all... mostly what I took away is that it's a miracle when everyone achieves sobriety given that he spent an insane amount of time/money in/on rehab.

    1. There's no question that he wasn't far enough into recovery, but also if he hadn't gotten there after 30 years and millions of dollars, what was going to fix it for him? I think this would be a great one to pair with Mama Love - he had all of the money in the world and she was in prison and faced with losing her kids and she still had the hardest time kicking the drugs.

  16. Awhhhhh, welcome to Ms. Sweet Doggo! Hard to say who is luckier, her or her new family ;-)

    1. All I know is that we're pretty lucky! And that her gotcha date is close to Max's so we'll have a double celebration next year!

  17. OMG, Doggo is the cutest. No wonder you fell in love with these puppy eyes! :) So happy for you!!

    1. Thanks San! I just feels so right to have a dog again.

  18. Aww, she is so sweet. Congratulations on Doggo. Will you reveal her real name here, or will she only go by her blog name on the blog? Just curious. Our oldest lived here for a few years with his Irish Setter puppy. That wasn't easy as we've never had a dog before and I'm allergic. Apparently my allergy shots have helped, because she didn't bother my allergies. But running a daycare in my home while his puppy was in the kitchen was more than I bargained for. Finnegan loved me more than anyone, except her owner, Lad. Of course. Lad moved out in June and Finn visits on the back porch now and then. Last night when he visited with Finn I got a little choked up. I do love him, but those were some challenging years.

    I don't think I can read Matthew Perry's book. I find those sort of books hard to get through. I'm reading The Measure right now. Well written, but the premise is unsettling.

    Congrats again on the pup. She's beautiful.

    1. The only reason that I gave her a blog name is that everyone else has a blog name. I thought it would be strange if I wrote about #1, #2, and Helga (not her name). Then everyone is either lost on who Helga is or I have to write "Helga the Dog" every time.

      I already admire you for running the day care but running a day care WITH A PUPPY?????? How????? Challenging is a nice way to say it! I want to read The Measure? At the time I decided not to, but I keep hearing about it and I keep being intrigued.

  19. I am SO LATE to the doggo party, but CONGRATS BIRCHIE!!! What an exciting announcement. Doggo is SO DANG CUTE and I can't wait to hear more about her.

    1. There's no such thing as being late to the doggo party - it's always a good time!

  20. OMG OMG OMG. I'm dying of the cuteness here. So glad I get to live vicariously through you yet without the middle of the night backyard trips, etc. And I knew The Next Dog would find you at the right time, whether you knew it or not. :)
    What do the kids think?
    I cannot wait to hear about Doggo's adventures in the Birchie household. <3 (Also - why didn't you name her Helga? It totally fits - shepherd mix, etc. ;>)
