Monday, January 1, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Goal Digger


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  In this week's edition we had a very random dinner, I found something to keep me busy on the fitness front, I've got a new book to talk about, and no one is saying that I'm a goal digger but...I've got a few things to share on that front.


Our meals are ever zanier and less organized than usual thanks to our exciting winter break plans.  And when I say exciting, I mean that this week the boys got their wisdom teeth out.

The boys' temporary new diet consists of: mini quiches, yogurt, a variety of soups, and lots of ice cream.  I made a cheese and egg only version of the quiches, which is: 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, a bit more than 2 tablespoons of flour, and enough cheese to fill 12 muffin cups.  I made the first batch of quiche on Friday morning while the boys were at the oral surgeon, and the second batch that night.

On the first night the adults wanted something random for dinner and Hubs suggested French toast and some of the quiches.  I seconded his motion.


At the beginning of the week I was all off kilter from Christmas and felt very tired.  I decided to roll with it and (gulp!) GET SOME EXTRA SLEEP AND SKIP A FEW DAYS OF WORKOUTS.  When I was ready to get back into action again, I knocked back a few random Caroline Girvan workouts and put in some more 3-12-30 treadmill sessions (that's 3 MPH/12% incline/30 minutes).

In the meantime, I heard about a six month hiking challenge near home and decided to sign up since I want to learn more about local hiking trails, and what better way to do that than a planned hiking challenge.  It's about 100 miles total and 20-some hikes ranging from 3 to 7 miles.  If I do one hike a week I'll finish in early June, with the caveat that there will be weeks when I can't hike due to weather and travel.  I'm banking as many hikes as I can now and as we get closer to spring and there's more light I can add in some weekday hikes to catch up if I need to.  I did the first hike today and it was muddier than I was banking on but still there was something exhilarating about it.  I've never been that in to distance walking, but now that I've started I'm kind of digging it.  I'll keep you posted.


We felt that we had room for one more Christmas movie, so we saw Christmas Vacation.  This is a movie that I came to later in life and I believe this is only my second time seeing it.  It's a lil' tedious in spots but they really nail Dad Christmas which makes it all worth while.

That set off a hankering to see the original Vacation.  This is on the list of movies that I was too young to see back in the day but I saw anyway because my parents saw them.  Other titles that come to mind from the list are: Fletch, Risky Business, Purple Rain, and Desperately Seeking Susan.  Anyway, Vacation has always had a special place in my heart since we took a lot of cross country trips to see grandparents when I was a young 'un.  I'm not sure if I'd ever be down to drive that far as an adult, and we've certainly never taken the boys anything further away than 12 hours, but I sure have the memories.


You would think that I wouldn't have anything left to say about books after the big year end summary but that's where you would be wrong.

  • I've almost finished The Longest Race: Inside the Secret World of Abuse, Doping, and Deception on Nike's Elite Running Team by Kara Goucher.  I didn't know anything about her going in besides that she is very anti-doping and well, yep she definitely has a reason.  She broke record after record and had an amazing running career, but under an absolute *$%##** of a coach.  The biggest thing that I'm wondering is how great her career would have been without all of the abuse and being left to feel like a failure for coming in third for so many legendary races.  Comparing her story to Des Linden's Choosing to Run is mind boggling.  Any time that Des had so much as a sniffle she got to go off to an army of medical experts while Kara was told to buck up and run with stress fractures.
  • Out of nowhere I found a new mystery series.  I was intrigued when Jess wrote about reading Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo in one day, so I checked it out on Libby.  It's a murder mystery series set in Amish country.  Well whomp whomp it wasn't available in Kindle format so I started reading it on my phone.  It started out with a very graphic murder scene that had me skimming very quickly (let me refer you again to Modern Mrs. Darcy's very excellent You Don't Want to Go There), so at first I thought this was going to be a DNF but something made me keep paging through the first few chapters on my phone.  I decided then and there that I had to have it, but not badly enough to buy it.  Normally I'd just put in a request at the library and pick it up in a few days, but in this case I was motivated to not only go to the library but march up to the shelves and get it for myself.  While I was there I decided that it was a waste of my time to just get the first book so I got the second book in the series as well.  Anyhoo, I've had to skim a few more passages that cross my You Don't Want to Go There line but this book is so good that I STAYED AWAKE UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON NEW YEAR'S EVE reading it so if that's not an endorsement I don't know what is.

I'm not sure what my reading looks like from here.  I want to reread a bunch of stuff, I want to keep working on the Alphabet series (but how frequently - every other book?  one a month?), I think there are about 16 books in this new series, and of course there are going to be a lot of new books coming along.  All I can tell you is whatever book that I start next will be the book that I start next.

2024 Goalz

It's been a long time since I've had a formal goals list, specifically not since 2018.  I did have goals for 2019-2021 but they were all running related, so kind of much of a muchness, and 2022-23 was pretty much an "every day ends in y" stint.  Now I've got enough spunk back to tackle some stuff.  Here is my rambling, somewhat random list:

  • Physical and mental health:
    • There's no getting around it, I do want to lose weight.  My goal is to lose 1# a month in 2024.  If you're asking why I picked such a low number, it's because I want to hit the goal, and also live my life while doing it.  At the age of 48 and with everything else that I've got going on, weight loss is just not going to be the main focus of my life like it was in my younger/single days and that's a good thing.  Also my ultimate loss goal is 15-20 pounds so knocking out 12 pounds is the bulk of it.  I don't think I'm going to blog very much about this since there's nothing really more about it that I can say, but TBD.
    • Find joy in spite of not liking my job and being uncertain about a laundry list of "not for the blog" stuff.   When I did the Week in the Life series, I found that writing about my mundane days actually made me feel better about them, so I'm going to continue this off line.  I'm experimenting with a short form journal.  This could also involve more therapy down the line.
    • Keep doing pushups!  I've been solidly doing 30+ pushups 3/x week for the last three months.
    • Add in pull up stuff.  My January goal is ONLY to hang on the bar for 3x10 seconds TWICE a week.  I've done things like this in the past but too much so I ended up burning out.  If you're sensing a theme with my goals, I'm very much aiming for a minimum.  At the end of January I will reassess what to do from there.
  • Travel
    • Continue to go places!  I'm balancing how many places I want to go with how much I want to be away from the fam (lots of places but not a lot of time away from fam so that's the conflict and when we get another dog I'll probably want to be at home more as well), but at a minimum I plan to not be at home when they're away at Boy Scouts and to possibly take some mini-digital-nomad trips.
    • Related goal that's a BIG DEAL==>MEET SOME OF THE COOL BLOGGERS IRL.  In the past I've always had strict separation between my "blog" life and my "IRL" life, but it's come to my attention that Cool Bloggers do meet IRL and it sounds like they're having a blast plus there is the sweetener that at lot of you live close to places where I want to travel.  I'll be reaching out to folks as I get a better idea of my 2024 travel schedule.
  • Food
    • Cook a total of 10 new recipes for the fam in 2024.  Why such a low number?  It's due to the small number of "new" recipes that fit the clashing taste buds and the time crunch that we have around dinner time.  If I hit this goal I will be thrilled.
    • Cook at total of 20 new recipes for ME in 2024.  Sheesh, I've been craving Indian food for YEARS and I just never get around to making it.
  • Totally Random
    • Send out proper Holiday cards with a collage of family photos.  Every year for the past many years the Hubs and I have been thinking about this and every year for the past many years we have not done it.  It's not for a lack of taking fascinating family photos, I'll tell you that much.  The action steps are: continue to take a bunch of pictures, assemble the collage on Oct 1, and then get them sent out and back to us by Thanksgiving and ready to drop in the mail.
    • Take a picture of a Bald Eagle.  They are becoming more common where I live so it's just a matter of researching where I'm likely to see them and hanging out with the good camera.

That's all I've got!  What do you want to do in 2024?


  1. That 100-mile hiking challenge sounds awesome!! I love stuff like that - an ongoing project you can chip away on for weeks and months. Maybe even your family will get on board, who knows. I'm looking forward to your weekly reports on that!
    Meeting bloggers in real life is great! So far, I've met bloggers in Europe and it's been an enriching experience. We even have a monthly Zoom call together where we have about 10 participants. It's always very interesting.
    Are you going to meet one by one or will you be planning a larger meet-up in your area?

    1. One on one to start! A larger meetup is too daunting for this introvert!

  2. This is a great list and seems quite doable! I think your hiking challenge is a great way to improve your mood and lose weight! One pound a month is a very reasonable goal; I think that it is when we put too much pressure on ourselves that it becomes NOT fun and less likely to happen.

    As you know, I am down for the CBBC meet up! I also plan on doing some travel this year so hopefully one day our paths will meet! I actually got an Amtrak gift card from a friend for Christmas (he knows me well) so I have no excuse now not to hop on the train!

    1. I am dying to take a train trip! I don't know when I will fit it in but it's got to happen. What I really need to do is to just plan a short trip to start with and then kick it up from there. We'll figure out the CBBC meetup and it has to happen!

    I like your list of goals. They are all so smart and doable, too. I have seen a bald eagle twice on my walks recently, they are so cool. My parents have one that visits their house on the lake very often, so they have taken photos of it. My phone was in my bag so I didn't get to snap a pic.
    A hiking challenge! I love that. Hiking is my favourite. I should branch out a bit more around here because there are lots of trails nearby, and I've only gone on a few of them.
    I'm trying to make new recipes too, and 10 a year seems like a good number. Maybe I'll copy that for 2024!

    1. Nicole, you are THE COOLEST OF THE COOL BLOGGERS. And I'm not just saying that because you have Snoop wine.

  4. I LOVE the sound of that hiking challenge! I want to hear lots of updates about that.
    Your new mystery series sounds good- I'll check to see if they have them at our library. Of course I'm still making my way through my Christmas book flood, but I still need new things to read.
    I like how your goals are REASONABLE. This way it can be in the back of your mind that you want to lose a pound this month, and make little adjustments without making your life miserable. I think I may have to scale back my pull up routine to something more like yours- I really messed up my arm while doing negatives, and I'm never doing those again! It's not worth it.
    One of my goals for 2023 was to send out Christmas cards, and I did it! They weren't the fancy photo collage kind though- maybe I should up my game for next year and do those???

    1. Yes but at least you sent out cards to the cool bloggers! That's a stretch goal for me in 2024.

  5. Ooh, if your travels take you to Minneapolis (which I doubt is the case as that would be quite a long drive from where I think you live) I'd love to meet you! I have done a ton of blogger meet-ups although far fewer since becoming a mom. But in the years ahead I want to get back to meeting up with bloggers in person.

    I hope your step-sons are recovering well from their wisdom teeth extractions! It is nice to get that done while you are on your parents' insurance! I had mine out when I was 16 and it was SO PAINFUL. But I was glad to have my mom around as she is the ultimate caretaker.

    The hiking challenge sounds super cool! Our state parks have specific trail club trails. My coworker is close to hiking all of them with her son. When my 5yo is older, I'd love to do that with him! That would mean i would probably have to get into camping, though, as some of the trails are pretty remote and would require an overnight stay. But we do want to start camping once we are done with diapers.... which maybe hopefully will be this year!

    1. Well, Minneapolis is a long way from where I live BUT very reasonable from central WI which is on my list for next year! So it is within reach.

      I've never been camping and I want to try it at least once. Once my guys are done with Boy Scouts they OWE it to me to do a family camping trip.

  6. I am down with those mini-quiches. They would be great for my husband to take with him when we travel - a nice option to replace his regular granola/yogurt for breakfast or even just as a lunch replacement with a bit of protein. I'm going to try them with some GF flour and see how they work.

    The Alphabet series has 25 books in it! A to Y (then Grafton died, which is the saddest thing). You can do two a month and finish this year!

    I have a brand new five year line-a-day journal starting YESTERDAY and I am going to write in it every day something that makes me happy and something new I learned or saw or did. We'll see how that goes, but I think it's nice to go through the day trying to really acknowledge the moments of happiness.

    I definitely think you need a Spring Green, WI trip. Taliesin! (Just learned it's Taliesin, not Taliesen - I can put that in my journal!) House on the Rock! There are cool bloggers who live in the area...

    1. Engie, you are reading my mind because WI is very near the top of my list!

  7. A hiking challenge sounds so fun!!
    I really need to get back to exercise in 2024 as things slide a lot in 2024. But I also want to enjoy it, so we'll see where that balance shakes out.

    I am excited to see where your travels take you!!! I suspect not to Nova Scotia since you don't like planes and it is Very Far Away :( but I will enjoy reading about Cool Blogger meetups and only be the slightest (biggest) bit jealous.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I feel like once I start meeting people it will snowball like visiting FLW houses did. Then maybe NS won't seem so far away.

  8. Wait a second... BOTH boys got their wisdom teeth out at once?!?! Omg that sounds... challenging. Although I can see the benefits to getting it all done in one go. Hoping they are good patients and there have been no complications.

    There are a ton of books I want to reread this year, too, including the Alphabet series. My husband looks at me askance when I reread books, especially when there are so many books on my shelves that I haven't yet read once. But. Rereading is FUN.

    Loving all your goals. You and your pushups are deeply inspiring. I mean, I haven't yet set my own pushups goal, but I THINK about it. The hiking challenge sounds wonderful and I think you know I feel exactly the same way about meeting bloggers in the offline world. It sounds like you have a really great year ahead of you!

    1. Oh yes! Why would we only have one kid's wisdom teeth out when we can have BOTH kids' wisdom teeth out lol. They're both healing up well and many laughs have been had.

      The thing with reading is that once you're out of school you have the right to read ANY book that you want WHENEVER you want and it doesn't matter whether you've read it before or not. And also there's no law that says that just because you own a book means that you have to read it.

  9. I'd LOVE a meet-up if you ever venture anywhere near Cental Iowa...or even if you cross any of the four Iowa borders, I'll gladly come find you ;-) While I don't really do any hiking, I do A LOT of walking (especially in the warmer months AND when there's more daylight). I love being outdoors, and I can always see a noticeable difference in my legs' muscle tone winter vs. any other time of the year.

    1. All I'm saying is that right now WI is very high on my travel list and IL is also a cert's only a matter of time before I cross into your state!

      I need more than one long hike to confirm this, but it really feels like a different animal that running or regular walking around the neighborhood. There's a lot of elevation, and places that are really tricky to get your footing around. I'm very hopeful that things will dry up a bit this weekend and that it will be warm enough to get at least another hike in.

  10. I hope the boys are recovering well from having their wisdom teeth removed!

    Good for you for listening to your body and taking rest!!! I am posting about doing that tomorrow ;) And your hiking challenge sounds awesome. I hope you will share some of the adventure with us!

    I love reading your goal list. I know you'll work hard at it and I can't wait to read what you share with us. Re: an offline journal, I started doing that last year for me and found it very therapeutic!

    1. We've had a lot of soup this past week, I can tell you that much. But everyone is healing up well.

      I had reservations about doing a hiking challenge in winter but it is awesome. I don't know if I can explain why wading through mud in the cold to look at a bunch of bare trees is so awesome but I'll try.

  11. I love those goals - especially the recipes for YOU! I can't wait to see what you make. The joy one hit home, too. I think a lot about finding the joy and fun in the day to day of right now (even when work is a drag and it's all the time) vs. being so caught up in the slog.

    I also have travel as a hope for this year. I was so inspired by your FLW adventures... I have never traveled alone - ever - so I am trying to challenge myself with a solo adventure to go explore something that could become an interest / hobby. That's as far as I've gotten, though. I am hoping to have a destination in mind soon and then decide if spring or fall works better (keeping out of the way of my 10 year old's activities is a coordinating nightmare, haha)!

    Hope both boys are recovering!

    1. Eek trying to schedule time away from home with a 10 year old IS a challenge and that's a fact. But if you can swing it, it will be a blast. Here's to your travels in 2024!


  12. Uh. Wisdoom teeth removal. Not fun. But I hope the recovery isn't too painful.

    I really love your goals lists. It's all about making achievable (not lofty) goals and getting started. I absolutely support the "meeting bloggers IRL" goal and also the part about the Christmas cards. Sign up for my holiday exchange next year, yes?

    I really love the idea of the local hiking challenge. Have fun with that!

    1. Hiking in winter has been unexpectedly fun. Who knew???

      At a minimum we will exchange Christmas cards next year!

  13. I've been doing a 30 day strength goal (I'm on day 4) and one of the exercises is push-ups. I generally do them on my knees, but am trying to add in some full body push-ups to get more out of them. Wish me well, so far I can do about 7 full body. Blah.

    1. 7 full body pushups is excellent! Of course I wish you luck but it's sounds like you're making your own;-)

  14. Fun fact: I'm in my mid-thirties and still have my wisdom teeth! They came in clean and have never bothered me, so my dentist said I didn't have to get them removed!

    10 recipes sounds like the right number! And if you do more, that's a gold star for you!


    1. Let's see if I go to FL there will be cool people to hang out with, gorgeous weather, and cheap flights...don't mind if I do!

  15. Second vote for WI here! :)
    I got my wisdom teeth out after I graduated from HS. They were impacted, too. I looked like a chipmunk for days, and had bruising that extended from my mouth to my ears. It was lovely. Ahem. :)
    This - Find joy in spite of not liking my job and being uncertain about a laundry list of "not for the blog" stuff. - resonates SO MUCH with me right now. It's not that I don't like my job, but I don't like it taking over my life. all of my life. And omg, uncertainty. It's the worst, isn't it??? Solidarity, for sure.

    1. WI is a guarantee for 2024. I'd go for the people OR for all of the cool stuff so the fact that I get to do both in one package is irresistible.

      Here's to finding joy in the midst of work and uncertainty!
