Monday, June 5, 2023

Weekly Round Up: OOO

Hi Friends, as of right now I am OOO - out of office.  Let's chat before I get on the road.

Family and Life

This week was a blur.  Stepson #1 adjusted to his new life as a high school graduate and stepson #2 finished up his sophomore year with The Chemistry Final From Hell.

Between you and me - I failed high school chemistry.  As best I remember I barely scraped by for the first two quarters and after Christmas break I realized that I wasn't going to make it so I stopped trying.  I took the easiest science class I could find to make up for it the next year.  My college major required four semesters of chemistry classes and I barely passed - 3 C's and one D==>the D was good enough for the degree!  We haven't seen grades yet, but I'm betting that at worst #2 got a B.

From there the menfolk switched to prep for their epic summer Boy Scout camp which is where they will be while I'm away.  The phrases "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" and "herding cats" are appropos for our home life right now.

As for me, I phoned it in at work and counted down the hours to 5:00 on Friday when I had the pleasure of turning on my OOO notification and updating my status in Slack to "off the grid".  In a few minutes I'll be out the door and on a WEEK LONG SOLO ADVENTURE!!!!!  Where to?  Don't worry, you'll be hearing all about it soon enough.  

I'm going somewhere with uncertain internet access, so if I'm scarce in commenting for the next week, that's why.  I'll most likely take blogging PTO next week as well.


Nothing worth talking about.  My "meal prep" for my trip was making a batch of breakfast burritos and researching area restaurants.  For about one second I considered trying to do home cooked meals on the road before my common sense took over and said "Dude, stop pinching pennies.  You're already taking a budget vacation.  Let loose already."


I did the one week long Caroline Girvan Circuit series and my review is two thumbs up.  My only complaint is that the workouts were on the longer side - 45-ish minutes and then a full hour for the Friday full body workout - but the format made the time fly by.  I also really liked the HIIT workout.

For two reasons I decided to not do any extra cardio this week - (1) to help with the time issue and (2) because I'll be making up for it with a vengeance next week.  The place that I'm going is not car friendly, so Bikey McBikerson will be my primary mode of transport.  My fitness plan for vacation is zero strength training and as many miles as my heart desires.


Hey who wants another one of my stories about 80s movies?????????????????????  The hubs and I saw some things this weekend.

I've mentioned before that I am an only child, and I went wherever my parents went and saw whatever movies they saw.  They always steered clear of anything with violence, but adult themes were fair game.  Previous examples that we've talked about are: Vacation is hysterically funny no matter what age you are, and I may not have understood Risky Business and Desperately Seeking Susan at the time but I knew that they were cool so no harm no foul.

And then there is Purple Rain.  For whatever reason, my parents loooooved that movie, and they saw it several times so I saw it several times. I was nine.

Meanwhile my husband was 16 years old and wanted desperately to see Purple Rain but couldn't because the theaters were strictly enforcing the age limit for an R rated movie.  At one point a friend's dad took the boys to the theater but they were still denied entry.  For context, his other memory of 1984 is regularly going to the bar for a beer after his Boy Scout meetings.

On Friday at the age of 54 my husband finally saw Purple Rain for the first time.


His review: Prince is awesome.  The plot is identical to The Karate Kid and a billion other 80's movies.

My review: Prince is awesome.  This movie makes exactly the same sense to me at 48 as it did when I was nine.

Next up: a movie that's so 1980's that it was made in 1959.  If I say "Eyes Without a Face" you of course think of this, and Billy Idol was thinking of this.

There are only a few things that a movie called Eyes Without a Face can be about so yes we are in the world of face transplants.  Christiane is a young woman who was disfigured in an auto accident.  Not only was her father driving, he also happens to be a surgeon with the skills to fix the situation.  His limitation is that the science isn't quite there yet and it's impossible to get willing donors.

I'd seen this movie a long time ago and I remembered that the horror was the typical old movie setup of building suspense by implying things without showing them.  Oh no that was incorrect because French movies had a little more wiggle room than mainstream US movies back then.  The movie stars by building up the suspense of Things That You Do Not see.  Then it changes gears and starts showing everything, and then says "OK, we made our point" and shifts again back to implied horror.  But still, it's a one of a kind, unique movie that's worth seeing if you've got HBO, oh excuse me I mean Max.


Circling the Sun was good, sooooooo good.  I didn't know anything about Beryl Markham going in except that she was an early aviator.  Her claim to fame was being the first person to fly solo from England to North American from west to east non stop.  But there was so much more and all I will say about that is that her flying career starts at 85% of the way through the book.

Next up: a fan favorite.  I've started Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano.

It was time for another audio book, and a title from this Modern Mrs. Darcy post caught my eye.  MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend is an account of one woman's quest to make friends as an adult.  Where I can relate is that at this stage of life it's easy to meet new people, but hard to take the time to get to know them.  I don't have the solution but I know the problem.  My only quibble with the book is that she describes her meetings as dates which yes, it's very true that the difference between an acquaintance and a friend is chemistry, but she loses me when she talks about applying the stock dating rules to friendships - not making the first move, trying not to seem to too eager, waiting a certain amount of time to respond to texts and emails...uh yes I did that with guys which is why I was single until I was 37 but with casual friends?????????????????  Seriously?????????????


Speaking of dating, someone slid into my DM's on LinkedIn.  It was a local company so just for fun I talked to them and it was exactly what I expected.  They want in office AT LEAST three days a week "because that's our culture" and $30k less than the salary I'm targeting.

I'm banning myself from LinkedIn this week and I'll get back on the hunt next week.


  1. Oh, I am interested in that BFF book! I also have Hello Beautiful on my TBR list but it's taking forever to get it from the library. You know how it goes.
    Will you believe that I have NEVER seen Purple Rain? And it was only recently that I realized it was called Little Red Corvette. I don't know what I thought it was but it wasn't that. Also, the Red Robin, when I was a teenager, had this amazing dessert called the Raspberry Berry and it was only last year I realized it was a play on Raspberry Beret.
    I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR ADVENTURE!! I love hearing all about your travels!

    1. Nicole, between you and me, you really haven't missed much. I mean Prince is awesome but...

  2. Yay for OOO! Now I'm dying to know where you are going to... somewhere that's off the grid and bike-friendly.... mhm.
    Enjoy it!
    I didn't know that Purple Rain was a movie! Now I'll have to go and watch that, too. Thanks for the tip!

    1. The first leg of the trip has been very beautiful with slowish internet. Word is that it gets even better/less internet tomorrow!

  3. I'm so interested to hear about where you've been. Happy/safe travels!!

    I am not a movie buff and have seen so few earlier "classics" (let alone cult classics). Part of me wants to change that, but I'm also very apathetic about movies. My husband is the exact opposite and has seen all.the.movies.

    1. Once your kids get older, your husband will probably want to show them all.the.movies...assuming that they are interested, you'll get to see all the movies and more then!

    2. Elisabeth and I are totally the same on this one. I have seen one "classic" - The Maltese Falcon - and only because a) I was in HS, and b) I thought it would make me cool. Ha. Spoiler alert - I am decidedly UNcool. ;)

  4. Oh, I'm interested in meeting friends. Is there a section about how to do it if you are social awkward, live in a rural town, and honestly just want to stay on the couch with your cat? Oh, start a blog, you say?

    I am so curious about your trip and can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. Blogging is a solid way to pursue friendships with your cat on your lap;-)

  5. Ooh, I can't wait to hear all about it! A solo getaway with no strength training and biking everywhere sounds AWESOME.
    For the record, I somehow weaseled my way out of taking chemistry in high school. I think everyone involved (including my guidance counselor) knew that I would do terribly and should avoid it at all costs.
    I'm waiting on a library hold for Hello Beautiful, so I hope you like it!

    1. I'm so jealous that you got out of chemistry.

      Hello Beautiful is the real deal. I hope your loan comes in soon!

  6. Congrats to the stepsons. Ugh, chemistry. I remember struggling with it in HS too!

    I hope you have a wonderful week away!

    OMG Eyes Without a Face. I may need to watch that.

    I read MWF seeking BFF so long ago and remember it really resonated, but cannot remember anything beyond that and am too lazy to go find my notes on it on my blog. I bet the dating thing made me roll my eyes too. And hells yes to not having the time to nourish and foster a new relationship. They are a lot of work!

    I hope you like Hello Beautiful!

  7. I have not seen Purple Rain either! I'm excited to hear about OOO week of fun and adventure. I'm sure you and dear Bikey will have some good stories to tell ;-)

    1. Oh Bikey and I have stories! We're about to head out for another long day on the road.

  8. I am not a fan of chemistry either!! I think I did okay in the high school version, and in college I remember being SO GLAD that the Nursing School requirement (my major) was for this one more general "easier" Chemistry class versus the Organic Chem and the really hard ones that the pre-med majors all had to take. Haha. My roommate was a pharmacy major and she had to do the hard chemistry track and I just looked on in horror as she'd study it. hehehe.

    1. You just brought back a very dim memory of the college days. At the start it was all nursing and premed students plus a handful of us nutrition majors. Organic chemistry was a hard won C and Biochem was the worst. I've never been so grateful to get a D in all my life!

  9. In college, everyone complained about Organic Chemistry, so I was really scared to take it, but I actually loved it and did well! It made more sense to me than some of the other Chem classes for some reason.

    I read the BFF book years ago and remember enjoying it or at least relating to it! I think I was actually moving around a lot for work at the time and so that was an added feature of my ability to make friends.

    Have fun on your adventure! I am a little late to the party, so you are probably in the thick of it right now, but I can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. I'm dying to know what your major was! I know you work in finance so you must have studied something else in school for organic chem. In my case, my undergrad is nutrition and my master's is accounting.

    2. My major was Kinesiology/Exercise Science. I never did grad school, but had originally planned to go into Physical Therapy until I volunteered for a clinic one summer and I did not really like it that much. But you are spot on; this was not for finance!

  10. I dropped Chemistry both times I tried, HS and College. I don't really do well with formulas. Blah! Purple Rain sure is a dumb movie, though of course Prince was amazing so it's worth seeing for that. Now I've added 'Hello Beautiful' to my TBR list. I've been really bad about reading blogs lately, but today have been hopping around and have added 3 books to my list. Yay!

    I don't know if you're home from your vacation yet, I hope you had/are having an amazing time.

    1. Hello Beautiful is the real deal! I can't say enough good things about that book.

  11. I read the MWF seeking BFF years ago and I was fascinated but also weirded out by that. Yes, I have made more friends online that I have in real life since moving to the US (and I am still "in search" of local friends), but applying the dating rules (which are VERY US specific) sounded weird.
    If my husband would have adhered to dating etiquette when we met, I am certain when I say we would not have worked out (luckily, he felt like with a European girl he could act "differently" (as he said that I responded differently from American girls) so it all worked out in the end LOL

    Have a great trip. Maybe you're already back (I am commenting late), but I am curious to hear all about it :)

  12. Ooh, count me among those who cannot wait to read your trip recap! And, go, you, not taking the time to COOK on VACATION. Vacation, may I remind you, is for you to NOT do things like that. ;)
