Monday, May 29, 2023

Weekly Round Up: A Big Deal


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  In this week's edition I'm going to tell you why this week was a VERY BIG DEAL for our family, share some food stuff, and an epic movie.

So what was the big deal this week?  Let's hear it for Stepson #1!!!!!  Since we last talked he went and got himself a high school diploma and had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor (in laymans terms, Eagle Scout is the highest Boy Scout rank, and it's something that you have to work very hard to get.  Seriously, any fool can graduate from high school, but not just any fool can get an Eagle Scout).  #1's future plans are to attend a local university while continuing to live at home, so we get to bask in the glow of his achievements without having any drastic changes to our family just yet.

One of my life observations about being a stepmom is that I have 0% of the worry that goes along with being a "real" parent and 100% of the pride in the boys' achievements.  It's a good life.

Let's talk about food!


A few weeks ago I prepared an entire bag of soy curls, which is a lotta soy curls, so once I was ready to move on I packed up the leftovers in the freezer.  This week I've been bringing them back in wraps for lunches.

My second food adventure to report is that I saw this Cheap Lazy Vegan video which left me craving cold spicy noodles.  In the video she used a spicy ramen pack, but I wanted the closest thing that I could get without going to the grocery store.

I have no idea how close this recipe is to what she had, but I believe that I've found my new food obsession.  I made half of the sauce, used a single serving of the plain ramen that I got a while ago at the Asian Market, and mixed in some grated tofu and a shredded carrot.  I'm dying to get my hands on some cucumber and bok choy like she had in the video, but this will do for now until I get off my butt and go to the grocery store.  I think that I can also cut back on the oil a bit the next time that I make this, which will be soon.


This week I did the one week long Caroline Girvan Unilateral series, or rather I did the 3 workouts that I was interested in out of the 5.  I don't really have anything bad to say about it, but I'd rate it lower on the scale.  I skipped the calisthenics workout and the no equipment HIIT since I consistently hate those types of workouts.  On calisthenics day I did this lower body workout instead, and on HIIT day I subbed in the final [with equipment] HIIT workout from Beastmode


A rewatch of what is IMO one of the all time Great Movies.  I don't have a formal Top 10 list but if I did this movie would be on it.  The hero is a writer with an unspecified trauma/implied alcohol problem who goes to post war Vienna to see a friend, but too bad so sad that when he arrives it turns out that his friend died in a pedestrian road accident the day before.  Conveniently two of his friends were with him at the time and they give the hero an account of the tragedy that's so well rehearsed that both the hero and the audience are left saying "come on now".  Shortly afterwards the hero crosses paths with another witness who didn't get the memo and tells him that a Third Man was on the scene of the accident so which confirms that something's up and there is a mystery that needs to be solved.  What's the movie?  So glad you asked, it's The Third Man.

(P.S. for some reason I have it in my head that The Third Man is an Orson Welles production and I keep asking why everyone loses their nut about Citizen Kane when the The Third Man is a much better movie...oops The Third Man is not an Orson Welles movie it's a Carol Reed movie WITH Orson Welles.  But my point still stands.)


A double DNF! And then a hit!

  • Before We Were Innocent is the book that I'd had a longtime Libby hold for but once I got it I couldn't remember for the life of me where I'd heard about it or why I wanted to read it.  The "we're lifelong friends but Something Bad Happened a long time ago and it's a Big Secret that we Never Speak Of" genre is a tricky one for me.  I liked the first 50 books that I read on this topic and then it just got old.
  • I'd heard mixed reviews on Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.  There were so many extremes of "I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THIS BOOK!!!!" and "EWWWWW THIS BOOK SUCKED!!!" that I felt that I had to check it out.  In the end I didn't fall into either camp: I read a few chapters and it wasn't registering with me either way so I set it aside.
  • Two strikes and now let's talk about the home run!  Circling the Sun by Paula McClain is historical fiction about Beryl Markham, an early aviator.  It had me instantly hooked from page one and I'm gobbling it down like a mad woman.

See y'all next week!


  1. Congrats to your stepson! I love your attitude towards your family - it's so lovely! I was thinking of you yesterday as I used a CLV recipe to make a cashew Alfredo sauce. It was a little bland on its own but I doctored it somewhat and it was delicious!

    1. Congrats on your own son's graduation! It's been an exciting week for both of us.

      Boo to bland sauces!

  2. I have seen the Third Man! I am not a big movie watcher, but I had a boyfriend who loved the noirs and so that is actually one I have seen. I have never seen Citizen Kane. All I know is Rooseeeebudddd.... Anyway. Now books. I really loved Circling the Sun (did we talk about this already? I can't remember!) and also the book that Beryl wrote called West With the Night, in case you want more Beryl after this. Also if you like this one and have not read The Paris Wife, I think you should put it on your TBR list. I felt meh about Tomorrow although I really liked her other book The Storied Life of AJ Fikry. I have not read Before We Were Innocent and probably will not based on your blurb above!

    1. Yes we've talked about Paula McClain! I'd only read When the Stars Go Dark and you tipped me off that all of her other books were better!

    2. That is right; I thought so! Well I am NOT a fan of Hemingway, but I really enjoyed The Paris Wife, so I hope you love Circling the Sun and can have another one to look forward to! I put her memoir on hold and I am looking forward to that.

  3. Wow! Congrats to Stepson #1! I need to look up what being an Eagle Scout entails!!!

    The ramen looks so so good. Drool.

    LOL the big secret or thing that happened that we don't talk about really makes me nuts, especially if they don't reveal it until the end. You are not missing out with Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, lol.

    1. Yes! Some of these books are just like "nothing has happened in our lives since college, so let's fill up the time with a bunch of flashbacks to make it look like there's a story here". I just can't anymore.

  4. Yay for a graduate! I'll be spending a lot of time in the car in the next few weeks driving to graduation parties and I'm really excited about it. It's just so hopeful for these young people!

    I thought Tomorrow x3 was not great, but I guess I didn't see a lot of people who agreed with me on that! I think it's great you DNFed it; I wish I had, too!

    1. Believe me, your reviews have saved me from many DNFs. Anytime I'm on the fence I use your reviews to help make the call.

  5. Huge congrats to the Eagle Scout (and graduate)!! Our son got his eagle just after he turned 14. We really encouraged him to get-r-done before life got too crazy in high school. It is a big achievement!!

    1. You were smart! The Eagle is a good chunk of the reason why our home life has been so frantic for the past few years. But it's all been worth it.

    2. *Smart to get it out of the way sooner rather than later! An Eagle at 14 is huge and it's for life.

  6. Congrats to the graduate and Eagle Scout :)

    And great work on your workouts this week!

  7. Aw, congratulations to Stepson #1! And, how nice that he'll be going to college and living at home. I wish my son were doing that!
    That noodle dish looks delicious- and you reminded me to put sesame oil on my grocery list. We ran out and it's taking a toll on my Asian cooking. Oh, and I just used up half a bag of soy curls making barbecue soy curl sandwiches- so good.
    I can't remember if I've seen The Third Man. If I did, it was a long time ago. It sounds intriguing!

    1. Nooooooo!!!!!! I don't run out of sesame oil very often, but when I do it's a tragedy.

  8. Congrats to the Eagle Scout! How cool. That is very impressive.

    I feel like "everyone" is doing Caroline Girvan workouts right now! I've never tried them! They seem to be all the rage, so eventually I'll have to check one out, if only just to know what everyone's talking about. ;-)

    1. The exact reason why I started Caroline was because yes, EVERYONE is doing her workouts. They're on Youtube and free so...

  9. Congratulations to your stepson, especially for his Eagle Scout! My daughter was a GS for 10 years and got so much out of it. Only one girl from her troop went on to get the Gold Award, it was a heck of a lot of work. Living from home for college saves so much money, it's great when you can make that happen. My niece is graduating from HS soon and will be moving 3,000 miles away from her family, I think it's going to be hard in some ways. She's adventurous though.

    1. Yes it's cheaper but I'm not gonna lie, the best part is that they'll be at home for a bit. I'm not ready for the empty nest yet!

  10. Oh, happiness. :) Congrats to #1! Eagles are not easy - we have two Eagle Scouts in the family (my brother & his second kid) and oof. It is a lot of work! Can you share what brand you get for gochujang? And, have you ever used doubanjiang? Just saw a cold tofu recipe that used it and was intrigued but not sure what brand/spice level to buy...

    1. The gochujang brand that I use is "the kind in the Asian market" - it's written in Korean so I can't read it - sorry. I've also used TJ's brand which was good for testing out whether I liked gochujang or not but after that it was too small to be practical.

      I haven't had doubanjiang YET but it is a YET. I've heard about it so it's just a matter of WHEN I try it.

    2. Thanks! I was planning to go with "has good reviews on Amazon", LOL. If you are interested in these cold tofu recipes (they use silken/soft tofu... not my usual favorite, so I may try with medium or firm), let me know. I can share the gift article link with you. They're from the Washington Post. One with a mapo sauce, and one that is ginger-scallion with mushrooms. Mmm...
