Monday, October 23, 2023

Weekly Round Up: a Movie and a Lotta Books

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  Things are slow here on the food and workout front, so just means we'll have to talk about movies and books this week.  Plus I tried something that I heard about on the internet IRL.

Since I'm skimping on food and workouts, let me give you a picture of a butterfly instead.  This guy just happened to pass by for a visit while I had the camera out.

Eats & Workouts

Eh, I haven't made anything terribly exciting recently so let's skip food.  And there's nothing new to say about workouts either.


You know how it is when "everybody" raves about a movie but you just don't have the warm fuzzies for it?  That was how I felt about a movie called The Uninvited prior to this week.  I'd seen it a long time ago and it didn't really do anything for me.  Its place in history is that it is considered to be the first true horror movie, and it gets a lot of buzz in old movie circles this time of year.  After seeing a few hype videos on Youtube, I decided to give it another chance, and I'm glad I did because this time it really clicked with me.

When you're hanging out on the coast in England and come across a lovely abandoned house that's move in ready and learn that the owner is willing to sell for C-H-E-A-P and so what if one of the rooms is really chilly and your dog refuses to come upstairs....

The reason this simple haunted house story is considered to be the first true horror film is that all other haunted house movies prior to this had "explanations"...a.k.a. all the heirs gather in the house at midnight to read the will and "ghosts" turn up.  This is about ghosts without the quotation marks.  You get swept up in the excitement of "ooh we found the perfect house and we can afford it!" to "hey this is a pretty cool village and we've fixed up the house nicely" to "wait, something's not right here" to "OK, OK, this is out of the ordinary but we're logical people and we can figure this out."  As they say in the video, it's zero scares and zero gore, but lots of riding along with the characters' emotions and lot of suspense trying to figure it out.


Sorry not sorry we have a lot to talk about!  Two misses, one mixed result, and one OMG please please please drop everything and read this now to report.

As a follow up to the last time we talked about books, ouch I went from not being that in to Tomorrow Will Be Better by Betty Smith to outright disliking it.  What I said before, it's just about poor people.  Ima put a pause on my grand plans to reread her other books.

I finally got around to trying A Court of Thorns and Roses, but I just couldn't get into it so it was a quick DNF.

For this weekend's road trip I put a dent into a Nora Ephron audio book.  Wallflower at the Orgy is a collection of essays from the late 60s.  This is the mixed result: when it was good it was VERY GOOD, but once we got to back-to-back Topics That No One Has Thought About Since the 1960s I found myself hitting fast forward and then finally giving up.  So my recommendation if you're an Ephron fan is to listen to the first two hours of the book.  You'll get the brilliant Wallflower at the Orgy essay (spoiler it's about journalism - didn't want to get anyone's hopes up), an inside look at Helen Gurley Brown, and a takedown of Ayn Rand.

And finally 🚨🚨🚨 GOOD BOOK ALERT 🚨🚨🚨 GOOD BOOK ALERT 🚨🚨🚨 GOOD BOOK ALERT 🚨🚨🚨.  Let me tell you about The Violin Conspiracy by  Brendan Slocumb.

I get a lot of reading ideas from the Sarah's Bookshelves podcast, but also a lot of DNFs so when I hear her really get into a book I tend to hold until I start hearing verification from other sources.  In this case it was Stephany who put this back on my radar when she talked about Slocumb's other book, Symphony of Secrets.  TBH I was more interested in Symphony than in Violin Conspiracy, but Violin Conspiracy was the one that was available for me to check out.

And all I can say is that for a second choice, this one hit a home run.  I didn't know anything about it besides the title and honestly that's enough of a background.  I got hooked from the first sentence and had a hard time putting down the Kindle each night.  I'm close to the top of the list for Symphony can can't wait to tear into it.

Stuff on the Internet that I Tried IRL

It's been a long time since we've had this section!  I just don't try that much stuff on the internet IRL. 

Last week one of our bed sheets developed a hole putting us in the market for new ones.  My go-to is Vera Wang sheets at Kohls which aren't too expensive but they are a bit of coin plus they require a trip to the store.  Wait a minute, didn't I just hear about a really awesome set of super cheap sheets recently?????

It turns out my source was The Hungry Runner Girl and these are the sheets that I dropped a whopping $37 on. There were a few negative reviews but I'm here to say what Janae said but in my own words - as long as these hold up then yes "the only sheets that I will ever buy again" is not an overstatement.

That's all for now!  I've got another road trip to tell you about and then things might possibly calm down and get back to normal.


  1. Isn't it lovely when we try something another source has recommended and that item is WONDERFUL. So glad the sheets were a home run.
    I'm not into "horror" movies, but will admit this one sounds like a fun watch - for the history alone.

    1. Exactly! My hobby is reading blogs, I had a need for sheets, and I love a good price point = the three things came together!

      I really don't understand the horror label for The Uninvited - it's more of a mystery.

  2. Ah yes, I saw that post about the sheets and wondered whether they really held up. Good to know she was right!
    Come to think of it, there are a few things she recommended that I've tried out. One of them is using a sort of razor against peach fuzz in the face. I would have never thought of that!

    1. I've tried a few of Janae's recommendations over the years with good results. I just couldn't believe the timing of reading about the sheets to needing new sheets.

  3. I remember reading Wallflower at the Orgy and thinking the same thing. It was PRETTY dated. I don't think I've even heard of the Uninvited, what rock am I living under?

    1. Pretty dated is a very nice way to say it. Seriously moldy oldy though I did like the first few essays. And lol you're not living under a rock, us folks who are in to old movies are living under a rock;-)

  4. I have to say I got excited when I saw "a Lotta Books" in the title of this post! I definitely want to read those Brendan Slocumb books- EVERYONE has given them good reviews.
    So, I got a set of those sheets (after reading about them on Janae's blog) for my son. He's very picky about his sheets, but he said he likes them (I haven't actually seen these sheets in person- I just ordered them and had them sent to him.) So I've been planning to get some for myself as well. I'm glad to hear they really are that great! Sheets can be so expensive, and these are pretty cheap.

    1. That's how I feel whenever I see your "reading and eating" posts!

      I'm with your son on sheets. I want them super soft and obviously good quality - I mean I'm sleeping with them so I've got standards. I would be willing to pay more but I appreciate that I don't have to.

  5. It just so happens that I am in the market for new sheets, so THANK YOU for the timely recommendation!

    I have been suspiciously eyeing The Violin Conspiracy for awhile now, wondering if I would like it or not. But between you and Stephany it seems like I should give it a chance! I am in need of a new audiobook -- two duds in a row and I don't think I can listen to the current one a second longer -- so maybe I will see if Libby has The Violin Conspiracy for me to try.

    1. Excellent! I was hesitant to try the Violin Conspiracy based on the title - I think I knew that it was something to do with a rare violin but do I care? About halfway through the first page the answer became a very clear YES.

  6. I recently read The Violin Conspiracy and I enjoyed it! I wonder if Symphony is very similar and if so, if it is maybe too much of a good thing? I think I am going to hold off a bit on reading the second one until the fire has cooled a little for Slocumb in my mind. That said, I did like Violin and like you, did not really know anything about it when I started it but was pleasantly surprised!

    1. That's an interesting question! In this case I'm going with the back to back approach because that's how the Libby holds are working out AND I'm obsessed. The last time I remember gobbling up an author like that was Catherine Ryan Howard with Nowhere Man and 56 Days - and then I hit the wall with her next book but I don't have to worry about that with Slocumb since these are his only two.

    2. I really enjoyed The Nothing Man so I have borrowed 56 Days! Also I have Symphony on hold and will probably just read it when I get it!

  7. I have heard such good things about those Slocumb books. I went to a high school with a girl with that same last name and she was pretty and popular and dated the guy I had a crush on. That's not really relevant, but I'm just playing word association here. I looked up recently and it looks like life has been hard for her, poor thing. ANYWAY. If I know myself, I'll get to reading those books five years from now and then act like I'm sharing brand new information about how good they are.

    1. If it helps - I once had a bad boss with a very common name like John Smith. Every time that I see that name I back away from it. I totally get it.

      I would never have remembered to check out the Slocumb books if Stephany hadn't written about them.

  8. Yay! I am so glad you liked The Violin Conspiracy. I am not much of a music person so I wasn't sure if the book would be for me, but IT SO WAS. I was so invested in this violin!!

    1. 100% I didn't know exactly what the book was about going in besides a rare violin which sounds like a snooze to me. But I'm telling you, once he opened the violin case I was hooked!

  9. That movie really sounds intriguing! Maybe I can find it to watch on Halloween evening, since we probably won't see much action with trick-or-treaters. Thanks for the rec on the sheets...I'll be in the market soon for some new ones ;-)

    1. The Uninvited would be a great Halloween movie. Halloween is always a bit tough because you've got to be on call during trick o'treat hours. I'm sure we'll find something silly and seasonal to kick back to on Tuesday.

  10. Thanks for the book rec, I just put The Violin Conspiracy on hold at that library. Excellent.

  11. Thank you so much for the sheets rec! I am over waiting for a coupon or Kohls Cash to buy the ones I like from there!
