Monday, October 9, 2023

Weekly Round Up: Still In It


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  I know I've been absent for a few weeks, but I'm still in it.  Lemme catch you up.


Move over Cheap Lazy Vegan!   Lately I've been watching Sarah's Vegan Kitchen videos on Youtube.  As a reminder, I'm not vegan but I enjoy good food and these videos are the perfect background to relax to when I find myself in front of the TV.

I made the cabbage crunch salad with sesame panko tofu.  My notes are:

  • Made the salad as written but with the shortcut of a bag of Trader Joe's coleslaw mix in place of the veggies.
  • Used peanut butter and crushed peanuts.
  • I had serious doubts that 1/3 cup flour and 1/3 cup milk would be enough for dredging the tofu.  Sure enough I came up a bit short but it went further than I thought.  Part of the reason could be that I cut my tofu into smaller pieces than she did.  For the remaining pieces I just lightly sprayed them with oil and dipped them in the panko mixture.
  • If this sounds like something you'd be into, I recommend getting on it

For family dinners, Jo Cook's cheesy chicken broccoli pasta caught my eye.  I made it on Saturday for date night with the hubs, and somehow the leftovers stretched into a full family dinner tonight.  If you're looking for something easy but elegant that's been endorsed by all members of my household (including me, the certified chicken hater), this is your dish.  The only change that I made was shortening the chicken cooking time.  The recipe starts with cooking the chicken, and adding onions with more cooking time, and then boiling the chicken with the pasta...uh that's some well cooked chicken there.  I cooked up the chicken and then took it out of the pan, let it rest while I cooked everything else, and then added it back in at the end.


Still doing the Caroline Girvan thing/still doing the walk-run thing.  I got inspired by all of those "100 days left in the year" posts a few weeks back, and my "100 day" thing is to stay consistent with pushups until the end of the year.  In theory by them they'll be a habit and/or I'll have pushup gainz to show off.  I still can't do them in the context of a workout, but I'm in a good groove of doing sets of 6-8 reps throughout the day, three days a week.


A lot of Youtube.  Minimal in the way of actual TV shows or movies.


Here's what's been going down:

  • I'm about halfway through Tomorrow Will Be Better by Betty Smith.  Sigh, do you really need me to tell you that it's no ATGIB?  Both are books about poor people, but ATGIB has rich characters, heart, and all of the Brooklyn ambience.  Tomorrow is just a book about poor people with the occasional mention of Brooklyn.
  • I read the current "it" book: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang.  The story of an Unsuccessful Author (UA) who is friends with a Successful Author (SA).  One night they get together, and UA happens to see SA's rough draft of her next book, which conveniently exists only on paper since the SA is anti-tech and notoriously secretive about her work.  A freak accident happens and SA dies.  UA just happens to leave the scene with the manuscript, just happens to make a few tweaks to it, and the next thing you know UA just happens to have written the newest "it" book.  But oops SA is Asian and UA is not, and the book is about Chinese culture, so her publisher figures it's fine to give UA's name an Asian tweak.
    • What I liked: I LOVED the main character!  No I would never walk away with someone else's manuscript let alone have the writing chops to pass it off as my own and get it published, but the way the temptation is laid out is so juicy.
    • What I didn't: at times I felt like the book got bogged down in Woke Culture, which was overkill when we're already doing plagiarism and yellowface. After a solid start and middle, my interest started to peter out toward the end, your call on whether that was a "me" problem or a book problem.  It was a fun ride and I recommend it.
  • Last but not least, I continued my Nora Ephron binge by listening to I Remember Nothing on my lastest road trip.  I'd read it back in the day but didn't really remember it, and now I know why.  It's basically I Feel Bad About My Neck 2.  There's nothing wrong with that, quite the contrary, but there's nothing that really stands out about it.  It's a very efficient three hour listen.
That's all for this week!  I'm in a busy phase so my posting schedule might be choppy for a bit.


  1. Great idea with the pushups!
    I started a graph in Excel on 1 October and pushups are on the list. Guess how many times I've done them? ZERO!!
    So thanks for the inspiration! I'll get a few done today!

    I hope work is going ok. I hope the countdown helps!

    1. Zero has been my count for pushups for a while so I get it. It's only recently that they've started to click.

  2. Ooh... that sesame panko tofu is calling my name!
    I read Tomorrow Will Be Better... definitely no ATGIB but I enjoyed it. It's an interesting look at that time period. I want to know what you think when you finish it.
    Good luck with your 100 day pushup challenge. I was just thinking today that I need a challenge like that- I'm thinking of trying "Planksgiving" next month (which I tried last year and failed miserably.)
    I want to read Yellowface!

    1. Well it's 100 days of doing pushups 3x per week...just trying to focus.

  3. As always I AM NOT HUNGRY after reading your blog.

    Glad you're so busy as it get the sense it's from fun/happy things?!

    I didn't really like I Remember Nothing (but ADORED I Feel Bad About My Neck). I have Yellowface on my short-list of things to read next year. It is getting such mixed reviews so I'm very intrigued!

    1. It's a mixed bag of good things and tedious things. I'll get there.

  4. OOOH that recipe looks great, and I'm going to try it when I get home. Maybe not right when I get home but when I'm settled in. I liked the Ephron and Yellowface and honestly, I am not at all going to read Tomorrow Will Be Better.

  5. Oooh, that cheesy chicken and broccoli dish looks delish! Nice work on the push-ups...aren't they a beast? I can do mine pretty "deep" now, but I still struggle with my hand placement. My arms seem to have a quirky bend to them, so placing my hands directly underneath me really feels awkward. In other words, I'm still a work in progress ;-)

  6. The chicken pasta broccoli thing looks delicious. Makes me wish my husband ate cheese and pasta, and that my daughter ate chicken. Oh well.

    I'm going to start my 'rest of the year' push-up challenge TODAY. And I'll do some planks and other things too. So what if I missed the 100 days left, right? No time like the present. Thanks for the motivation.

    1. I'm laughing because this is how every recipe is for me: it would be perfect if the hubs ate x or the kids ate y or I ate z.

  7. I clicked the link to the cheesy chicken broccoli so fast...

    Yellowface is a book I pre ordered because the plot sounded so similar to my in-progress manuscript... and I got the book right when it came out in the US... and still haven't read it. Whoops.

    I love your push ups goal. I often have a push ups goal because I am so bad at them but I want to be able to DO them, and then I continue to be so bad at push ups that I give up... and then the cycle restarts.

    Hope your busy season has plenty of GOOD busy to keep you afloat.

    1. I'm intrigued by your manuscript! Yellowface had a great premise, but now that I've finished it, it's fading in my memory fast.

      Yes I'm all too familiar with the cycle of doing pushups and then getting frustrated at not being able to do them...I just recently got the hang of getting my whole body involved in the pushup so I feel like there's hope this time.

    2. Um -- your WHOLE BODY? Can you do a tutorial???? I feel like my shoulders and gut get involved (reluctantly), but that's it. I have tried the graduated push ups, too, starting with the wall and moving down slowly angle by angle to the floor... but maybe I am just doing them wrong? (This is possible: I was doing sit ups wrong for YEARS and had to go to physical therapy, after I hurt my back, to figure that out.)

    3. Not for a million dollars! To see what it looks like, look at anyone who's good at doing pushups. The best I can describe it is to get your body in a straight line at the top of the plank, and then use every muscle that you've got to keep it straight on the way down and back up. The quads get involved, the abs are involved, I think the glutes get everything gets involved which frees up your arms to push you back up. Let me know if any of this makes sense.

  8. I suspect that if the rest of the Betty Smith catalog was as good as ATGIB, we'd have all read more than ATGIB, but it's nice to hear I'm not missing much.

    Pushups every day? I don't think I could force myself to do that, but I am curious to see what your gainz will be.

    1. You nailed it! Now that I've finished it, I'm sorry to say that Tomorrow stunk on ice.

      Lol pushups 3x per week, not everyday. If I was trying to do them everyday I'd end up doing a 100 day streak of 0 pushups.

  9. Good to see you again! That is interesting to hear about Smith's book. I have never read another Smith book than ATGIB and now I am wondering if I should just quit while I am ahead and leave ATGIB in the glorious shrine that it is in!?

    You are busy? I can't wait to hear all about it, and I hope that it is fun parts of life and not just work, work, work!

    1. If you did want to read another Smith book, I'd pick her last which is called Joy in the Morning. Ugh when all is said and done Tomorrow really stunk on ice.

      Mixed bag - yes there's a lot of work but also fun stuff.

  10. I haven't been able to decide if I was to read Yellowface. I think I eventually willl, though, because there has been so much talk about it. I might suggest it for book club in 2024 as it sounds like one that would be good to read with a group.

    I've been loving the CG workouts I've done on youtube. I want to check out her ap when I am done with this program but that seems like a LONG ways away. I'm doing Epic heat which has 50 workouts and I think I'm on 14 or 15? So maybe in 6 months I can check out her ap. ;)

    1. Lisa, I liked Yellowface, but not as much as The Plot. They are basically the same premise though, and I know you liked The Plot, so you will probably enjoy Yellowface.

    2. Kyria - my takeaway is that I need to find this book called The Plot and add it to my list.

      Lisa - you're correct there is a TON of stuff on Youtube for CG. Because I'm only doing full body workouts right now, I'll need to go back to Youtube soon to supplement what there is on the app.

  11. Your food always looks so good!

    Ooo! Pushups for the last 100 days is a great idea!

    I definitely agree with Yellowface getting bogged down in woke (and cancel?) culture. But like you said, what a fun ride. It definitely kept me reading!

    1. Agree, it's a really small quibble that I have with an otherwise really fun book.

  12. I love how you point out that you are not vegan. I am not either, but I agree that vegan dishes can be quite delicious :)
