Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Classic Round Up Edition


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  For the first time in a long time I have an old school traditional round up!!! I've got a new way to prep tofu, surprising fitness news, the latest in hot couples TV shows, and a 😻😻😻 book that's making me very happy.


I made Cheap Lazy Vegan's Sticky Tofu Stir Fry.  It was a mixed success - the sauce was a bit of a miss for me.  It was fine, just not extraordinary.

What was extraordinary was the tofu prep method.  You use a vegetable peeler to make thin strips out of  tofu, toss it with a bit of oil and corn starch, and then air fry it.  When I saw the YouTube video, I was intrigued but had doubts.  Would the tofu really peel that easily into neat slices?  Wouldn't air frying thin strips make a dry and crumbly mess?

The answers were yes tofu really slices that easily with a vegetable peeler, and no the air fryer doesn't dehydrate it into chalk.  This is a winner.

Also I told you last week that someone in my house is a huge fan of soon as I opened the container I had company.  Of course she got a few bites.


I've gone from feeling squirrely to full out burned out on the treadmill.  Last week I flirted with some power walking outside, and found myself liking the outdoors.  The problem is that I couldn't get the intensity that I needed from I was "reduced" to running.  I've done a couple of rounds of two miles with the pattern of two minutes running/one minute walking. felt good.  I plan to keep playing with this for a bit.  Maybe tomorrow I'll step it up to three minutes run/one minute walk?

(PS if you're new here, I used to be obsessed with running and I've done the half marathon thing.  I got burned out and "broke up" with running two years ago.  It's even money whether I'll get tired of running after a few more workouts or if I'll get the bug again - stay turned).


The Hubs and I have been putting in the couch time for Hot Couples TV.

First up: Jim Henson: Idea Man

Afterwards Hubs was inspired to break out his Muppet Show DVDs, which are a sheer delight.

The next thing that we watched is a Lisa recommendation: Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies, and Scandal.  I'd really only heard of Ashley Madison as a thing that had something to do with Josh Duggar's downfall.  I don't think I knew what it was.  Well, now I online dating site for...wait for it...married people.

It's a jaw dropping story, and a fun thing to watch with your significant other.



The book that has stolen my heart is Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe.  I heard about it on the Sarah's Bookshelves podcast, and I've learned from experience that when Sarah goes all out on a book it either means that it is the best book ever or a total dud.  Usually I wait until I hear a "real person" validation for Sarah's picks, but in this case I impulsively put in a Libby hold and when it came in I wasn't expecting much.

Margo is a 19 year old college student who has an affair with her married professor and gets pregnant, leading to the money troubles in the title.  Sarah's review was that this was the best book ever, but it takes a while to get past Margo's choices.

I didn't have that problem.  I loooooved Margo from page one and I love her even more 50% of the way into the book.  It's a busy story with lots of stuff happening and every word on every page is a delight.

See you next week!


  1. I have heard so much about Margo's Got Money Troubles! I'll have to put that one on hold. Tofu with the veg peeler and air fryer - well, now I have to try it, but I'm seeing this too late for tonight, my tofu is currently in cubes in the frying pan.

  2. Well now, that IS a surprise!
    First of all, I'm happy to hear that you're loving to the outdoors. I find being outside in nature so good for my mental well-being.
    And then RUNNING!!! Let's see if you catch the bug again. So excited to see where this will take you!

    1. We'll see! Bumping it up to 3 minute intervals was so easy that I'm going for 4 minutes tomorrow

  3. What an intriguing way to prep tofu! I'll have to try that some time.

    I think you will catch the running bug again! But I am staying tuned...

    1. Correct, it's even money whether the running thing peters out or goes somewhere. Maybe I'd at least run a 5k sometime this fall?

  4. Okay, so my number 1 problem with tofu is the texture... but this method sounds like it might... crisp it up some??? I don't know if I'm intrigued ENOUGH to buy tofu, but I am intrigued enough to consider it.

    Hot Couples TV over here is House of the Dragon. Have we even watched anything else? I feel like there must be something, considering HotD is only on once a week... but I guess it's not memorable in any way.

    1. It's definitely a handy way to make tofu but if you don't really like it to start with...I'd recommend chicken;-)

  5. I'm glad you liked the Ashley Madison documentary. It sparked really good conversation between Phil and I. He more so lives in the gray whereas I am a total black and white thinker who can hold a grudge. Which is not an admirable character trait, but so be it...

    I also loved Margo's Got Money Troubles. It made me think about how much nuance there is to life decisions and how something that looks horrible on paper can actually be totally ok.

    Yay for getting back to running! Your approach sounds perfect. I debated doing a run/walk combo during my 7 mile run on Sunday in 95% humidity... It was one of my worst runs ever. We lost power during the night so I didn't have coffee before my run and I didn't want to open the fridge so I just ate a banana with some pb and it was not enough calories. Coming back to a hot house did not help matters. But today was cooler and it was not so humid so I had a much better run (although only 3 miles).

    1. Eek! I feel like I've done that exact 7 mile run and it made me Question Everything.

      Margo is so good that I'm torn between wanting to finish it and making it last.

      The Ashley story had everything - people and corporations behaving badly.

  6. Oh, man, it has been SO HOT here that the idea of running OUTSIDE is not appealing. I hope you do rekindle your love for running, but now would not be the time to try that around here!

    I'm going to suggest the Ashley Madison doc for me and my husband. I don't watch tv a lot, but he's going to be a sitting on the couch guy for a couple of weeks and that seems like something we could watch and chat about.

    1. The nice thing about running 2 miles is that it's 24-26 minutes so the weather doesn't really have a chance to kick in.

      Well I wish that Dr. BB wasn't on the couch but since he is...the Ashley Madison doc is a great way to pass the time!

  7. I'm going to put Margo's Got Money Troubles on hold, thanks for the rec. I trained Mulder to beg in a similar way, by giving him treats while I cooked. His favorites were carrots, cucumbers, and french bread. And cheese. And meat. And most things really, but he could hear a carrot being peeled from upstairs and would come RUNNING.

    I felt weird putting it on my blog, but somehow not weird asking here. Has anyone heard from Kyria @ Travel Spot? I haven't seen any posts or comments in awhile. I sent an email but haven't heard back. I hope everything is OK.

    1. Not weird! Kyria has been posting on IG from time to time. I think she's in full bike mode. Selfishly I wish she was posting DITL posts everyday...

    2. Oh, I forgot about IG! I never post there. I follow here there, will keep my eyes open. Thank you! Whew!

  8. Wait! There's a Classic Weekly Roundup and I'm just seeing it today? What is wrong with me????? I have NOT heard of that method for making tofu, but I'll definitely try it. I just looked at the recipe and will probably make a different sauce- one that doesn't include ketchup and barbecue sauce.
    Well, if we just lived near each other we could be running together! I'm cautiously running again, using run/walk intervals. So far so good... we'll see.
    I've heard of that book- I'll put a library hold on it.

    1. The method is the greatest thing ever, and I know I'll be using it often. The sauce was just OK so unless it's a situation where the flavors needed more time to marry and the leftovers are fantastic, I won't make the sauce again.

      Yay for running again! I've been able to increase my time to four minutes without losing steam, so the next step is 5 minutes, etc etc...we'll see what happens.

  9. The concept of Ashley Madison is so wild to me - I’ll have to check out that documentary! I’m glad the run/walk is working for you right now - whether you get the bug again or not. Cardio types can be seasonal in life for me (well, sometimes weather seasons, too, haha!)…

    1. You're right - if nothing else running is a fun way to mix it up.

      Ashley Madison is insane! Enjoy the show!

  10. Sorry for bring MIA....I've read your recent blogposts (while at work,,,shhh!), but my phone won't let me comment. Then, I forget to cue-up the blog back at home, so the comments don't happen. My bad. Anyways, I'm really excited to see how running goes for you this time around! At least you've got some experience in the running shoes and aren't a first-timer ;-)

    1. No worries Kim! I read all of your posts but my commenting isn't 100% for any blog that I read And sometimes my phone is the only way I can read the day's posts but it makes it too hard to comment. I do my best. If I have to chose between getting a comment and getting a post, I want you to write the post!

  11. Ooo, that is a brilliant way to cook tofu! And too bad the sauce was not a hit cause your pic is beautiful as usual. Have you ever blogged about how to take food photos? I could use some pointers.

    Ha! I used to listen to Sarah's Bookshelves podcast and remember it being completely hit or miss for me too!

    1. Hee hee my food photo tips are to take one million pictures of everything which increases the chances of getting one good shot. My food photography tends to be "amazing" in the summer when it's still day light at dinner time and it's markedly less so in winter. If the picture is really a mess I'll run it through the raw photo editor in Photoshop to see if I can get any life into it, but mostly I just increase the exposure in Google photos.

  12. I am always here for your book recs, Birchie! I always wait to hear from someone else when Sarah raves about a book, haha. She's very hit or miss for me, too. I've added Margo to my TBR - maybe I'll snag it from Book of the Month in August since I know it was recently a pick!

    1. Margo was excellent! I'm here for your book recs because if it hasn't been for you I would have missed out on The Violin Conspiracy. I read it last year but I'm still thinking about it.

  13. "Best book ever or a total dud" lol, isn't it funny how that goes? I always feel terrible if I recommend a book to someone and they hate it, even though I know different readers will always have different opinions. A friend has asked me to bring something for her to read at camp and the pressure!
    My husband and I are between shows we watch together, and we need to find a new one. Although a new season of The Old Man is coming out, so there's that.

    1. I know, it's such high stakes recommending books! It's much easier to do it online vs IRL.

  14. I cannot tell you how much I love the fact that Doggo loves tofu. Oh, Doggo. A puppy after my own heart. <3
    Also? That cooking method seems...interesting. Did it get crispy, thanks to the cornstarch?

    1. I'm really surprised. She also seems drawn to Asian seasonings. If I have soy sauce, sesame oil, or gochujang on the counter she is interested. I had some wasabi peas as a snack the other day and she was all in my business.

      The sliced tofu was great. TBH I'm not sure if the cornstarch made a difference. I think it would have been the same result without - but it was easy and good.

  15. So funny that Doggo is also into tofu. I think I need some tips from you how to best prepare it. I had "bad" tofu before and I am wary trying to cook it at home.

    1. I have two thoughts - one is that the prep method with the veggie slicer and air frying was great. Another oldie but goodie is to spritz the tofu with a little bit of oil and seasoned salt and pan fry it until golden.

      The other thought is...I personally love tofu and hate chicken. If you're in the opposite situation where you don't love tofu and also don't hate other proteins like chicken...well well well...there's the answer. Eat what you like!
