Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Christmas in July

A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads plus puppy and werk talk.  Let's start with a dose of cute.  The reason why Doggo is tearing into Santa Claus in July is that the pet store had Christmas toys on sale for a steal.  She already "opened" the present, but Santa is holding strong.

July 4th & Dawg Recap

Talk about your dog days of summer!  The entire family AND DOGS went to SIL#3's house for a few parties over the holiday weekend.  We've taken Doggo there a few times to hang out with SIL#3 and her dog, but this was our first big party, so we weren't sure how she would do.  We only live 10 minutes away from the party, so we figured we'd bring her with us and take her home if things didn't work out.

She did just fine  She is still skittish around strangers, but she accepted treats and let a few people pet her.  She loves other dogs, and the other dogs in the family like their new cousin,

Once the fireworks started we brought the dogs into the house and hung out with them, so it was a nice little side party.   As far as fireworks go, the first one that she heard was the end of the world, but after a few days of booms she had much less of a reaction.

One question that people kept asking at the party is if she is full grown.  It's anyone's guess.  As best we know she's about a year old now.  When we first got her she gained weight rapidly, but she's been holding steady at 40 pounds for the past two months.  Her DNA test predicted an adult weight of 46 pounds, so my guess is that she'll get a bit bigger but not much.  It seems like she's going to stay small, or as Hubs calls her "fun sized".


I still don't have anything wildly exciting to tell you about food, but I can make up for it with stories of the dog in the kitchen.  Probably the best thing that I made while the fam was away at Boy Scout Camp was Recipe Tin Eats Bibimbap - tofu, veggies, rice, and yummy sauce.

Doggo kept me company while I was prepped this.  She loves carrots, so obviously I gave her some carrot pieces, but when I accidentally dropped a piece of raw tofu on the floor, I was shocked that she gobbled it right up and then she went on a counter surfing mission for more.  I lured her away and asked her to sit (pro tip: you can't tell a dog not to do a negative, you have to distract them by asking for a positive and then supposedly some day they will only do the positive things...I'll keep you posted) and then googled "can dogs eat tofu" (lol my search history since we got her is pretty much exclusively "can dogs eat..." and sure enough tofu is fine for dogs as long as they're not eating so much of it that they're not eating their regular food.  She was also very interested in the gochujang paste and soy sauce, but I managed to keep her away from those.  Anyway, I got a good laugh that I was having to chase my carnivore dog away from a plant based dinner.


In addition to the usual fare of weights and 30/3/12 treadmill workouts, I've taken up another quest for the summer.  There is a 100 mile hike and bike trail close-ish to me, and I'm in the process of riding the whole thing.  My max biking distance is only 10-15 miles, so I'm doing it in small segments (5 to 7 miles out and then back) and picking it up and the next point each time.  I started about 20 miles from the north end, and I'm one ride away from reaching the top.  After that I'll go back to where I started and work my way south.  I think there's also an east-west trail, so that could be next.

I'm starting to get squirrley on the treadmill, so I took a tip from Jenny and I've done a couple of outdoor power walks this week. I possibly interested in doing some running again?  Or biking?  Stay tuned.


Hubs was looking for something silly to watch last weekend.  I rolled my eyes when he suggested Dodgeball.  I'd never seen it, but c'mon I knew it would just be stupid.  But stepson #2 was interested and the trailer didn't look that bad...

So chalk this up to another "movie that I thought would be terrible that I never wanted to watch and then I watched it and was delighted to find out that it was actually a good movie".  Dodgeball was a delightful surprise.


Lotsa books, mixed results.

Speaking of the unreasonable prejudices that I sometimes come up with, until recently I had only read one Taylor Jenkins Reid book, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.  My reason for not wanting to read anything else of hers was that it was so good that I felt that nothing else could live up to it.

TJR has written a lot of books, but the one that seems to make people say "hey" is After I Do, which sounded like a very simple story about a couple who decides to separate for a year to see if they're happier apart.  Nicole is literally the one billionth person who said "hey", and I finally listened.  And what I'm telling you is that yes it's a simple story but a delightful one.  But now my hatches are battened down again and I can't possibly ever read another TJR because there is no way that it will live up to Seven Husbands or After I Do.

Next up: DNF 1 of 2.  I was so excited to tear into Private Equity by Carrie Sun.  A work memoir!!!  It started with a nice juicy story about being in the hospital from overwork and the doctor telling her that she might not survive, but then she naturally went back to the beginning and I lost interest.  I couldn't stand her boss from the get-go, and I felt like I wouldn't enjoy hearing how things went downhill, so I bailed a few hours into the audio book.

And then DNF 2 of 2.  I'd started Within Arm's Reach by Ann Napolitano but after a good long while I'd barely made a dent in it.  My Libby hold was going to expire so I put my Kindle in airplane mode so that I could keep reading, and that's when I realized hey I'm really not that into this book.

What next?  Back to the Linda Castillo Amish murder mysteries!  The Dead Will Tell is book #6 in the series, and I keep feeling that the current book that I'm reading is "the best".  And in the meantime a couple of hot new books have come in, so there's a 100% chance that my Kindle will be going back on airplane mode.


Everything is still good at the new job, but they are still sooooooo sloooooow at turning work over to me.  I've got enough of a toehold, and hey if other folks want to keep doing the tasks that they haven't given to me, I guess there's no reason why I should mind.

Meanwhile at the old job...they finally found a replacement for me!  "New Me" started this week.  Guess who makes more money, her or me?  Her of course!  I noticed that she doesn't have stock options, so my guess is that she turned down equity in favor of more cash - and that is something that I can respect.

I'm not crying because in addition to the extra hours that I've squeezed out of the old jobby job the timing worked out so that I met vesting dates for both the old equity plan and the new one.  In English that means another $7k in cash next year plus more stock that either will or won't be worth more down the road.  It's nice work if you can get it.

That's a wrap for now!  The bloggy blogging might continue to be irregular until the old job wraps up but I'm here and plugging away the best that I can.

Dawg folks - how does your dog do with fireworks?  Does anyone else out there have a pet who eats tofu?


  1. Well done with the 100-mile biking challenge! How do you get to the starting point where you left off last time? Do you put the bike in the car and drive there?

    Someone once told me the same about dogs - you can't teach them NOT to do something. And they learn from commendation and getting treats, but not from punishment.
    I was fascinated by that. Maybe humans are the same?

    Nice job on timing the vesting dates! When will you be done with the old job?

    1. Yep! My bike goes in my car, and my distance each day is a compromise between how far I feel like riding and the closest trailhead where I can pick up the route next time.

      I think it's always better to ask someone to do something instead of not to do something, but human situations are a bit more complex than dog situations. WIth the dog we're dealing with issues like getting her to not chew on furniture, which isn't an issue that I've ever had with a human being;-)

      I don't have an end date on the old job yet but I think it will probably be a few weeks.

  2. Oooh nice job on the vesting! It's so great when things like that work out.
    I'm glad you liked After I Do! I thought it was pretty good. I just finished Loving Frank! I liked thinking about you going to all these places that were in the book. Talk about a cautionary tale about having an affair, sheesh.
    Doggo is a year old already!!! Time, it flies. Rex ate some quinoa I dropped on the floor the other day and I almost fainted with surprise.

    1. My takeaway on Loving Frank is that it is much better to be married in today's world. Our system isn't perfect, but if a marriage isn't working out the spouses have more options besides "abandoning" their spouses and children.

      As far as we know Doggo is a year old. All that we have to go on is that her paperwork says she was taken into the shelter in early October and her age estimate was 3 months at the time so that maths out to one year. When we adopted her they told us that she was 4-5 months old, but she'd already been spayed which is usually done at 6 months, so I feel like the paperwork is correct. Hey, she's a young dog, so that's all that we really need to know.

    2. Birchy, exactly!!! I mean, if Mameh was unhappy in her marriage today, she could just get a divorce. But it feels like a woman had to leave "for" and "with" someone else. And honestly, FLW seemed like a dick to be in a relationship with, was it just me or did you think so too? I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE

    3. Yes I am certain that he was a dick. Obviously I love the experience of being in his buildings, but there's nothing about him as a person that gives me the warm fuzzies.

      What drew me in about Mamah is that she could have just left her husband and been a "kept woman" but she didn't - she pursued the writing and translating career. I wanted so badly for her to find a time travel machine and come forward by 100 years.

      When I toured FLW's CHI house, they talked a little about Catherine, and I feel like she has an incredible story that hasn't been told. She wasn't just the mom of 6 kids who wouldn't give her husband a divorce so that she know...keep her home and be sure that she and the kids would be provided for. And I'm sure that wife #3 wasn't just a pretty face but someone who also had a lot of depth. I know there's a novel about all of the women, but I kind of want to hear about them from a non-FLW perspective.

    4. OH GOSH CATHERINE!!! Poor Catherine. The women in this story (and every story, to me) are so much more interesting than the men.

  3. Ha, well I always like a good "Christmas in July" photo! Our cats also like a lot of our vegan food, which seems kind of weird.
    Speaking of food, that bibimbap looks good, but tragically I'm out of gochujang! I need a trip to Trader Joe's.
    I have been missing your blog posts- I forgot you've been working two jobs. I hope your old one wraps up SOON!
    I've never read TJR but I guess I should? I trust your recommendations.

    1. My only experience with cats and vegan food is my parents. When my parents were vegetarian, the cats were always interested in things like eggs and cheese. Once the humans stopped eating those treats, the cats lost interest in human food.

      I'm out of gochujang too!

      Ditching my old job will help with blogging, but the other disruptor is the puppy. She pretty much sleeps during the day and plays at night, which means I have to be hands on when she's rowdy. It's very hard to concentrate when you have to break every few minutes to distract a puppy from chewing on furniture and things like that. But hey some day she will grow up and I'll have all of the writing time that I want.

      I can vouch for Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and After I Do for TJR. As soon as I finish the two books that came in on Libby I will be tucking into 11/22/63 - because I trust your recommendations too!

  4. Your biking challenge sounds fabulous! I have a bike and haven't ridden it enough to be very comfortable riding it yet. Sigh.

    Love that Doggo is a tofu fan. And how fun that tofu is okay for dogs to eat! Who discovered that and how?!?

    Glad that your work situation is normalizing. Those early days never seem to be paced right. Either they are super slow or they pile on the info way too fast.

    1. Believe me, I'm not comfortable riding on roads so that's why I stick to dedicated hike & bike trails.

      I know how they found out it was OK for dogs to eat tofu - dogs eat EVERYTHING so there is lots of real world research on what's OK and what's not.

  5. Love the biking challenge!

    Also, I have to admit that seeing Christmas in the title of this post made me SO happy. It was such a surprise and natural jolt of joy.

    And that's INCREDIBLE about how all the work stuff is panning out. What a long haul it has been to find the right place and get everything sorted BUT YOU'VE DONE IT BIRCHIE!!! Three cheers, my friend.

    1. There's something about Doggo and her Santa toy that is just so sweet - yes even though she's trying to rip Santa open. She really loves that toy.

  6. I was tempted to read Private Equity as I tend to like finance memoirs but the douchey boss aspect is not appealing. I dealt with that enough in my real life - I don't need to relive it on the page. Plus Sarah didn't seem totally enthused about that book either.

    I love that Doggo is "fun sized." Too cute. It is so funny to me how dogs love vegetables. My brother's dog is in heaven on Thanksgiving morning as there are a lot of carrots and onions and such and she will gobble up anything that gets dropped.

    I am glad the new job is going well. I kind of hate that boring part where there is not much to do but I also wish I could tell bored, newly hired Lisa to chill out and enjoy the quiet stretch...

    1. I really want a "real" werk memoir. I felt like Exit Interview held a lot of things back so that she didn't get sued by Amazon. Basically I want something as real as The Wives in work memoir format.

      I will take a tip from bored, newly hired Lisa and enjoy the down time while it lasts - well hopefully there will still be downtime after my old job goes away.

  7. I am grumpy about fireworks. Hannah is so stressed out and she won't go outside after dark until there's frost. We did just buy a thundershirt, though, so I might start putting her in after dinner (as part of our training) and have her wear it until bedtime. The issue at this point is that neighbors are still occasionally setting things off so there are booms and pops and Hannah can't help but become a cowering wreck. Poor stressed girl.

    Hannah has weighed between 44-51 pounds the whole time we've had her. She's settled in at about 48 pounds as her "average" weight, so she's right around the same size! I don't think of it as fun-sized at all, but maybe that's because there are a million tiny dogs in our town. That medium-sized around 50 pounds is ideal! (Except for medications. A lot of meds size up at 50 and so H has to be weighed every time she gets a prescription renewed. Just be prepared for that as a slight annoyance in having a perfectly-sized Doggo.)

    1. I HATE it when something scary happens when it's time for Doggo to go outside. She's made so much progress though. When we first got her everything was scary to her - like if she saw a moving car she would run back inside the house. The first boom that we heard was scary to her, but she's starting to adapt. I'm sure that she'll never "love" fireworks but hopefully they won't be as scary. Yep we've still got plenty of fireworks going off here and there in the 'hood.

      I remember you telling me how hard it was to get Hannah's meds right with her weight fluctuations, so yes I hope that Doggo ends up being clearly over or under the 50lb mark. She's a giant compared to when we first got her but still so small.

  8. The first year we had Bella, our Morkie, we decided I would leave the party we were at before streets in our town got blocked off for fireworks so she wouldn't be alone (my mom always talked about how terrified she was of the booms and thunderstorms). Home I went and got all set for Bells to be in my lap and shaking - and then she just slept in her bed for the entire thing. I don't know if we are too far from where they set them off or what, but she's done the same every year since. Note, I still come home and hang with her both to give her dinner and some zoomies outside, as well as to give me a socialization break and not having to sit in 90 minutes of traffic for our usual 5-minute ride home....

    1. Nice! All of the dogs were definitely nervous, but we really couldn't hear much from inside the house and eventually they relaxed and played. We're finding that Doggo is scared of all new experiences, but once she's had a chance to see that the new thing is happening and it's OK, she seems to be OK with it.

  9. I'm sorry to say that the only way I could stop our dog Genevieve from going into the garbage and eating my daughter's menstrual pads was to spank her. I caught her in the act once, gave her a swat on the butt and said NO, and she never did it again. Not encouraging anyone to hit their dog, and I never had to swat Mulder. Back in the 70s when I got my first dog, it was the era of spanking your dog, so she got hit quite a few times. When we know better we do better, right? Sorry Samantha, you were a very good girl.

    Regarding fireworks, Mulder did fine with the official ones, because we kept the windows closed and turned the TV on loud, but the neighborhood jackassery ones stressed him out. Genevieve ran into my closet and peed on my shoes once. Stupid neighborhood jackassery.

    1. No worries, I'm sure that Genevieve had a wonderful life. Raising kids has changed since then as well.

      My husband can say "no" and Doggo will usually listen, but I don't have that power. My tools are to either distract her, or to put her in "time out" - just a minute or two in her crate if she gets really rowdy.

  10. DODGEBALL. One of my all-time favorite movies. My brother and I quote it constantly to each other to this day.

    I loooove TJR. I hope you give Daisy Jones & the Six a try. That might be my favorite of hers.

  11. I promise you TJR has more amazing books. Only a few are duds!

    Our cat Khali loves tofu and all fake meats. So silly!

  12. Never saw Dodgeball; however, I will take your word that it's awesome, and live my life in ignorance. ;)
    Doggo, oh, Doggo. Carrots and tofu? What next? Kohlrabi?

  13. Awesome job on the biking challenge. As you know, I thrive on challenges... they just keep me so motivated!

    How wonderful to hear that you could take Doggo to the party and that she did so well. :)
