Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekly Round Up: Cool Bloggers Edition


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  This week I'm going to skip food talk in favor of telling you about the latest Cool Blogger's Thing, I found a buddy for my bike trail adventure, I had a miss on the reading front, and I'm sure there will be some puppy talk and maybe some deep life thoughts.

Speaking of Cool Bloggers, yesterday was my turn to join in on the countdown to Engie's 20th Blogging Anniversary!  Join the party here!

A Public Service Announcement

You've heard of the Cool Bloggers Book Club

You've heard of the Cool Bloggers Treadmill Workout

You've heard of the Cool Bloggers Walking Club 

You've heard of the Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge

Now let me introduce you to the Cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club!!!  And also let me assure you that it was pure coincidence that Engie and I both had our first colonoscopies last Monday.  We didn't know it until afterwards, and when we were emailing about my guest post last weekend, I deeply regret telling her that "Monday is going to be a busy day" without going into the's always the things that I don't say that lead to the most regrets.

But srsly tho...colon cancer is something that's on my radar because my grandmother died from it, but also something that I'm not too worried about since she was diagnosed in her 80s.  When my doctor told me that the recommended screening age had been lowered from 50 to 45, my first instinct was to wait until I was 50 since I didn't feel that it was likely to make much of a difference.  Then I realized that the whole "I don't like my job but I have great insurance and I'm planning to quit next year" thing meant...if I did the screening now that was one less day of my life that I would have to work!  I knew it wasn't worth splitting the hair between doing it at 49 vs waiting until I was 50.  I decided to get 'er done.

Normally I'm not competitive, but when my husband got his colonoscopy a few years ago, he was very proud that the doctor's report noted "the preparation of the bowel was excellent".  I wanted the same comment on my chart!  Between you and me, I was nervous that I would mess up the preparation and worried that I would be hungry, grumpy, and miserable.  Spoiler: I didn't mess it up and I wasn't particularly hungry or uncomfortable after the prep, but you just never know what you're getting into with these things.

The process started back in April with a virtual doctor's visit.  I wanted to do the procedure at the facility that was closest to my house, so that's why I had to wait until July.  The instructions were pretty simple: eat a low fiber diet for two days, eat nothing/do prep for a day, and then game day.

As things got closer to time, I found that I wanted something more specific than "low fiber".  Google took me here, and I made my game plan.  As near I can remember my diet was:


Breakfast: Big ol' cup of coffee with half and half, two pieces of buttered toast and two eggs seasoned with onion powder and salt.

Lunch: PBJ with a lot of PB and J.

Dinner: two sandwiches.  One with two fried eggs and the other was a grilled cheese.

After dinner: tonic water with lime, aka gin and tonic without gin.  It's my favorite non-alcoholic summer beverage.


Breakfast: Big ol' cup of coffee with half and half, a three-egg cheese omelette and buttered toast.  I shared some of the omelette with Doggo.

Lunch: PBJ with a lot of PB and J.

That afternoon Hubs and I went for a long bike ride, which resulted in us both being hungry as bears.  We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I got a large vanilla shake.

Dinner: I was still hungry after the shake, so I had a cheese quesadilla.  

After dinner: more tonic & lime.


Breakfast: small cup of black coffee

The rest of the day: the occasional tonic and lime, two bottles of Clenpiq, and gallons of water.

The prep that I took was Clenpiq.  When they called in the prescription, my insurance denied it.  I talked to the doctor's office about other options, and they told me that basically everything out there does the same thing.  One of the options is taking over the counter laxatives and Gatorade and I figured that would be the cheapest/simplest way to go.  But then the doc's office called back and said that the pharmacy had keyed in the prescription for two kits instead of one, so that was why it was denied.  That made it cheaper to get the prescription instead of buying a bunch of laxatives, so I went with Plan A.  A few days later I got a funny letter from my insurance company with the original denial, which said something like "there is no FDA approved protocol for taking that quantity of Clenpiq".

The other thing about the prep is that you're supposed to take the first dose the night before and the second dose five hours before the procedure.  That would have meant getting up at 2:45 AM, so I asked the doc about that.  They said it was no problem to take both bottles the day before as long as I spaced out the doses.  I took bottle #1 in the afternoon, and bottle #2 later in the evening.  If I had it to do all over again, I would have taken the second bottle a bit earlier so that I could have been out of the bathroom by bedtime and gotten more sleep, but that's a note for next time.  I sleep decently well, and by the end I had no doubt that I would get the "excellent preparation" note.

The procedure was a non-event.  I checked into the hospital and before I knew it I was waking up in the recovery room.  The only discomfort I had was that they pump you full of air and what goes in has to come out but it was in no hurry to depart.  The other side effect is that the anesthesia left me pretty loopy and I was still feeling groggy the next day.

Was it worth it?  Yep.  I had a decent sized polyp that was "precancerous benign" - and that's exactly the way that I like my polyps.  The bad news is that I will need screenings every 3 years instead of every 10 years so I will have looooots more colonoscopies in my future than I was planning on, and the good news is that I'm pretty sure that getting a colonoscopy is much easier than getting treatment for colon cancer, so I'm happy with the trade off.

Also I got my "excellent preparation" note so booyah.

So PSA, if a colonoscopy is on your to-do list - be a Cool Blogger and do it!


I've been slowly working my way up a 100 mile long bike and hike trail.  I've been biking 5-7 miles out and back, and then picking it up where I left off each week.  I'd had to take a few weeks off, and originally I wasn't planning on adding biking to my pre-colonoscopy weekend, but that Saturday the weather was gorgeous, and the Hubs had a yen to get out there.  So did I since I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere on Sunday.  

The next segment was the northernmost section of the trail, so it was more of a "wow" than the other segments that I've done so far.  It ended up being 14 miles total, which is on the long side for me and very long for the Hubs since lately his fitness has been focused on hiking and not biking.  It was a good time, and next up we'll pick up the trail where I started last month and work our way south.

When I met Kim back in May, she gave me a few rocks, and I decided that the north end of the biking path was the perfect place to "release" one of them back into the wild.  I hope that the whale found a good home.  I have two other rocks that I will either set them free on my August travels, or I'll save them for the mid point and south end of the trail.  Stay tuned.


In other fitness news, of course I didn't work out the day of my colonoscopy, and the next morning and the day after I felt tired so...I didn't work out!  Back in my running days I always felt pressure to get all of my planned runs in, and the best thing about my post-running fitness life is the freedom to skip workouts.

Back in my running days?  Guess what, I'm still doing the 2 mile run-walks that I told you about last time, which is a recent thing that I picked up after getting bored with the treadmill.  It hasn't been a problem to increase the running distance by a minute each time, and my last endeavor was 3 x 7 minutes running with a minute walk break in between.  Again, I have no plans with this other than moving my body and seeing how it goes.


Nothing to report.


I finished Margo's Got Money Troubles and continued to love it to the end.

My next book was another "hot book that everyone's reading that I heard about on the Sarah's Bookshelves podcast" but it was a miss.  Real Americans started out strong and then went downhill.  I adored the first third of the book that was about Lily, a young Asian American making her way in New York in the early 2000's, was less interested in the middle third of the book about her son in the 2020s, and then the book completely lost me in the final third.  Ya can't win 'em all.

From there I went back to the Linda Castillo Amish murder mysteries for a palate cleanser - After the Storm, which of course I am loving.  I should finish it this week and then I've got Big Plans:

  • The next round of CBBC starts this week!  I am having the hardest time keeping the title straight.  I keep calling it "I Cover the Castle" or "I Conquer the Castle" - there is an old movie called I Cover the Waterfront and who knows where I got "conquer" from, but the correct title is I Capture the Castle.  EDIT: I'm having such a hard time with the title that I messed it up AGAIN and had to come back and correct it after Engie pointed it out in the comments...
  • I've been meaning to read 11/22/63 for years and since it was a hit for Jenny I feel like it's time to finally do it.  
It's also worth noting that I ended up going on a book buying spree.  I'm a huge fan of getting books from the library, but I struck out with Libby.  After the Storm wasn't available on Kindle, and the hold list for 11/22/63 - a book that came out in 2011 - is ridiculously long and has been every time that I've looked at getting it before.  I coulda gone to the library and gotten the physical books...and I did not.  I forked out my hard earned cash and bought those suckers and started reading.

Office Upgrade

We were mostly keeping Doggo in our back room/kitchen area with supervised visits to the rest of the house.  Hubs and I used to trade off being downstairs with her during the work day.

A few weeks ago Doggo figured out how to open the kitchen doors, so she's upgraded herself to having full run of the house.  Much to my delight, she spends the day with me in my office.  We're working through some roommate disputes, such as that sometimes I have meetings where I can't have interruptions for barking, and she occasionally likes to chew the carpet and attack my plush foot rest, and when these situations arise she loses her office privileges.  But overall she's very professional and very lovey during the day, and it's just a fact that work is better when you can drop to the floor and snuggle with your pup.

Deep Life Thoughts

SHU's post on life and death thoughts really resonated with me.  A huge part of the reason why I want to stop working sooner rather than later is that I'm healthy now, and while genetically the odds are good that I have a lot of healthy, quality years ahead of me, nothing is guaranteed.

She speculated on what she would change if she only had three months, a year, or five years left.  For myself, there is a very clear #1 on the list for all of those time frames.  I'd snap the lid on my work laptop down so hard and walk right out the door of my office and never go back in that room.  For now I'm staying the course until my planned exit from the workforce next year but man oh man I am sure thinking about it...


Peace Out!


  1. Ha, I did my first colonoscopy a few months before I quit my job, too!
    My husband and I had an appointment a few days apart. He got an "A+" for his prep work.
    I went a few days later and... well...I guess it would be an "F". My prep wasn't good at all, but the doctor still managed to get it done. To this day, my husband takes great delight in pointing that out.

    That's a great post by SHU, but even more interesting are the comments. And yes, I agree with you: the ability to step out of the office is liberating!

    1. I feel that if either Hubs or I gets less than an "excellent" note that the other will have a field's the little things that make marriage fun.

  2. I haven't talked about it much on the blog, but my sister had colon cancer in 2020- SHE IS FINE NOW, but yes- the treatment was not fun. SO GET YOUR COLONOSCOPY, EVERYONE!!! It really isn't that bad. Glad everything went well for you, and that you nailed the prep (I did too, and also felt strangely smug about that.)
    I just got my copy of the CBBC book, which I did think was "I Capture the Castle." Whatever- I have the book and have to get started reading.
    So, the great thing about running is that it can be anything you want it to be. If you want to do run/walk intervals for the rest of your life, amazing! There's no running police going to come and say you're doing it wrong. I'm glad you're enjoying it for now.

    1. Sigh, yes it is CAPTURE and I am so confused about the title that I got it wrong in my little story about how I got it wrong...usually I don't edit my posts after I publish that was so bad that I had to fix it.

      I'm glad that your sister is OK now! I think that we all think that cancer won't happen to us...until it does. Something that Anne, Engie, and I talked a bit about is that some screenings are a bit ambiguous. If I get a mammogram all they're going to tell me is that I have dense breasts and they can't really see anything. Colonoscopies are much more definitive - they can see what's in there and if anything doesn't look right they can just take it out on the spot

  3. Well, my experience was not as easy as yours. LOL. Or maybe I'm more of a whiner. But, yes, GET ALL THE CANCER SCREENINGS, FRIENDS!!

    It is I Capture the Castle! There's no conquering or the book is far more martial than I remember!

    1. Doh!!! You are right it is CAPTURE...see I am having the worst time with this. Edited to fix.

      Cancer screenings are easy, getting books titles right is hard...

  4. I'll be getting my first colonoscopy when I turn 45 as we have a family history of colon cancer. I've heard the prep is far worse than the procedure. I'm glad it's a few years in the future for me. I've had my share of medical appts as is lately! ;)

    I liked Real Americans more than you did but there was an uneven aspect to the book and I was confused about who was who at times.

    My workforce exit is further off than yours - about 10 years away. But I joke that the more time I have to interact with this person on my team that I can't stand, the sooner I want to retire. Ha.

    1. Yes you have had your share of medical appointments for awhile! I was expecting the prep to be horrible, and it was far less dramatic that I imagined. There are lots of things that I would rather do than get scoped, but it wasn't bad at all.

      C'mon retirement!!!

  5. I'm so sad that I can't swing participating in the book club this time around. I'm away too much in August and I just know it would weigh on me to not be able to actively chime in, but I will live vicariously through everyone else!

    1. There's nothing wrong with going to book club when you haven't read the book. It's still fun to hang out with folks! Or you could skip the posts for now, and read the book when you get to it and circle back then! Lots of options.

  6. The Cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club is awesome! I drank my prep powder with lemonade Crystal Light, and I still can't drink anything lemon flavored - 5 years later! I also got a gold star for an excellent clean colon, which made me strangely proud. I love that everyone is sharing their experiences and taking care of themselves!

    1. I know what you mean about not wanting to drink anything lemon flavored. The ClenPiq doses are fairly small and I've blocked whatever the flavor was (cherry? cranberry?) but oof it was tough getting that second bottle down.

      Yay for people staying on top of their medical screenings.

  7. LOL at the cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club. They apparently don't do colonoscopies in the UK as a routine thing but I really did appreciate reading your thorough prep and procedure notes.

    I have added Margos got Money Troubles to my TBR now - thank you!

    1. Huh. I googled it and it looks like the UK favors stool tests over scopes and the recommended age is higher than the US. I wonder if the incidence is lower in the UK.

      Margo was a delight! Enjoy!

  8. Kudos for getting the colonoscopy done. I am also part of the Cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club as I got my first colonoscopy last year. As I said on Engie's post, I am so confused as to why there are so many different prep procedures.
    I had to drink this REALLY NASTY, ice-cold gallon solution and it literally made me throw up (luckily only at the very end, when my colon had pretty much been cleaned out already - or else I would have had to reschedule and do the whole procedure again). I would have much preferred the laxative/gatorade prep.

    Either way, I agree with you, getting the colonoscopy done - even if more frequently - is way better than dealing with colon cancer. 100%!

    1. Eek! The Clenpiq was pretty low volume, though you have to drink a ton of water afterwards. As small as it was, by the second dose it was a bit of a task to get it down.

      Let's hear it for the ounces of prevention that will (by the grace of God) save us from pounds of cure down the road.

  9. Very interesting about the 2nd dose of prep. I did get up at 3am to take my 2nd dose, and then went back to sleep. My husband is also on the 3 year plan and I'm on the 10 year. I was so afraid I wasn't going to prep properly and would mess it up that I was basically starving for the day before! Luckily I am a fan of Jello ;)

    1. oops, make that 5 years for my husband.

    2. I was so paranoid that I would do one little thing wrong and mess up the whole test! I was surprised that I wasn't hungry the day before - normally just having one cup of coffee and a few glasses of tonic water would not cut it food wise. I think that after two days of low fiber I was just plain bored of food.

  10. Uh oh, I am having FOMO now, as I have not gotten a colonoscopy yet. I actually did consider doing it before I quit but I did not know they moved the age down to 45 and I thought I was going to have to pay out of pocket! However, I do plan on doing some travel next year, and have heard that places like Malaysia and Thailand have excellent centers (and prices) for that kind of thing. It is definitely on my list!

    I am putting Margo on my list too, and I can second Jenny's rec on 11/22/63. I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it. However, it is a bit long, so buckle in and get ready! I have not really read any GREAT books lately, but have had enough of them that are pretty good to keep me going.

    1. If nothing else the novelty of getting the colonoscopy done overseas should make a boring procedure more interesting!

      I'm really loving 11/22/63. I need to carve out more time for reading.

  11. LOL, I *tried* to join the Cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club because I wanted to get a baseline colonoscopy established but since I'm not at increased risk (my grandma had it but since she's not a first-degree family member, she's not considered in my risk level. My mom has been getting regular colonoscopies but they've always been clean!) I have to wait until I'm 45. Nine more years for me, muahaha. I'm hoping by then, they'll have some new prep option that makes it much easier/better.

    I'm listening to Margo's Got Money Troubles now and very much enjoying it!

    1. No worries, you will eventually make your way into the CBCC - and in the meantime there are all of the other CB things;-)

      Margo was great!

  12. I am glad you got good results from the colonoscopy!

    Thanks for releasing my rock in such a beautiful setting!

    I am glad you feel that freedom from skipping runs. I've released myself from that too and it feels so good.

  13. Yay for colonoscopy being done AND for getting that polyp. To me, that's the benefit of the scope. If you'd done the stool test, you'd have to have a follow up anyway. So yay. Thanks for the PSA - it's always a good thing to engage in preventive health care vs. treating something.

    I may come visit you and, um, filch 11/22/63. I've had the e-book for years but man, it's huge. Audio? 31 hours. YIKES! Can't wait for your review.
