Monday, December 5, 2022

Weekly Round Up Part 1 of 2: A Hot Minute


Hey Friends, it's been a hot minute since we last talked!  Post NaBloPo part of me feels weird that it's been a whopping five days since I last posted and the other part of me is here to say I HAD A WEEK and just about lost my mind.  Here's what's gone down.

I was insanely busy last week.  Some of it was the ol' werkity werk and the rest of it was adulting.  Let's see: one vet visit, one car appointment, one doc appointment, and assorted errands kept me on the go from early in the morning to late at night for a few days straight.   Stepdog wasn't the only one who spent most of this weekend on the couch.  I spent a good bit of our couch time saying "OMG" and the rest of it on an 80's movie binge that will require its own post.

This weekend was Boy Scout camp weekend.  If you're thinking "wait didn't they just get back from camp" you are correct!  The Scouts try to make the December camp out early in the month in order to free the boys up for holiday things, and on the flip side it means that we're done with camping until late January.  The December camp out is my favorite since it includes a family dinner.  This year they had "dinner" in the afternoon which was a genius idea because it left the evening free for both the scouts and the families.

Happy Birthday to Hubs and Happy Half Birthday to Me!  Our birthdays are almost exactly six months apart so the running joke is that we're not celebrating the other's birthday, we're just celebrating the half birthday.  On a whim we went out on the town to a fancy schmancy restaurant and had a very-expensive-but-worth-every-penny-of-it-meal.

For treats I whipped up chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting.

My only meal plan right now is that there is no plan.  I got a giant Caesar salad kit and a two pack of cauliflower pizzas from Costco to see my through my single girl stint this weekend.  I'm finishing it up for lunches this week.

That's all I've got for tonight.  See you tomorrow to talk 80's movies.


  1. So you made that vanilla frosting on those cupcakes yourself? They look amazing!
    Lovely that you could celebrate with a fancy dinner together. What did you have?
    Next time, please take PHOTOS, Birchie. I need something to drool over!

    1. Really fancy steaks! I was so awed that I forgot that I had a camera with me.

  2. Yes, it seems odd not to be posting every day... on the other hand it's nice to have a little more time for other things. Especially since December is always so crazy busy. I always try to avoid scheduling extra appointments this month but somehow I have the dentist this week (WHY DID I DO THAT.) How is stepdog doing, anyway? Is it the same stomach issue? I hope he's okay.

    1. Now that I'm a week late in answering did we do that every day???? For a full month??? Huh.

      The doggo is better! The meds the vet gave her plus time did the trick. Thanks for asking.

  3. You just "whipped up" those amazing looking cupcakes?! How did you do that? Mine always look like a kindergartner frosted them.

    1. My not-so-best-kept-secret is this icing tool:

  4. Oooh yummy. Those cupcakes! My husband's birthday and mine are exactly six months apart to the day! Happy half/ full birthday to the Birchie house!

    1. Nice! If there's anything that I've learned from the hubs it's always to celebrate half birthdays.

  5. Whew -- your week sounds super busy! And a birthday, to boot! Glad you get some time to yourself (with leftover cupcakes, hopefully).

    1. Leftover cupcakes, a nice glass of wine, snuggles with the dog, and good movies!

  6. You had a lot going on - you're lucky that NaBloPoMo was done LOL
    Happy belated birthday to your husband and half birthday to you :)
