Wednesday, November 30, 2022

NaBloPo: I'm Out!

True confession: "I'm Out!" was the original title for my November 3rd post.  It was a hectic day and it was after dinner and I had no post.  I wrote that yes it was a nice thought to jump in on NaBloPo at the last minute but it was already too stressful to get it done.  And then I started blabbing about my day to give an example and before I knew it I had a post so I took out the "I can't do this" intro.

True confession: "I'm Out!" was the original title for my November 4th post.  I recycled the intro about how writing is hard and the problem wasn't that I didn't have ideas but that I didn't have time to develop them.  And then I started blabbing about my day and suddenly I had a post after all, so I kept the "it's hard" part and took out the "I can't do this" part.

And that's the last time that I started a post with the title "I'm Out!" until today.  But it's the last day of NaBloPo, so it's OK to be out.

For all things NaBloPo head over to The Inbetween in Mine 

From an early age, it seemed like writing was my talent.  As a kid I wrote little stories, kept a diary, and wrote letters to anyone who gave me their address.  I had lists of ideas for Great Novels, but when I sat down to try and write the Great Novels I ran into a snag.  I discovered that writing is hard.  Like pounding your head against a wall, it feels good when you stop. 

Pro tip: while it is hard to write the Great Novel, writing is a great career - because it is hard and no one wants to do it.  I used to be a technical writer.  My writing style had a certain flair that you don't often get in technical manuals "hey I'm new at this too!!!  Let's get in there and figure out how to use this industrial lab testing equipment!!!"  The downside was that it took me forever to complete a project and I was always behind on updates because well...that writing thing is really hard, especially when you're writing about industrial lab testing equipment.  Luckily no one else wanted to do it, so I got away with late and missed deadlines galore until I was able to transition to accounting which is just so much less stressful and much easier to get the work done on time.

Let me repeat that: writing is a great career because no one else wants to do it.  You don't have to be good, talented, or in any way competent.  No matter what you do for a living, there are things about your work that need to be written down, and you can get major brownie points for doing so.

I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make with this.  Writing is hard, I went to great lengths to get out of it as a profession, and my hobby is writing a food blog?  Whatever.

Anyhoo, a few years ago I found San's blog which is where I heard about NaBloPo.  The first year I appreciated getting a post from her every day, and since then I've watched the circle grow and enjoyed the goodies.  Like I said, I was tempted but ruled out joining in this year since I ain't got time for that, and yet here we are.

Thoughts on NaBloPo

  • Dude, just do it.  The worst that is going to happen is that you'll miss some days or won't finish.  Just sayin, there are no NaBloPo Police.
  • A long, long, long, long time ago I came across the phrase "real artists ship" which has always stuck with me.  It may not be this exact post but it was Seth Godin so here's as close as I can get to the original source.  Quantity isn't the same as quality but it's a good place to start.
  • Of course I had the fear that all I would produce is quantity and yes some days that was true, but I'd argue that we've seen some high quality stuff coming out of the NaBloPo posts in general.
  • I can't keep writing a post everyday but hopefully I'll do more than just a weekly post going forward.  There were a handful of topics that I wanted to write about but needed more time than I had, and hopefully I'll get those out in the next few weeks.  BTW my best blogging tip is not to stockpile post ideas - get 'em written and get 'em shipped.  I have a graveyard of post ideas that I wanted to wait on for whatever reason and then they just got stale and moldy.  Hopefully that won't happen with my latest stack.
  • I regret that I wasn't able to keep up with all the NaBloPo real time that is.  I'll be going back to check things out!
  • I don't know if I'll do NaBloPo next year...but if I do I'll plan ahead and get more of the work set up in advance.
  • Worth noting: November is kinda a blah month.  It gets cold and dark and I start feeling the onset of winter.  NaBloPo was a great distraction.
  • Yes NaBloPo is hazardous to your TV watching.  I've got no solution for that.

Thank You Team NaBloPo and THANK YOU SAN!!!!

Stuff I'd like to hear if you'd like to tell me: have you ever done NaBloPo?  More than once? Were you ever a daily blogger?  How long would you say it takes you to write a blog post?  For me it takes for flippin' ever.



  1. I followed along with it last year, but this is my first year participating. I was shocked at the time investment, but it is one of the things I'm most proud of doing in 2022. I've wanted to write my whole life, but never carved out the space or time. I did a time study for Laura Vanderkam's latest books and one of the prompts left me declaring I was going to start a blog. And I did (that still shocks me because I had been saying it for years).
    Ironically, my favourite posts seem to be the ones that take the least amount of time to write; and then other ones that I fiddle away at over days, fall flat and/or are forgettable. But it does take a LOT of time.
    I have a few pages at the back of my planner where I jot down ideas for future posts, but in general I try to write out my ideas ASAP. They really do seem to go "moldy" if they sit.
    It was great to read along and get to know you better through your blog this month!

    1. I know! After a few days I was like "I just can't do this" and now I'm having withdrawal over not posting tonight. I really do want to post more than once a week going forward.

  2. YOU DID IT! Woo hoo! Confetti!!!!

    Also, I feel such a kinship with you about the writing is hard thing. It IS hard, and I find that no one wants to do it, no one REALLY knows how to do it right, and it can be a very lonely and thankless thing. Also: there are A LOT of people out there who think they can write who cannot. I've been fortunate to work with a small handful of people who really care about words and saying the right things in the right way, and who are clear in their critiques and who truly know how to make a piece of writing stronger. But they are few and far between.

    Okay, somehow I have gone on a rant here. Back to the point, which is YOU DID IT. I love reading your posts and I look forward to many more! But no pressure!

    Oh and to answer your question: I can usually type out some nonsense pretty quickly, but blog posts (including uploading content to wordpress etc.) usually take an hour+. This is not a speedy hobby. I am really enjoying NaBloPoMo, but it is eating up all my time. I really need to get back to doing Non Blog Things.

    1. OMG, Suzanne, you're so right.... a lot of people THINK they can write and they can not. An old supervisor was a terrible writer and sometimes people thought that I had written what he had written (because I am a foreigner and English is my second language, and they thought that the piece of writing surely couldn't have been written by the head scientist LOL they were so wrong!).

    2. Blogging is a seriously unspeedy hobby! But thank goodness so many of us do it anyway.

      I've always admired your craftsmanship with words. I've had good intentions about improving my writing but poor follow through.

  3. Well done on making it through, especially since yuo were tempted to bow out early in the month. I think you're right about writing and publishing posts ASAP. For me I think I lose interest if I don't do it straight away. This year was my first time doing NaBloPoMo. I used to blog much more regularly, although not daily, but my regular blogging petered out a number of years ago. I think it was because most of my words were going towards essays and then a thesis for my Masters. I've finished that now though so would like to get back to more regular blogging. In terms of time to write, it depends on what type of post i'm writing. How in depth, whether there's images and linking etc.

    1. I get it! My posting went down to nothing in my final year of grad school and stayed down for a long time afterwards.

  4. Well done, Birchie!
    Great advice. Also, thanks for that Seth Godin link!

    1. Thanks Catrina! I'm not doing the RW run streak this year but I did a blog streak instead!

  5. You did it, Birchie! Great job!!

  6. Congrats on doing it! One of the things I find about blogging is that it can help me work my way through a situation; just trying to figure out how to tell the story helps, if that makes sense. I've been blogging less frequently of late, though, so hopefully November will help kick me back into the semi-regular groove.

    1. YES YES does help me to 'splain myself to myself though the blog.

  7. I'd say it takes me anywhere from ten minutes to infinity to write a post. LOL. I mean, one of my posts is me keeping track of reading 100 particular books and it's been in draft form for years at this point. But I have been a daily blogger before and am now and sometimes you just got slap up a photo of your dog and write two sentences and be done with it!

    Congrats on doing NaBloPoMo! You're amazing!

  8. I've enjoyed NaBloPoMo more this year than in the past, because this is a community where people really do make an effort to come say hi at least once or twice. I have not felt the need to read every single blog every single day, but partly that was because I discovered that there was an organized effort maybe a week in. I have gone through long periods when I write every day, and other long periods when I don't really write, sometimes for a month or more. I've participated in NaBloPoMo several times, but usually just on my own, as a personal challenge. I used to sign up on the BlogHer page, but there were so many participants that the community aspect was not there.

    1. It's really amazing how San has built up the tribe in the last few years. I like the "unofficial" NaBloPo idea.

  9. Congratulations on making it through!
    For me it was the first time participating and really the first time writing a blog consistently in general. I was super reluctant at first but glad I decided to do it. And I agree that writing is hard. I do have a list of drafts which were good ideas but would have required more time to wrote than I had hours in the day to complete. I hope I will get to them eventually.

    1. I hope that you get to them too! I'll be reading!

  10. Birchie, you're proof that NaBloPoMo can absolutely be done, even if you think at the beginning that you can never last... you did such a great job showing up every day and had fun in the process. Who knew?!
    This is to say: I am glad that you joined after a few years on the sidelines (although I've always appreciated your support) and regardless if you're doing NaBloPoMo again next year or not, now you know what to expect and have the proof that you can do it, if you set your mind to it.
    What are you doing with all your free time now?

    P.S. Yes, writing is hard. Elisabeth was right that sometimes the quick posts also get all the traction, while longer, thought-out posts don't hit the spot. It happens... it is all a matter of practice and putting things out there.

    1. Let's just put it out there - blogging is not a spectator sport!

  11. Nicely done!! I love blogging, but cranking out three posts a week (on my "busy" weeks) is tough enough. I'm sure I'd find a way to up the ante and blog daily for an entire month, but I know I'd really struggle with finding the time to keep up with all the reading of others' blogs (a huge pet peeve is when a blogger drops a link and then #crickets...I don't want to be a cricket, LOL).

    1. I'm just glad that you give us three posts a week! This was a fun short term project but there's no way that I could keep it up. I think I was about 50% on reading and commenting on other blogs.

  12. Yay! How did I miss your last NaBloPoMo post? I think my brain was about to explode by November 30th. I'm glad you did it, and yours was one of my favorite blogs to read. I agree- just jump right in and do it. Not every post has to be a masterpiece, but I do want to up my game a little next year. I'm glad to hear you plan to post more often!

    1. This week was unreal for how busy it was. Somehow checking in on the blog every day helped to hold it together and stay sane. Yes, let's see if we can do this next year!

  13. As you can see by the date of the comment I am still trying to catch up on all the blogs on NaBloPoMo.

    I had to smile for your beginning. So clever and fun. And exactly shows what NabLoPO is. Once. you get started it gets easier even though at some days you just bable through...

    I love this sentenence: BTW my best blogging tip is not to stockpile post ideas - get 'em written and get 'em shipped.

    So true.
