Sunday, November 6, 2022

NaBloPo: Status Update


Update #1: it's day 6 of 30 of NaBloPo and not only am I still in it but it's also starting to feel more natural to sit down at the computer and post of bunch of mumblings on the internet every day instead of once a week. 

Update #2: the family party last night was a ton of fun and now we have leftover pizza for days.

Update #3: I broke my non-running streak of 73 days today.  My current status is "not a runner but not a non runner".

For all things NaBloPo head over to The Inbetween in Mine 

Today's topic is workouts.  Regular physical activity has been a part of my life since college and will continue to be a part of my life in whatever form my body wants until the grave.  The motivation is a mixture of wanting to feel good, wanting to keep my body operating in top condition for as long as I'm in it, and of course weight control.

I think I've told this story a few times so bear with me, but there was that one time in my early 30s when I decided to stop working out entirely just to see what would happen.  After a few months I developed an assortment of aches and pains and just didn't feel great in general.  The best way that I can describe it is to say that I felt old.  I started working out again and was back to my normal peppy self in no time, so that was the end of that experiment.

As far as what I do, cardio was the star of the show until recently and running was my everything from late 2017 to late 2020 (backstory here) and then something went south that I fought for a long time before coming to terms with the fact that it wasn't serving me any more and that I needed to find something else.  I've always known that you're "supposed" to strength train but with a few exceptions (recapped here) it never really clicked until this summer when I took a sip of the Caroline Girvan koolaid.  After COVID in August I finally kicked running to the curb and have been happily all in on strength with a 'lil cardio since then.

Anyhoo I finished the two week BeastMode program this morning and I don't have much more to say beyond what I said last week than I liked it, I really, really liked it.  The final workout was HIIT, but it was more in the style of full body strength done at a snappy pace to get your heart rate up which is what I like.

What's next?  I'm feeling a longer program so I'll be starting the six week Fuel series tomorrow.  From what I understand it's strength with a bit more cardio, and the workouts are in the 30 minute range just like Iron.  While I didn't mind that a lot of the workouts in Pyramid and Beastmode were in the 40-45 minute range, I also don't mind 30 minute workouts instead;-)

Here's the deal with my right knee, which started acting up a few weeks after I stopped running.  I put it on blast in my post last week and said that if it wasn't better by now that I would add some running back into the mix to see if it will help.  I can't explain why I think that running is good for knees except that I do and surely no one is taking fitness advice from me because for Gawd's sake I'm just someone shooting my mouth off on the internet, I don't actually know anything about this stuff.  All I know is that I ran 1,000 plus miles a year for a few years with zero knee problems.

As soon as I clicked publish on that post my knee sat up and took notice!  It got remarkably better each day but then it started talking smack in my workout this morning.  Which was enough for me to throw in the towel on the non-running.  I ran one mile on the treadmill to let my knee know that I ain't playin no more.  I noticed the reverse of what I noticed when I stopped running and started power walking, which is that running uses a totally different set of muscles than not running.  I also feel like it puts the knee through a larger range of motion than walking.

How was the mile?  Fine except that it felt like it took forever.  I walked for another half mile after that which went by in the blink of an eye.

I'm not sure what I'm doing from here: will I run a mile after every strength workout or will I run a mile on some days and walk on other days?  Will I do some combo of run-walk?????  So many possibilities but I think it's just going to depend on the day and what my spidey sense tells me to do. 

That's all I got!  Thanks for hanging out!


  1. Yeah, I'm trying to drink the Caroline Garvin KoolAid and I'm not sure that I'm as tough as you! But I do agree that NOT working out makes me feel worse than working out, so here I am. Not being as tough as you!

    1. For some reason the workouts just feel right. The further I get into them the more moves I'm having to modify, but I'm just curious to see where this goes.

      There's plenty of koolaid out there if CG doesn't suit!

  2. The knee thing is fascinating! I used to enjoy running, many many years ago, but it really bothered my knee and now if I even run a little bit my knee screams at me. I bet you're right that the running simply exerts different muscles than walking does, and maybe for you those muscles support knee health??? Bodies are so weird! (And wonderful.)

    1. So much truth that bodies are weird! I have no idea whether my running theory is right or not, it's just a thought that jumped into my head to try. I'll be glad when my knee gets back to 100%.

  3. Ooh! I'll be interested to hear how the Fuel Series compares to Iron. The weird thing is, somehow I missed the post where you talked about Beastmode (how did that happen???) so I just went back and read it. How is the protein powder experiment going? I'm still doing mine, mostly on days where I do a strength workout or a harder run. Anyway... that's interesting about running and your knee! I can't explain exactly why running would help, but I can completely see how it would be true.

    1. So far Fuel has more of a cardio focus and after just two workouts, a lot more variation in the workout format. I can't say whether I like it or Iron better - everything is still so new.

      Yes I'm still on the protein powder but I cant tell if it's doing anything or not. I'm finding that the protein plus a banana makes for a pretty good breakfast.

  4. Yay, you're still here AND it's getting easier... I am not going to say it but I told you so. (Haha, that was pretty Tr*umpian thing to say, right?)

    Anyway, I think it is great what you're doing with your workout routine and that you're trying to see what is right for you in any season... you know, why not be a not non-runner by just sprinkling in a shorter run here and there? What's the harm? ;)

    1. Hey there are some truths that need to be spoken! I'm embracing my current status as a not-non-runner.

  5. You do you! If you want to run a mile - or longer - and the knees agree? Then have at it! I am glad you're still enjoying your strength workouts, though - that seems to be doing something for you that running all the time was not.
    And yes to the truth of motion and physical activity being essential for feeling most like ourselves. I have had similar -thankfully brief - episodes of not exercising, and man, do I feel like a slug when that happens! I always start the day with movement... then I've "accomplished" something AND I feel more like, well, me.

    1. Spoiler - after this post I ran another mile and then gave up the gig. I need a much longer break from running!
