Monday, November 28, 2022

NaBloPo: The Monday-est of Mondays


Yikes, I feel like I had a four YEAR weekend instead of a four day weekend.  Here's what's going down in my world.

For all things NaBloPo head over to The Inbetween in Mine  

Ouch, it was rough this morning when the alarm went off.  I would have thrown it across the room except that as I've mentioned, my alarm clock is my Garmin, which is attached to my wrist.

There are a lot of advantages to working a few time zones behind the rest of your team in another country...but that first day back when it's been a holiday for you but not for them and they have a head start on Monday is not one of them...yipes.

Our Monday ended with a couples' trip to the vet.  Stepdog has had a tummy bug for just over a week.  One the one hand these things usually clear up on their own and she's terrified of the vet so we didn't want to give her extra stress, but on the other hand we're on day 8 and still seeing mixed signs so it was time to turn it over to a pro.  The original plan was for me to take her, but hubs wrapped up work just in time so he came along as well.  We have the peace of mind that the vet doesn't think that it's anything serious but gave her a shot and some pills to help clear things up, and stepdog was incredibly happy when the appointment was over.

While we were away, the boys brainstormed and then started dinner.  Pasta Carbonara from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything.  I was planning to have another round of salad, but I was happy to put it on hold for this.

New Book Alert

I started a new book right before Thanksgiving but didn't get much reading time until last night.  I picked this one the same way that I picked my last book, which was to go through my Libby checkout history and look for other books by author's I'd liked.  That got me to a British police procedural, Cruel Acts by Jane Casey.  Thumbs up so far.

That's all she wrote.  Thanks for hanging out with me.


  1. I used to work for a global Swiss bank and worked with teams in Asia as well as the US. I was always happy when it was a public holiday in Singapore/Hongkong or in the US. Finally time to catch up and fill other peoples' inboxes with chaser mails, ha!
    Do you feel the European colleagues have more holidays than you?
    Your boys did a fantastic job with that carbonara!

  2. I feel you on the timezone thing! It's weirdly disorienting when you have holiday while the rest of your colleagues don't... and must be even weird when they're already through the Monday when you've "missed" a Thursday and a Friday. Hope you get a calmer Tuesday!

    1. I do feel very snug and on top of my game when they have holidays and I don't;-)

  3. Yeah, yesterday was hard. My daughter was off of school all last week, and I felt like she hadn't been there in forever. It was hard to wrap my head around packing her lunch and all the school morning happenings. One thing I'll say is, since I pretty much stuck to my regular work schedule (not by choice, of course) it wasn't so bad for me. My husband had last week off, and he was in a REALLY bad mood going back yesterday.
    Glad stepdog is okay!

    1. It is a bit funny that the people who had last week off were a mess while you didn't get any extra time off and you were fine.

  4. I'm glad the vet visit went well! And that pasta looks delicious.

    1. Yes the pasta was good and the fact that the boys made it = even better.

  5. Whenever we take the dog to the vet, she rebounds instantly. Like, she'll be crying and whimpering in the car, but as soon as we get into the vet office, she's prancing around and acting like nothing is wrong. I'm hoping that stepdog doesn't do that to you! I hope she's feeling better and that there's less boiled chicken in your life soon.

    1. Stepdog has a very sweet disposition but she is not OK with the vet and makes sure that everyone knows it. As the vet said, "she's very polite but she lets everyone know where her boundaries are"

  6. Mondays are the worst. Very glad the vet visit was okay. And your plate of pasta looks delicious.

  7. Ugh, it's always hard to come back to reality from a long weekend, isn't it?

  8. Oh, man. Monday-ish Mondays are the worst, although my least favorite is when I have a Monday-ish day on, say, Tuesday. Sigh. It's like having TWO Mondays in your week.
