Monday, August 7, 2023

Weekly Round Up: Send Noods


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  This week I ate lots of noodles, picked a direction for my workouts, and oh yes, thought a lot about Operation Endgame.

Eats (Noods)

All of my dreams came true when The Cheap Lazy Vegan finally gave out her top secret family japchae recipe.  I couldn't make my own fast enough.  I didn't have any tofu, so I made it without and had gyoza on the side.  My review is that I'd like to get a batch of this in my freezer ASAP and always have it on hand as a staple.  To be fair, every japchae recipe that I've tried has been delightful, but hers was easy to follow and it's the most recent in my browser history so I'll probably stick with this.

It's fair to say that I don't always hit the nail on the head when it comes to variety in meals.  I had noods on the brain, so I made lots of noods.  Right when we got back from vacation, I wanted something noodle-y without going to the grocery store, and make a batch of How Sweet Eats Peanut Noodles with Roasted Broccoli.  Except we were low on broccoli so I used Costco frozen stir fry veggies instead.


Our flight coming back from vacation was delayed, which meant that we got home at 3 AM on Sunday.  Needless to say, this is not my preferred bedtime.  Between that and the psychology of coming back to work after vacation, I was very fatigued this week and just needed someone to tell me what to do for workouts.

It was finally time to bite the bullet and check out the new CGX (Caroline Girvan) app.  I'm doing the Ultimate Beginner's Program.  In this context "beginner" = short workouts and she talks you through all of the moves.  So far I like it.

Positive things to say: new workouts including a lot of short ones, plus a form library to review all of the movements.

Negative things to say: right now the videos can only be accessed through the app which works on phones and not computers, so it's a bit of a pain/eats up battery.  Yes I can screencast my phone to our gym TV but it's glitchy.  There is a knowledge library but IMO the articles are pretty generic.  On any given topic it's the standard "study x says yea and study y says nay" - which fair enough that if you're doing responsible reporting all that you're really going to get is "it depends" for an answer on any health and fitness topic.  There are some recipes but I didn't see anything earth shattering that's going to make it on to my meal plan.

Summary: the app is $12.99 a month or $99 annually so I splurged on an annual subscription.  If nothing else it's my way of saying thanks for all of the free Youtube videos, but I feel like I'll get my money's worth out of it.

I've kind of decided that going forward I only want to lift three days a week and do cardio on the other days.  To that end...I'm not saying that I'm going to start running again but I have gotten bored with treadmill incline working so I've sorta kinda switched to run/walk.  Stay tuned.


A few months ago I came across the Antonia Carlotta Youtube channel (the early history of Universal Studios), which has spurred a rewatch of the Universal monster movies.  I watched Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, plus the Spanish language version of Dracula (back in the early sound days there was no way to dub soundtracks, so the practice was to bring in night crews with foreign language casts to make alternate versions of the movies).  While it's weird to see old school Dracula without Bela Lugosi, it was interesting to see the different slant on the story.


It took me a hot minute to get into The Chateau by Jaclyn Golds.  I started it before vacation but got distracted and now I'm back at it.

The story is razor tight - a 95 year old grandmother summons her granddaughters to her chateau in France to discuss her will and Something Happens.  My issue is the people.  The story is told in alternating viewpoints of the main characters, but everyone is so similar that I can't keep track of who is who so what's the point of the changing viewpoints?  Maybe I wouldn't mind this so much if I wasn't reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn at the same time.  There we've got a strong story plus three distinct protagonists.  No one but no one is going to pick up that book and say "Wait who's Sissy?  Who's Katie?  Who's Francie?"  whereas in The Chateau I'm just like "OK, I'm halfway through the chapter and I've forgotten whether the narrator is the fitness guru, the startup owner, the one who owns the restaurant, or the 95 year old grandmother". 

Operation Endgame Update

(the thing where I've decided to quit my job and possibly not go back to work)

  • I talked to a health insurance broker.  The good news is that we can get decent coverage on an Obamamcase/ACA plan.  The bad news is family health insurance with a theoretical income level of my husband's income plus me working here and there is astronomical (aka what my company pays for our insurance now).  Then I realized that I gave the broker an incorrect scenario - as long as the hubs is working he should have employer provided insurance so we won't need our own, and if he's not working then our income won't be that high.  I've got a call in to the broker to see what the number would be if the hubs and I were just sitting around the house.
  • Just when I thought I was out, they might be pulling me back in.  I've talked to three new prospects this week which is a record for any week so far this year.  Will this end differently than any other company that I've interviewed with in the last year and a half🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
    • The first started strong but ended in a rejection.  The supervisor contacted me directly and did the interview on the spot.  Based on what he described, it was exactly what I'm looking for.  The pay was the same as I make now, but since I'm considering not working at all, I was open to it.  He made it sound like he wanted to get me hired ASAP and then disappeared for a week and sent me a Dear John email.  Oh well.
    • The second place is a NameBrand company that you have most likely heard of.  It's very rare that I've ever heard of these companies beforehand, let alone understand what they do, let alone have it be something that's cool and useful to the world.  The screening with the recruiter went well and I'll have a better idea of what's up if I move forward.  It pays $5k less than I make now but since it's competing with $0 I'll take it.
    • The third company is a hotshot startup that's the highest payer of the three.  The supervisor did the initial screening.  I liked her but didn't love her.  From what I know so far, I could take it or leave it so my heart won't be broken if I don't hear back from them.

The takeaway is that I might want to work for NameBrand and after such a long slog of nothingness on the job search front, it's nice to be getting noticed again.

I'm super conflicted over whether I do or don't want to work after I leave my current job.  Lucky me that I have three more weeks to mull this over before my target quit date of August 28.

Peace out!


  1. Nice to have another round of interviews!
    Any new job that you take has a strong competitor - the prospect of not working at all. Having your days to yourself and the freedom to do what you want with your time.
    You have more than three weeks to decide. There's absolutely no pressure to take any job that you're not fully convinced of.
    Good luck, Birchie!! You will make the right decison!

    1. Eek this should be an easy decision!!! Either something better than my current job comes along or I'm going to take time off. I'm just clinging to the jail cell out of habit.

  2. First of all, this reminded me of a girlfriend who sent her niece a shirt that said Send Noods on it, with a bowl of noodles, for Christmas because her niece liked pasta. Her sister was furious because "send nudes." How could she send this to her 10 year old niece! And my girlfriend never, not once, made the connection between noods and nudes. Hilarity ensued.
    Interesting to hear the work update! Just when you've made peace with not working...isn't that always the way!

    1. HAHA! This is hilarious - I didn't see the "nudes" either!!

    2. I love the send noods meme. Especially since the teenage boys in my house are noodle-crazy.

      I think I'm going to change my mind on the work thing 100 times every single day. On paper I'm all "I don't care" but the reality is a bit different.

  3. It's always good to have options! Whichever way you end up going.

  4. Hahahaha -- send noods. Love it. The japchae sounds amazing.

    The interviews all sound promising! Sometimes when you put it out to the universe that you are Done, the universe responds. And now that you've made the decision NOT to work, I think it will be so much easier to choose among offers (or to choose not working!). Good luck!!!!

    1. Yes but I've been done so many other times in the past two years and the universe keeps sending me mixed signals! We'll see how it works out.

  5. So exciting to get so many interviews! Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    The CGX only on a phone is a dealbreaker for me, I think. I have a small phone and would find it super annoying to not be able to see everything in full. I do like the idea of a library of exercises with form review, though. Such a mixed bag. Thanks for your investment and review so I didn't have to do it!

    1. My pleasure, especially after all of the books that you have read so that I didn't have to;-)

  6. Wow - this is like watching reality TV. So much happening. So many decisions. I am so curious what your ultimate decision will be and, like others, suspect you'll have a great gut instinct when the time comes to finalize your choice!!! Sending best wishes <3

    As always, the food looks delish!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes! At this point I really don't know what I want to do...besides leave my current job ASAP.

  7. Well, phew. You're back to your usual Weekly Roundup, so I have dinner ideas again. Both those noodles (noods, ha ha) look amazing, but I'm not sure how my daughter would deal with glass noodles. Therefore, I will be making the peanut noodle dish ASAP! I know for sure we'll all like that.
    Interesting about the CG app! I hope it works out well for you, but like you said- it's nice to give her a little something after all the free content she's provided.
    About work- you're in a GREAT position. You don't have to work, and you're okay with not working, so any job offer that comes along has to be pretty amazing. You also won't be heartbroken over any rejections. It will all work itself out!

    1. I can't make 99% of the recipes that I'm interested in for this very reason - there's always some ingredient that will get a no from one or more members of the family so I have to either skip it or completely neuter the recipe to the point that no one wants to eat it. Sigh.

  8. Well, I'm totally on board with the noods theme ;-) Your meals always look delish!

  9. I cannot tell you how much I love this title lol. I also love noods and could eat them every day! I love seeing what you make!

    Oh gosh, I can't stand books where I can't keep track of the characters like that! Some authors are so much better at it than others.

    Of course all those interviews came in after you made up your mind about Endgame LOL. Your gut will tell you what to do!

    1. Noods and tacos...99.9% of my meals.

      As it turns out the employers are telling me what to do;-) NameBrand has almost certainly fizzled out. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to move forward with quitting my sucky job and living a good life.

  10. I think that those interviews are just what you need! It is hard to make an informed decision about what to do when you don't have as many options, so these will give you more options, even if you decide to go with one of your other plans! Also it feels good to be needed!

    1. Exactly, I just like the ego boost of being noticed. The prospects for this round are looking dim.

  11. Oh, I would NOT want to do videos I could only watch on my phone! When I got my Apple Watch for Christmas it came with a 3 month free trial of Apple+ Fitness. They have some really good videos on there, but I could only do it on my phone. (Well, I think I could technically stream it to my TV from my phone, but if I workout at home I exercise in my office (hard floor, versus carpet in the rec room) and I use my laptop or even my work monitor to stream videos. I had to use my phone and propped it up on a shelf and it was just so unpleasant to me! WAY too small....

    1. The phone thing is a nuisance. For the most part the screencasting is OK but it's not spectacular.

  12. Oh, it's good to have options, but also know that you might be ok if you just quit. I hope your brain comes to a conclusion in the next few weeks (it's so hard to make big decisions!).

  13. One good thing about either taking a new job or not taking a new job, is you can always change your mind. If you get a job and don't like it, you can quit. If you quit without a new job, and decide you need more money or whatever, you can then look for another job. I mean, jobs aren't THAT easy to come by, as we all know, but they're not impossible either. I'm excited for you to at least be out of this current shitty situation.

  14. OK, I'm laughing now. Because I saw the japchae recipe and chose not to save it, since I did not have everything that I need to make it. And then I wondered whether you'd made her miso tofu recipe, which I saw yesterday. I cracked up when I realized your NEXT week's roundup says that you did make it. I'm all over that one - everything ready and available. Hopefully this weekend. (Can't wait to read your review. :>)
    Also, do not envy you the job ups and downs... I know everything will work out, but GAH, the uncertainty.
