Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Weekly Round Up: There's no school like the old school


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  This weekend I kicked it old school and had a girls weekend with the dog while the boys were at Boy Scout camp.


Last week I really wanted avocado to go with the breakfast scramble that I've been crushing on.  I had a string of bad avocado luck and it took me until now to get a ripe one.  And sure enough once I got it I didn't want it anymore, at least not with the scramble. 

So now I found myself with an avocado on my hands and nothing to do with it.  Out of nowhere I got an old school craving for avocado toast, so that was my breakfast a few mornings this week. 

We had a group family dinner cooking effort the day before the boys went to camp.  The boys wanted sliders, so we made teeny tiny hamburgers.  My contribution was pan frying a skillet full of caramelized onions to top them with.  The ones with a single slice of cheddar were for the adults, and the ones with cheddar and provolone were for the folks who have teenage metabolisms.

For my first solo night I partied it up and got takeout.  I've said many times that I don't just read blogs, I take notes and one of those notes was that Suzanne was making Massaman curry.  The name sounded familiar and I couldn't remember what it tasted like, except that it was good.  I wanted someone else to cook it for me, so that was where our local Thai spot came into play.  I ordered it with tofu and "thai hot" for spice level and it was amazing.  (Full disclosure, although I like potatoes they were a bit much with the rice, and I loved the way the rice was soaking up the coconut milk, so I picked out the potatoes - my single girl takeout night, my rules).

But wait there's more!  I lazed around the house with takeout on Friday but I put myself to work on Saturday and restocked my freezer burrito supply.  The day started with me making a batch of breakfast potatoes, and then making a batch of my homemade "Trader Joe's" breakfast burritos with the potatoes and chicken sausage (rough recipe recap here) and also another batch of the CLV tofu breakfast burritos. And that was just breakfast!  

For dinner I made a burrito recipe that I'd seen on Sarah's Vegan Kitchen.  This is a link to a Youtube video and the recipe is in the description.  I didn't make the nacho sauce, but I did let loose with a generous heaping of homemade guac.


Not much to say.  I've been feeling burnout when I do cardio so I took the weekend off from exercise.  I did get one last fall hike in on my long weekend staycation (picture up top).


I went on a movie watching binge this weekend, and hit a lot of the usual suspects (yep a rewatch of Casablanca was in there).

My post about Malabar Farm inspired a rewatch of Night After Night.  It came to mind for that post because it's based on a short story by Louis Bromfield but it's more famously known for being Mae West's first movie.  It's just a simple story about a speakeasy and it's 73 minutes long, so it doesn't strain your brain or waste your time and gosh I love this movie so much.

Mae doesn't show up until halfway through and her screen time can't be longer than 10 minutes but she OWNS every scene.  I already posted this clip in the Malabar post, but it's the best sample YouTube has to offer.  The night of drinking ends with an epic female friendship and an outcome that had me standing up and cheering.  I don't think there's any way to get a hold of the original short story, but I wonder so much if he wrote that part of the story or if Mae did (since she wrote all of her dialogue).

On the male side, the movie has fun teasing the audience with the male lead's growing star power.  Today when we hear the name George Raft, the subject is probably Humphrey Bogart with a footnote that Raft is the guy who turned down the leads in The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca.  But back then he was hot stuff and the movie basks in Giving the People What They Want.  To the extent that you get to see everything but his Raft in a bathtub scene.  Hey, it was his only shot at competing with Mae.


I finished Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocumb.  It's a "but" book, as in "I liked it but...", "it was good but..."

The "but" is that the conspiracy part of the story was way too heavy handed.  The estate of a famous, long dead composer finds his long lost opera score and hires a music expert to transcribe it.  When evidence comes to light that the famous, long dead composer didn't write the score it turns out that the estate is way ahead of everyone else and comes down like a ton of bricks to hide the secret.  They were just way too prepared and the response was way out of proportion.  And the way that the estate was stopped was just too convenient.  I wish the author had taken more time to work out this part of the story.  It was still good but it didn't hit like the author's first book, The Violin Conspiracy, did.

Currently reading: Happiness Falls by Angie Kim.  This author's first book was a DNF for me, simply because I couldn't get into it, but I heard enough good things about this one that I wanted to try it.  I'm just a few chapters in so it's too soon to tell if this book is going to "take" for me.

True confession: the checkout time for Falls is very short and I had two other books come in at the same time that I'm dying to read.  Why chose when I can...check 'em all out and put my Kindle in airplane mode to extend my checkout time.  A reader's gotta do what a reader's gotta do.

Anyone else use the airplane mode trick to extend their Libby holds;-)


  1. I do this ALL the time with my kindle. Usually only take it out of airplane mode a couple of times a year, when I reload all the books I never got to and add a dozen or so more so I have Options when I go on a trip.

    YAY for Massaman curry! We made it, it was good, but I agree that potatoes (which I love with all my heart) are a bit much with the rice. Oh well. The sauce is tasty.

    I am a litlte more than halfway done with Sally -- it got a little slow there for awhile but I pushed through and now it may be picking up!

    1. That's the thing. I feel like I'd download a year's worth of books but a month later I'd find some that I was dying to read RIGHT NOW and have to put it back on the grid and lose my stuff.

      I feel like I know exactly where you are in Sally. The halfway point was when I wrote about it for the first time and I was like "yes it's good but it could go either way" and then BOOM it took off for real and I was hanging on for dear life.

  2. I have FOMO with Happiness Falls because I have it on hold at the library but it won't be ready for about 8 weeks. Everyone else will have read it, talked about it, and forgotten it. Sigh.

    We saw Casablanca FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER a few months ago. For some reason I thought it was going to be boring, but it was great. I know, what's wrong with me?

    1. I know what you mean - there are plenty of Great Classics that I put off watching for a long time because I thought they would be boring. And then I watched them and was like "wow, why didn't anyone tell me to drop everything and watch this movie?"

    2. I finished my audio book today and downloaded Happiness Falls from Audible. YAY!

  3. I just realized I've been MIA and have some catching up to do with your posts (my apologies). Lots of tasty items on your dinner (and breakfast) plates! Looks like you have ZERO problems keeping yourself entertained on your solo weekends ;-)

    1. No worries, you've been busy and I've been along for the ride enjoying your adventures!

  4. So everyone talks about airplane mode for their ereader, and I tried it on my Kobo - and it doesn't work on Kobo! Kindles are not compatible with the Canadian library system, but Kobos are, and so I thought it would be the same - IT IS NOT. I thought I had made a mistake but then I heard other people (maybe Elisabeth?) try it too and sadly, it doesn't work.
    There's no toast like avocado toast! I haven't made that for a while, should rectify.

    1. Grrr! Stupid border. And if the Kobo doesn't work in airplane mode what are you supposed to do when you're...on an airplane? It's always something.

    2. No no, it works - you can still read the book - but when the due date comes up, poof, book disappears. Even with no wifi! I do not understand the mechanics of this.

    3. Sigh, a device that's smart enough to track a due date even when it's offline. Technology has Gone Too Far.

  5. I laughed out loud at this one: "you get to see everything but his Raft in a bathtub scene". HILARIOUS!
    I don't have a teenage metabolism, but I would have totally wanted a mini hamburger with cheddar AND provolone. They look delicious! Are the caramelized onions under the cheese?
    Looks like a beautiful hike!

    1. Unfortunately there are no Youtube clips of the bathtub scene, but it's very cleverly set up and took some fast moves on his part to pull off. I feel like George must have scene that Mae was stealing all of their scenes and insisted on a cheesecake scene for himself to get some of the attention back.

  6. I'm also a few chapters into Happiness Falls- we can compare notes!
    I'm getting into "son is coming home soon" mode and trying to figure out what to cook. Lots and lots of food will be required, and that's not even including Thanksgiving.
    Your old school girls weekend sounds fun- and I love the photo of your hike.

    1. I'm not sure if it's going to "take" for me. I haven't had any reading time for the past few nights, and I haven't gotten hooked yet. But hopefully I'll have some more time with it tonight.

  7. I've certainly done the airplane mode trick, but right now I'm having the opposite problem - not enough of my ebooks are coming in and I'm running low on ebooks. I have approximately a zillion physical books, but I need ebooks for reading in bed!!

    I have taken Happiness Falls out of the library twice now and had to return it because I didn't read it before it was due. I'm putting it on hold AGAIN and this time I WILL read it. Maybe.

    1. Sigh, I feel like Falls might be a "maybe" book. I haven't read enough to know one way or the other. TBD.

  8. Avocados. I love them but always fail to get a ripe one when I need it. The runny egg makes me drool though.

    Oh, haha, yes I've used the airplane mode trick on my Amazon Fire.

  9. The airplane mode trick comes clutch with my Kindle - I have used it many times!

    I think you can have cheddar and provolone on your burger even if you DON'T have a teenage metabolism. If you want it, you can have it!

    I definitely understand what you're saying about Symphony of Secrets. It did get a little heavy-handed there at the end!

    1. True, an extra tiny slice of cheese doesn't really count one way or the other. I'm really happy that things worked out so that I read Violin Conspiracy first.

  10. Avocados... I want to know the secret. There has to be a secret, right? SOMEONE has to get the good ones. Who are these people???

    1. There must be a Secret Avocado Society out there somewhere. But how do we get in?

  11. I definitely do the Kindle trick all the time; it is especially great for when I am traveling or hiking for long periods of time, but I also just leave it in airplane all the time at home, unless I have a must read coming up. However, usually I can extend the hold for the must read and then either plow through the offline books or see if any are renewable before putting it back in WiFi mode.

    I have had Happiness on my holds list for a while and I am about 4 weeks out from getting it off hold, so I will be interested to see how you go!

    1. I usually don't need more time than the standard checkout, but this was a rare situation when everything came in at once, and everything was hot. As to how it worked out...lol I ended up going back to regular mode before the checkout time on Happiness Falls expired. I had high hopes, but it didn't work out for me.

  12. I swear the kindle trick does not work on mine. I feel like when I have tried it, I still get a notification from kindle saying the loan has expired. But I do not check out more books than I can read now that I can defer ebook holds. I'll push them out a couple of days so I don't have too many books checked out at the same time.

    I liked Happiness Falls but did not love it. I think I will downgrade my rating to a 3 actually. I HATED the happiness quotient part. They could have cut out like 1/5 of the book, too. But I am being judgy - overall I liked it and especially the end note about the non-speaking population that Kim works with.

    1. I think as soon as I read the words "happiness quotient" that was the tipping point that got me to DNF. Usually I'm disciplined about not over-checking out but this was a rare time when a lot of hot best sellers came in at once. And I ended up reading none of them and rereading an old favorite instead!
