Saturday, December 16, 2023

Week in the Life: Thursday December 14

Hey friends, we're doing a one week experiment where we hang out each day and I'll tell you everything that's going on in my life (inspired by Stephany's Week in the Life series).  It's Thursday already???

I tell you what, I do not like how fast the days go by.  On the one hand yay that the work week is almost over but boo that I will not get this time back.  But anyway, Thursday is here again.

The Hubs and I wake up to his alarm at 6:30.  We go downstairs and I brew up my coffee. BTW have I mentioned that my husband doesn't drink coffee???  It's the strangest thing.  The Mug du Jour was a present from the Hubs for the 10th anniversary of the day we met.  Pro tip, if your significant other is a finance type that makes their living from Excel, you should certainly get them a Freak in Sheets mug.  Stepson #2 gets up at the last possible minute that he can to be ready for his 7AM pickup.

I don't work out on Thursdays, so I settle on the couch in the back room and hit Wordle and the Spelling Bee.

Now it's time to air some dirty laundry.  The Hubs and I lead largely separate laundry lives.  He likes to live on the edge and do laundry whenever, and that is not how I roll.  I do laundry on Thursdays like it's my religion.  The taller hamper is for my regular clothes, and the Milk Crate of Shame is kept in the basement and it's where my dirty workout clothes go.  I start the load for my regular clothes.  In the summer I can fit it all into one load, not so in the winter.

On days when I don't work out I like to "commute" to work by taking the long way from the downstairs couch to my office.  It's a frosty morning.

When I get back I grab a light breakfast of a cereal bar, string cheese, and grapes and head upstairs.

Ugh, today is not playing nice.  My boss's boss emailed an assignment to me with very vague instructions.  I take my best shot and then email her a question.  Her reply makes no sense. Rinse and repeat for the next three hours.  In the end it was 15 minutes of work.

From there our international payroll providers have started to send us preliminary payroll reports.  I get to download the reports and tie them out to our records, which is a fancy way of saying that I download a bunch of Excel files and type numbers into our Big Excel file.  Sometimes I get lucky and the format is such that I can have Excel do it for me.  In other cases I'm hand typing numbers.  I look at the calendar to confirm that it is in fact 2023 and remind myself that in spite of what my boss says that this is not normal.  When all is said and done 9 of our 18 providers have sent in their reports, which is much faster than it would be in any other month besides December.  Lots of places shut down over the holidays and I am all for this.  Stepson #1 comes in to see me and brings me up to date on how his finals are going.  In one class he has a 99.5 average and his teacher just gave the class an extra credit assignment that will boost their grades by 1 percentage point.  When #1 was in middle school he used to tell us that C's were fine because they were "average".  Now he's on a quest to get the highest A possible because he can.  He got higher than a 4.0 in high school because of AP classes and I think that he thinks that college is the same.  I went to the same school for my undergrad and a 90 and a 100 are both an A - I wonder if he will settle for *just* getting a 90 percent when he finds out that it's the same as a 100.

Hey lunchtime!  I could have a salad and something but I go for the Gochujang and finish it off.


Hey walkies!  There's still a trace of snow on the ground and it's still chilly but the yellow ball is in the sky for a third straight day so I can't complain.

I return to work and get stuff squared away.  On Thursday afternoons the company has "library hours" where you're not supposed to schedule meetings and work on professional development.  Or as I like to call it:

Now look I'm not able to pull off cleaning house on the company's dime every week but I get to do it this week.  Back when I was in college my mom knew someone who always cleaned her house on Thursday night so that the house was at its cleanest on the weekends when they were home and also so they didn't have to spend their precious weekend time cleaning.  This is simply the most genius thing I've ever heard and how I've lived my entire adult life.  Thursdays are for cleaning so that you can lie around like a slug in your pristine house on the weekends.

I vacuum the upstairs - specifically the stairs, the hallway, our bedroom, my office, and the bathrooms.  The kids are in charge of cleaning their own rooms and Hubs is in charge of cleaning his office when and/or if they want to and my position is that it's none of my business.   Then I tackle the two upstairs bathrooms while I reminisce about my single days when I lived first in a one bedroom apartment and later in a 1,100 sq ft house with one bathroom.  Now I live in a 2,400 sq ft house with three bathrooms.

The division of labor that we have is that the Hubs takes care of all yard work and maintenance things, and I take care of cleaning, most of the grocery shopping, and a lot of the cooking.  I have a steady workload and his is more unpredictable.  While I do have beef with the amount of effort that I put into cleaning a house that never seems to be clean, the fact is that I've mowed exactly once in all of our time together and have never touched a snow shovel since I sold my single girl house.

Very often I take a break between cleaning the upstairs and the downstairs but today no one is bugging me at work so I keep going and the house is clean and it will stay that way for the next five minutes.  I put all of our towels and my cleaning cloths in the laundry and let 'em rip.

Then I go back to work and get the rest of the stuff that I need to do done.  I forgot to mention it before but it turns out that my dear husband, Mr. "I have no PTO" does in fact have 3 days of PTO that he needs to use by the end of the year so he is taking the final 3 Fridays of 2023 off from work.  I'm going to support him by dipping into my bank of "flexible PTO" - that's a fancy way of saying that as long as I get my work done I can take as much vacation as I want. "Flexible PTO" also means that I'll check my email tomorrow and will most likely put in an hour of work but ya know, that's what flexible means.

Dinner time!  The fellas make chicken quesadillas out of our stash of "burrito chicken" in the freezer - a very loose riff of this recipe.  I grab a veggie burrito out of the freezer and top it with Monterrey Jack cheese, Pace Hot Chunky Salsa, Tapito hot sauce, and sour cream.  And hey-o we're not working tomorrow and we have a bottle of Jose Cuervo margaritas in the fridge so don't mind if I do.

Afterwards hubs and I take our dogwalk-without-a-dog.  He has had a DAY at work.  Long time readers of the bloggo may remember that I have had a few years of DAYS at work, to the extent that I quit my job back in August.  I expected them to show me the door but instead they showed me the money (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, THE MOST LIKELY OUTCOME IS THAT YOU WILL GET SHOWN THE DOOR).  My job is in a holding pattern where I mostly do what I'm supposed to do but I don't stress myself over the stupid stuff and keep collecting my paychecks with a tentative plan to quit in a few years (specifically July 2025) if I can't find a job that I like better in that time.  Anyway, my job has been pretty decent since my boss got back from maternity leave a few months ago and his has been rough for the past month or so.  The role reversal does not make me happy.

We're back home.  He works out, I refill my margarita and hunker down on the couch with the TV and write the bloggo.  I've got my eye on the weekend so I mix up some chocolate chip cookie dough.  It's just a little better if I make it the night before and let the dough sit in the fridge all day so that it can think about how good it will taste.

Hubs and I do the Puzzle du Jour.

I fold the last load of laundry and head upstairs for the usual shower/reading/crossword puzzle.  Hubs joins me and we turn out the light around 10:30.  The next thing I know it's Friday.  But that's a story for tomorrow.




    The back-and-forth with your boss's boss sounds super frustrating. Gave me flashbacks of my former job. Is there a language barrier at play with your situation, or is it just a boss who doesn't explain things well? (Or, as in my case, a boss who was too busy to do anything but dash off a dozen super fast and unclear emails rather than taking five minutes to spell things out clearly?)

    I love this so much: "Thursdays are for cleaning so that you can lie around like a slug in your pristine house on the weekends." You crack me up.

    Yay for Fridays off -- especially when you can take them off together!

    I'm sorry your husband is having work stress. In some ways, it's harder to deal with a spouse's work stress because you have ZERO control over it. I always feel so helpless when my husband is having a rough time. (Especially because his income is really 99% of our financial support. And even if I got a full time job, I don't have the same earning power. SO HELPLESS.) Hoping it's temporary????

    I am loving this series so much. Thank you for sharing your days with us.

    1. I'm not sure what's up when my boss's boss says "just do it". It's not the first time. I think that she doesn't know how to get there and/or she's trying to push me to figure it out. Whatevs.

      Agree I would rather deal with a difficult situation myself than to watch my husband go through it. He's a software developer who is on a year long contract. The first 9 months of the contract were spent with the client not giving them much feedback or them having access to all of the client's systems and it seems like the final 3 months are going to be "oops we shoulda thought of that before".

  2. "In other cases I'm hand typing numbers. I look at the calendar to confirm that it is in fact 2023 and remind myself that in spite of what my boss says that this is not normal."

    I am laughing so much at this. No, it is not normal, and yet. And Yet!

    1. Not normal but...everyone has a version of this in their work lives. Amirite????

  3. I try to get all cleaning projects done prior to the weekend as well, even though I am in the house every day, and there is no discernable difference in my home time on the weekend. It's the principle of the thing! I do most of the cleaning, but my son cleans his own bathroom and my husband does the vacuuming. Since he's retired now he also cleans the kitchen after dinner; he had briefly mentioned "helping" with preparing dinner but that has happened zero times so far, however, I do enjoy not cleaning the kitchen after dinner. I mean, I clean the kitchen all day long when I'm baking or prepping food or what have you but I'll take what I get. Also I have mowed the lawn zero times and I never take out the garbage or recycling.
    Sorry about your husband's work stress. As someone who lived through a pandemic wherein my husband had the most stress ever and was working from home, and went through a six year project that saw him get diagnosed with high blood pressure, a "fake" heart attack (it was something else), and sarcoidosis brought on by stress I FEEL YOUR PAIN. It's awful.

    1. Yes it's the principle. Plus the fam is around more on weekends. Also yes that when you cook throughout the day you're cleaning the kitchen several times a day. I like doing "divide and conquer" cooking projects with the hubs for things like Thanksgiving. I don't want anything to do with making turkey and he loves it. He would be bored by tears by making the sides and I love doing those.

      What you describe about your husband is why my dad retired at 59 - he saw his friends have heart attacks and he was getting some bad numbers on his health screenings and he decided it wasn't worth it. Now he's 80 and as strong as an ox. I feel like my physical and mental health are deteriorating from work and I don't dig it. I don't ever want to see this happen to the hubs and have dropped hints that if I think I'm financially able to stop working that he's most likely in the same position. At this point his story is that he likes his job in spite of the last few weeks being sucky, so we'll see.

  4. Omg that mug. Hilarious.

    That is brilliant to clean during the week so you don't have to on weekends! We have a similar division of labor, only my husband cooks.

    I am sorry his work has been sh*t. I hope it turns around soon!

    1. Aw thanks Kim! He's only got a few months left on his contract so hopefully it will go fast and then he'll be on to something else.

  5. LOL at the Freak in Sheets mug. That's genius.

    It's interesting to me to see what other people eat for breakfast. You seem to have a lot of breakfast sandwiches and breakfast burritos on a regular day... I don't eat them like, ever! Ha. Just so fascinating how different routines are.

    1. I'm fascinated by what other people eat as well. Before I started working out in the morning I would always have cereal and sometimes a snack of oatmeal at mid morning. Once I started working out I needed something more solid inside me afterwards.

  6. I'm fascinated by the separate laundry thing. Who does the kids' laundry? And does your husband fold and put away his own laundry?

    I do all the laundry in our small 2-people home. Weirdly, I get anxious when I see the laundry piling up so I do it every two days (not efficient). I also do all the folding and putting away because poor Kai doesn't meet my high folding standards, ha!

    1. Here are the answers to your burning questions: Hubs does the kids' laundry. They get it back in their laundry baskets and are expected to fold and put away on their own, which they eventually get around to when they run out of clothes. Hubs folds and puts away his own laundry in a more timely manner.

      Actually when you do laundry more often it can be efficient because that means you don't have to own as many clothes. As also washers and dryers use less energy now. So you have my seal of approval.

  7. Ooh! Cleaning on Thursdays? That IS genius. However, Thursdays are currently my least favorite days, so do I want to make them even worse... I'll have to think about this.
    Do you only do your laundry? You said your husband does his own, and then do the kids do their own? When my son was living at home I literally did laundry EVERY SINGLE DAY. I still do all the laundry, but without him here I can skip a day here and there- like maybe I'll do it four times a week. Sigh.
    i'm impressed that your husband works out after dinner- you mentioned that earlier this week as well. I'm not sure if I've ever done that in my life.
    Okay, I'm excited to hear about your upcoming day off!

    1. Shudder, I know the least-favorite-day-of-the-week-syndrome. I agree wholeheartedly with not making a bad day worse.

      I should have explained the laundry sitch better - I do my clothes and the "house" laundry - towels, our sheets, my cleaning cloths. Hubs does his and the boys' laundry. He gives the boys their clean, unfolded clothes in their hampers and the boys get to do whatever folding and putting away that they want to do. He also does the boys' sheets whenever and then the boys have to put the sheets back on their beds.

  8. My husband and I used to have separate laundry lives. We were even paying for laundry by the load back then! But I broke my leg and I couldn't do laundry anymore, so he started doing all of it and suddenly all our laundry was together and there was no going back. I love hearing about all the details of things like that. It's so FASCINATING how different people do different things.

    I am so jealous of your advent puzzle. So jealous. Maybe I should buy one and then do it in January because January gives me the sads.

    1. I love your story about how two laundries became one (minus the broken leg).

      YES YES YES I vote to buy the Advent puzzle and do it in January. My "sad" time of the year is actually right now and it's just a fun little thing that brightens my day.

  9. I love that mug! It really made my day. As a person who is exactly what you said (a finance type, Excel, blah blah) as well as a person who uses Excel on a personal level regularly. Love it.

    I love the idea of cleaning on Thursday so that you can have the weekend free to lounge about in your clean house. I definitely subscribe to that to some extent, as I do laundry either Thursday or Friday during the day (keeps my evening free and saves money on electricity due to time and price pricing) and usually do other cleaning on weeknights. I also like to do this with my social calendar and would much rather meet up on a Tuesday evening than in the middle of the day on Saturday.

    1. You need to get a Freak in the Sheets mug! You have earned it.

  10. Library hours! I love that concept and love it even more that you used it to clean your house. The constant cleaning is very annoying, I understand, even though I *do* have that single girl apartment so it's a lot less stressful, haha.

    1. You have the fur babies to clean up after, so you don't quite have it as easy-breezy as my pet-less single days.

  11. Thoughts.

    That mug (frankly, many of your mugs) are amazing. But this one might be the best.

    I grew up helping my mom clean on Thursday's. She would always clean on Thursday evening!!! Now I kinda just clean things when they "need it" which means things don't get cleaned as much as they should. It's okay. We all still eat off clean plates and have clothes to wear.

    I hate laundry. It never ends. I think one of my daughter's gifts for her upcoming 13th birthday will be some Tide pods so she can EASILY do her own laundry with no excuses. I'm tired of her way of "cleaning up her room" being to dump clothes that have been worn for 3 hours into the laundry bin. If she's doing her own laundry, maybe she'll care more. Sigh. We'll see...

    1. Your mom knew what was up! There are things like sinks, toilets, and tubs that IMO need a weekly scrubbing but I do other tasks less often. For example I only scrub the shower walls and usually only vacuum upstairs every other week. I have a list of deep cleaning projects that I was working on but I've kind of abandoned that. Somehow I wasn't able to sell myself on picking up an extra weeknight project.

  12. That mug is amazing! My husband and I both work in finance and are heavy users of excel so that mug would be perfect for both of us - well, if he drank coffee. Like yours, mine doesn't touch coffee. Never has, never will.

    My husband does all of our cleaning because he is adamant about not hiring a cleaning person... we used to have one and I loved to walk into a perfectly clean house the day they came. But we stopped having them come in 2020 when our 2nd baby was born since it was peak covid times. And now he doesn't want to go back to paying. So I drew a line in the sand and said - we hire or you do it. I know that sounds kind of, um, heartless but I feel like we can easily afford that service and we both need time back in our schedules more than we would need the money we'd spend on cleaners... I keep waiting for him to change his mind but he's very stubborn so I kind of doubt he will.

    1. I am here for your cleaning arrangement - he doesn't want to pay and you don't want to do it - the solution that solves everyone's "don't" is for him to do it.

  13. Birchie! We could be twins, separated at birth (well, save for the whole "husband-and-2-stepkids" thing...also the accountant thing... ;>). Thursdays are the BEST cleaning/laundry/grocery shopping days. I did it whenever when I worked an irregular schedule, then when I went back to school, lo these many years ago, I shifted to Thursdays and never looked back. Well, okay, except for 16 hideous months when I tried living back East and I could only finagle Fridays working at home. Now, though, it's clean the bathroom, change the sheets, do the laundry, and grocery shop day. The challenge is that I'm now on a committee that meets - in person - most Thursdays at 9. So it's a race against time. :) Also? I don't have to clean anyone else's bathroom. ;) You have a pretty good set up, in my opinion, with the division of labor. Living in an apartment takes a lot of the weight of house-related things off, for sure. Not sure if I will (or can) go back...
