Monday, December 11, 2023

Weekly Round Up: The Leftovers


A weekly round up: eats, workouts, watches, and reads.  In this week's edition we revived our leftover Thanksgiving turkey, I tried a book series that I'd previously had on my "no" list, and I found a good podcast.


A few days after Thanksgiving I parked a mound of leftover turkey in the freezer.  If I'm remembering correctly, I did the same thing last year and tossed it sometime around Easter.

This year had a happier ending.  I brought the leftover turkey back to life in a turkey pot pie - our standard chicken pot pie recipe, just with turkey.  It was a big hit with the fam.

It was a big hit with me because I got the satisfaction of seeing it used up, enjoyed my time playing in the kitchen with the pie, and then had a non-turkey dinner that I enjoyed - airfried chicken sausage, leftover rice that was hanging out in the freezer, and peas.


Not much to say this week.  I'm in more of a grove with the pushups again.




I finished my reread of A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute, who is one of my all time favorite authors.  This usually makes the list of his best books, and I do like it and I'd pick it as a great introduction to this author, but it's never been on my Top of the Top list for him.  I've always preferred the kind-of-similar The Far Country.  On this reread I think I know the reason why - there are a couple of details about The Far Country that are more "me" but also the second to last chapter of Alice drags on way too long.  Shute takes a detour in the story that goes on forever and only adds one tiny plot point that was needed to wrap things up.  It kind of felt like his editor took a long lunch that day and just passed that chapter on to the printer without reading it.  Overall it's a minor criticism of an excellent book.

Anyhoo two weeks ago when I asked what everyone's favorite go-to rereads were, Sue Grafton's Alphabet series came up in the discussion quite a lot, and I take notes about things like that.  I have to confess that once upon a time long long ago I dated someone who hated to read but said that the one exception was the Alphabet series, so I filed it under "well if that guy liked it there's no way I'm ever reading these books."  Well guess what, sometimes a blind squirrel finds a nut.  I'm reading A is for Alibi, and the first night it was just OK and every night thereafter I've been looking forward to reading a little more each night.  We've got a winner here.


I don't talk about podcasts much here, because I feel like by the time I get to something it's already yesterday's news.  But for once I'm ahead of the curve.

When you're sitting around with your dad watching NCIS and he mentions that he changed his name a long time ago and that there are probably people still looking for him but asks you not to look into it any further...and yes you google that anyway.  So far I've only listened to the first episode of My Fugitive Dad because that's all that has been released and I can't wait to hear more.  What a wild, wacky story.

So is that it?

Yep that's it for right now.  From here things go one of two ways:

  • Ima work on a lil' blog experiment and if it pans out you'll be hearing a lot from me for the next week.  I might need until Wednesday to get a groove worked out but once the train starts rolling it's gonna roll.
  • If the lil' blog experiment doesn't work out I'll be back next week and explain myself.

Peace out!


  1. You have piqued my curiosity and I can't wait to hear what this little blog project is! Also I love turkey (or chicken) pot pie and I love making it and I don't even mind making crust, but dang it's been a long time since I have done it. I need to get me to a turkey now. Sadly the Thankgiving leftovers stayed at my parents house and I did not get the carcass or any meat to take home (why? I don't really know why.)

    1. This is my biggest beef with our family holiday leftovers - everyone takes home what they brought! I can't count the number of times I've come away from Easter with a mountain of ham and nothing else, and of course when we end up with just turkey after Thanksgiving. Yes why???? I don't have the answer either.

  2. I read that "My Fugitive Dad" story in the news! Absolutely incredible. I'm sure it's an awesome podcast. I can also see how this would make a good film...

    My dad loves Nevil Shute, especially A Town Like Alice. Thanks for the tip!

    Blog project? Sounds exciting! We're on the edge of our seats!

    1. What I like about Fugitive Dad is that it's true crime, but no one got hurt. He just stole a bunch of money, lived high on the hog for a while, and then settled down and had a family. At least that's what I know about the story so far.

      Yay for Nevil Shute fans! What are your dad's favorites? I mean, besides all of them. I'm sure that No Highway is high on the list.

  3. BLOG PROJECT! Eeee, what could it be. I'll be over here waiting excitedly.
    Birchy, I am reading a light and fluffy book right now that I think you'll enjoy. It's called "But Have You Read The Book" and it goes through 50 iconic movies that were made from books. I honestly think you'd like it, and it's not a difficult read or anything, you could read it alongside other things. It's put out by - obviously - TCM!

  4. Alright, you've got us all excited now! I hope your blog project pans out.
    I'm envious that you're JUST STARTING the Sue Grafton books! I mean it's not like they're great literature or anything but they're really fun. I'm still bummed that she died before she wrote the Z book!!! How could that happen? Someone needs to step up and write the Z book in true Sue Grafton style.
    I want to add Neville Shute to my Christmas book flood list but am having trouble finding him on amazon (other than audible- I want print.) I'm sure I can find his books elsewhere, but amazon is probably all my husband can handle as far as Christmas presents are concerned (he hasn't even thought about shopping yet.).
    I'll keep looking around.

    1. Nooooo I didn't know that she died or that there was no Z. I was just amazed that the first book was written in 1982 and I still had to put in a hold on Libby to get it. That says a lot about staying power!

      Aw shoot that Shute isn't in print right now. Just a few years ago all of the Joyce Porter's were out of print and now it seems that they're back in.

  5. Oh, I'm all about more Birchie posts. What could this project be?!

    It's interesting because I do not like to start limited-series podcasts until all the episodes are out, so I can binge them. I guess sometimes that makes it seem like I'm behind on podcasts, but I don't mind joining the conversation late!

    I am so excited you're reading Kinsey! She really is the best. I first read those books when I was a teen, so I don't honestly remember if I took a long time to get into them, but I know I was mostly in love with Henry from book one!

    1. Ooh I don't know who Henry is yet so add that to the list of things that I'm paging away on to find out.

      I like binging podcasts on long car trips, but for everyday I'm only listening for 20-30 minutes so if I binge one show I'll fall behind on something else. It's a good problem to have.

    2. Engie, I also wait until the entire series is out with podcasts and usually TV series too, as I hate waiting for the next one! Thank goodness for streaming, eh?

  6. I am very intrigued by your blog project and hope it works out as planned!

    YAY for Kinsey Millhone! This makes me want to reread the series (again; last time was 7 years ago, according to Goodreads, so it's about time). I have been on a rereading streak lately. I don't know what it is about this series that I love so much. Maybe the simplicity of the 1980s? Maybe that it's lighter (no tragic backstory) (well. there's SOME tragic backstory)? I don't know but I really find it so comforting.

    1. Look so far it's not very tragic. It's about a not-so-nice guy that died and good stuff for his widow if Kinsey can clear her and we get to hang out with Kinsey while she figures it out. It's a total comfort read.

  7. Ooh, I make a mean chicken pot pie, but I have some leftover turkey in the freezer. Thanks f or the inspo!!!

    1. Aw yiss! Get that turkey out of your freezer and onto your table!

  8. Yes, now I am SUPER intrigued by the blog project!! Tell us!!!

    Also, I have been wanting to make a chicken pot pie for a long time. I've never made one, though I love the frozen ones and had those occasionally as a child. My husband thinks pot pies and the entire concept of like meat in a pie is disgusting, so he wouldn't eat it... which is probably why I haven't rushed to make one. But my younger son for sure would like it I know. I will have to try your recipe! I'll report back when I do. :)

  9. I'm intrigued by the blog project, too!

    We always used leftover turkey to make wild rice soup. That is our favorite soup! It is so so so good. I use this recipe ( but I add chicken or turkey and leave out the mushrooms (sob! Because my husband doesn't like them). That pot pie looks so good, though!!

  10. That pot pie looks delish! Great idea for the leftovers!

    LOL I am curious about the little blog experiment ;)

  11. Chicken sausage, peas and potatoes (instead of rice) is a go to easy meal for us :) and that pot pie looks delicious!

  12. Things I have never eaten: pot pie, chicken sausage. Things I have never eaten voluntarily: peas. :)
    That said, I read the news story on the family behind that podcast. Crazy!!! Can you IMAGINE?
